英语:unit1 lesson3 a volunteer teacher同步辅导与测试(北师

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英语:unit1 lesson3 a volunteer teacher同步辅导与测试(北师_第1页
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英语:unit1 lesson3 a volunteer teacher同步辅导与测试(北师_第3页
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英语:unit1 lesson3 a volunteer teacher同步辅导与测试(北师大版必修1)一般将来时也译为单纯将来时。例A:I shall not come if it rains tomorrow.(如明天下雨我就不来。)例B:My brother will leave for the United States next week.(我的哥哥下星期要到美国去。) 解说 从句式我们可以了解一般将来时的表达须借助于助动词“shallwill”。关于“shallwill”的用法,传统文法谈得很多,同时各文法学家的理论也不很一致。更重要的是英国人和美国人对“shallwill”的用法规则并不很一致,也不很严谨,所以本书拟只提供下面的五个规则,相信各位只要把下面这五个规则学通了,你的“shallwill”的用法就可以中规中矩了。说或写都尽量使用“Ill, Youll, Hell , Shell , Itll, Well , Theyll ”的简缩形(如用法例2、3)。要表达主语的“意志”,通常都用“will”(文法上称为意志将来。)例A:I wont see him again.(我不愿意再和他见面。)例B:Who will go and help that poor old man?(谁愿意去帮助那个可怜的老人?)Mary will . (玛莉愿意。)说话者要把自己的“意志”表达或行使出去,通常用“shall”。例A:You shall not do that again.(你不可以再做那样的事。)例B:He shall return that book tomorrow.(明天他必须把那本书归还。)第一人称问句使用“shall”。 例A:Shall I call you a taxi ?(需要我替你叫一辆出租车吗?)例B:Shall we tell her the truth ?(我们可以把实情告诉她吗?)问句是“Shall?”,答句就用“shall ”;问句用“Will ?”,答句就用“will ”。例A:Shall you go to school tomorrow ?(你明天须要上学去吗?)Yes, I shall . Well have an exam . (是的,我必须去。我们明天有考试。)例B:Will you go to school with me tomorrow? (明天你要不要和我一道去学校?)No, I wont . Im going on a picnic.(我不要。我已定好要去郊游。)注:Lets ”的附加疑问通常使用“, shall we ?”。Lets have a rest, shall we?(我们休息一下,怎样?)一般将来时除了使用“shallwill + V”以外,也可以使用下列的几种句式来表达。1be going to + V (即将会;打算将)例A:It is going to rain. Take an umbrella with you. (带一把伞去。看样子就要下雨了。)例B:The Browns are going to move to Australia.(布朗先生全家打算迁移到澳大利亚去。) 2be about to + V (即将,指紧接着要发生的动作。)例:Lets wait a minute. He is about to arrive. (我们等一下。他即将会到达。)3be + V-ing (定于,指接近的将来动作。)例:He is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.(他定于明天早晨到香港去。)4be + to V (定于,指预定的将来动作。)例:She is to be here at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. : (她定于明晨九时到达这里。)5V-(e)s (定于,指接近的将来动作,但不如第3项主观。)例:He leaves for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.(他定于明天早晨到香港去。与(3)项的区别在于(3)项的动作是出自主语的决定,(5)项则不一定是出自主语的决定。) 常用于修饰一般将来时的时间副词有:tomorrow, tomorrow morning (afternoon, evening), next + 时间 (next night, next Monday , next week, month, next summer, next year), in (the) future (将来),soon (不久之后),in +时间 (in five days再过五天,in two weeks再过二星期),etc.Drilling Square请在下列各题空格处填入shall或will。1You _ not drive through a red light. 2I _ do everything for her.3_ you help me with this heavy bag, John?4_ I help you with that heavy bag, Madam?5Lets go and take a walk after dinner, _ we?6No one _ leave the classroom if I havent said Okay, said the teacher.7It _ soon be over, I am sure.8Do what you _ , but dont go out.9I _ take you there with me, if its OK with your mother.10Rain or shine, I _ come.请在下列各题空格处就所设动词给予适当的将来时。1A:How do you want to go to Hualain, by air or by train?B:I am not in a hurry this time, so I (1) take the train.2A:(2) (you like) to go to the game this afternoon?B:Id love to. Where (3) (we meet) ?A:You just stay home and wait for me. I (4) drive my car there, so I (5) (pick) you up at about 1:30 .3A:Its a good dictionary . I (6) (buy) it, but I dont have money with me now.B:Dont worry. I (7) (lend) you.4A:I hear Miss Chen (8) leave our school and teach in a bigger school in Taipei.B:But the principal (校长) (9) not let her go . He says she (10) teach at least for another semester until he finds a new teacher. s5用心 爱心 专心


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