英语:unit1 lesson2 relaxing同步辅导与测试(北师大版必修1)

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英语:unit1 lesson2 relaxing同步辅导与测试(北师大版必修1)难句解疑1. I find painting or drawing very relaxing.我发现画画使人放松。 句中relaxing作宾语补足语,动词find后经常跟形容词、动词的ing形式、过去分词以及借此短语作宾补。例句: 1) I found the book very interesting.我发现这本书很有趣。2) She found herself in a different world.她发现她来到了一个不同的世界。3)When I came back, I found the dishes on the table untouched.当我回来时,我发现桌上的菜没动。练习:1) 当我到达机场时,发现她已经走了。2) 我发现高中生活很紧张。 答案:When I arrived at the airport, I found her gone already.I find the life at senior high school very stressful.drawing多指用线条及阴影所作的画,时各种图的总称,也可以指技术图纸,如engineering drawing 工程制图;painting 指绘画,常指油画和水彩画。2. But its very stressful to wait for exam results.等考试结果很令人紧张。不定式短语在句子中作主语。当不定式短语作主语时,it在句首作形式主语。例:It is easy to make mistakes. 犯错误是容易的。It is very important to learn a foreign language well.学好一门外语很重要。练习:1)等候迟到的人使他很生气。2) 为人民服务是我们的职责。 答案:It made him angry to wait for people who were late.It is our duty to serve the people.3. I really love playing the piano, but I cant stand singing in front of the class.我确实喜欢弹钢琴,但是我不喜欢在全班同学面前唱歌。句中cant stand 的意思为“不喜欢;不能忍受”。例:1)I cant stand the heat. 我忍受不了高温。2)I cannot stand waiting any longer. 再等下去我可受不了啦。 练习:1)他弟弟让我受不了。2) 你那么做,我受不了。3)他老在这儿,你怎么受得了呢?答案:1)I cant stand his brother 2) I cant stand it when you do that.3) How do you stand her being here all the time?阅读训练A new enemy is threatening Japanese traditions: leisure. A part of its attempt to increase imports, the government is trying to get people to work less and spend more. The workers are disgusted.The figures support the western prejudice that the Japanese are all working without play. Trying to force workers away from their desks and machines, the government said last April that the country should cut down from its 2,100 hours average work year to 1,899 hours and a five-day by 1992. Beginning in February, banks and offices two Saturdays a month. The government hopes that others will follow that practice. But some persuasion will be needed. Small companies are very angry about it and they fear competitions may not cut hour. The unions are no happier: they have even advertised in newspapers arguing their case against the foreign pressure that is forcing leisure upon them. They say shorter hours are a disguised pay cut. The industrialists, who have no objection to the governments plans, admit that shorter hours will help them cut costs. Younger Japanese who are supposed to be acting against their hard-working parents, show no sign of wanting time off either. But unlike older workers, they do spend money in their spare time. Not content with watching TV, they dance, dress up, sit in cafes, go to pop concerts and generally drive the leisure-industry boom. Now that they know how to consume, maybe the West can teach them to relax and enjoy themselves too.1. A possible reason for workers unwillingness(不情愿) to accept more leisure is that _.A. they are not used to leisure B. they dont want to spend moreC. they will earn less money D. they view leisure a challenge to Japanese traditions2. Who supports the short-hour system? A. The small companies. B. The unions C. The industrialists. D. The younger generation3. The younger workers are different from the old workers as _. A. the former have a new style of consumption B. the former want to have more leisure C. the former dont like watching TV D. the former are anti-social4. It can be inferred that the Japanese government adopts the short-hour system _. A. in order to improve efficiency B. partly because of the foreign pressure C. to save some chances for others D. to reduce the burden of some industrialists5. The passage mainly discusses _. A. a new policy threatening Japanese tradition B. the balance between work and play C. different attitudes towards short working hours D. generation gap答案: 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 4用心 爱心 专心


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