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2022年考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题After some time the second stage of the space shuttle, having used up its fuel, just like the booster, separates and_.问题1选项A.runs awayB.charges forC.falls offD.merges into【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项runs away“逃跑;失控”;B选项charges for“索价”;C选项falls off“跌落;下降;离开”;D选项merges into“并入;结合”。句意:过了一段时间,航天飞机的第二级燃料耗尽,像助推器一样分离并_。根据语境,这里指燃料分离和脱落,C选项falls off“跌落;离开”符合题意。因此C选项正确。2. 单选题In China although people in many regions earn much less than those in prosperous regions, they also pay much less for _ commodities, such as housing.问题1选项A.disposableB.redundantC.equivalentD.interchangeable【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句。A选项disposable“一次性的;可自由支配的”;B选项redundant“多余的”;C选项equivalent“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”;D选项interchangeable“可交换的,可互换的”。句意:在中国,尽管许多地区的人们比富裕地区的人挣得少得多,但他们在_商品上的花费也少得多,比如住房。根据语境,住房对于钱多和钱少的人重要性相同,C选项equivalent“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”符合题意。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题They tried to drive their horse into the river, but he simply could _ not.问题1选项A.budgeB.surgeC.trudgeD.dredge【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项budge“微微移动”;B选项surge“汹涌”;C选项trudge“跋涉;步履艰难地走”;D选项dredge“疏浚,挖掘”。句意:他们试图把他们的马赶到河里,但马就是不能_。根据语境,这里指马在那里不肯动,A选项budge“微微移动”符合题意。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree _ the students potentiality is developed.问题1选项A.of whichB.with whichC.in whichD.to which【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。句意:教学质量应该以学生潜能的开发程度来衡量。横线及其后面部分是修饰degree的定语从句,根据固定搭配to the degree确定用介词to,D选项to which符合题意。因此D选项正确。5. 单选题Although the insistence on balancing spending against tax revenues has contributed to the economys stagnation, unfortunately, the government does not seem likely to _ this rigid policy.问题1选项A.persist inB.initiateC.repudiateD.continue【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项persist in“坚持,固执于”;B选项initiate“创始;发起”;C选项repudiate“拒绝;(正式)否认;断绝关系”;D选项continue“继续;连续”。句意:尽管坚持收支平衡导致经济停滞,不幸的是,政府似乎不太可能_这个僵化的政策。根据语境,这里指坚持收支平衡这个僵化的政策让经济停滞,但政府大有可能继续坚持这个政策,所以repudiate“(正式)否认”符合题意。因此C选项正确。6. 单选题Millionaires can breathe a bit easier. While President Barack Obama says he wants to let income tax cuts that benefit only the wealthiest Americans expire in 2013, several states are rolling back tax increases for top earners.New Yorks highest tax rates on incomes exceeding $500,000 will fall back to 7.85 percent, from 8.97 percent, this year. Marylands 6.25 percent tax on incomes above $1 million expired at the end of 2010, while Californias top tax rate for Millionaires has dropped to 10.3 percent from 10.55 percent.At least seven states instituted temporary so-called millionaire taxes during the recession. Those levies are becoming harder to justify now that state revenues are rebounding. Overall, state tax revenue grew 12 percent in April compared with a year earlier, which may trim $20 billion from estimated states budget shortfall, according to a recent Goldman Sachs (GS) report. The soak-the-rich drive “just petered out”, says Joseph Henchman, vice president for legal and state projects at the Tax Foundation in Washington, a group focused on lowering taxes. “All of these states are backing away now.”Business groups have been vocal opponents of the temporary hikes. The Business Council of New York State has opposed efforts to maintain the tax increase on the grounds that such measures are an indirect tax on business income. More business owners who are paid by partnerships or S corporations report business income on their individual returns. Kenneth J. Pokalsky, the Business Councils senior director of government affairs, says 25 percent of revenue generated from the states tax on higher earners came from business income. In California, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, whose members include Bank of America (BAC), Apple (AAPL), and Microsoft (MSFT), along with 12 other business groups, have told lawmakers that tax increases should be extended only if lawmakers agree to “structural reform” of the budget.Republicans, who typically oppose tax hikes, now hold a majority of govemorships-29-and many were elected last year after campaigning against tax increases. New Jersey governor Chris Christie, a Republican, received national attention after vetoing a bill that would have extended a tax on millionaires in the state.Some Democrats are also fighting the higher taxes. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sparked a battle with fellow party members in the legislature earlier this year by opposing legislation that would maintain the higher rates on individuals earning more than $1 million. Maryland Governor Martin OMalley, a Democrat, didnt push to extend his States millionaire tax last year. “I would like to think its because these are not very good policies,” Henchman says, “If youre a conservative, you dont really like these taxes. If youre a liberal, these services should be so important that everyone should have to pay for them”.The American public is almost evenly divided on the questions of whether the wealthy should shoulder a higher tax burden. A Gallup poll released on June 2 found 49 percent respondents opposed higher taxes on the rich, while 47 percent supported them.31. Barack Obama wants to _.32. _ is one of the possible reasons why state revenues revived?33. What can be inferred from Joseph Henchmans words?34. Which of the following statements about the Silicon Valley Leadership Group is correct?35. Which is probably the best title for this passage?问题1选项A.cut income tax in 2013B.extend millionaire tax to 2013C.benefit the wealthiest Americans by cutting income taxD.roll back tax increases for top earners问题2选项A.Initiating temporary millionaire taxes during the depressionB.Levying tax on at least seven states institutionsC.Trimming $20 billion from state budgetD.Estimating state budget shortfalls问题3选项A.The state that instituted millionaire taxes are going to abolish it.B.All of these sates are focusing on the soak-the-rich drive now.C.The soak-the-rich drive has just started out.D.Only a handful of these states are focusing on lowering taxes.问题4选项A.It was 15 members in total.B.It agrees to extend tax increase.C.It proposed to make a “structural reform” of the budget.D.It would agree the extension of tax increase provided that lawmakers agree to “structural reform” of the budget.问题5选项A.The Wealthy Are Willing to Shoulder a Higher Tax BurdenB.Obama Is Proposing an Income Tax CutC.Obama Is Proposing an Income Tax Cut ExtensionD.States Are Rejecting Millionaire Taxes【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】31.事实细节题。根据第一段第二句While President Barack Obama says he wants to let income tax cuts that benefit only the wealthiest Americans expire in 2013, several states are rolling back tax increases for top earners.(奥巴马总统说,他希望让只惠及美国富人的所得税减免政策在2013年到期,而几个州正在减少对高收入者的增税。),可知D选项“减少对富人的增税”正确。A选项“2013年削减所得税”,B选项“延长百万富翁的税至2013年”和C选项“通过削减所得税使最富有的美国人受益”不符合文章内容,故错误。因此D选项正确。32.事实细节题。根据第三段第一句At least seven states instituted temporary so-called millionaire taxes during the recession.(在经济衰退期间,至少有7个州设立临时“百万富翁税”。)和第三句Overall, state tax revenue grew 12 percent in April compared with a year earlier, which may trim $20 billion from estimated states budget shortfall(总体而言,4月份的州政府税收收入同比增长12%,这可能会从州预算缺口中削减200亿美元。),可知A选项“在大萧条期间开始征收临时百万富翁税”促进州的财政收入复苏,故正确。B选项“对至少七个州的机构征税”错误,C选项“从州预算中削减200亿美元”和D选项“估计国家预算赤字”不符合文章内容。因此A选项正确。33.事实细节题。根据第三段最后两句The soak-the-rich drive “just petered out”“All of these states are backing away now.” (向富人征税的运动“正在逐渐消失”“所有这些州都在后退。”),可知A选项“设立百万富翁税的州将废除它”正确。B选项“所有这些州现在都在关注向富人征税”,C选项“榨取富人的运动刚刚开始”和D选项“这些州中只有少数集中在降低税收上”不符合文章内容,故错误。因此A选项正确。34.事实细节题。根据第四段最后一句In California, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, whose members include Bank of America (BAC), Apple (AAPL), and Microsoft (MSFT), along with 12 other business groups, have told lawmakers that tax increases should be extended only if lawmakers agree to “structural reform” of the budget.(在加州,包括美国银行、苹果和微软在内的硅谷领导小组以及其他12个商业团体向议员们表示,只有在议员们同意对预算进行“结构性改革”的情况下,才应该延长增税。),可知D选项“如果立法者同意对预算进行结构性改革,将同意延长增税”正确。A选项“总共有15个成员”,C选项“提议对预算进行结构性改革”和B选项“同意延长增税”不符合文章内容,故错误。因此D选项正确。35.主旨大意题。文章第一句提出Millionaires can breathe a bit easier.(百万富翁们可以松一口气了。),后面的内容在表达各个州在减少对富人的征税,所以D选项“各州拒绝向百万富翁征税”正确。A选项“富人愿意承担更高的税收负担”不符合文章内容,故错误。B选项“奥巴马提议削减所得税”和C选项“奥巴马提议延长所得税减免”:文章主要不是在讲奥巴马的提议,并且不符合文章内容,故错误。因此D选项正确。7. 单选题Beef cattle _ of all livestock for economic growth in the certain geographic regions.问题1选项A.the most are importantB.are the most importantC.is the most importantD.that are most important【答案】B【解析】考查句子成分。句意:在某些地区,肉牛是经济增长最重要的牲畜。根据题目和选项确定句子结构为主语+系动词+表语结构,所以用be动词;根据cattle是集合名词确定用复数形式;根据形容词最高级结构为the most+adj.确定用the most important,所以B选项are the most important符合题意。因此B选项正确。8. 单选题_ any previous experience, John doesnt stand a chance of getting that job.问题1选项A.Not havingB.Not having hadC.Having notD.Having not had【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:约翰因为没有相关经验,没有机会得到那份工作。句子前半部分是后半部分的现在分词的否定形式是not doing,A选项Not having符合题意,C选项用法错误。非谓语动词不体现时态,B选项Not having had是现在完成时,D选项用法错误。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题He wrote down the address _ he should forget it.问题1选项A.in case notB.lestC.in order thatD.of fear that【答案】B【解析】考查状语从句。句意:他写下了地址,以免忘记。横线到句尾部分是原因状语从句。A选项in case“以免”,不加not;B选项lest“以免”;C选项in order that“以便”;D选项fear“担心”,of fear that不合语法。写下地址是为了防止忘记和语法正确性,B选项lest“以免”符合题意。因此B选项正确。10. 单选题If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems. Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view. Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries; alternatively if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses.Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses convention, of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors. A man arrives in heaven and is being shown around by St. Peter. He sees wonderful accommodation, beautiful gardens, sunny weather, and so on. Everyone is very peaceful, polite and friendly until, waiting in line for lunch, the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat, who rushes to the head of the line, grabs his food and stomps over to a table by himself. “Who is that?” the new arrival asked St. Peter. “Oh, thats God,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks hes a doctor.”If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and itll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairmans notorious bad taste in ties. With other audiences you mustnt attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman. You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system.If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural. Include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner. Often its the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.Look for the humor. It often comes from the unexpected. A twist on a familiar quote “If at first you dont succeed, give up” or a play on words or on a situation. Search for exaggeration and understatements. Look at your talk and pick out a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.21. To make your humor work, you should _.22. The joke about doctors implies that, in the eyes of nurses, they are _.23. It can be inferred from the text that public services _.24. To achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delivered _.25. The best title for the text may be _.问题1选项A.take advantage of different kinds of audienceB.make fun of the disorganized peopleC.address different problems to different peopleD.show sympathy for your listeners问题2选项A.impolite to new arrivalsB.very conscious of their godlike roleC.entitled to some privilegesD.very busy even during lunch hours问题3选项A.have benefited many peopleB.are the focus of public attentionC.are an inappropriate subject for humorD.have often been the laughing stock问题4选项A.in well-worded languageB.as awkwardly as possibleC.in exaggerated statementD.as casually as possible问题5选项A.Use Humor EffectivelyB.Various Kinds of HumorC.Add Humor to SpeechD.Different Humor Strategies【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】21.推理判断题。根据第一段第一句If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems.(如果你想在你的谈话中使用幽默使人们微笑,你必须知道如何识别共同的经历和问题。)和第三句Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different.(根据你的谈话对象,问题会有所不同。),可知幽默最重要的是讨论的问题,并且针对不同的人要用不同的问题,故C选项“向不同的人提出不同的问题”正确。A选项“利用不同类型的观众”和D选项“对听众表示同情”:根据第一段第二、三句,幽默必须与听众相关,是因为有助于同情听众从而亲近听众,策略在于谈论的问题。B选项“取笑那些没有条理的人”:文章没有提到。因此C选项正确。22.推理判断题。根据第二段第一句the audience all shared the same view of doctors(所有的听众都对医生有相同的看法)和最后一句“Oh, thats God,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks hes a doctor.”(“哦,那是上帝,”他回答说,“但有时他认为自己是一名医生。”)可知,在护士眼中,医生把自己当成神一样,可以不讲道理,故B选项“非常清楚他们神一样的角色”正确。A选项“对新人无礼”,C选项“有权享有某些特权”和D选项“即使在午餐时间也很忙”不符合题意。因此B选项正确。23.事实细节题。根据第三段第一句itll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food(你就适合对餐厅难以下咽的食物开玩笑),可知对公共服务开玩笑往往幽默效果很不错,故D选项“经常拿来开玩笑”正确,C选项“不合适做幽默主题”错误。A选项“使许多人受益”和B选项“是公众关注的焦点”:文章没有提到。因此D选项正确。24.语义推测题。根据第四段If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more naturalin a relaxed and unforced mannermaking a light-hearted remark(如果你在幽默时感到尴尬,必须练习到更自然用一种轻松和自然的方式轻松愉快地说话),可知幽默需要传达出自然和随意,故D选项“尽可能随意”正确,B选项“尽可能尴尬”错误。A选项“良好措辞”:措辞方面没有提到,故错误。C选项“陈述夸张”:是方法,不是必要条件,故错误。因此D选项正确。25.主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile(如果你想在谈话间用幽默让人发笑),后文通过原则和各种方法在讲如何恰当地使人发笑,故A选项“有效运用幽默”正确。B选项“各式的幽默”,C选项“为演讲增添幽默”,D选项“不同的幽默策略”是其中的一个方面或者细节,不足以概括全文。因此A选项正确。11. 单选题During the course of its growth, a frog undergoes a true metamorphosis _ with a fishlike larval stage.问题1选项A.beginB.beganC.beginningD.is begin【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:青蛙在成长过程中经历了从似鱼的幼虫阶段到真正成形的变化。横线到句尾是修饰undergoes a true metamorphosis的状语,根据frog和undergoes是主动关系确定用动词现在分词,C选项beginning符合题意。因此C选项正确。12. 单选题Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the planets _within the next 50 years.问题1选项A.will have been contactedB.will have contactedC.will be contactedD.will contact【答案】A【解析】考查将来完成时。句意:对太阳系的探索仍在继续,以目前的速度,我们将在未来50年内与所有行星取得联系。根据语境,可知这个句子的时态是将来完成时,在这里表示在将来某一时间一直持续的动作,其结构是will(第二、三人称)+have+过去分词(done),A选项will have been contacted符合题意。因此A选项正确。13. 单选题_ that as both birds and mammals become larger, their metabolic rates per unit of tissue decrease, and they generally live longer.问题1选项A.The truthB.It is trueC.If trueD.To be true【答案】B【解析】考查固定句型。句意:的确,随着鸟类和哺乳动物的体型变大,它们每单位组织的代谢率会下降,它们通常会活得更长。It is/was+adj.+that是强调句型,It作形式主语,真正主语是that后面的内容,B选项It is true符合题意。因此B选项正确。14. 单选题Packed like sardines into sweaty, claustrophobic subway carriages, passengers can barely breathe, _ move about freely.问题1选项A.as well asB.disregard forC.let aloneD.not mentioning【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项as well as“也;不但而且”;B选项disregard for“漠视”;C选项let alone“更不用说;不打扰”;D选项not mentioning“没有提到”。句意:乘客像沙丁鱼一样挤在汗流浃背、幽闭恐怖的地铁车厢里,几乎无法呼吸,_自由走动。根据语境,这里是指车厢里面很挤,呼吸都困难,自由走动就更困难了,所以let alone“更不用说”符合题意。因此C选项正确。15. 单选题It is one of the ironies of Western man that he has never felt _ invention as a threat to his way of life.问题1选项A.any concern withB.any concern aboutC.any concern inD.any concern at【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项concern with“关心,挂念”;B选项concern about“担心”;C选项concern in“涉及;与有关”;D选项concern at非固定搭配。句意:讽刺的是,西方人从来没有_发明对他们生活方式构成威胁。根据语境,concern about“担心”搭配threat“威胁”比较合理,意指西方人不会担心发明给生活造成威胁,符合题意。因此B选项正确。16. 单选题Most cells are transparentin other words, they are not very good at reflecting or absorbing light. To look at them under a microscope thus requires trickery. Many of these tricks kill the cells, and even those that keep them alive look only at slices through each cell, rather than seeing the whole thing in three dimensions. Michael Feld, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his colleagues, think they can change that. They have invented a way to look at cells that are still alive. Moreover, they can do so in three dimensions. Their method is called tomographic phase microscopy, and it is reported in this weeks Nature Methods. Instead of relying on absorbed or reflected light, Dr. Felds technique celebrates transparency by looking at light that gets through unaltered. It does so by measuring a property called the refractive index.This index measures the speed of light in a material. (Light zips along at the actual “speed of light”, faster than which nothing can go, only when it is travelling through a vacuum.) The different components of a cell, though transparent, have different refractive indices. Dr. Feld and his team therefore set out to map what these differences are, with a view to using them to distinguish between cellular components.To measure the refractive indices of different parts of a cell they use a technique called interferometry, which involves splitting a beam of light in two. One half, known as the object beam, passes through the cell; the other is directed along a different path and act as a reference. The length of the reference path is such that if no sample is present, the two daughter beams will be as perfectly in phase when they meet as they were when they were separated. The crests and the troughs of their waves will reinforce each other, and the result will be brightness. The more that the light passing through the sample is slowed down, however, the more the two beams will be out of phase. Crest will fall on trough, and the result will be darkness. It is this phase shift that gives Dr. Felds new form of microscopy its name.A single pair of beams does not, however, produce a useful image. To do that requires scanning the object beam through the target about a hundred different ways. From the refractive index of each path it is possiblewith the application of some suitably crunchy computing powerto produce a three-dimensional image.To test his idea, Dr. Feld looked at cervical-cancer cells. If you identify this cancer early, the patient will probably survive. Miss it, and he/she will die. Dr. Feld wondered if the changes that occur during cancer would show up using his new method. They did, in a part of the cell called the nucleolus. This is the place where the components of protein factories are made. Since cancer cells grow rapidly, and thus have a high demand for proteins, it was a likely place to expect changes.Dr. Feld also has plans to use beams of different colors, since each color has a slightly different refractive index in a given material. That would provide extra data for the computer to chew on, and probably result in better pictures. With enough pictures


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