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2022年考博英语-四川师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题She spoke so _ at the conference, as though the said issue was of little importance.问题1选项A.seriouslyB.casuallyC.stubbornlyD.comically【答案】B【解析】考查副词解析。A选项seriously“认真地;严重地,严肃地”;B选项casually“随便地;偶然地;临时地”;C选项stubbornly“倔强地;顽固地;顽强地;固执地”;D选项comically“滑稽地;诙谐地”。句意:她在会议上讲话那么随便,好像那个问题不重要似的。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have _ as the amount of money borrowed.问题1选项A.as the same valueB.the same valueC.value as the sameD.the value is the same【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。句子中的空格部分做宾语从句中的宾语成分,故可排除D选项;“与相同”可用“asas”和“the same as”,无“as the same as”这种表达;二者的区别为:as + adj/adv. +as ;the same (+n.) as,故可排除A选项和C选项,根据句意:消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同。可知B选项正确。3. 单选题Their new policy gave _ to increased unemployment.问题1选项A.ariseB.arouseC.raiseD.rise【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项arise“产生;发生;出现(常用于抽象事物)”;B选项arouse“引起;唤醒;鼓励;激发”;C选项raise“提高;筹集;养育;升起;饲养,种植”(及物动词,表示把某具体事物抬起高处或提高某抽象事物);D选项rise“攀升;起床;升起;休会;(数量)增加;变得更成功”(使用范围广,既用于具体事物的“上升、增长”,又用于抽象事物的“上涨”)。根据固定搭配give rise to“引起;导致;造成;产生”可知句意为:他们的新政策导致更多人失业。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题Accuracy is _ to the programming of computer.问题1选项A.elementalB.baseC.fundamentalD.inherent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项elemental“基本的;主要的;自然力的;四大要素的(土、水、气、火)”(强调属于事物的基础或本质);B选项based“基地在的;在居住(或工作);(以某事)为基础,为根据”;C选项fundamental“基本的,根本的”(强调重要性,根基作用等,指重要程度即非常重要);D选项inherent“固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的”。句意:准确性是计算机编程的基础。be fundamental to.“基础的;基本的”。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题All the rows, all the ethical problems and all the money spent in pursuing the human code for life will have been well worth it if it fulfils even some of its medical promise.The potential prizes certainly glitter. In the far future, it may be possible to prevent genetic diseases from being inherited by cutting them out of the gene pool once and for all, so-called gene engineering. At the nearer end of the time scale, genetic tests are allowing people to choose suitable therapies and life styles to beat disease. And in between, lie further tantalizing prospects: thousands of new drugs for previously untreatable diseases; drugs tailored to individuals, so with far fewer side effects, the ability to replace faulty genes, short-circuiting diseases at source.But the work of turning the base pair data into the gold of new treatments has already begun, according to Dr. Francis Collins, head of the US National Human Genome Research institute. I keep a tally of the genes that are responsible for human diseases that are identified over the course of year. In a good year, in times gone by, there might have been two or three. Last year, there have been 29 discovered.Private companies have also combed the data to find genes that play roles in diabetes, asthma, psoriasis and migraines. The most extreme suggested use for the human genome data is editing the DNA inheritance passed down from one generation to the next. Such a scenario involves identifying an abnormal gene and then correcting it in the cells which are used to pass genetic information to offspring. No subsequent generation would then be affected by their ancestors gene defect. However, such irreversible intervention generation would then be affected by their ancestors gene defect. However, such irreversible intervention with the code for life will only be allowed after major ethical reservations and safety concerns over possible unexpected results of the changes are addressed.There is little doubt that the revelation of human genome will benefit healthcare in the short and long term. But many of the treatments will be expensive and will do nothing to avoid the damage caused by viral and bacterial diseases. It has been suggested that a brave new world awaits us in which all ailments can be monitored from a daily mouth swab inserted into a DNA reader in our bathroom cabinets. But Dr. Ian Purvis says, “It could be that like, a long time in the future, but that is based on the rather arrogant view humanity has that it will understand everything we findand we never have in the past.”1. By saying that the “potential prizes certainly glitter”, the author means that _.2. The chief purpose of gene engineering is to _.3. From the first sentence of the third paragraph we learn that _.4. The author warns that in trying to alter human genes, special attention should be paid to _.5. According to Dr. Purvis, human beings _.问题1选项A.pursuing the human code for life certainly provokes much debateB.gene engineering fails to fulfil some of its medical promisesC.gene engineering will certainly prove to be a fruitful researchD.potential prizes for gene research have actually proved to be small问题2选项A.develop drugs suited to each individual with fewer side effectsB.prevent faulty genes from passing on to the next generationC.develop drugs for previously untreatable diseasesD.work out the best therapy for the terminally ill问题3选项A.actual work on gene engineering has been under wayB.getting away with faulty genes has proved to be a tough taskC.the prospect of finding the new treatments seems brightD.researchers have begun to collect the human genome data问题4选项A.ethical problems involvedB.abnormal genes to be alteredC.the code of life to be searched forD.protecting healthy genes问题5选项A.are more arrogant than we were in the pastB.will be able to monitor all ailments in the near futureC.understand our past better than we do our futureD.may not understand everything we discovered【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.语义推测题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“The potential prizes certainly glitter. In the far future, it may be possible to prevent genetic diseases from being inherited by cutting them out of the gene pool once and for all, so-called gene engineering. At the nearer end of the time scale, genetic tests are allowing people to choose suitable therapies and life styles to beat disease. And in between, lie further tantalizing prospects: thousands of new drugs for previously untreatable diseases; drugs tailored to individuals, so with far fewer side effects, the ability to replace faulty genes, short-circuiting diseases at source.(潜在的奖励肯定是闪闪发光的。在遥远的将来,通过将遗传疾病一劳永逸地从基因库中剔除,也就是所谓的基因工程,就有可能防止遗传疾病。随着时间的推移,基因测试使人们能够选择合适的治疗方法和生活方式来战胜疾病。在这两者之间,还有更诱人的前景:数以千计的新药可以治疗以前无法治疗的疾病;为个人量身定制的药物,副作用少得多,能够替换有缺陷的基因,从源头上消除疾病。)”,由此可知题干中potential prizes certainly glitter的意思是真正的工程必将被证明是一项富有成效的研究,即它可以治疗遗传疾病,所以C选项“真正的工程必将被证明是一项富有成效的研究”符合题意。A选项“追寻人类的生命密码肯定会引发很多争论”;B选项“真正的工程没有履行一些医疗承诺”以及D选项“基因研究的潜在回报实际上被证明是很小的”文章都没有提及,因此C选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“In the far future, it may be possible to prevent genetic diseases from being inherited by cutting them out of the gene pool once and for all, so-called genuine engineering. (在遥远的将来,通过将遗传疾病一劳永逸地从基因库中剔除,也就是所谓的基因工程,就有可能防止遗传疾病。)”,由此可知基因工程的主要目的是防止有缺陷的基因遗传给下一代,B选项“防止有缺陷的基因传递给下一代”更符合题意。A选项“开发适合每个人的副作用更少的药物”;C选项“为以前无法治疗的疾病开发药物”;D选项“找出治疗绝症的最佳疗法”。因此B选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到第三段第一句话“But the work of turning the base pair data into the gold of new treatments has already begun, according to Dr. Francis Collins, head of the US National Human Genome Research institute.(但美国国家人类基因组研究所所长弗朗西斯 柯林斯博士表示,将碱基对数据转化为新疗法的黄金数据的工作已经开始。)”,再联系下文可知,基因工程正在实施中,因此A选项“基因工程的实际工作正在进行中”符合题意。B选项“摆脱有缺陷的基因被证明是一项艰巨的任务”和C选项“找到新疗法的前景似乎很光明”不能从该句子体现出;根据第三段以及第四段“I keep a tally of the genes that are responsible for human diseases that are identified over the course of year. Private companies have also combed the data to find genes that play roles in diabetes, asthma, psoriasis and migraines.(我记录了一年中发现的与人类疾病有关的基因私营公司也梳理了数据,寻找与糖尿病、哮喘、牛皮癣和偏头痛有关的基因。)”可知文章只提到弗朗西斯柯林斯博士和私营公司在收集人类基因组数据,并没有提到研究人员,因此D选项“研究人员已经开始收集人类基因组数据”说法错误。因此A选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第四段的最后一句话“However, such irreversible intervention with the code for life will only be allowed after major ethical reservations and safety concerns over possible unexpected results of the changes are addressed.(然而,只有在处理了重大伦理保留意见和对可能出现的意外结果的安全担忧之后,才允许对生命守则进行这种不可逆转的干预。)”,由此可知在试图干预人类基因时应注意伦理以及安全问题,所以A选项“涉及的道德问题”符合题意。B选项“被改变的异常基因”;C选项“寻找生命的密码”;D选项“保护健康基因”均不符合题意,因此A选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据珀维斯博士所说“It could be that like, a long time in the future, but that is based on the rather arrogant view humanity has that it will understand everything we findand we never have in the past.(可能在很长一段时间以后,但这是基于人类相当傲慢的观点,即它会理解我们发现的一切而我们过去从未这样做过。)”可知人们需要在很长一段时间后,并且是基于很傲慢的观点才会理解他们的发现,所以D选项“可能并不理解我们发现的一切”符合题意。A选项“比过去更傲慢”曲解了文意;B选项“在不久的将来能检测到所有的疾病”出现在文章最后一段“It has been suggested that a brave new world awaits us in which all ailments can be monitored from a daily mouth swab inserted into a DNA reader in our bathroom cabinets. (有人认为,一个勇敢的新世界正在等待着我们,在这个世界里,所有的疾病都可以通过每天将口腔拭子插入浴室橱柜里的DNA读取器来监测。)”,此处只是说有些人认为、有意见认为,并没有绝对地说人类将来能监测到所有疾病,因此B选项错误;C选项“了解我们的过去胜过了解我们的将来”在珀维斯博士所说的话中没有体现。因此D选项正确。6. 单选题“Very few people like to talk about how much money they makeespecially people who earn a lot of money,” wrote Salmon in his post Why Salaries Shouldnt Be Secret, in the wake of news that recentlydeparted New York Times editor Jill Abramson had started asking questions about the pay discrepancy between her and her predecessor. “Since companies tend to be run by people who earn a lot of money, the result is a culture of silence and secrecy when it comes to pay.”There are several surprising reasons. “Secrecy surrounding pay is generally a bad idea for any organizations,” Salmon wrote. “For one thing, secrecy about pay is bad for women, who are worse at asking for raises than men are. If men secretly ask for raises and secretly get then, while women dont, then that helps to explain, at least in part, why men end up earning more than women,” Salmon wrote. “Secrecy around pay is also a great way to allow managers toconsciously or unconsciously play favorites with their staff.”“Weve all worked in companies, Im sure, where the only way to get a substantial raise is to confront management with a job offer from somewhere else,” he added. “Thats clearly a dreadful way to run a company, since it gives all employees a huge incentive to spend a lot of time looking for work elsewhere, even if theyre happy where they are.”“If you work for a company where everybody knows what everybody else is earning, then its going to be very easy to see whats going on. Youll see who the stars are, youll see what kind of skills and talent the company rewards,” he wrote. “Youll also see whether men get paid more than women, whether managers are generally overpaid, and whether behavior like threatening to quit is rewarded with big raises. Whats more, because management knows that everybody else will see such things, theyll be much less likely to do the kind of secret deals which are all too common in most companies today.”1. What do we learn from the first paragraph?2. What is a possible reason why men usually earn more than women according to Salmon?3. The italicized phrase “play favorites with” most likely means to _.4. Another big problem secrecy about pay might cause is _.5. What does Salmon suggest might happen if there is no secrecy in pay?问题1选项A.Salmon is the first writer who put forward the question of pay discrepancy.B.Jill Abramson left New York Times when she knew that difference in pay.C.Managers seldom talk about their pay because it is a tradition not to.D.Jill Abramson didnt get the same pay with someone who did the same job.问题2选项A.Men are more likely to get the trust of their boss.B.Managers tend to think men are more capable than women.C.Men expect more pressure on the boss for pay raise than women.D.Men are more likely to make secret deal with the manager about pay.问题3选项A.make secret deals withB.treat differentlyC.show prejudice againstD.cheat问题4选项A.employees lack of full commitmentB.low productivityC.unhappy employeesD.frequent confrontations问题5选项A.Managers will earn less than they do today.B.Employees will be more skilled than today.C.It will be clear who the bosss favorite is.D.The company will become a fairer place than today.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“Since companies tend to be run by people who earn a lot of money, the result is a culture of silence and secrecy when it comes to pay.(由于公司往往是由赚大钱的人经营的,其结果是在薪酬方面形成了一种沉默和保密的文化。)”,由此可知C选项“经理们很少谈论他们的薪酬,因为这是一种传统”正确。A选项“萨尔蒙是第一个提出工资差距问题的作家”文中没有说到;B选项“吉尔艾布拉姆森知道工资的差别后离开了纽约时报”文章也没有明确说到这二者有因果关系;D选项“吉尔艾布拉姆森没有和做同样工作的人得到同样的报酬”说法错误,文中只提到吉尔艾布拉姆森质疑她和自己前辈的工资差异,并没有说到他们是否是做的同样的工作,因此C选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“For one thing, secrecy about pay is bad for women, who are worse at asking for raises than men are. If men secretly ask for raises and secretly get then, while women dont, then that helps to explain, at least in part, why men end up earning more than women.(一方面,工资保密对女性不利,因为女性比男性更不善于要求加薪。如果男人偷偷地要求加薪,然后偷偷地得到加薪,而女人却没有,那么这就有助于解释,至少在一定程度上,为什么男人最终会比女人挣得多。)”,由此可知D选项“男人更容易和经理就工资问题做秘密交易”正确。A选项“男人更容易得到老板的信任”;B选项“经理们倾向于认为男人比女人更有能力”以及C选项“男性施加给经理的加薪压力比女性更大”文章都没有提及,因此D选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“Secrecy around pay is also a great way to allow managers toconsciously or unconsciously play favorites with their staff.(关于薪酬的保密也是一个很好的方法,可以让管理者有意识或无意识地与员工达成某种协议)”以及前文可知A选项“与做秘密交易”与play favorite with意思更接近。B选项“区别对待”;C选项“对有偏见”;D选项“欺骗”。因此A选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“Weve all worked in companies, Im sure, where the only way to get a substantial raise is to confront management with a job offer from somewhere else,” he added. “Thats clearly a dreadful way to run a company, since it gives all employees a huge incentive to spend a lot of time looking for work elsewhere, even if theyre happy where they are.”(我敢肯定,我们都在一些公司工作过,要想获得大幅加薪,唯一的办法就是让管理层面对来自其他地方的工作邀请。这显然是一种可怕的管理公司的方式,因为这给了所有员工巨大的动力,让他们花大量时间在别处找工作,即使他们在那里很开心。)”,由此可知薪酬保密导致如果员工想加薪就只有不停地去别处找工作,从而导致员工的心情变差,影响工作效率,C选项“不开心的员工”符合题意。A选项“员工缺乏充分的承诺”;B选项“生产率低”以及D选项“频繁的对抗”文章都没有提及,因此C选项正确。5.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段“Youll see who the stars are, youll see what kind of skills and talent the company rewards,” he wrote. “Youll also see whether men get paid more than women, whether managers are generally overpaid, and whether behavior like threatening to quit is rewarded with big raises. Whats more, because management knows that everybody else will see such things, theyll be much less likely to do the kind of secret deals which are all too common in most companies today.”(你会看到最受老板青睐的是谁,你会看到公司奖励的是什么样的技能和才能。你还将看到,男性的薪酬是否高于女性,管理人员的薪酬是否普遍过高,以及威胁辞职等行为是否会得到大幅加薪的回报。更重要的是,因为管理层知道其他人都会看到这样的事情,所以他们不太可能做今天大多数公司都太常见的秘密交易。)”,由此可知如果薪酬不保密,公司内部的各种规则会更透明化,工资制度相对来说会更公平,D选项“公司将变得比今天更公平”符合题意。A选项“经理们的收入将比现在少”和B选项“员工们的技能会比今天更高”文章中并没有直接体现;C选项“老板最喜欢谁将一目了然”虽然文章有提到,但是不符合题意,因此D选项正确。7. 单选题A society is _ only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the privileged and most powerful possess.问题1选项A.conflictingB.friendlyC.democraticD.hostile【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项conflicting“冲突的;相矛盾的;不一致的”;B选项friendly“友好的;亲切的;支持的;融洽的,和睦的”;C选项democratic“民主的;民主政治的;大众的”;D选项hostile“敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的”。句意:只有当最卑微和最弱小的人能够享有最高的公民、经济特权以及拥有和特权阶层和最有权势的人所拥有的社会权利时,一个社会才是民主的。因此C选项正确。8. 单选题Art is considered by many people to be no more than a decorative means of giving pleasure. This is not always the case, however; at times, art may be seen to have a purely functional side as well. Such could be said of the sand paintings of the Navaho Indians of the American Southwest; these have a medicinal as well as an artistic purpose.According to Navaho traditions, one who suffers from either a mental or a physical illness has in some way disturbed or get in touch with the supernatural-perhaps a certain animal, a ghost, or the dead. To break away from this, the sick person or one of his relatives will employ a medical man called a “singer” to perform a curing ceremony which will attract a powerful supernatural being. During the ceremony, which may last from 2 to 9 days, the “singer” will produce a sand painting on the floor. On the last day of the ceremony, the patient will sit on this sand painting and the “singer” will rub the ailing parts of the patients body from a specific figure in the sand painting. In this way the patient absorbs the power of that particular supernatural being and becomes strong. After the ceremony, the sand painting is then destroyed and disposed of so its power wont harm anyone.The art of sand painting is handed down from old “singers”. The materials used are easily found where the Navaho settle: brown, red, yellow, and white sandstone, which is ground much as corn is ground into flour. The “singer” holds a small amount of this sand in his hand and lets it flow between his fingers onto a clean, flat surface on the floor, with a steady hand and great patience. He is thus able to create designs of stylized people, snakes and other creatures that have power in the Navaho belief system. The traditional Navaho doesnt allow copying sand paintings, since he believes the supernatural powers that taught him the craft have forbidden this; however, such reproductions can in fact be purchased today in tourist shops in Arizona and New Mexico. These are done by either Navaho Indians or by other people who wish to preserve this craft.1. A good title for this article might be _.2. The purpose of healing ceremony is _.3. The “singer” rub sand on the patient because _.4. What is used to produce a sand painting?5. It can be inferred that _.问题1选项A.Modern ArtB.The Navaho IndianC.Sand paintingD.Medicine问题2选项A.to pleasure supernatural powersB.to attract supernatural powersC.to frighten supernatural powersD.to create a sand painting问题3选项A.the patient receives strength from the sandB.it has medical valueC.it decorates the patientD.it is one of the special process of the ceremony问题4选项A.paintB.beach sandC.crushed sandstoneD.flour问题5选项A.in the Navahos opinion, sand painting is nothing but a kind of artB.in the Navahos opinion, sand painting is only a healing methodC.the Navaho understands sand painting as a kind of relaxationD.the Navaho takes sand painting as a pure pleasure of their life【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“Such could be said of the sand paintings of the Navaho Indians of the American Southwest; these have a medicinal as well as an artistic purpose.(美国西南部纳瓦霍印第安人的沙画就是这样。它们既有药用价值也有艺术价值。)”,并且全文都在描写沙画的药用和艺术价值,因此C选项“沙画”正确。A选项“现代艺术”;B选项“纳瓦霍印第安人”以及D选项“药物”都不符合文章大意,因此C选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“To break away from this, the sick person or one of his relatives will employ a medical man called a singer to perform a curing ceremony which will attract a powerful supernatural being.(为了摆脱这种情况,病人或他的亲属将雇用一个被称为“歌手”的医生来执行治愈仪式,用来吸引超自然力量生物。)”,由此可知B选项“吸引超自然力量”正确。A选项“享受超自然力量”;C选项“吓唬超自然力量”不符合文意,D选项“创建沙画”并不是举行治愈仪式的目的,而是一种手段,因此B选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“On the last day of the ceremony, the patient will sit on this sand painting and the singer will rub the ailing parts of the patients body from a specific figure in the sand painting. In this way the patient absorbs the power of that particular supernatural being and becomes strong.(在仪式的最后一天,患者将坐在这幅沙画上,歌手将从沙画中的特定人物身上摩擦患者身体的患病部位。通过这种方式,病人吸收了那个特殊超自然存在的力量,变得强壮起来。)”,由此可知A选项“病人从沙子中获得力量”正确。B选项“它有医疗价值”;C选项“装饰病人”都不符合文意,D选项“这是仪式的一个特殊过程”并不能作为往病人身上擦沙子的原因,因此A选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“The materials used are easily found where the Navaho settle: brown, red, yellow, and white sandstone, which is ground much as corn is ground into flour.(使用的材料很容易在纳瓦霍人定居的地方找到:棕色、红色、黄色和白色的砂岩,这些砂岩被磨碎,就像玉米被磨成面粉一样。)”,由此可知沙画是由碎沙岩的沙子组成的,因此C选项“碎沙岩”正确。A选项“油漆”;B选项“沙滩上的沙子”以及D选项“面粉”都不符合文意,因此C选项


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