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2022年考博英语-山西大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题“Congratulations, Mr. Cooper. Its a girl.”Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and(1)a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel(2)when they receive the news,(3)others worry, wondering whether they will be good fathers.(4)there are some men who like children and may have had (5)experience with them, others do not particularly(6)children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time.(7)other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have(8)willingly or unwillingly.Whatever the(9)to the birth of a child, it is obvious that the shift from the role of husband to(10)of father is a difficult task.(11), unfortunately, few attempts have been made to(12)fathers in this re-socialization(13). Although numerous books have been written about American mothers,(14)recently has literature focused on the(15)of a father.It is argued that the transition to the fathers role, although difficult, is not(16)as great as the transition the wife must(17)to the mothers role. The mothers role seems to require a complete(18)in daily routine.(19), the fathers role is less demanding and(20).问题1选项A.bring forthB.bring downC.bring offD.bring in问题2选项A.emotionalB.sentimentalC.bewilderedD.proud问题3选项A.whileB.whenC.ifD.as问题4选项A.whenB.ifC.althoughD.yet问题5选项A.considerateB.considerableC.consideringD.considered问题6选项A.care aboutB.care ofC.care withD.care for问题7选项A.ForB.OfC.FromD.Upon问题8选项A.receivedB.takenC.acceptedD.obtained问题9选项A.replyB.reactionC.readinessD.reality问题10选项A.whatB.thisC.oneD.that问题11选项A.As a resultB.For exampleC.YetD.Also问题12选项A.educateB.cultivateC.informD.convert问题13选项A.stepB.processC.pointD.time问题14选项A./B.justC.quiteD.only问题15选项A.roleB.workC.careerD.position问题16选项A.a littleB.justC.nearlyD.almost问题17选项A.takeB.makeC.carryD.accept问题18选项A.transformationB.realizationC.socializationD.reception问题19选项A.In additionB.Above allC.GenerallyD.However问题20选项A.currentB.immediateC.presentD.quick【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:A第8题:C第9题:B第10题:D第11题:C第12题:A第13题:B第14题:D第15题:A第16题:C第17题:B第18题:A第19题:D第20题:B【解析】1.考查词组辨析。A选项bring forth“产生;发表;生孩子”,B选项bring down“降低;使垮台;击落”,C选项bring off“救出;圆满完成”;D选项bring in“引进;生产;增加”。句意:父亲的身份有着不同的意义,每个听到这个词的人都会给出不同的答案。这里要表达的意思是对父亲的意义持有不同的答案,可知bring forth“产生”符合语境。因此A选项正确。2.考查词义辨析。A选项emotional“易激动的;情绪的”;B选项sentimental“伤感的,情感的”;C选项bewildered“困惑的,不知所措的;眼花缭乱的”;D选项proud“自豪的,得意的”。根据后文others worry, wondering whether they will be good fathers(其他人为是否能做好父亲而担心)可知,这里在对比不同的人对得知自己做父亲的情绪反应,proud“得意的”与此形成对比。因此D选项正确。3.考查语法和逻辑关系。4个选项都有“当的时候”的意思,A选项while“与此同时”,强调事件正在发生的时候,另一件事如何;B选项when“当的时候”,重点不在动作本身发生的状态,而只是把它作为一个时间点;C选项if“无论何时,每次”;D选项as“边边;随着”,交代伴随状态或者时间背景。句意:有的人得知这个消息后感到骄傲,与此同时另一些人却担心,他们不知道自己是否会成为好父亲。根据上下文推断此处表示对比,while“与此同时”符合语境。因此A选项正确。4.考查语法和逻辑关系。A选项when“当的时候”;B选项if“无论何时,每次”;C选项although“虽然”;D选项yet“然而”,一般和否定词搭配。根据原文there are some men who like children(有的人喜欢孩子)和others spend little time with them(有的人很少陪孩子)看出是转折关系,although“虽然”符合语境。因此C选项正确。5.考查词义辨析。A选项considerate“考虑”;B选项considerable“重大的,值得考虑的”;C选项considering“鉴于,考虑到”;D选项considered“经过深思熟虑的”。这里指的是有的父亲和孩子经历了意义重大的体验。因此B选项正确。6.考查词组辨析。A选项care about“担心,在意”;B选项care of“的照顾”,非固定搭配;C选项care with非固定搭配;D选项care for“关心,照顾”。结合上文some menmay have had considerable experience with them(有的人或许和孩子经历了意义重大的体验)和下文othersspend little time with them(有的人很少陪孩子)看出,这里指的是有的父亲不怎么照顾孩子,care for“关心,照顾”符合语境。因此D选项正确。7.考查介词用法。A选项for“对于,为了”;B选项of“属于的”;C选项from“从起”;D选项upon“在之上,即将来临”。结合下文( )other couples, pregnancy was an accident( )其他夫妻,怀孕是意外)来看,for“对于”符合语境。因此A选项正确。8.考查词义辨析。4个选项都有“接受”的意思。A选项received“指客观上的接受、接收行为,不涉及主观意愿,比如接收信息、邮件等;B选项taken使用最广泛,泛指接受、接收的动作或行为,如接收信息、接受工作、接受意见等;C选项accepted表示自愿主动接受,也可以说经过思考人或某物能满足自己的期望而接受;D选项obtained“获取,得到”,用作接受时指接受待遇。结合accident that both husband and wife have( )willingly or unwillingly(夫妻双方自愿或不愿( )的意外事件)来看,这里指的是主观意愿上的接受,accepted符合语境。因此C选项正确。9.考查词义辨析。A选项reply“(通过说或写回应)回答,答复”;B选项reaction“(对于事件、局势)反应;反作用”;C选项readiness“乐意;准备就绪”;D选项reality“现实,事实”。结合上文第一段写了对于做父亲这件事不同人的不同反应,reaction“(对于事件、局势)反应”符合语境。因此B选项正确。10.考查语法知识。4个选项都可作代指用。A选项what引导名词性从句;B选项this指代下文内容;C选项one泛指,这里为特指;D选项that特指,同物异指,即that指代的物体与前文中的物体是同样的名称,但是有不同的涵义。前面的role指的是丈夫的角色,而后面的role指的是父亲的角色,名称相同但涵义不同。因此D选项正确。11.考查逻辑关系。A选项as a result“因此”;B选项for example“比如”;C选项yet“然而”;D选项also“也”。上一句说the shift from the role of husband to that of father is a difficult task(从丈夫的角色转变为父亲的角色是困难的任务),这一句说few attempts have been made to( )fathers(很少有人试图( )父亲),可知yet“然而”符合语境。因此C选项正确。12.考查词义辨析。A选项educate“(在学校)教育;教导训练(做某事)”;B选项cultivate“培养(态度、技巧等),树立(形象、观念等)”;C选项inform“了解,熟悉”,侧重通过搜集信息了解某事物;D选项convert“转变,改造,改建”。下一句说Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, recently has literature focused on theof a father.(虽然有许多关于美国母亲的好书,但是直到最近才有一些书讲父亲的角色),可知有许多教人做好母亲的书,可是少有教人做好父亲的书,可知educate“教导训练(做某事)比较符合语境。因此A选项正确。13.考查词义辨析。A选项step“步骤;(某过程中的一个)阶段;脚步”;B选项process“(为达到某一目的的)过程,进程”;C选项point“(特定的)时刻,关头”;D选项time“(某事发生的)时刻;(历史上或一生中的特殊)时期”。根据语境可知,in this re-socialization( )指的是担任父亲角色的再社会化( ),成为一个合格的父亲需要一个过程,可知process“(为达到某一目的的)过程,进程”符合语境。因此B选项正确。14.考查语法知识。A选项/“不填”,不能引起倒装;B选项just“仅仅是,只不过”,单独放句首不引起倒装;C选项quite“非常”,不放在句首;D选项only“只有”,only加状语位于句首,句子倒装。recently has literature focused on theof a father为has提前的倒装句。因此D选项正确。15.考查词义辨析和细节。A选项role“角色”;B选项work“工作”;C选项career“职业生涯”;D选项position“位置,地位”。前文the shift from the role of husband to that of father is a difficult task(从丈夫转变为父亲是困难的任务)中用的是role“角色”后半句也用的the mothers role(母亲的角色)。因此A选项正确。16.考查语法知识。A选项a little“一点点”;B选项just“仅仅是”;C选项nearly“几乎,差不多”;D选项almost“几乎,差不多”。根据语境,这里是指丈夫转变成父亲的难度接近不了妻子转变成母亲的难度,空格里面应该选择意思为“几乎”的词语,加上nearly前可用very,pretty,not等词修饰,但almost之前不能用这些词。因此C选项正确。17.考查固定搭配。A选项take“后接名词描述动作或事件”;B选项make“与名词连用,表示做动作或说某事”,make transition“转变”;C选项carry“携带,传送”;D选项accept“接受”。分析the transition the wife must( )to the mothers role(母亲角色的转变)可知,横线处修饰transition(转变),make符合语境。因此B选项正确。18.考查细节。A选项transformation“转变”;B选项realization“领悟;(某目标)实现”;C选项socialization“社会化”;D选项reception“接待;服务台”。A选项transformation“转变”和上一句the transition the wife must make(妻子必须做出的转变)相对应。因此A选项正确。19.考查细节。A选项in addition“此外”;B选项above all“尤其是,首先”;C选项generally“通常”;D选项however“然而”。通过The mothers role seems to require a complete transformation(母亲的角色似乎要求彻底转变)和the fathers role is less demanding(父亲的角色要求较低)可以看出是在对比和转折,整篇文章都在对比男性和女性做父母的影响不同。因此D选项正确。20.考查细节。A选项current“当前的,通用的”;B选项immediate“直接的,立即的”;C选项present“现在的”;D选项quick“时间短暂的,敏捷的”。根据语境可知,这里想要表达的是作为父亲不需要跟母亲一样改变那么彻底和直接,immediate“直接的,立即的”符合语境。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Cardinal MEZZOFANTI of Bologna was a secular saint who was said to speak 72 languages. Or 50. No one was certain of the true figure, but it was a lot. Visitors flocked from all comers of Europe to test him and came away stunned. Two condemned prisoners were due to be executed, but no one knew their language to hear their confession. Mezzofanti learned it in a night, heard their sins the next morning and saved them from hell.Or so the legend goes. In “Babel No More”, Michael Erard has written the first serious book about the people who master vast numbers of languagesor claim to. A journalist with some linguistics training, Mr. Erard is not a hyperpolyglot himself (he speaks some Spanish and Chinese), but he approaches his topic with both wonder and a healthy dash of scepticism.To find out whether anyone could really learn so many languages, Mr. Erard set out to find Modern Mezzofantis. The people he meets are certainly interesting. One man with a mental age of nine has a vast memory for foreign words and the use of grammatical endings, but he cannot seem to break free of English word order. Ken Hals, who was a linguist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and died in 2001, was said to have learned 50 languages. Professional linguists sill swear by his talent. But he insisted he spoke only three (English, Spanish and Warlpirifrom Australias Northern Territory) and could merely “talk” in others. Mr. Erard says that true hyperpolyglottery begins at about 11 languages, and that while legends abound, tried and tested exemplars are few.At the end of his story, however, Erard finds a surprise in Mezzofantis archive: flashcards. Stacks of them, in Georgian, Hungarian, Arabic, Algonquin and nine other tongues. The worlds most celebrated hyperpolyglot relied on the same tools given to first-year language learners today. The conclusion? Hyperpolyglots may begin with talent but they arent geniuses. They simply enjoy tasks that are drudgery to normal people. The talent and enjoyment drive a virtuous cycle that pushes them to feats others simply shake their heads at.1.The word “hyperpolyglot” (para. 2) refers to the one who( ).2.By “a healthy dash of skepticism”, the author demonstrates Mr. Erards( ).3.Mr. Erards efforts to find the Modern Mezzofantis( ).4.What is the emphasis in the last paragraph?5.The passage is most likely a part of( ).问题1选项A.enjoys learning languagesB.receives strict language trainingC.speaks many languagesD.excels in language tests问题2选项A.biased opinionB.objective attitudeC.strong motivationD.extreme curiosity问题3选项A.are not very fruitfulB.will not end in vainC.seem to pay offD.are highly appreciated问题4选项A.There is no shortcut in language learning.B.We all have the potential to be a good language learner.C.Some people are more gifted to learn languages.D.Good language learners have special learning techniques.问题5选项A.a research paperB.a science fictionC.a news reportD.a book review【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.语义推测题。根据第二段第三句A journalist with some linguistics training, Mr. Erard is not a hyperpolyglot himself (he speaks some Spanish and Chinese),(埃拉尔是一名记者,接受过一些语言学训练,但他自己并不是( ),他会说一点西班牙语和汉语),会说一点西班牙语和汉语用来补充解释前面的 hyperpolyglot,和C选项“会说多种语言”对应,hyperpolyglot是“语言狂人”,故C选项正确。A选项“喜欢学语言”文章没有提到。B选项“接受严格的语言训练”:Erard学过一些,说不上严格。D选项“擅长语言测试”,文章没有讲语言测试。因此C选项正确。2.语义推测题。根据第三段最后一句Mr. Erard says that true hyperpolyglottery begins at about 11 languages, and that while legends abound, tried and tested exemplars are few.(埃拉尔说,真正的语言狂人大约从会11种语言开始,虽然传说比比皆是,但经过验证的例子却很少。),可知实际上语言狂人没有大家所知的那么多,所以Erard的怀疑是客观的,故B选项“客观的态度”正确,A选项“有偏见的观点”错误。C选项“强烈的动机”和D选项“极度的好奇心”和事例无关。因此B选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据第三段第一句To find out whether anyone could really learn so many languages, Mr. Erard set out to find Modern Mezzofantis. (为了弄清楚是否真的有人能学会这么多语言,埃拉尔开始寻找现代的Mezzofantis。),和第三段最后一句tried and tested exemplars are few(通过验证的例子很少),表明Erard的调查目的起码有些成效,故C选项“似乎有回报”正确。A选项“都不是很有成效”:在这过程中Erard遇到很多有趣的人,做了一些测试,得到一些结果。B选项“不会徒然结束”:没有提到后续相关事情。D选项“高度赞赏”:文中没有对调查结果的评价。因此C选项正确。4.语义推测题。根据第四段最后两句They simply enjoy tasks that are drudgery to normal people. The talent and enjoyment drive a virtuous cycle that pushes them to feats others simply shake their heads at.(他们只是喜欢那些对普通人来说是苦差事的工作。天赋和乐趣驱动着一个良性循环,推动他们去完成别人根本不屑的壮举。),天赋和乐趣推动掌握多种语言的人持续不断的学习,也就是对普通人来说是苦差事又不屑的壮举,故A选项“语言学习没有捷径”正确。B选项“我们都有潜力成为一个好的语言学习者”和C选项“有些人在学习语言方面更有天赋”:有的人一开始或许是有天赋,但有天赋还不够,而持续学习不是普通人会做的。D选项“好的语言学习者有特殊的学习技巧”:根据最后一段第三句The worlds most celebrated hyperpolyglot relied on the same tools given to first-year language learners today.(世界上最著名的语言狂人使用的工具和今天给一年级语言学习者是一样的。),可知D选项“好的语言学习者有特殊的学习技巧”错误。因此A选项正确。5.主旨大意题。根据文章通过多个例子证明自己的观点,可知本文是议论体裁,故A选项“研究论文”正确。B选项“科幻小说”:没有幻想和科技的成分。C选项“新闻报道”:讲述事例不够客观。D选项“书评”:没有详细评价和介绍书。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题As far as marriage is concerned, it is mutual care and love that( ).问题1选项A.mountsB.discountsC.countsD.calculates【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项mount“增加,上升”,如mounting difficulty(困难越来越多);B选项discount“打折”;C选项count“有价值或重要的”,如what counts is experience. (重要的是经验);D选项calculate“计算”。句意:就婚姻而言,( )是相互关心和爱。A、B、D都不符合题意,因此C选项正确。4. 单选题Once, at a party, I was introduced to a friend of a friend. We shook hands, I told her my name, she told me hers. Then she did something that I was ever so grateful for. “Hang on,” she said. “Can you say your name again? I wasnt really listening.” She saved me from having to laterpossibly even at the same partysheepishly admit that I, too, had already forgotten her name.An informal poll of fellow Atlantic staffers confirmed my suspicion that this is something that happens to even the most kind and conscientious among us. No sooner does someone utter the most fundamental factoid about themselves than the information flees our brains forever.There are a few reasons why this occurs:Youre not really that interested: Maybe youre just making an appearance at this party and are planning to abscond shortly to a superior kick-back. Your level of interest can impact how well you remember something. “Some people, perhaps those who are more socially aware, are just more interested in people, more interested in relationships,” Richard Harris, professor of psychology at Kansas State University, told Science Daily. “They would be more motivated to remember somebodys name.” There are two types of storage in the brain: Long-term and short-term. The short-term variety is called “working memory,” and it functions like a very leaky thermos. It doesnt hold much and it spills stuff out all the time. “You can hold just a little bit of information there and if you dont concentrate on it, it fades away rapidly,” Paul Reber, a psychology professor at Northwestern University, told me in an email. “Information like a name needs to be transferred to a different brain system that creates long-term memories that persist over time.” Theres not much in a name, frankly. It doesnt actually tell you anything about the person youre meeting, and thus it doesnt give your brain anything to cling to. “Human memory is very good at things like faces and factual information that connects well to other information you already know,” Reber said. The name ends up neither connecting to what you already know nor standing out as unusual,” Reber said. “So you get this funny phenomenon where you can remember lots about a person you recently meteverything except their name (this happens to me all the time).”1.The author points out in the first two paragraphs that( ).2.According to Richard Harris, how well we remember a name is related to( ).3.What is the problem mentioned in Paragraph 5?4.It can be learned from Paragraph 6 that names are( ).5.What is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.we want to know how to remember other peoples nameB.we often feel sorry for forgetting other peoples nameC.it is important to remember other peoples nameD.it is just common to forget other peoples name问题2选项A.whether it is necessary to do itB.whether the name is easy to rememberC.how good our memory isD.how interested we are in that person问题3选项A.Limit of working memory.B.Confusing information.C.Malfunction of the brain.D.Too much information.问题4选项A.symbolicB.pointlessC.uniqueD.informative问题5选项A.Whats in a name?B.Whats your name, again?C.Dont forget my nameD.Thats my name【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。前两段作者根据自己的亲身经历讲述我们经常忘记别人的名字。该题的解题关键在于要联系上下文,第三段说道“There are a few reasons why this occurs:(出现这种情况有以下几个原因:)”,那么最能承接这句话的就是正确答案。A选项“我们想知道如何记住别人的名字”;B选项“我们常常因为忘记了别人的名字而感到抱歉”;C选项“记住别人的名字是很重要的”都和下文联系不大,所以D选项“忘记别人的名字是很正常的”正确。2.事实细节题。第四段中指出“Your level of interest can impact how well you remember something.(你的兴趣程度会影响你记忆的好坏。)”,Richard Harris的研究指出也表明“Some people, perhaps those who are more socially aware, are just more interested in people, more interested in relationships(有些人可能更有社会意识,对人更感兴趣,对人际关系更感兴趣。)”,A选项“是否有必要做这件事”;B选项“名字是否容易被记住”;C选项“我们的记忆力有多好”都与原文不符,因此D选项“我们对那个人有多感兴趣”正确。3.推理判断题。第五段主要讲了短时记忆即工作记忆的缺点。“The short-term variety is called working memory, and it functions like a very leaky thermos. It doesnt hold much and it spills stuff out all the time.(短期记忆被称为工作记忆,它的功能就像一个漏水的保温瓶。它装不了多少东西,还总是把东西倒出来。)”。B选项“混乱的信息”;C选项“大脑功能障碍”;D选项“太多的信息”都不符合段意,因此A选项“工作记忆的限制”正确。4.事实细节题。第六段说到“Theres not much in a name, frankly. It doesnt actually tell you anything about the person youre meeting, and thus it doesnt give your brain anything to cling to.(坦白地说,名字里并没有什么。它实际上并没有告诉你任何关于你要见的人的信息,因此它也没有给你的大脑任何依附的东西。)”,由此可看出名字是没有什么实际意义的。A选项“符号”;C选项“独特的”;D选项“信息量大的”都不符合原文,因此B选项“没有意义的”正确。5.主旨大意题。由文章第一段可知我们经常忘记别人的名字,文章后面几段在阐述为什么会有这种现象。所以B选项“请再说一遍你的名字好吗?”更加符合文章主旨大意。A选项“名字里有什么”;C选项“别忘了我的名字”;D选项“那是我的名字”都没有B选项适合。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The second definition, though accurate, is equally as( )and useless as the first one, from a practical point of view.问题1选项A.penitentB.constitutedC.repellentD.pedantic【答案】D【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项penitent“后悔的,愧疚的”;B选项constituted“组成;建立”;C选项repellent“令人厌恶的;防的”;D选项pedantic“迂腐的,学究气的”。句意:第二个定义虽然准确,但从实用性看,也和第一个定义一样( ),毫不实用。definition不至于repellent“令人厌恶的”,但是有可能pedantic“学究气的”,这里可以翻译成纸上谈兵的,符合生活实际。因此D选项正确。6. 单选题Despite the suspects( )to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that he was involved.问题1选项A.assertionB.convictionC.speculationD.accusation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项assertion“断言;主张;认定”;B选项conviction“定罪;确信;坚定的信仰”;C选项speculation“投机;推测;思索”;D选项accusation“控告;谴责”。句意:尽管嫌疑犯( )自己无辜,但他参与了此事证据确凿。根据语境,嫌疑犯assertion“断言;主张;认定”自己无辜比较合理。因此A选项正确。7. 单选题The dean asked the secretary if there were enough people( )to hold a faculty meeting.问题1选项A.on handB.on averageC.on purposeD.on end【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项on hand“在手边;在场;临近;现有”;B选项on average“平均”;C选项on purpose“故意地”;D选项on end“连续地;竖着”。句意:院长问秘书( )的人数是否足够到可以召开教师会议。根据语境,on hand“在场”修饰people比较合理。因此A选项正确。8. 翻译题FROM ENGLISH TO CHINESEHappiness is sometimes seen as a state of mind. But this is not how Aristotle regards it. “Well-being”, as we usually translate his term for happiness, is what we might call a state of soul, which for him involves not just an interior condition of being, but a disposition to behave in certain ways. As Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked, the best image of the soul is the body. If you want to observe someones spirit, look at what they do. Happiness for Aristotle is attained by virtue, and virtue is above all a social practice rather than an attitude of mind. Happiness is part of a practical way of life, not some private inner contentment.【答案】幸福有时被视为一种精神状态。但亚里士多德不这样认为。“幸福”,正如我们通常解释这个术语,我们可以看作为灵魂状态。对他来说,这不仅是个人存在的内在条件,也是一种特定的行为方式。路德维希维特根斯坦曾说过,人的身体是灵魂的最好图画。如果你想了解某人的“灵魂”,看看他们做了什么。对亚里士多德来说,幸福是通过美德实现的。美德首先是一种社会实践,而不是一种心灵态度。幸福是实际的生活方式的一部分,不是某种私密的内在满足。9. 单选题Some of the worlds most important museums are confirming what weve suspected all along but didnt dare say: selfie sticks (自拍杆) are stupid.The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) has banned the sticks from their exhibition halls to prevent damage to the artwork. If youve ever set foot in MoMA youll know what a difficult experience it can be. Not because it isnt an exceptional art institution thats given the mind-expanding exhibitions, but because of other people. The MoMA is one of the worlds busiest museumsadd selfie sticks among the crowds and youve got a recipe for disaster.The same situation can be found at many famous tourist landmarks. Like seat belts, the selfie stick problem doesnt hit home until someone gets hurt. An increasing number of sites have seen the potential hazard and put a stop to things before a “tragedy” occurs. The Australian Open has banned selfie sticks. Sports and music stadiums around London have banned the stick, as well.Yet the real issue behind the selfie stick is t


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