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2022年考博英语-江西师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题If I see the twin brothers apart I dont know _.问题1选项A.who is whoB.who is whomC.which is whichD.who is which【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. who is who 谁是谁 B. who is whom 谁是谁C. which is which 哪个是哪个 D. who is which 谁是哪个【考查点】习语用法。【解题思路】由if条件句的意思“如果我把这对孪生兄弟分开看”,可知I dont know _应该表示“我分不清谁是谁”,而which is which通常用于区分两个十分相似的人或事物。故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A选项表示人们的情况,如姓名、工作、身份等,如When I go to those family reunions, I can never remember whos who.(我去参加那些家庭团圆聚会时,从来记不住谁是谁。);B、D选项没有这个用法。【句意】如果我把这对孪生兄弟分开看,我分不清谁是谁。2. 单选题England is experiencing its hardest winter for years, some areas _ under six feet for nearly two months.问题1选项A.were lyingB.were laidC.having laidD.having lain【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. were lying 在撒谎,正处于 B. were laid 被覆盖,被放置C. having laid 覆盖,放置 D. having lain 躺下,处于【考查点】语态和动词辨析。【解题思路】根据句子前半句意思“英格兰正在经历多年来最艰难的冬天”,可知,some areas(一些地区)是被大雪覆盖了,故用被动语态;而表示“覆盖”要用lay,所以were laid正确。故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都表述主动语态,排除。【句意】英格兰正在经历多年来最艰难的冬天,一些地区被埋在6英尺大雪下近两个月。3. 单选题As the economy grew, an increasing sense of sameness prevailed in American society. This was the great age of conformity, when members of all social groups learned to imitate those around them rather than strike out on their own. Third-and-fourth-generation ethnic Americans became much more alike. With immigration slowed to a trickle after 1924, and ties to Europe weakened, assimilation occurred. Television contributed to growing conformity by providing young and old with common, shared visually attractive experience. Escaping the assimilating tendencies was difficult. Sociologist David Riesman pointed out that in the classic nursery rhyme “This Little Pig Went to Market,” each pig went his own way. “Today, however, all little pigs go to market; none stay home; all have roast beef, if any do; and all say we-we.”The willingness to conform to group norms affected colleges and universities, where cautious students sought security. They joined fraternities and sororities and engaged in panty raids and other pranks, but took little interest in world affairs. “I observe,” Yale president A. Whitney Griswold told a graduating class in 1950, “that you share the prevailing mood of the hour, which in your case consists of bargains privately made with fateon fates terms.”Americans in the postwar years discovered a shared religious sense and returned to their churches in record numbers. Church membership doubled between 1945 and 1970. In part, church attendance reflected a desire to challenge “godless communism” at the height of the Cold War and to find some relief from the threat of a nuclear war; in part, it resulted from the power of suggestion that led Americans to do what others did. Religion also seemed to reinforce the importance of family life. As one slogan put it, “The family that prays together stays together.” Moreover, religion became increasingly appealing. Evangelist Billy Graham, often introduced as “a man with Gods message for these crisis days,” preached to millions at his revivals. He capitalized on the media, using radio, television, and film to spread his message. By the end of the 1950s, fully 95 percent of all Americans identified with some religious denomination.46. According to the context, we can guess that “the great age of conformity” roughly means the era when _.47. Sociologist David Riesmans remarks revealed _.48. What Yale president said shows that college students _.49. According to the third paragraph, large church attendance seems to have to do with all of the following except _.50. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the passage?问题1选项A.people from all walks of life took little interest in world affairsB.all social members tended to act the way others didC.the young and the old learned to narrow their differences and tolerate each otherD.religion played an important role in reinforcing the importance of family life问题2选项A.the change in the diet of AmericansB.differences in Americans opinions on nursery educationC.the effects of economic growth on American habits and customsD.the prevailing trend towards assimilation in American society问题3选项A.gave up struggling for a better futureB.were struggling hard for a better futureC.were only interested in students organizationsD.were favored by fate问题4选项A.Americans keener awareness of the importance of family lifeB.the ever-growing attraction of religion for AmericansC.Americans resolve to give full support to the Cold WarD.the grave international situation of the time问题5选项A.America: A Different Society from the PastB.Spread of Religion in Postwar YearsC.Religion: An Important Aspect of American LifeD.Conformity in American Society【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】46.【选项释义】46. According to the context, we can guess that “the great age of conformity” roughly means the era when _. 46. 根据上下文,我们可以猜测“从众的大时代”大致上指的是_时代。A. people from all walks of life took little interest in world affairs A. 各行各业的人对世界事务不感兴趣B. all social members tended to act the way others did B. 所有社会成员都倾向于模仿他人的行为方式C. the young and the old learned to narrow their differences and tolerate each other C. 年轻人和老年人学会了缩小他们的差异并互相容忍D. religion played an important role in reinforcing the importance of family life D. 宗教在加强家庭生活重要性方面发挥了重要作用【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据the great age of conformity定位至第一段第二句“这是一个从众的大时代(the great age of conformity),所有社会群体的成员都学会了模仿他们周围的人,而不是开创属于自己的想法(imitate those around them rather than strike out on their own)”,理解可知,the great age of conformity(从众的大时代)就是所有社会群体成员模仿他人行为的时代。因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】C选项“年轻人和老年人学会了缩小他们的差异并互相容忍”没提到,无中生有;A选项“各行各业的人对世界事务不感兴趣”和D选项“宗教在加强家庭生活重要性方面发挥了重要作用”与题干无关,张冠李戴。47.【选项释义】47. Sociologist David Riesmans remarks revealed _. 47. 社会学家大卫里斯曼的评论揭示了_。A. the change in the diet of Americans A. 美国人饮食的变化B. differences in Americans opinions on nursery education B. 美国人对幼儿园教育的看法不同C. the effects of economic growth on American habits and customs C. 经济增长对美国人生活习惯的影响D. the prevailing trend towards assimilation in American society D. 美国社会同化的流行趋势【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位到第一段最后一句“社会学家David Riesman指出,在经典的童谣这只小猪去市场中,每只猪都走自己的路;然而,今天所有的(all)小猪都去市场了,没有一个待在家里;如果有的话,他们都(all)吃烤牛肉,都(all)说we-we。”,其中多次使用了all一词,结合上文提到的同化倾向,社会学家大卫里斯曼的评论揭示了美国当今越来越盛行的同化趋势。故该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“美国人饮食的变化”和B选项“美国人对幼儿园教育的看法不同”表述曲解原文;C选项“经济增长对美国人生活习惯的影响”中的“生活习惯”太片面,以偏概全。48.【选项释义】48. What Yale president said shows that college students _. 48. 耶鲁大学校长所说的表明大学生_。A. gave up struggling for a better future A. 放弃了为美好的未来奋斗B. were struggling hard for a better future B. 是在为一个更好的未来而奋斗C. were only interested in students organizations C. 只对学生组织感兴趣D. were favored by fate D. 被命运所眷顾【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先定位到第二段最后一句关于耶鲁大学校长所说的话“我注意到,你当时有同样的主导情绪(prevailing mood),就你而言,这是在命运的条件下与命运私下达成的交易”,prevailing mood指的是上文“谨慎的学生为了寻求安全感而参与各种恶作剧”,其中提到了but took little interest in world affairs(但是对世界事务不感兴趣);综合理解可知,耶鲁大学校长说这一句话是表明大学生放弃了为美好未来生活的奋斗。故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B选项“是在为一个更好的未来而奋斗”与原文相反,反向干扰;C选项“只对学生组织感兴趣”表述与原文不符,文中虽然提到学生会参加一些学生组织,但这是因为他们想要寻求安全感,而不是感兴趣,该项曲解原文;D选项“被命运所眷顾”没有体现,无中生有。49.【选项释义】49. According to the third paragraph, large church attendance seems to have to do with all of the following except _. 49. 根据第三段,大量的出席教会似乎与下列事情有关,除了_。A. Americans keener awareness of the importance of family life A. 美国人更加意识到家庭生活的重要性B. the ever-growing attraction of religion for Americans B. 宗教对美国人日益增长的吸引力C. Americans resolve to give full support to the Cold War C. 美国全力支持冷战的决心D. the grave international situation of the time D. 当时严峻的国际形势【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】定位至文章第三段,第三句提到“在某种程度上,去教堂做礼拜反映了一种渴望,即在冷战高峰时期挑战无神论的共产主义(challenge godless communism),并从核战争的威胁中寻求某种解脱”,从challenge “godless communism”(挑战“无神论的共产主义”)可以看出,当时美国参与教会部分原因是挑战苏联的无神论共产主义,所以C项与原文相反。因此,该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A选项“美国人更加意识到家庭生活的重要性”定位第三段第四句“宗教似乎也加强了家庭生活的重要性(reinforce the importance of family life)”,可知该项与原文相符;B选项“宗教对美国人日益增长的吸引力”定位第六句“此外,宗教变得越来越有吸引力(increasingly appealing)”,可知该项与原文相符;D选项“当时严峻的国际形势”从第三句中“挑战无神论共产主义”和“从核战争的威胁中寻求某种解脱”可以看出,该项也正确。50.【选项释义】50. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the passage? 50. 下面哪个选项可以作为这篇文章的合适标题?A. America: A Different Society from the PastA. 美国:一个与过去不同的社会B. Spread of Religion in Postwar YearsB. 战后宗教的传播C. Religion: An Important Aspect of American LifeC. 宗教:美国生活的一个重要方面D. Conformity in American SocietyD. 美国社会的从众性【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】首先,看到首尾两段核心句,首段第一句“随着经济的发展,越来越多的同一性在美国社会盛行(an increasing sense of sameness)”,以及末段第一句“战后,美国人发现了一种共同的宗教意识(a shared religious sense),重返教堂的人数创下了纪录”,可知文章主要讲述的内容是美国社会的同一性。然后,看到文章行文结构是总分结构,文章首先介绍美国社会同一性产生的历史原因,然后从学校和宗教两个方面来阐述同一性的表现。综上所述可知,文章的关键词是conformity,内容就是美国社会的从众性。故D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“美国:一个与过去不同的社会”、B选项“战后宗教的传播”和C选项“宗教:美国生活的一个重要方面”均属于以偏概全。4. 单选题I deem the girl was in bad health because the handshake with her was so _.问题1选项A.limpB.lameC.softD.strong【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. limp 无生气的,无力的 B. lame 瘸的,没说服力的C. soft 柔软的 D. strong 强壮的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】由主句“我认为这女孩身体不好(in bad health)”可推测,the handshake with her(和她的握手)应该是“无力的”。故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合句子逻辑。【句意】我认为这女孩身体不好,因为与她的握手很无力。5. 填空题Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding bland. If you add a word, put on insertion mark () in the correct place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and be sure to put a slash (/) in the blank. (10%)Example:When art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) anit never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) neverthem on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibitThe twins occur about once in eighty-seven human births.A little more than one quarter of these is identical twins, 36. _which develops from the equal division of a fertilized egg. 37. _Identical twins are always the same sex and have the sameblood group and eye color. If one has a gift of music, it is 38. _not surprising if other does too. However, if one is left-handed, 39. _the other may be right-handed. If the hair of one growsclockwise from the crown, the others hair may growcounterclockwise. Fraternal twins develop from two separateeggs that were fertilized at the same time. They can be of 40. _different sexes and often look no much alike than other 41. _members of the same family. The more babies per birth,the less frequently such births occur. Triplets occur aboutone in 7569 births, but sextupletsmultiple births of five 42. _occur one in about five million births. Multiple birthsare common among low animals, but identical offspring 43. _is rare, except for one species of armadillo. The female 44. _armadillo always gives birth up to quadruplets. 45. _【答案】36.is are37.develops develop38.of for39. other the40.were are41.much more42.five six43.low lower44.is are45.up 【解析】36.由主语one quarter of these(四分之一的双胞胎)可知,此处是分数引导的短语做主语,其谓语动词的数需要根据分数后面的名词来决定,此处的these是复数,因此be动词要用复数are,故改is为are正确。37.定语从句中的关系代词which指的是identical twins(同卵双胞胎),所以从句中的动词要用复数形式,故改develops为develop正确。38.gift表示“天赋”,一般与for搭配,故把of改为for正确。39.这一句是说“如果双胞胎的其中一个有音乐天赋,那么另外一个有音乐天赋并不奇怪”,表示两者中的其中一个要用the other,表示特指;other单独使用表示“其他的”,为形容词。故在other前面添加定冠词the正确。40.这一句的意思是“异卵双胞胎是由两个受精卵同时发育而成的”,为客观陈述,应该用一般现在时,所以that定语从句中的were要改为are。41.由than可知,no more than为固定用法,表示“不比更”,故改much为more正确。42.破折号的内容是解释sextuplets(六胞胎)一词,而破折号说的是multiple births of five(5个胎儿的多胞胎),这明显与sextuplets不符,故改five为six正确。43.这一句是说“多胞胎在低等生物中很常见”,而low表示“低的”,低级生物要用lower animal表示,所以改low为lower正确。44.offspring是复数名词,be动词应该用are,故改is为are正确。45.表示“生产”应该是give birth to,这里的up是多余的,所以把up去掉正确。6. 单选题When seen in this light, the language these reporters use is more complex than it _.问题1选项A.needsB.needs toC.needs to beD.needs to be so【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. needs 需要 B. needs to 需要C. needs to be 需要 D. needs to be so 需要这样【考查点】比较级than的用法。【解题思路】在than的比较状语从句中,与主句相同部分可以省略,而不同部分需要写出;在这个句子中主句是the language is more complex(语言更加复杂),与从句共同的部分是more complex,所以从句需要把主谓写出来,即it needs to be。因此,该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项不符合语法;D选项不需要加副词so。【句意】从这个角度看,这些记者使用的语言比需要的更加复杂。7. 翻译题Employers need to better understand people who are disabled. Most of us take offence at the assumption that collecting Social Security Income can provide us everything we need. Unemployment is humiliating and awfully boring, and theres no meaning there. Excluding someone because he or she has a disability that does not affect performance is equivalent to wrongs such as hiring based on race. Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to do a good job, and as a result have a sense of pride in being a part of society.【答案】【参考译文】雇主需要更好地了解身体有障碍的人。一想到领取社会保障收入就能提供我们所需要的一切,我们大多数人都感到很生气。失业是耻辱的,而且非常无聊,没有任何意义。一个人的残疾并不影响他或她的工作表现,但是却因为这个而将他或她排除在外,这是错误的做法,这种错误无异于种族歧视。每个人都应该有机会做好工作,并因此对成为社会的一份子而感到自豪。8. 单选题Paul was so _ about his baldness that he wore a hat, whether it was winter or summer.问题1选项A.self-composedB.self-consciousC.self-confessedD.self-confident【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. self-composed 镇定的,沉着的 B. self-conscious 难为情的,自己意识到的C. self-confessed 自动坦白的,公开承认的 D. self-confident 自信的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】由baldness(秃顶)可知,Paul对此是难为情的,所以self-conscious符合句意。因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都不符合句意。【句意】保罗对自己的秃顶感到很难为情,无论是冬天还是夏天,他都戴帽子。9. 单选题You said the books were on the shelf, but _ there.问题1选项A.there was no oneB.there were noneC.there were no onesD.was none【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. there was no one 没有一个人 B. there were none 没有C. there were no ones 没有人 D. was none 没有【考查点】不定代词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意和前面出现的books,可知后面应该用none代词前面的books,故B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C选项中的one指人们;D选项句子结构不完整。【句意】你说书都在书架上,但是那儿一本都没有。10. 单选题He composed a vast amount of music, _ is ever played today.问题1选项A.one of whichB.little of whichC.each of whichD.some of which【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. one of which 其中之一 B. little of which 很少C. each of which 其中的每一个 D. some of which 其中一些【考查点】代词用法。【解题思路】由空格后的is可知,空格处要填入单数;前半句的意思是“他创作了大量的音乐”,所以定语从句_ is ever played today(至今仍在演奏)中填入one of which符合句子意思。故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B选项没有little of这个用法;C选项不符合句子意思;D选项some of which后面应该跟are。【句意】他创作了大量的音乐,其中有一首至今仍在演奏。11. 单选题You can order _ books online as you would like at one time.问题1选项A.as manyB.manyC.muchD.as much【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. as many 一样多(可数) B. many 许多(可数)C. much 许多(不可数) D. as much 一样多(不可数)【考查点】固定搭配【解题思路】本题考查的是固定搭配as+形容词或副词+as“和什么一样怎么样”。首先,原句中空格后有“像你想买的一样(as you would like)”;其次,空格后的名词为复数可数名词books,因此,A选项as many“一样多(可数)”符合要求。【干扰项排除】B选项many“许多(可数)”,缺少as;C选项much“许多(不可数)”,缺少as,且与复数可数名词books搭配不当;D选项as much“一样多(不可数)”,与复数可数名词books搭配不当。【句意】你在网上一次想买多少书就能买多少书。12. 翻译题I. (本题3段,每段10分) After we see an object several times, we begin to recognize it. The object is in front of us and we know about it, but we do not see ithence, we cannot say anything significant about it. Art removes objects from the automatism of perception in several ways. Here I want to illustrate a way used repeatedly by Leo Tolstoy, that writer who, for Merezhkovsky at least, seems to present things as if he himself saw them, and saw them in their entirety, and did not alter them. Victor Shklovsky, Art as Technique May we really attempt to compare the imaginative writer with the “dreamer in broad daylight,” and his creations with daydreams? One feature above all cannot fail to strike us about the creations of these story-writers: each of them has a hero who is the center of interest, for whom the writer tries to win our sympathy by every possible means and whom he seems to place under the protection of a special providence. The feeling of security with which I follow the hero through his perilous adventures is the same as the feeling with which a hero in real life throws himself into the water to save a drowning man or exposes himself to the enemys fire in order to storm a battery. It is the true heroic feeling, which one of our best writers has expressed in an inimitable phrase: “Nothing can happen to me!” It seems to me, however, that through this revealing characteristic of invulnerability we can immediately recognize His Majesty the Ego, the hero alike of every daydream and of every story.Sigmund Freud, Creative Writers and DaydreamingI call the combination of a concept and a sound-image a sign, but in current usage the term generally designates only a sound-image, a word, for example (arbor, etc.) One tends to forget that arbor is called a sign only because it carries the concept “tree,” with the result that the idea of the sensory part implies the idea of the whole.Ambiguity would disappear if the three notions involved here were designated by three names, each suggesting and opposing the others. I propose to retain the word sign to designate the whole and to replace concept and sound-image respectively by signified and signifier; the last two terms have the advantage of indicating the opposition that separates them from each other and from the whole of which they are parts.Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistics【答案】当我们多次看到一个物体后,我们就开始辨别出它。物体就在我们面前,我们知道它,但我们看不到它。因此,我们不能说任何关于这个物体的有意义的事情。艺术通过几种方式将物体从无意识行为的感知中移除。在这里,我想说明列夫托尔斯泰反复使用的一种方法,至少在梅雷日科夫斯基看来,这位作家呈现事物的方式,就好像他自己看到了它们本身,看到了它们的全部,但没有改变它们。维克多什克洛夫斯基,艺术即技巧13. 单选题In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the (16) half of the 19th century; most of (17) were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U.S. the day-nursery movement received great (18) during the First World War, when (19) of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented (前所未有的) numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were established (20) in munitions (军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship. (21) the number of nurseries in the U.S. also rose (22), this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First Word War (23), Federal, State, and local government gradually began to exercise a measure of control (24) the day nurseries, chiefly by (25) them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.The (26) of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were (27) called upon to replace men in the factories. On this (28) the U.S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools, (29) $6,000,000 in July, 1942, for a nursery-school program for the children of working mothers. Many States and local communities (30) this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August, 1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared (31) in day-care centers receiving Federal (32). Soon afterward, the Federal government (33) cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later (34) them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their (35) at the


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