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2022年考博英语-武汉大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 翻译题在得病以前, 我受父母宠爱, 在家中横行霸道, 一旦隔离, 拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里, 我顿感被打入冷宫, 十分郁郁不得志起来。一个春天的傍晚, 园中百花怒放, 父母在园中设宴, 霎时宾客云集, 笑语四溢。我在山坡的小屋里, 悄悄掀起窗帘, 窥见园中大千世界一片繁华。自己的哥姐、堂表弟兄也穿插其间, 个个喜气洋洋。一霎时, 一阵被人摒弃、为世所遗忘的悲愤兜上心头, 禁不住痛哭起来。Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】Before being in illness, I had been a spoiled child of my parents, playing the bully at home. Once being isolated, detained in a small house on the slope of the garden, I suddenly felt that I was out of favor and in a doghouse, and then felt very melancholy frustrated. One spring evening, in the garden with flowers being in full bloom, parents were hosting a feast, for that moment, a considerable number of guests gathered, laughing and chatting happily away. In the hillside small house, I quietly lifted the curtain, catching a glimpse of a prosperous cosmos. My elder sisters and brothers and cousin brothers were also among them, every one treading on air. Suddenly I had a twinge of being abandoned and forgotten by people, and couldnt help myself from crying.2. 翻译题The Chinese presence in the colonies stirred many Australian anxieties. Australian colonists liked to think of themselves as British, but they began to see they were British in strange geo-political surroundings. They suspected Australia might be on a great Chinese flood plain. It was clearly well within reach of Chinese influence. California, another gold rush society, had also experienced a substantial influx of Chinese. The realization grew that Australia should not look just to Britain. It shared strategic interests with other white communities in the Pacific, especially with America. But the pacific was a contested ocean. From the 1880s, it was increasingly apparent that China and Japan were also nearby Pacific nations.(1) The presence of so many Chinese intensified debate on the potential character of Australian society. Potent concerns had developed about civic values in gold rush communities, concerns aggravated by Australias convict origins. Gold was a seductive, richly mythologized substance. Its discovery in the Australian colonies publicized their potential more than anything else had yet done. Gold attracted a young, cosmopolitan, ambitious, predominantly white male population, often imbued with advanced democratic views. Yet as David Goodman has shown, this influx stirred anxieties about the moral stability of these gold-seeking communities. A gold-obsessed society appeared a poor foundation for a stable cultured society. Many social commentators found the prospect that working men could gain sudden wealth in this way very disturbing. Would people still value achievements wrought by steady labour and industrious habits?What would happen to moral values? (2) There was another more disturbing thought. If Australia could produce only these rough, uncivilized communities, might it not lose the moral authority by which Australians, claiming the rights of a superior culture, sought exclusive access to the continent? Were Australians still worthy of their immense opportunities?Questions of tenure and entitlement were intensified by the dispossession of the Australian Aborigines. One of the main justifications used at that time for taking over Aboriginal land came from the belief that they were a primitive, nomadic people with no fixed settlements or habits of agriculture. It was thought that they did not value their land and had no capacity to develop it (3) One of the troubling paradoxes of gold seeking populations was that they also were a highly mobile wandering tribe, in some ways similar to the Aborigines they sought to displace. Anxieties about the continuity of white settlement in Australia intensified impulses to vilify Aborigines and to keep Asians out. The major question revolved around entitlement to the land. (4) In the blunt language of the late nineteenth century, if white had replaced black because black was not developing the continent, why should yellow not replace white on precisely the same grounds? If European communities in Australia were not seen to be civilized and productive, the case for sole tenure of Australia by whites might be seriously weakened.Directions:Read the following passage, and then translate the underlined parts numbered from (1) to(4) , from English into Chinese. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】(1)这么多中国人的出现加剧了这场关于澳大利亚社会潜在性格的争论。淘金社区的公民价值观引起了人们强烈的关注, 这种关注又因澳大利亚人原本就是罪犯的后裔而变得更为严重。黄金是一种充满诱惑而又富有神话色彩的物质。(2)还有另一种更令人不安的思想。如果澳大利亚只能形成这些粗俗而又不文明的社区, 那么对于声称享有优等文化权利的澳大利亚人来说, 难道不会丢失他们建立在找到通往澳洲大陆的独有途径上的那份道德权威吗?澳大利亚人仍然值得拥有巨大的机遇吗?(3)淘金社区的人们有一个令人烦恼的悖论, 即他们也是高度漂移的部落, 这在某些方面类似于他们试图取代的土著居民。因为担忧白人殖民者在澳大利亚定居的连续性, 促使他们对土著居民进行诽谤和驱逐亚洲人。(4)用十九世纪末生硬的语言来讲, 如果白人取代黑人是因为黑人没有发展澳洲大陆, 那么为什么依据同样的理由黄色人就不应该去取代白人呢?如果在澳大利亚的欧洲社区不被看作是文明并富有成效的, 完全由白人统治澳大利亚的状况就有可能被严重削弱。3. 单选题Elaine, Justins mom, had set down the house rules with self-confident assurance. Only the most obtuse person would have failed to understand:no tattoos,no body piercings and no co-ed sleepovers while living in the house of Elaine Tucker Brown. Still, the day Justin turned 18, he lied to his mother about where he was going and headed straight to the tattoo parlor, as if impervious to his mothers wrath. He got a light blue heart, the size of an orange permanently etched on his arm. Above this work of art was the word“Blessed”. No, Justin was not stupid, but he was obstinate. Elaine saw this as an act of sheer defiance. She was incensed, her anger exacerbated by the fact that Justin had breezed into the house, found her in the kitchen, taken off his shirt with a smile and said, “Got it!” “No, Justin. Let me tell what youve got,” Elaine said angrily. “Youve got five minutes to go upstairs and pack a bag. I am taking you to Pop-Pops.” The ride to Pop-Pops house was chilly, to say the least. Elaine berated Justin for everything she could think of, which wasnt much because he was a straight A senior with a full academic scholarship to his top college pick. He had a kind heart and started a foundation in the ninth grade, which donated used sporting equipment to underprivileged kids in South Africa. Elaine pulled up to her fathers door and ordered Justin out. Not 10 minutes later, her cell phone rang. “Elaine, have you lost it? You are kicking a boy as good as him out the house for a tattoo- that says Blessed, no less?” her father asked, incredulous. “You will miss him so much. Dont cut off your nose to spite face, Elaine. Come pick this young man up.” Elaine, having grown up obeying most of her parents demands, turned her car around and went back to pick up her son. Justin was surprisingly contrite. “Sorry for being so disrespectful ,Mom,” he said earnestly. “I will try to follow house rules from now on.”1.What title would best fit this passage?2.What was Justins attitude when he showed his mother the tattoo?3.Which of the following details does not make the reader sympathetic to Justin?4.Which of the following is the best interpretation of the underlined idiom in the paragraph?问题1选项A.“House Rules”B.“Visiting Pop-Pop”C.“Straight As”D.“ Body Piercings”问题2选项A.cautiously jubilantB.willfully defiantC.convincingly contriteD.noticeably melodramatic问题3选项A.He is described as obstinate.B.He is portrayed as kind-hearted.C.He is described as a straight A student.D.He is described as receiving a full scholarship to college.问题4选项A.Calling something bad that is not.B.Trying to teach something too difficult.C.Loving a person less for what he has done.D.Pursuing revenge and hurting yourself in the process.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. What title would best fit this passage? 1. 什么标题最适合这篇文章?A. “House Rules” A. “家规”B. “Visiting Pop-Pop” B. “拜访爷爷”C. “Straight As” C. “优等生”D. “Body Piercings” D. “身体穿刺”【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】根据文章首尾两句“贾斯汀的妈妈伊莱恩自信满满地定下了家里的规矩”,以及“从现在开始,我会尽量遵守家里的规矩”,可以知道,首尾两句都提到了house rules(家规)这个词语,可见本文主要是围绕家规展开的。故该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B项“拜访爷爷”、C项“优等生”和D项“身体穿刺”都是文中的细节,不是主旨,属于以偏概全。第2题:2.【选项释义】2. What was Justins attitude when he showed his mother the tattoo? 2. 当贾斯汀给他妈妈看纹身时,他是什么态度?A. cautiously jubilant A. 谨慎地高兴B. willfully defiant B. 故意挑衅C. convincingly contrite C. 令人信服地忏悔D. noticeably melodramatic D. 引人注目地夸张【考查点】观点态度题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至文章第六、七、八句“不,贾斯汀不笨,但他很固执(obstinate)。伊莱恩认为这是公然的挑衅(an act of sheer defiance)。她被激怒了,贾斯汀轻快地走进房子(Justin had breezed into the house),发现她在厨房里,他脱下了衬衫,微笑着(with a smile)说,知道了!”,由Justin had breezed into the house(贾斯汀轻快地走进房子)和with a smile(带着微笑)可以看出,贾斯汀的态度是任性固执又带有挑衅的,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“谨慎地高兴”和D项“引人注目地夸张”根据解题思路可知,该两项不符合原文,属于曲解原文;C项“令人信服地忏悔”,是贾斯汀去了爷爷家之后的态度,不复合题干,属于张冠李戴。第3题:3.【选项释义】3. Which of the following details does not make the reader sympathetic to Justin? 3. 以下哪一个细节不能让读者同情贾斯汀?A. He is described as obstinate. A. 他被描述为固执。B. He is portrayed as kind-hearted. B. 他被描绘成一个善良的人。C. He is described as a straight A student. C. 他被描述成一个优等生。D. He is described as receiving a full scholarship to college. D. 他获得了大学全额奖学金。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据原文可知,贾斯汀是一个心地善良的人,每门学科都拿A,获得了全额奖学金,这些都是他的优点,能够引起读者的同情,但他固执这一点,无法引起读者的同情,所以本题选A项“他被描述为固执”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“他被描绘成一个善良的人”、C项“他被描述成一个优等生”和D项“他获得了大学全额奖学金”,根据解题思路可知,这三项都是让读者同情的地方,属于反向干扰。第4题:4.【选项释义】4. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the underlined idiom in the paragraph? 4. 下面哪一项是对段落中划线习语的最佳诠释?A. Calling something bad that is not. A. 说一些并不坏的事情。B. Trying to teach something too difficult. B. 试图教一些太难的东西。C. Loving a person less for what he has done. C. 爱一个人不是因为他所做的事。D. Pursuing revenge and hurting yourself in the process. D. 在报复的过程中伤害了自己。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位到划线句子所在处,即文章倒数第五句“不要割下自己的鼻子来和脸过不去(Dont cut off your nose to spite face)”,结合上下文语境:贾斯汀因为纹身惹恼了妈妈,妈妈生气地把车开到爷爷家,将贾斯汀赶下车自己走了。爷爷打来电话告诉贾斯汀的妈妈:这么优秀的孩子,你会十分想念他的。由此可以推断,划线句意为不要为了报复反而伤害了自己。选项D符合原文。【干扰项排除】A项“说一些并不坏的事情”、B项“试图教一些太难的东西”和C项“爱一个人不是因为他所做的事”根据解题思路可知,属于曲解原文。4. 翻译题(1) Some authorities declare that people may actually go insane in order to find in the dreamland (梦境) of insanity, the feeling of importance that has been denied them in the harsh world of reality. There are more patients suffering from mental diseases in the United States than from all other diseases combined.What is the cause of insanity? Nobody can answer such a sweeping question, but we know that certain diseases, such as syphilis (梅毒), break down and destroy the brain cells and result in insanity. In fact, about one-half of all mental diseases can be attributed to such physical causes as brain lesions (脑病变), alcohol, toxins and injuries. But the other halfand this is the appalling part of the storythe other half of the people who go insane apparently have nothing organically wrong with their brain cells. In post-mortem examinations (尸检), when their brain tissues are studied under the highest-powered microscopes, these tissues are found to be apparently just as healthy as yours and mine.Why do these people go insane? I put that question to the head physician of one of our most important psychiatric hospitals. This doctor, who has received the highest honours and the most coveted awards for his knowledge of this subject, told me frankly that he didnt know why people went insane. Nobody knows for sure. But he did say that many people who go insane find in insanity a feeling of importance that they were unable to achieve in the world of reality. (2) If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity.One of the first people in American business to be paid a salary of over a million dollars a year was Charles Schwab. He had been picked by Andrew Carnegie to become the first president of the newly formed United States Steel Company in 1921, when Schwab was only thirty-eight years old. Why did Andrew Carnegie pay a million dollars a year, or more than three thousand dollars a day, to Charles Schwab? Why? Because Schwab was a genius? No. Because he knew more about the manufacture of steel than other people? Nonsense.Charles Schwab told me himself that he had many men working for him who knew more about the manufacture of steel than he did. Schwab said that he was paid this salary largely because of his ability to deal with people. I asked him how he did it. Here is his secret set down in his own wordswords that ought to be cast in eternal bronze and hung in every home and school, every shop and office in the landwords that children ought to memorize instead of wasting their time memorizing the conjugation of Latin verbs or the amount of the annual rainfall in Brazilwords that will all but transform your life and mine if we will only live them:“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people,” said Schwab, “the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best of a person is by appreciation and encouragement. “There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticisms from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise.” That is what Schwab did.But what do average people do? The exact opposite. (3) If they dont like a thing, they bawl out their subordinates; if they do like it, they say nothing. As the old couplet says: “Once I did bad and that I heard ever / Twice I did good, but that I heard never.”“In my wide association in life, meeting with many and great people in various parts of the world,” Schwab declared, (4) “I have yet to find the person, however great or exalted (尊贵的) his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than he would ever do under a spirit of criticism.”【答案】【参考译文】(1)有些权威人士宣称,人们会发疯的原因是为了在精神错乱的梦境中寻找在残酷的现实世界中得不到的那种被重视的感觉。(2)如果有人极度渴望一种“被重视”的感觉,那么试想一下如果我们能及时给予他们这疯狂的一面以真诚的赞美,又会产生怎样的奇迹呢。(3)如果他们不喜欢一件事,就会向下属大喊大叫;如果他们喜欢,就什么也不说。就像那句老话说的那样:“坏事传千里,好事不出门。”(4)“我还没有找到一个人,无论他如何伟大,地位如何崇高,不是在被赞许的情形下,比在被批评的情形下,更能够成就伟大的事业。”5. 单选题Walls and wall building have played a very important role in Chinese culture. These people, from the dim mists of prehistory have been wall-conscious; from the Neolithic periodwhen ramparts of pounded earth were used-to the Communist Revolution, walls were an essential part of any village. Not only towns and villages, the houses and the temples within them were somehow walled, and the houses also had no windows overlooking the street, thus giving the feeling of wandering around a huge maze. The name for “city” in Chinese means wall, and over these walled cities, villages, houses and temples presides the god of walls and mounts,whose duties were, and still are, to protect and be responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants. Thus a great and extremely laborious task such as constructing a wall, which was supposed to run through the country, must not have seemed such an absurdity.However,it is indeed a common mistake to perceive the great wall as a single architectural structure, and it would also be erroneous to assume that it was built during a single dynasty. For the building of the wall spanned the various dynasties and each of these dynasties somehow contributed to the reburbishing and the construction of a wall, whose foundations had been laid many centuries ago. It was during the fourth and third century B. C. that each warring state started building walls to protect their kingdoms, both against one another and against the northern nomads. Especially three of these states: the Qin, the Zhao and the Yan, corresponding respectively to the modern provinces of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Hebei, over and above building walls that surrounded their kindoms, also laid the foundations on which Qin Shi Huang Di would build his first continuous Great Wall.The role that the Great Wall played in the growth of Chinese economy was an important one. Throughout the centuries many settlements were established along the new border. The garrison troops were instructed to reclaim wasteland and to plant crops on it, roads and canals were built, to mention just a few of the works carried out. All these undertakings greatly helped to increase the countrys trade and cultural exchanges with many remote areas and also with the southern, central and western parts of Asiathe formation of the Silk Route. Builders, garrisons,artisans,farmers and peasants left behind a trail of objects, including inscribed tablets, household articles, and written work, which have become extremely valuable archaeological evidence to the study of defense institutions of the Great Wall and the everyday life of these people who lived and died along the wall.1.Chinese cities resembled a maze because( ).2.Constructing a wall that ran the length of the country ( ) .3.The Great Wall of China ( ) .4.Crops were planted( ) .问题1选项A.they were designed to protect their kingdomsB.the houses had no external windowsC.the name for cities means “wall”D.walls have always been important there问题2选项A.honored the god of walls and mountsB.was an absurdly laborious taskC.may have made sense within Chinese cultureD.made the country look like a huge maze问题3选项A.used existing foundationsB.was built in a single dynastyC.was built by the Qin, the Zhao and the YanD.was refurbished in the fourth and third centuries B. C.问题4选项A.on wastelandB.to reclaim wastelandC.on reclaimed wastelandD.along the canals【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. Chinese cities resembled a maze because _. 1. 中国城市就像一个迷宫,因为_。A. they were designed to protect their kingdoms A. 它们被设计来保护它们的王国B. the houses had no external windows B. 房子没有外部窗户C. the name for cities means “wall” C. 城市的意思是“墙”D. walls have always been important there D. 在那里,墙一直都很重要【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第一段第三句“不仅是城镇和村庄,房屋和寺庙都有围墙,房子也没有窗户可以俯瞰街道,给人一种在巨大迷宫中漫步的感觉(giving the feeling of wandering around a huge maze)”,从中可知,中国的城市像一个迷宫,是因为房子没有窗户,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“它们被设计来保护它们的王国”是公元前4世纪和公元前3世纪的国家修护城墙的目的,和题干无关,张冠李戴;C项“城市的意思是墙”和D项“在那里,墙一直都很重要”虽然在文中有提及,但是并不符合题干的问题,属于张冠李戴。第2题:2.【选项释义】2. Constructing a wall that ran the length of the country _. 2. 建造一堵贯穿整个国家的墙_。A. honored the god of walls and mounts A. 是为了纪念墙神和山神B. was an absurdly laborious task B. 是一项极其费力的工作C. may have made sense within Chinese culture C. 可能在中国文化中有意义D. made the country look like a huge maze D. 让这个国家看起来像个巨大的迷宫【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段最后一句“因此,像修筑一堵穿越全国的城墙这样艰巨而又极其费力的工作,就不会显得如此荒谬了”,结合它的上一句“在这些有城墙的城市、村庄、房屋和寺庙的上方,有墙神和山神,他们的职责过去是现在依然是保护和负责居民的福利”综合理解可知,修筑贯穿全国的高墙是一项艰巨而又费力的工作,但是在中国文化中,城墙上有墙神和山神,来保佑居民的福利;所以建造一堵贯穿整个国家的墙在中国的文化中是具有一定意义的,C项“可能在中国文化中有意义”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“是为了纪念墙神和山神”根据解题思路可知,该项曲解原文;B项“是一项极其费力的工作”虽然在文中确有提及,但不是题干问的重点之处,属于本末倒置;D项“让这个国家看起来像个巨大的迷宫”与建造一堵贯穿整个国家的墙的原因无关,偷换概念。第3题:3.【选项释义】3. The Great Wall of China _. 3. 中国长城_。A. used existing foundations A. 使用存在的地基B. was built in a single dynasty B. 是在一个朝代建造的C. was built by the Qin, the Zhao and the Yan C. 是由秦朝、赵朝和燕朝建造的D. was refurbished in the fourth and third centuries B. C. D. 在公元前4世纪和公元前3世纪被翻修【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第二段第二句“因为长城的修建跨越了各个朝代(wall spanned the various dynasties),而每个朝代都在某种程度上对长城的翻新和建造做出了贡献,而这些长城的地基在许多世纪以前就已经奠定了(whose foundations had been laid many centuries ago)”,从中可知,长城的地基在很久以前就有了,所以A项“使用存在的地基”表述与原文相符。故该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B项“是在一个朝代建造的”,根据解题思路可知,长城的修建跨越了好几个朝代,该项与原文不符,属于曲解原文;C项“是由秦朝、赵朝和燕朝建造的”,根据第二段最后两句“在公元前4世纪和公元前3世纪,每个交战的国家开始建造城墙来保护自己的王国,以抵御彼此和北方游牧民族的入侵。特别是其中三个国家(three of these states):秦朝、赵国和燕国”,可知,每一个交战国家都有建造城墙,而秦、赵、燕只是其中的几个国家,


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