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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Weve all heard about endangered animals. Creatures like the critically endangered black rhinoceros are famous. But what are the most endangered plants? They might not be as exciting or loveable as animals, but they are just as important to the ecosystem一and humanity relies on that ecosystem.Here are three of the most threatened plants today.(1) These plants occupy some of the most inaccessible, remote parts of our planet. They are threatened by habitat destruction, illegal collection, poaching, and competition with invading species.Attenboroughs pitcher plant is known only from the relatively inaccessible summit of Mount Victoria in Palawan in the Philippines. There are thought to be only a few hundred of them.(2)Attenboroughs pitcher plant is one of the biggest, with pitchers up to 30cm in height that can trap insects and rats. It was only discovered in 2007 when a team of botanists, tipped off by two Christian missionaries, scaled Mount Victoria.(3)The suicide palm is a gigantic palm found only in remote parts of north-west Madagascar. It lives for about 50 years, then flowers only once, and dies soon after. Suicide palms were discovered in 2005 by a cashew plantation manager during a family outing, and formally described in 2008. With trunks reaching 18m in height, and huge fan-leaves up to 5m across, the palms can be seen on Google Earth.(4)The coral tree, with its bright red flowers and spiny trunk, occurs only in the remote forests of south-east Tanzania.(5)However, the forest patch was cleared to grow biofuels, and the species was feared to have gone extinct again until it was re-rediscovered to 2011. There are now fewer than 50 mature individuals in the wild, in a single unprotected location.问题1选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about 90 in the wild.F.It is named after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.问题2选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about 90 in the wild.F.It is named after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.问题3选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about 90 in the wild.F.It is named after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.问题4选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about 90 in the wild.F.It is named after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.问题5选项A.Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that trap animals in liquid-filled bowls called pitchers.B.They are almost all classed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).C.It was declared extinct in 1998,but rediscovered in 2001 in a small patch of forest.D.As a result, the population has dropped more than 95% over the last 20 years.E.There are only about 90 in the wild.F.It is named after British natural history broadcaster David Attenborough.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:F第4题:E第5题:C【解析】1.联系上下文。前文中提及如今有三种极度濒危的植物,由此可判断,下面的内容将进一步说明这三种濒危植物,选项B提及它们被国际自然保护联盟认定为极度濒危的等级。句中they与上文的 three plants 对应,critically endangered 与上文的 most threatened 呼应。2.联系上下文。空格句的前后文中都提及了 Attenboroughs pitcher plant,由此可知,空格句子也是有关该植物的,选项中只有A提及pitcher plant,与之呼应。3.联系上下文。空格所在句的主要内容为Attenboroughs pitcher plant,选项F提到了 Attenborough,指出猪笼草(pitcher plant)是以一个英国自然历史播音员的名字命名的,与前句中提到的discovered.when a team of botanists呼应。4.联系上下文。原文第四段介绍濒临灭绝的植物自杀棕榈,对其各项基本信息进行了详细说明,空格处句子也应该是有关这种濒危植物的介绍,选项E最符合5.联系上下文。空格句的下文中提及the forest patch,空格句子应与之对应,选项C中提及patch of forest。2. 单选题Although there are plans to ( )additional pensions, this will not affect anyone retiring before 1998 and will only marginally affect those retiring by 2009.问题1选项A.break downB.scale downC.boil downD.narrow down【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。break down “故障,分解”;scale down “缩减”;boil down “归结”;narrow down “缩小范围”。句意:尽管有计划缩减额外退休金数额。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题The countrys railway network was expanding rapidly and the manufacture of steel rails was a _ business for Sheffield firms.问题1选项A.bulkyB.permanentC.jointD.lucrative【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. bulky 庞大的,大块头的 B. permanent 永久的,永恒的C. joint 联合的,共同的 D. lucrative 获利多的,利润丰厚的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处作定语修饰下文的“business(业务)”,表示铁轨的制造是一项什么样的业务。and连接两个并列分句,说明对该业务的形容要和前半句“这个国家的铁路网络(railway network)正在迅速扩张(expanding rapidly)”相对应,铁路网络扩张就意味着对铁轨的需求量增大,制造铁轨的业务就会有可观的利润。lucrative指获得大量利润或收入,因此D选项lucrative“获利多的,利润丰厚的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项bulky“庞大的,大块头的”形容物时指体积大,难以搬运或储存,形容人时指身材高大肥胖,不能和“business(业务)”进行搭配;B选项permanent“永久的,永恒的”指总是处于相同的状态,可长期持续下去,永久不变,不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项joint“联合的,共同的”指由两人或多人共同完成或涉及到两者及以上的,题干只提到了“Sheffield firms(谢菲尔德的公司)”一方,没有涉及两者。【句意】这个国家的铁路网络正在迅速扩张,对谢菲尔德的公司来说,铁轨的制造是一项利润丰厚的业务。4. 单选题Physical exercise has the capacity to be used to attempt to control emotional feelings, to ( )the calories consumed in food and to control body size.问题1选项A.make upB.pass onC.work offD.mark down【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。 make up “构成,编造”;pass on “传递”;work off “发泄,排除”;mark down “降低价格,记下”。句意为:体育运动有以下作用:可以用于控制情绪,排除从食物中所吸收的卡路里,并且控制体重。选项C符合句意。5. 单选题Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has been obsessed by the possibility that it will one day be extinguished. The impact of an asteroid on earth and the spectre of nuclear holocaust are the most prevalent millennial fears. Now some scientists are increasingly leaning towards the view that a new nightmare must be added to the list. Their concern is that intelligent computers will eventually develop minds of their own and destroy the human race.The latest warning comes from Professor Stephen Hawking. He told an interviewer this week that artificial intelligence could “outsmart us all” and that a technological catastrophe is a “near certainty”.Most non-experts will dismiss his claims as a fantasy rooted in science fiction. But the pace of progress in artificial intelligence, or AI, means policy makers should already be considering the social consequences.According to a recent survey, half the worlds AI experts believe human-level machine intelligence will be achieved by 2040 and 90 per cent say it will arrive by 2075. Several AI experts talk about the possibility that the human brain will eventually be “reverse engineered”. Some prominent tech leaders, meanwhile, warn that the consequences are unpredictable. Elon Musk, the pioneer of electric cars, has argued that advanced computer technology is “potentially more dangerous than nuclear threats. That said, the risk that computers might one day pose a challenge to humanity should be put in perspective. Scientists may not be able to say with certainty when, or if, machines will match or outperform mankind.But before the world gets to that point, the drawing together of both human and computer intelligence will almost certainly help to tackle pressing problems that cannot otherwise be solved. The growing ability of computers to crunch enormous quantities of data, for example, will play a huge role in helping humanity tackle climate change and disease over the next few decades. It would be folly to arrest the development of computer technology now一and forgo those benefits一because of risks that lie much further in the future.There is every reason to be optimistic about AI research. There is no evidence that scientists will struggle to control computers, even at their most advanced stage. But this is a sector in which pioneers must tread carefullyand with their eyes open to the enduring ability of science to surprise us.1.According to Paragraph 1 , ( ).2.The underlined word “catastrophe” can be interpreted as( ).3.Professor Stephen Hawking believes that artificial intelligence( ).4.AI experts contend that( ).5.With the help of computer intelligence, human beings can( ).6.The author suggests that we should( ).问题1选项A.human civilization will some day disappearB.intelligent computers will threaten mankind one dayC.natural disasters will lead to human extinctionD.artificial intelligence will control the human mind问题2选项A.revolutionB.advancementC.challengeD.disaster问题3选项A.will be much smarter than humansB.only appears in science fictionsC.should not be overdevelopedD.will have negative social impacts问题4选项A.humans may be threatened by artificial intelligenceB.the implications of AI development is still unknownC.the human brain will not be subject to machine intelligenceD.computer technology can cause massive destruction问题5选项A.solve technical problemsB.conduct vast data analysisC.forecast weather preciselyD.prevent fatal diseases问题6选项A.restrict AI development due to the potential risksB.be optimistic about AI and maximize the benefitsC.cautiously develop AI with an open attitudeD.suspend AI research at its most advanced stage【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B第6题:C【解析】1.段落大意题。将信息点定位至原文第一段。根据 “Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has been obsessed by the possibility that it will one day be extinguished” “t intelligent computers will eventually develop minds of their own and destroy the human race.(自从文明诞生以来,人类就一直被这样一种可能性所困扰:有一天,智能计算机将被消灭,而智能计算机最终将发展出人类自己的思想,并毁灭人类。)”即可得出本题答案。2.词汇推断题。根据题干信息,将信息点定位至原文第二段。根据前文的 “warning(警告)”和第一段的 “extinguished(灭绝的)”,即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干关键词Stephen Hawking,可将信息定位至原文第二段。根据 “artificial intelligence could outsmart us all and that a technological catastrophe is a near certainty( 人工智能可能“智胜我们所有人”,一场技术灾难“几乎是肯定的”)”即可得出本题答案。4.观点态度题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段。根据 “the consequences are unpredictable” “potentially more dangerous than nuclear threats.(其后果是不可预测的,可能比核威胁更危险)”即可归纳总结得出本题答案。5.细节事实题。根据题干关键词“help of computer intelligence”,可将信息点定位至原文第五段。 根据 “The growing ability of computers to crunch enormous quantities of data(计算机处理大量数据的能力越来越强,),”即可得出本题答案。6.观点态度题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。根据 “There is every reason to be optimistic about AI research(我们完全有理由对人工智能研究保持乐观)” “pioneers must tread carefully(开拓者必须小心行事)”,即可得出本题答案。6. 单选题Toyota said on Tuesday that it will( ) its annual year-end sales event early.问题1选项A.give awayB.fix onC.kick offD.bring up【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。give away “放弃,分发”;fix on “确定,固定”;kick off “开始”;bring up“提出,养育”。句意:星期二,丰田汽车公司宣布将提前开展其一年一度的年终促销活动。选项C符合句意。7. 单选题Unless you are one of those fortunate few who met their soul-mate in grade school, married right out of high school,and spent the next 60 years in wedded bliss you are going to go through what millions before you have gone through, and what millions after you will go through - a broken heart. (1)While some simply shake the dust off and get right back into the elating game, others are left so devastated that they never date again, spending the rest of their life in bitter solitude. Why the difference?For most of us who experience a breakup a normal grieving period will occur: Denial and Isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally Acceptance. (2)Others remain either bitter or so afraid of getting hurt that they never date again, closing off their hearts to just about everyone. (3)Why the variation? Well, a lot of it has to do with our loving style.(4)While one person may love another in a supportive and healthy way, another person may cling onto their mate simply as a way to fix what they imagine to be wrong with themselves. They use their partner as a method of dealing with their own imagined inadequacies or feelings of unworthiness - feeling good only as long as they are in the relationship. Others simply like the “high” of being in love. This high becomes addictive to them and they hop from one relationship instantly into another often times head-over-heels in love by the second date. Still others simply surrender themselves into their relationships quickly losing themselves and their own sense of individuality, becoming “the relationship.”(5)A healthy view of oneself, ones partner, and ones relationship is essential to withstanding the ups, and downs, in our eternal search for that special someone to share our lives with.问题1选项A.There are many loving styles ranging from the very healthy, to the desperately needy.B.The pain experienced during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who go through it.C.But for some, the grief and devastation are so severe that they end up hospitalized, and even suicidal.D.They recklessly seek “love” much as an addict will seek a “fix,” and are often so in need of being in love that they imagine their partners to have all the qualities they are looking for in a mate whether their partners actually possess these qualities or not.E.Should the relationship end, then shall they, too.F.Yet, some dont even grieve at all, subconsciously choosing to simply transfer their feelings for one person immediately onto that of another person in what is called a rebound relationship.问题2选项A.There are many loving styles ranging from the very healthy, to the desperately needy.B.The pain experienced during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who go through it.C.But for some, the grief and devastation are so severe that they end up hospitalized, and even suicidal.D.They recklessly seek “love” much as an addict will seek a “fix,” and are often so in need of being in love that they imagine their partners to have all the qualities they are looking for in a mate whether their partners actually possess these qualities or not.E.Should the relationship end, then shall they, too.F.Yet, some dont even grieve at all, subconsciously choosing to simply transfer their feelings for one person immediately onto that of another person in what is called a rebound relationship.问题3选项A.There are many loving styles ranging from the very healthy, to the desperately needy.B.The pain experienced during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who go through it.C.But for some, the grief and devastation are so severe that they end up hospitalized, and even suicidal.D.They recklessly seek “love” much as an addict will seek a “fix,” and are often so in need of being in love that they imagine their partners to have all the qualities they are looking for in a mate whether their partners actually possess these qualities or not.E.Should the relationship end, then shall they, too.F.Yet, some dont even grieve at all, subconsciously choosing to simply transfer their feelings for one person immediately onto that of another person in what is called a rebound relationship.问题4选项A.There are many loving styles ranging from the very healthy, to the desperately needy.B.The pain experienced during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who go through it.C.But for some, the grief and devastation are so severe that they end up hospitalized, and even suicidal.D.They recklessly seek “love” much as an addict will seek a “fix,” and are often so in need of being in love that they imagine their partners to have all the qualities they are looking for in a mate whether their partners actually possess these qualities or not.E.Should the relationship end, then shall they, too.F.Yet, some dont even grieve at all, subconsciously choosing to simply transfer their feelings for one person immediately onto that of another person in what is called a rebound relationship.问题5选项A.There are many loving styles ranging from the very healthy, to the desperately needy.B.The pain experienced during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who go through it.C.But for some, the grief and devastation are so severe that they end up hospitalized, and even suicidal.D.They recklessly seek “love” much as an addict will seek a “fix,” and are often so in need of being in love that they imagine their partners to have all the qualities they are looking for in a mate whether their partners actually possess these qualities or not.E.Should the relationship end, then shall they, too.F.Yet, some dont even grieve at all, subconsciously choosing to simply transfer their feelings for one person immediately onto that of another person in what is called a rebound relationship.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:F第4题:A第5题:E【解析】(1)空格后一句话提到了不同的人对待分手的态度:有的抖抖灰尘,继续寻找爱情;有的则”一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳”,孤独一生。The pain experienced during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who go through it.这句话说明分手带来的痛苦因人而异,符合上下文句意。(2)空格后一句话有一个关键词Others,由此可推测空格处的这句话的内容是与后面这句话进行对比,因此But for some, the grief and devastation are so severe that they end up hospitalized, and even suicidal. 符合题意。第二段主要讲述了分手后三种不同的表现。(3)这道题的关键是要推测第二段的主要内容。文章第一句介绍了一般情况:大多数经历过分手的人来说有一个正常的悲伤期:否认、孤立、愤怒、讨价还价、沮丧,最后接受。接着提到两种不同类型的情况一些人,其他人,可以推测空格处提到的是第三种类型,因此Yet, some dont even grieve at all, subconsciously choosing to simply transfer their feelings for one person immediately onto that of another person in what is called a rebound relationship.符合题意。(4)第三段开始提出一个疑问:为什么会有不同的类型?随后提出是因为与恋爱风格有关。空格后提到了不同的恋爱风格。由此可以推测出空格处需要填入一句引出后面不同恋爱风格的话,所以There are many loving styles ranging from the very healthy, to the desperately needy.符合题意。(5)空格前一句话提到有些人在恋爱的过程中完全失去了自我。可以推测随后会提到失恋后的结果。Should the relationship end, then shall they, too.符合题意。8. 单选题Google is not the only search utility in town, but it comes with such a(n) ( )collection of tools to focus your search that it is the engine of choice for many of us.问题1选项A.comparableB.formidableC.innumerableD.compatible【答案】B【解析】考察形容词辨析。comparable “可比较的”;formidable “强大的”;innumerable “无数的”;compatible “兼容的”。句意:谷歌并非唯一的搜索工具,不过,它有强大的工具集合,使其能够强化搜索能力,因此谷歌是大多数人选择使用的搜索引擎。选项B符合句意。9. 单选题Starvation probably doesnt sound like a key to living well into old age. But as strange as it seems, calorie restriction, done intermittently, appears to be one of the gateways to lasting long-term health.The concept has already been proved effective in mice, rats, dogs and monkeys. However, very limited research has been done to evaluate the health impact of calorie restriction in humans. In animals, calorie restriction is associated with longevity, decreased risk for cancer and inflammatory diseases and lower cognitive decline. The challenge has been to translate the concept to the real world in which humans need to eat to get through the day.A new stud


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