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2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 写作题You are supposed to write a note to Mr. Peter Kelly, who is a visiting professor at your department, asking him to arrange a time to discuss the outline of your paper.1.The note should begin with “Professor . ” ;2.The note should end with “Zhang Ping”;3.The note should give a brief introduction to your paper, such as the topic and major points.【答案】Dear Professor Peter Kelly,I learn from the dean of our department that you are an expert in IT culture and you are now a visiting professor at our Computer Department. The dean says that you are kind-hearted and always ready to help others and he tells me to come into contact with you.Today I am writing this note to ask you whether it is convenient for you to arrange a time for both of us to discuss the outline of my research paper. Before our meeting,I should like to introduce the overall structure of my research paper to you briefly. Its title is The Information Explosion in the 21st Century, It consists of four parts: Part One gives an objective account of the present situation of information explosion. Part Two is about the proponents viewpoints on information explosion. Part Three is about the opponents viewpoints on information explosion. Part Four makes a presentation of my own viewpoints on the information explosion in the new century. I would appreciate it very much if you could give me some suggestions on how to improve my research paper.Yours respectfully Zhang Ping 2. 单选题Wed better( )the whole place in case it s been bugged.问题1选项A.leave aloneB.check outC.take downD.pull down【答案】B【解析】leave alone不管, 不打扰;check out检查;take down拿下, 记下;pull down推翻, 摧毁。句意:我们最好把整个地方都检查一下, 以防被安了窃听器。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题She has but a faint ( )of dialectical materialism.问题1选项A.sacrificeB.reactionC.notionD.clue【答案】C【解析】sacrifice牺牲;reaction反应;notion概念;clue线索。句意:她对辩证唯物主义只有一个模糊的概念。选项C符合语境。4. 写作题You applied to a professor at an American university for a postdoctoral position. You were asked by him to write an introduction of your research plan.1.The title can be An Introduction of My Research Plan.2.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.3.Do not sign your own name at the end of the introduction . Use “Li Ming” instead.4.Do not write the address.【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Ming. I got my doctors degree in education three years ago. I have made some achievements in my academic research. In recent years, my research interest has shifted from Chinese Students State of Mind in Job-seeking to American Students State of Mind in Job-seeking. In order to have an international field of vision and deepen my research, I would like to pursue postdoctoral research in your university, which is supposed to last two years. In the first year of my postdoctoral research, I will conduct social investigations. Concretely speaking, I will talk with college students from different institutions of higher learning in the United States and their career planners so that I can have a very good understanding of their state of mind while seeking their jobs. Of course, designing questionnaires for American students to answer is another way of solving my problem. The last method of solving my problem is information retrieval. I will read as many documents related to my research topic as possible. In the second year, I will try my best to publish my research fruit in the form of a monograph. The above is my research plan. I hope cordially that I can receive support from you.Yours respectfully Li Ming 5. 单选题In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully( ). 问题1选项A.admittedB.acknowledgedC.absorbedD.considered【答案】D【解析】句意:在这家工厂,建议往往要等几个月才能得到充分考虑。只有选项D符合句意。6. 单选题When the rent was due, the poor man( ) for more time.问题1选项A.pleadedB.squashedC.exertedD.cursed【答案】A【解析】句意:当房租到期时, 这个可怜的人恳求多给些时间。plead for意为请求, 符合句意, 选项A正确。7. 写作题In this part, you are required to write an essay of no less than 200 words on Cell Phones:a Blessing or a Nuisance? The essay should be based on the outline below.1.The present situation;2.Its advantages;3.Its disadvantages;4.Your suggestions.【答案】Cell Phones:a Blessing or a Nuisance?Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology and information industry, cell phones play an important role in peoples, especially townspeoples life. But, like everything else, they are a mixed blessing.First, its useful. As a wireless telephone, it can be carried anywhere one wants to go and can be used to call the callee however faraway he or she is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates peoples life. Second, its convenient. Whenever one gets into trouble or meets something urgent, one can ask for help by making a phone call immediately. Most important of all, its a very helpful companion. With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily log on, browsing useful information, conducting E-commerce and doing whatever one can do via the Internet.However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages. First, it may affect others attention. For example, some people use their cell phones while listening to a lecture or attending a meeting, which undoubtedly distracts the attention of others, thus seriously affecting the atmosphere of the lecture or the meeting. Second, it does more harm to primary school students and even junior middle school students. Many of them do not know how difficult it is for their parents to earn money, they waste a lot of money chatting with their friends or getting on the Net by means of their cell phones. Worst of all, quite a number of adult testees cheat on their tests by using their cell phones.In my view, it is unreasonable and impossible to ban the use of cell phones among young students. What really counts is to use cell phones on the right occasions. So I strongly suggest forbidding turning on the cell phone in class, on tests or at meetings. Another suggestion is to forbid primary school students and junior middle students to use cell phones in their schools on weekdays. Of course they can use theirs at home or elsewhere on weekends.8. 单选题Many students find( ) jobs during their summer holidays.问题1选项A.contemptibleB.temperateC.temporaryD.contemporary【答案】C【解析】contemptible卑劣的,可轻视的;temperate温和的,适度的;temporary暂时的,临时的;contemporary当代的, 同时代的。根据句意可知,这里指临时的工作,选项C符合句意。9. 翻译题It is not difficult to be pessimistic about the future of European business.Compared with the awesome strength of America and the raw power of emerging Asia, Europe is sometimes portrayed as a has-been, excelling in luxury goods, fine food, wines and fashion but weighed down by too many old industries and old ideas. From microchips to microbes, poor old Europe seems to trail in Americas and Asias wake.America enjoys awesome advantages over Europe. It is a huge,truly single market with a relatively youthful,growing population. It is the worlds economic superpower, with much higher productivity than its competitors (though productivity growth has recently been disappointing, and last year was slightly below Europes). It has world-class universities that work hand in glove with businesses. Americans have not only won more Nobel prizes, they have turned more scientific advances into profitable businesses than anyone else. Many of these firms have gone on to become the giants of modern business.It may have been a British scientist, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, working at a laboratory in Switzerland, who invented the world wide web, but America is the home of the Internet and all the business sectors it has spawned. And even where Europe is holding its own against America, it seems unable to retain its advantage. Boeing drifted badly in the 1990s as Europes Airbus made strides, but having merged with McDonnell Douglas, the American giant bounced back. It is now taking market share from the Europeans.Americas economic growth, averaging 2. 5% a year since 2001, has reflected this dynamic business culture, whereas Europe has managed an average growth rate of barely 1.5% over the same period, though the pace has picked up in the past year. Europes sluggish performance is often put down to the poor business climate. Rigid labor laws and strong unions make it difficult for firms to fire redundant workers and unattractive to hire new ones. Product markets are not as competitive as Americas, and the single European market has yet to become a reality in areas such as banking and services.Corporate governance too is variable: transparent and world-class in Britain,but often inadequate in continental Europe. Moreover, European governments like to meddle. France has drawn up a list of strategic industries, including casinos, that it thinks need special protection from foreign takeovers. Even Spain, with its new Anglo-Saxon business culture, tried to stop a German utility from taking over a Spanish power company. Telecom Italias attempts to hive off its mobile-phone business became highly politicized.Many European politicians are fearful about the effects of globalization and the rise of China and India. Certainly Asia has been making itself more strongly felt in Europe in recent years. Japan now has car factories in France and the Czech Republic as well as in Britain, and imports from South Koreas resurgent car industry have been causing difficulties at Renault and PSA Peugeot Criterion. Indias Tata Group too is planning to export cars to some southern and eastern European markets where they will provide more competition for the traditional west European manufacturers.【答案】美国经济走势让人肃然起敬, 日益崛起的亚洲生机勃勃, 而欧洲则如昔日黄花, 过分追求奢侈品、时尚和美酒佳肴。落后的产业和陈旧的观念压得欧洲气喘吁吁。微芯片也好, 微生物也罢, 可怜的老朽欧罗巴似乎在步美国和亚洲的后尘。即使是欧洲本土能与美国抗衡的产业似乎也难以为继。20世纪90年代, 欧洲空客公司大踏步前进, 而波音公司发展十分缓慢, 但同麦克唐纳-道格拉斯公司合并以后, 美国的这家巨型企业迅速反弹, 正在抢占空客的欧洲份额。此外, 欧洲各国政府也喜欢插上一脚。法国列出了一些战略发展产业, 连博彩业也包括在内, 因为法国认为该产业需要特别保护以防外国兼并。甚至西班牙在新盎格鲁-萨克逊商业文化影响下, 也阻止德国公用事业公司接管西班牙电力企业, 而意大利电信公司试图从该国移动电话领域分离出去竟成为高度政治化的事件。10. 单选题The engineers have used special methods to( ) the bridge against danger from high winds.问题1选项A.suppressB.lubricateC.heaveD.ensure【答案】D【解析】Suppress抑制, 镇压;lubricate润滑;heave举起, 投掷;ensure确保。句意:工程师们使用特殊的方法来确保这座桥不受狂风的危害。选项D符合句意。11. 单选题When the going gets tough, real women start coloring. Theyre picking up adult coloring books by the droves, at bookstores and craft stores, on Amazon, com and even from the Home Shopping Network.The designs appeal to every interest from whimsical doodle(异想天开的涂鸦) to nature scenes and fantasy worlds.Coloring not only evokes happy memories of childhood; the act can also foster a sense of well-being and offer a relaxing respite from our digital world. Crafters have known this intuitively for years.An accumulation of research shows that these creative activities can help you de-stress from everyday pressures. Recent studies suggest that structured rhythmic endeavors such as coloring, knitting, or quilting are particularly beneficial because they ease you into a meditative state of mind that allows you to push away negative thoughts and worries.“These activities engage your hands as well as your mind and your focus”, says art therapist Lacy Mucklow, the author of several best-selling coloring books. “Plus, the repetitive actions release serotonin(血管收缩素), the brain transmitter responsible for relaxation.”Numerous studies have looked into how crafting benefits mood and physical health. In a 2006 study co-sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and several federal health agencies, researchers found that adults 65 or older who engaged in creative activities such as making jewelry, painting or writing had better overall health, made fewer visits to the doctor, used less medication and had fewer health problems than non-crafters.Stress reduction is a top reason Cathy Simocko-smith, 59, a professional gardener in Bridgeport,Conn, enjoys coloring. “Coloring at night while Im watching TV helps quiet my mind,” she says. “I can really lose myself in it, and it stops me from thinking about my work and the stresses in my life.”Coloring is a great way to explore your creativityits easy, inexpensive and you dont have to know how to draw. The 10 to 20 minutes you spend coloring an image that gives you a sense of satisfaction can have a positive domino effect throughout your day.13. It is said in the passage that women start coloring when _.14. Cathy Simocko-Smith enjoys coloring because _.15. A person who does coloring can get the following benefits EXCEPT _.16. What does the underlined word “respite” (in Para. 3) probably mean?问题1选项A.the digital world appeals to peopleB.they still hold on to their girlhoodC.there are easy access to the activityD.the situations become difficult问题2选项A.she can save up much moneyB.she can forget all his worries and caresC.she will stop taking medicationD.she will visit the doctor less frequently问题3选项A.a sense of satisfactionB.a happy mood throughout his dayC.exploration of creativityD.professional knowledge of drawing问题4选项A.A short break.B.A good opportunity.C.A beautiful place.D.A pleasant environment.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A【解析】13.【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。题干:文章认为当时候,妇女开始着色?根据题干定位至文章第一段第一句话When the going gets tough, real women start coloring.(当情况变得艰难的时候,现实生活中的妇女开始拾起着色技能。),因此D选项“情况变得困难”符合题意; 文章第三段第一句话提到Coloring not only evokes happy memories of childhood; the act can also foster a sense of well-being and offer a relaxing respite from our digital world.(涂色不仅能唤起童年的快乐回忆;这种行为还可以培养一种幸福感,让人们从数字化世界中放松一下。),可知长期生活在数字化世界中让人感到疲惫,和A选项“数字世界吸引人的时候”,表达意思与原文相悖,故A选项排除;B选项“他们紧握自己的少女时代时”,文中并没有提到妇女的少女时代,因此B选项排除;C项“容易接触这类活动”,这类活动简单,不需要技巧,但这并不是妇女着色的原因,因此C选项排除。综上所述,本题正确答案为D选项。14.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。题干:凯西享受着色是因为?根据题干定位至文章第七段第二句话“Coloring at night while Im watching TV helps quiet my mind,” she says. “I can really lose myself in it, and it stops me from thinking about my work and the stresses in my life.”(“晚上看电视的时候涂色能让我的大脑安静下来,”她说。“我真的可以在上色中迷失自我,它让我不再去想我的工作和生活中的压力。”),可知凯西享受着色主要是因为它可以为凯西带来精神上的放松及愉悦,因此B选项“她可以忘记很多忧虑”符合题意;A选项“她可以节约很多钱”,文中没有提到着色这种艺术行为可以给凯西省钱,故A选项不对,排除;C选项 “她可以停止药物治疗”,D 项“她可以减少看医生的频率”。文中没有提到凯西需要或者可以停止药物治疗,也没有提到她去看医生,在上文第六段最后一句话文章提到researchers found that adults 65 or older who engaged in creative activities such as making jewelry, painting or writing had better overall health, made fewer visits to the doctor, used less medication and had fewer health problems than non-crafters.(研究人员发现,与非手工艺者相比,从事珠宝制作、绘画或写作等创造性活动的65岁或以上的成年人整体健康状况更好,就诊次数更少,用药更少,出现的健康问题也更少。),但是并没有特指凯西这个人,故C,D选项排除;综上所述,本题正确答案为B选项。15.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。题干:一个着色的人可以有一些好处,除了外?根据题干定位至文章最后一段Coloring is a great way to explore your creativityits easy, inexpensive and you dont have to know how to draw. The 10 to 20 minutes you spend coloring an image that gives you a sense of satisfaction can have a positive domino effect throughout your day.(着色是一种探索创造力的好方法它简单、便宜,而且你不需要知道如何画画。你花10到20分钟给图像上色,这能给你带来满足感,这会在你的一天中产生积极的多米诺效应。),可知A选项“满足感”;B 选项“贯穿整天的快乐情绪”;C选项“挖掘创造力”,都是着色的好处,只有D选项“绘画的专业知识”,不符合题意,文章提到的是不知道画画也可以着色,可见着色这项活动并不能让人学到专业绘画知识。综上所述,本题正确答案为D选项。16.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义推测题。题干:第三段中下划线的单词“respite”可能是什么意思?根据题干定位至文章第三段第一句话Coloring not only evokes happy memories of childhood; the act can also foster a sense of well-being and offer a relaxing respite from our digital world.(涂色不仅能唤起童年的快乐回忆;这种行为还可以培养一种幸福感,让人们从数字化世界中有一个放松的_。),可知涂色可以让人身心放松,得到短暂的缓解和休息,而数字化世界的快节奏让人们紧张,疲惫,由此推断“respite”指从数字化世界中逃离出来,放松休息,因此A选项“短暂休息”,符合题意;B选项“好机会”,C选项“美丽的地方”和D选项“舒适的环境”,均不是“respite”表达的含义。综上所述,本题正确答案为A选项。12. 写作题Write a letter to the dean of a department of a university in the United States, applying for admittance to the department as a visiting scholar.1.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.2.The contents include what you are going to do in the department, and the explanation of the source of your living expenses.3.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.4.Do not write the address.【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Ming. I am a young teacher of English from Wuhan University of Technology. I have been devoting myself to translation from Chinese into English and vice versa for quite a long time and have published a large number of translated texts. But in my own eyes, they are far from perfect. Why are they imperfect? I think they result from a lack of the guidance of translation theories, especially Western ones, which will undoubtedly do good to my teaching career in China. Under such circumstances, I wish to further my research by being a visiting scholar of your university because I think highly of its excellent academic atmosphere. When it comes to financial support, China Scholarship Council has decided to provide me with scholarship needed to study abroad.I would appreciate it very much if you could accept me as a visiting scholar and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours respectfully Li Ming 13. 单选题.In the museum there is a( )of the ship Mayflower.问题1选项A.supplementB.nucleusC.miniatureD.valve【答案】C【解析】supplement增补, 补充;nucleus核心;miniature微小的模型;valve 阀, 活门。句意:博物馆里有一艘五月花号船的微缩模型。选项C符合句意。14. 单选题Leaks from Edward Snowden, a systems administrator turned whistleblower at the National Security Agency (NSA), Americas signals-intelligence agency, have confirmed that the Internet is insecure, and that modern spy agencies canand do, on an industrial scaletap virtually any form of online communication. But perhaps the most acute embarrassment so far has been caused by the revelation that the NSA may have been listening to phone calls made by the leaders of Americas allies,most notably those of the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. But how exactly is it done?A mobile phone is essentially a telephone with a radio attached. Anyone can listen in on the radio waves travelling between a handset and the base station to which it is connected. To prevent casual eavesdropping, phones often (although not always) use encryption, which disarranges the data so that only the intended recipient can make sense of it. But not all encryption is created equal. The encryption used in second-generation (2G) phonesa technology that dates back to 1991一is weak, and readily cracked by modern computers. The 3G standard includes stronger disarranging,although it is still not perfect. 4G, the newest standard, currently being used around the world, likewise offers more competent encryptionalthough documents leaked by Edward Snowden suggest that the spies are pressuring manufacturers to put secret “back doors” into their products.But getting involved in cryptography isnt always necessary. Spy agencies can obtain details from telephone companies, either by asking them to cooperate or forcing them to. Another option is to impersonate the mobile network itself, by setting up a fake base-station and persuading the targets phone to connect to it. At a hacker conference in 2010,a security researcher called Chris Paget gave a detailed demonstration of how this works, using less than $ 2,000 of off-the-shelf equipment (a fake base-station can instruct phones that connect to it to do all sorts of things,such as turn off their encryption). Police forces around the world use a similar gear to silently listen in on calls made by their targets. A recent book describes how the FBI has quietly removed several such fake base-stations- run by foreign embassiesfrom around Washington,D. C.Nor is it just calls. Text messages can also be snatched.


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