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2022年考博英语-江西师范大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Dont talk _ you are eating.问题1选项A.whileB.whenC.asD.as soon as【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. while 当时候 B. when 当时候C. as 正当时候 D. as soon as 一就【考查点】时间连词的辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“吃饭的时候不要说话”,“说话”和“吃饭”都是延续性动作,并且从句部分“吃饭的时候”使用的是现在进行时,。因此,时间连词应该使用A选项while“当时候”。【干扰项排除】B选项when的用法:表示“每当时候”,暗示一种规律性的情况时;主句是一个暂时性动作,从句是一个延续性动作;C选项as的用法:主从句表示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边一边”的意思时;两个正在发展变化的情况,相当于“随着”;主句是一个暂时性动作,从句是一个延续性动作;D选项as soon as“一就”,表示两个动作几乎同时发生,不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】吃饭的时候不要说话。2. 单选题The staff in the kitchen has _ the message that a customer wanted a special dish.问题1选项A.orderedB.receivedC.pointedD.accepted【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. ordered 点餐 B. received 接收C. pointed 指定 D. accepted 接受【考查点】动宾搭配与语义衔接【解题思路】原句语义为“厨房里的工作人员_顾客想要一份特色菜的信息”,原句想表达的是厨房里的人知道有位顾客想要一份特色菜这件事了,空格处所填动词搭配的宾语是“消息;信息(message)”。B选项received“接收”符合动宾搭配和语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A选项ordered“点餐”,不符合动宾搭配;C选项pointed“指定”,不符合动宾搭配;D选项accepted“接受”,侧重于指认同所收到的信息,不太符合原句语义衔接。【句意】厨房里的工作人员接收到了顾客想要一份特色菜的信息。3. 单选题At its best, any prison is so unnatural a form of segregation from normal life that like too loving parents and too zealous religion and all other well-meant violations of individualityit helps to prevent the victims of resuming, when they are let out, any natural role in human society. At its worst, the prison is almost scientifically designed to develop by force ripening every one of the anti-social traits (品质,性格) for which we suppose ourselves to put people into prison. (I say suppose, because actually we put people into prison only because we dont know what else to do with them) Prison makes the man who is sexually abnormal, sexually a maniac. Prison makes the man who enjoyed beating fellow drunk in a barroom come out wanting to kill a policeman.Probably we cannot tomorrow turn all the so-called criminals loose and close the jails, though, of course that is what we are doing by letting them go at the end of their sentences. No, society cannot free the victims. Society has unfitted for freedom. Doubtless, since the Milennium (太平盛世) is still centuries ahead, it is advisable to make prisons as sanitary and well-lighted as possible, that the convicts may live out their living death more comfortable. Only keep your philosophy straight. Do not imagine that, when you have by carelessness failed in inoculating (给接种,注射) them, let your victims get smallpox, you are going to save them or exonerate (免除,解除) yourselves by bathing their brows, however grateful the bathing may be.What is to take the place of prisons?6. The author says that prison is like some parents, or like some kinds of religion, in that it _.7. At the worst, according to the passage, prison _.8. Why, according to the author, do we put people in prison?9. Why, according to the author, cant we let all the prisoners free?10. Read the last sentence but one (beginning with “Do not imaging.”), and then choose the answer that is closest to its meaning.问题1选项A.makes people incapable of living independentlyB.is too strictC.doesnt train people for useful workD.is too zealous问题2选项A.makes criminal characteristics worseB.makes all prisoners violentC.destroys the spiritD.causes sexual problems in most prisoners问题3选项A.To punish them.B.For lack of any other solution.C.To give them a sense of discipline.D.To make them less violent.问题4选项A.Because they are too dangerous.B.Because society will not allow it.C.Because we have made them antisocial.D.Because they prefer to stay where they are.问题5选项A.You cant reform prisoners by kind treatment.B.It is easy to catch diseases such as smallpox in prison.C.In any kind of political or social conditions, it is natural that some people should turn out to be enemies of society.D.Society makes criminals; it shouldnt feel its done enough for them by creating good prison conditions.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】6.【选项释义】6. The author says that prison is like some parents, or like some kinds of religion, in that it _. 6. 作者说,监狱就像一些父母,或像某种宗教,因为它_。A. makes people incapable of living independently A. 使人无法独立生活B. is too strict B. 太严格C. doesnt train people for useful work C. 没有训练人们做有用的工作D. is too zealous D. 太热心【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段第一句“在最好的情况下,任何监狱都是一种与正常生活隔离的不自然形式,就像溺爱的父母、太狂热的宗教和所有其他善意侵犯个性的行为一样”,从中可知,作者把监狱比作溺爱的父母和狂热的宗教以及其他任何善意的对人们个性的侵犯,是因为所有上述事物都有一个共同的特点,那就是它们都破坏了一个人正常的独立生活,A选项符合这一分析。【干扰项排除】B选项“太严格”、C选项“没有训练人们做有用的工作”、D选项“太热心”都不符合原文,曲解原文。7.【选项释义】7. At the worst, according to the passage, prison _. 7. 根据这篇文章,最坏的情况是监狱_。A. makes criminal characteristics worse A. 使犯罪性格变得更差B. makes all prisoners violent B. 使所有囚犯变得暴力C. destroys the spirit C. 摧毁精神D. causes sexual problems in most prisoners D. 导致大多数囚犯出现性问题【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第一段第二句“在最糟糕的情况下,监狱几乎是科学地设计来发展强化监狱中的犯人的每一个反社会的特征,而我们因为这些反社会的特征而把人送进监狱”,从中可知,监狱的最糟糕之处在于它几乎是科学地被设计出来强化发展监狱中犯人的种种反社会特征,A选项符合这一分析。【干扰项排除】C选项“摧毁精神”属于曲解原文;B选项“使所有囚犯变得暴力”和D选项“导致大多数囚犯出现性问题”在文中虽然有提到,但不是最糟糕的情况,本末倒置。8.【选项释义】8. Why, according to the author, do we put people in prison? 8. 根据作者的观点,我们为什么要把人关进监狱?A. To punish them. A. 惩罚他们。B. For lack of any other solution. B. 因为没有其他的解决办法。C. To give them a sense of discipline. C. 给他们一种纪律性。D. To make them less violent. D. 让他们不那么暴力。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段括号里的句子“我假设实际上我们把人关进监狱只是因为我们不知道还能拿他们怎么办(do with them)”,do with表示“处理,对付”,综合理解可知,作者认为之所以将犯人送进监狱是因为我们没有别的办法,B项符合这一分析。【干扰项排除】A选项“惩罚他们”、C选项“给他们一种纪律性”和D选项“让他们不那么暴力”都与原文相反,属于反向干扰。9.【选项释义】9. Why, according to the author, cant we let all the prisoners free? 9. 根据作者的观点,为什么我们不能释放所有的囚犯呢?A. Because they are too dangerous. A. 因为他们太危险了。B. Because society will not allow it. B. 因为社会不允许。C. Because we have made them antisocial. C. 因为我们让他们变得反社会。D. Because they prefer to stay where they are. D. 因为他们更喜欢待在原地。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第二段第二句“不,社会不能清除(free)受害者”,以及第三句“社会不适合自由”,第二句中的free指的是“去除,清除”的意思;综合理解,我们不能释放所有的囚犯是因为社会没办法去除所有的受害者,即社会无法承担让这些囚犯回归自由的代价,结合第一段第二句“在最糟糕的情况下,监狱几乎是科学地设计来发展强化监狱中的犯人的每一个反社会的特征,而我们因为这些反社会的特征而把人送进监狱”可知囚犯在监狱里都继续强化他们的反社会特征,放出来后还是对社会有害,社会不会允许他们这种行为,所以推知,社会不会允许这样做。B选项符合这一分析。【干扰项排除】A选项“因为他们太危险了”由解题思路可知这些犯人在坐牢之前已经是危险的,这不是我们不能释放他们的原因,而是他们去坐牢的原因,属于本末倒置;C选项“因为我们让他们变得反社会”由解题思路可知犯人在坐牢之前已经反社会,并不是“我们”让他们变得反社会,属于偷换概念;D选项“因为他们更喜欢待在原地”没有提到,属于无中生有。10.【选项释义】10. Read the last sentence but one (beginning with “Do not imaging.”), and then choose the answer that is closest to its meaning. 10. 阅读文章最后一句(以“Do not imaging.”开头),然后选择最接近其意思的答案。A. You cant reform prisoners by kind treatment. A. 你不能以礼相待来改造囚犯。B. It is easy to catch diseases such as smallpox in prison. B. 在监狱里很容易染上天花等疾病。C. In any kind of political or social conditions, it is natural that some people should turn out to be enemies of society. C. 在任何一种政治或社会条件下,有些人成为社会的敌人是很自然的。D. Society makes criminals; it shouldnt feel its done enough for them by creating good prison conditions. D. 社会促使了罪犯;政府不应该觉得为他们创造良好的监狱环境已经做得够多了。【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先,根据题干定位至文章最后一句“假使因为粗心你未能给犯人及时接种疫苗而使他们染上天花,成为受害者,那么不要以为用药水冲洗一下他们的额头以缓解病情就可以拯救他们,或使你自己心安,无论这种冲洗可以缓解犯人多大的痛苦”,这一句为暗喻,这篇文章的主旨是抨击现行监狱制度的种种不合理之处;联系文章主旨,我们可以得知作者说这一句话的目的是用来暗示,如果由于社会的原因造成了犯罪,那么仅仅把监狱改造一下,让犯人的生活舒服一点,社会本身也并不能因此而逃脱责任。所以D项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“你不能以礼相待来改造囚犯”和C选项“在任何一种政治或社会条件下,有些人成为社会的敌人是很自然的”不符合原文的分析,属于曲解原文;B选项“在监狱里很容易染上天花等疾病”并没有深层分析,曲解原文。4. 翻译题You should, for example, dress neatly and modestly. If you dress too informally, the interviewer may think that you are not serious about the interview or that you may be casual about your future work. Clothes that are too expensive or too colorful may suggest that you do not understand what behavior is appropriate for the job. It may not be true that “clothes make the man”, but the first and often lasting impression of you is determined by the clothes you wear.【答案】例如,你应该着装整洁且恰当。如果你穿得太随便,面试的人可能会认为你对面试不认真,或者认为你不在意未来的工作。太贵或太鲜艳的衣服可能表明你不懂什么行为适合这份工作。“人靠衣装”这句话也许不对,但你给人的第一印象,往往是持久的印象,这是由你的着装所决定的。5. 单选题There is widespread belief that the emergence of giant industries has been accomplished by an equivalent surge in industrial research. A recent study of important inventions made since the turn of the century reveals that more than half were the product of individual inventors working alone, independent of organized industrial research. While industrial laboratories contributed such important products as nylon and transistors, independent inventors developed air conditioning, the automatic transmission, the jet engine, the helicopter, insulin, and streptomycin. Still other inventions, such as stainless steel, television, sillicons, and plexiglass were developed through the combined efforts of individuals and laboratory teams.Despite these findings, we are urged to support monopolistic power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation. We are told that the independent inventor, along with the small firm, cannot afford to undertake the important research needed to improve our standard of living while protecting our diminishing resources; that only the prodigious assets of the giant corporation or conglomerate can afford the kind of expenditure that can produce the technological advances vital to economic progress. But when we examine expenditure for research, we find that of the more than $35 billion spent each year in this country, almost two-thirds is spent by the federal government. More than half of this government expenditure is funneled into military research and product development, accounting for the enormous increase in spending in such industries as nuclear energy, aircraft, missiles, and electronics. There are those who consider it questionable that these defense-linked research projects will account for an improvement in the standard of living or, alternately, do much to protect our diminishing resources.Recent history has demonstrated that we may have to alter our longstanding conception of the process actuated by competition. The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the process is now subordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology. While it can be assumed that in a highly competitive industry not dominated by a single corporation, investment in innovationa risky and expensive budget itemmight meet resistance from management and stockholders who might be more concerned with cost-cutting, efficient organization, and large advertising budget, it would be an egregious error to assume that the monopolistic producer should be equated with bountiful expenditures for research. Large-scale enterprises tend to operate more comfortably in stable and secure circumstances, and their managerial bureaucracies tend to promote the status quo and resist the threat implicit in change. Furthermore, the firm with a small share of the market will aggressively pursue new techniques and different products, since with little vested interest in capital equipment or plant it is not deterred from investment in innovation. In some cases, where inter-industry competition is reduced or even entirely eliminated, the industrial giants may seek to avoid capital loss resulting from obsolescence by deliberately obstructing technological progress.The conglomerates are not, however, completely exempt from strong competitive pressures; there are instances in which they, too, must compete, as against another industrial Goliath, and then their weapons may include large expenditures for innovation.41. According to the passage, important inventions of twentieth century _.42. It is the authors belief, as expressed or implied in the passage, that _.43. Management and stockholders might be deeply concerned with cost-cutting rather than innovation if _.44. It can be inferred from the passage that the author _.45. The amount of money spent by the federal government for non-military research and product development is _.46. Which of the following statements is neither expressed nor implied in the passage?47. The authors purpose in this passage is to _.48. Which of the following best supports the thesis that industrial giants do not best serve to provide the innovation we need to improve our standard of living and protect our diminishing resources?49. The industrial giants may seek to avoid capital loss resulting from obsolescence by deliberately obstructing technological progress. The sentence means _.50. According to the author, the conglomerates may spend large amount on innovation because _.问题1选项A.are not necessarily produced as a result of governmental support for military weapons research and developmentB.came primarily from the huge laboratories of monopoly industriesC.were produced at least as frequently by independent inventors as by research teamsD.have greater impact on smaller firms than on conglomerates问题2选项A.monopoly power creates an environment supportive of innovationB.government protection for military research will do much to protect our dwindling resourcesC.industrial giants, with their managerial bureaucracies, respond more quickly to technological changeD.firms with a small share of the market will aggressively pursue innovations because they are not locked into old capital equipment问题3选项A.their company is faced with strong competition in a field not dominated by one of the industrial giantsB.they are very stable and secure and hold a monopoly position in their industryC.they are part of the military-industrial complex and are the recipients of federal funds for product developmentD.they have produced some of the important inventions of this century问题4选项A.has little confidence in the ability of monopolistic industry to produce the important inventions of the futureB.would rather see the federal government spend money on social services than on the defense establishmentC.favors a conservative approach to innovation and places trust in conglomerates to provide efficient productionD.while admitting that more than half the important inventions of the century were produced by independent inventors, feel that the future lies in the hands of giant industry问题5选项A.more than $36 billion each yearB.approximately $24 billion each yearC.more than $18 billion each yearD.less than $12 billion each year问题6选项A.Important inventions have been produced, in the past, by individuals as well as by corporate teams.B.The federal governments research funds are funneled into pure research as well as military research.C.The development of the automatic transmission is not credited to organized industrial research.D.Industrial giants may deliberately suppress innovations to avoid capital loss resulting from obsolescence.问题7选项A.advocate an increase in government support of organized industrial researchB.point out a common misconception about the relationship between the extent of industrial research and the growth of monopolistic power in industryC.describe the inadequacies of small firms in dealing with the important matter of research and innovationD.show that Americas strength depends upon individual ingenuity and resourcefulness问题8选项A.More than half the important inventions made since the turn of the century were the product of individual inventors working alone, independent of organized industrial research.B.More than half the government expenditure for research goes to military research.C.The missile industry is one that benefits from government spending for research.D.Large-scale enterprises tend to operate more comfortably in stable and secure circumstances.问题9选项A.that the industrial giants may seek to avoid capital loss because of obsolescence by purposely preventing technological progressB.that the industrial giants may seek to avoid capital loss caused by obsolescence by purposely promoting technological progressC.that the industrial giants may seek to avoid capital loss caused by obsolescence by deliberately spending more money on technological progressD.that the industrial giants may seek to avoid capital loss caused by obsolescence by purposely investing more money on innovation问题10选项A.they are completely exempt from strong competitive pressuresB.they are supportive of innovationC.they can afford to undertake the important research neededD.they, too, must compete against another industrial Goliath【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D第6题:B第7题:B第8题:D第9题:A第10题:D【解析】41.【选项释义】41. According to the passage, important inventions of twentieth century _. 41. 根据文章,20世纪的重要发明_。A. are not necessarily produced as a result of governmental support for military weapons research and development A. 不一定是政府支持军事武器研发的结果B. came primarily from the huge laboratories of monopoly industries B. 主要来自垄断行业的大型实验室C. were produced at least as frequently by independent inventors as by research teams C. 至少是由独立发明家和研究团队共同创造的D. have greater impact on smaller firms than on conglomerates D. 对小公司的影响大于对大公司的影响【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第一段第二句“最近一项对世纪之交以来的重要发明的研究表明,超过一半的发明是独立于工业研究组织的个体发明者独自工作的成果”,和第三句“当工业实验室贡献了像尼龙和晶体管这样重要的产品时,独立的发明家发明了空调、自动变速器、喷气发动机、直升机、胰岛素和链霉素。”,可知20世纪的重要发明至少是由独立发明家和研究团队共同创造的,那么C项意思与之相符。故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A选项“不一定是政府支持军事武器研发的结果”,在原文中并没有提到20世纪的重要发明和政府支持军事武器研发的关系,无中生有;B选项“主要来自垄断行业的大型实验室”与原文不符,超过一半的发明是由个体发明者研究出来的,该项曲解原文;D选项“对小公司的影响大于对大公司的影响”,在原文中说的是研究所需的支出,与题干无关,张冠李戴。42.【选项释义】42. It is the authors belief, as expressed or implied in the passage, that _. 42. 正如文章中所表达或暗示的那样,作者认为_。A. monopoly power creates an environment supportive of innovation A. 垄断力量创造了一个支持创新的环境B. government protection for military research will do much to protect our dwindling resources B. 政府对军事研究的保护将在很大程度上保护我们日益减少的资源C. industrial giants, with their managerial bureaucracies, respond more quickly to technological change C. 拥有管理机构的工业巨头对技术变革的反应更快D. firms with a small share of the market will aggressively pursue innovations because they are not locked into old capital equipment D. 市场份额小的公司将积极追求创新,因为他们不会被束缚在旧的固定设备中【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段倒数第二句“此外,市场份额小的公司将积极追求新技术和不同的产品,因为在固定设备或工厂方面没有什么既得利益,它不会阻止对创新的投资”,可知市场份额小的公司因为在设备和工厂方面都没有既得利益,所以他们不会阻止对创新的投资;理解可推断,市场份额小的公司将积极追求创新,因为他们不会被束缚在设备和工厂中。故该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“垄断力量创造了一个支持创新的环境”在原文第二段提到,但是第二句指出个体发明家和小公司无法承担这种创新所需的支出,只有大公司才能负担,但是第三段作者提到大企业更倾向于保持现状,所以作者并不相信“垄断力量创造了一个支持创新的环境”,该项反向干扰;B选项“政府对军事研究的保护将在很大程度上保护我们日益减少的资源”定位第二段最后一句“有些人认为,这些与国防有关的研究项目能否改善生活水平,或者能否在保护我们日益减少的资源方面起很大作用,是值得怀疑的”,其中“这”指的是政府对军事研究的支持,理解可知“政府对军事研究的保护将在很大程度上保护我们日益减少的资源”是“值得怀疑的”,该项曲解原文;C选项“拥有管理机构的工业巨头对技术变革的反应更快”从第三段最后一句“工业巨头可能会通过故意阻碍技术进步来避免因过时而造成的资本损失”可看出,该项与原文相反,反向干扰。43.【选项释义】43. Management and stockholders might be deeply concerned with cost-cutting rather than innovation if _. 43. 如果_,管理层和股东可能更关心削减成本而不是创新。A. their company is faced with strong competition in a field not dominated by one of the industrial giants A. 他们的公司在一个并非由工业巨头主导的领域中面临着激烈的竞争B. they are very stable and secure and hold a monopoly position in their industry B. 他们非常稳定和安全,在他们的行业中占有垄断地位C. they are part of the military-industrial complex and are the recipients of federal funds for product development C. 他们是军工复合体的一部分,并接受联邦资金用于产品开发D. they have produced some of the important inventions of this century D. 他们创造了本世纪的一些重要发明【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第三段第三句“虽然可以假设(assumed)在一个不是由单个公司主导的(not dominated by a single corporation)高度竞争的行业中(a highly competitive industry),对创新的投资可能会遇到来自管理层和股东的阻力,他们可能更关心削减成本、高效率的组织和大量的广告预算”,从中可知,在一个不是由单个公司主导的高度竞争的行业中,管理层和股东可能更关心削减成本而不是创新;从a highly competitive industry(高度竞争的行业)和not dominated by a single corporation(不是由单个公司主导)可以看出,这两个是管理层和股东可能不会关心创新的原因。A选项“他们的公司在一个并非


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