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2022年考博英语-四川大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题( ) , explorers could never have found the cave.问题1选项A.But for the fissure had been spottedB.If not the fissure had been spottedC.Had the fissure not been spottedD.Had not the fissure been spotted【答案】D【解析】本句为省略了引导词if的条件句, 所以需要倒装。在这种情况下, 如果从句是否定形式且从句主语是名词, 那么否定词not放在名词前面;而如果从句主语是代词, 则把not放在代词后面, 如“haditnotbeen.”。所以选项D正确。2. 单选题Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that power of the medium is ( ).问题1选项A.grantedB.impliedC.exaggeratedD.remedied【答案】C【解析】granted授予, 同意;implied暗示;exaggerated 夸张; remedied补救。句意:大多数广播公司认为电视受到了不公正的批评, 认为媒体的力量被夸大了。3. 单选题( ) touching in OHenrys stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity.问题1选项A.Most isB.It mostly isC.Is it mostD.What is most【答案】D【解析】考查主语从句。what引导的名词性从句作主语,所以选项D正确。句意:在欧亨利的故事中,最感人的是普通人为维护自己的尊严而斗争的英勇行为。4. 单选题To a highly imaginative writer, ( ) is a pad of paper and a pen.问题1选项A.all are requiredB.all which is requiredC.all is requiredD.all that is required【答案】D【解析】句意:对于一个富有想象力的作家来说, 他需要的只是一张纸和一支笔。首先排除选项A和C, 句子中不能同时出现两个谓语动词。that在这里引导同位语从句。5. 单选题A drunk man walked in, _ in appearance.问题1选项A.repulsiveB.reluctantC.reproachfulD.reputed【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。repulsive排斥的,令人厌恶的; reluctant不情愿的,勉强的;reproachful责备的;reputed名誉好的。句意:一个醉汉走进来了, 他看起来让人厌恶。6. 单选题No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying often attributed to the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times. Being thin is deemed as such virtue.The problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt to live by it. I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the better一or worsepart of my life. Being rich wouldnt be bad either, but that wont happen unless an unknown relative dies suddenly in some distant land leaving me millions of dollars.Where did we go off the track? When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? All religions have certain days when People refrain from eating, and excessive eating is one of Christianitys seven deadly sins. However until quite recently, most People had a problem getting enough to eat. In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.Today the opposite is true. We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue. The result is that being fator even only somewhat overweightis bad because it implies a lack of moral strength.Our obsession with thinness is also fueled by health concerns. It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being overweight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel diseases. These diseases, however, may have as much to do with our way of life and our high-fat diets as with excess weight. And the associated risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietary problemtoo much fat and a lack of fiberthan a weight problem.The real concern, then, is not that we weigh too much, but that we neither exercise enough nor eat well. Exercise is necessary for strong bones and both heart and lung health. A balanced diet without a lot of fat can also help the body avoid many diseases. We should surely stop paying so much attention to weight. Simply being thin is not enough. It is actually hazardous if those who get (or already are) thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from paying attention to their overall lifestyle. Thinness can be pure vainglory.1.Swept by the prevailing trend, the author ( ) .2.In the eyes of the author, an odd phenomenon nowadays is that ( ) .3.In human history peoples views on body weight ( ) .4.Whats the authors advice to women who are absorbed in the idea of thinness?5.The author criticizes womens obsession with thinness ( ).问题1选项A.has to go on a dietB.could still prevent herself from going off the trackC.has to seek help from rich distant relativesD.has to wear highly fashionable clothes问题2选项A.the Duchess of Windsor is regarded as a woman of virtue.B.looking slim is a symbol of having a large fortuneC.being thin is viewed as a much desired qualityD.religious people are not necessarily virtuous问题3选项A.were closely related to their religious beliefsB.changed from time to timeC.varied between the poor and the richD.led to different moral standards问题4选项A.They should be more concerned with their overall lifestyle.B.They should be more watchful for fatal diseases.C.They should gain weight to look healthy.D.They should rid themselves of fantasies about designer clothes.问题5选项A.from an economic and educational perspectiveB.from sociological and medical points of viewC.from a historical and religious standpointD.in the light of moral principles【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.根据第二段的第二句“Consequently, I have been on a diet for the betteror worsepart of my life.”选项A正确。2.根据第一段的最后一句“Being thin is deemed as such virtue.”因此,作者认为当今社会一个奇怪的现象是, 瘦被认为是一种美德。选项C符合原文。3.根据第三段的最后一句话“In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.”由此推断,人类历史上关于体重的观点与宗教信仰息息相关。4.根据最后一段的倒数第二句“It is actually hazardous if those who get (or already are) thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from paying attention to their overall lifestyle.”说明作者认为大家应该关注的是自己整体的生活方式。所以选项A正确。5.结合全文进行分析, 作者结合自身的经历与一些宗教关于体重的看法,从社会的角度对痴迷于瘦的观点进行批判, 文章的最后则从医学的角度讲述了健康的生活方式的重要性,以此来告诫那些痴迷于瘦的人们。所以,选项B正确。7. 单选题The potential of computers for increasing the control of organizations or society over their members and for invading the privacy of those members has caused considerable concern.The privacy issue has been raised most insistently with respect to the creation and maintenance of data files that assemble information about persons from a multitude of sources.Files of this kind would be Kighly valuable for many kinds of economic and social research, but they are bought at too high a price if they endanger human freedom or seriously enhance their opportunities of blackmailers. While such dangers should not be ignored, it should be noted that the lack of comprehensive data files has never before been the limiting barrier to the suppression of human freedom.Making the computer the villain in the invasion of privacy or encroachment on civil liberties simply divers attention from the real dangers. Computer data bank files can and must be given the highest degree of protection form abuse. But we must be careful also, that we do not employ such crude methods of protection as to deprive our society of important data it needs to understand its down social processes and to analyze its problems.Perhaps the most important question of all about the computer is what it has come and will do to man, view of himself and his place in the universe. The most heated attacks on the computer are not focused on its possible economic effects, its presumed destruction of job satisfaction, or its threat to privacy and liberty,but upon the claim that it causes people to be viewed, and to view themselves, as machines.What the computer and progress in artificial intelligence challenge are an ethic that rests on mans apartness from the rest of nature. An alternative ethic, of course, views man as a part of nature, governed by nature law, subject to the forces of gravity and the demands of his body. The debate about artificial intelligence and the simulation of mans thinking is,in considerable part,a confrontation of these two views of mans place in the universe.1.Why is it important to prevent the abuse of computer data bands?2.Which of the following is not true about date files?3.Too much caution in the use of computers will_.4.What lessons can be learned from the past in this decade?5.The arrival of the computer has made man_. 问题1选项A.To protect the right of the individual.B.To maintain discipline in society.C.To encourage economic and social research.D.To collect wide-ranging information.问题2选项A.It may cause invasion of privacy.B.Dangers caused by it should be paid much attention to.C.Computer data files should be protected from abuse.D.It is reasonable to cancel data files in order to protect privacy.问题3选项A.prevent the solution of economic problemsB.cause more suppression of human freedomC.lead to clumsy methods of protectionD.interfere with our study of society问题4选项A.Private issue has always been associated with data collection.B.Attacks on freedom are new.C.The accumulation of data encourages oppression.D.Privacy has been a neglected issue.问题5选项A.have more difficulty understanding himselfB.think more like a machineC.look at himself in a different wayD.gain less satisfaction from his work【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.根据第一段可知,一些组织利用计算机加强对其成员的监控,并侵犯其隐私权,已引起了相当大的关注。所以防止计算机数据库的滥用是为了保护个人权利。选项A符合原文。2.根据第四段的内容可知,计算机数据库文件可以而且必须得到最高程度的保护,防止滥用。但是,我们也必须小心,不要使用鲁莽的保护方法,使我们的社会失去了解其社会进程和分析其问题所需要的重要数据。选项D提出的抹去数据库文件就是鲁莽的保护行为,所以选项D不正确。3.根据第四段的第三句“But we must be careful also, that we do not employ such crude methods of protection.”我们必须小心谨慎,否则会产生一些鲁莽笨拙的保护方法,选项C符合原文,4.根据第四段的第一句“Making the computer the villain in the invasion of privacy or encroachment on civil liberties simply divers attention from the real dangers.”计算机成为侵犯隐私或公民自由的罪魁祸首,只是把人们的注意力从真正的危险上转移开了。言外之意,隐私权这一问题一直被忽略了。所以选项D项符合原文。5.根据第五段的第二句“The most heated attacks ., as machines.”对计算机最激烈的抨击不是对经济可能产生的影响,也不是假设破坏工作满意度,或威胁到隐私和自由。而是声称它会导致人们被认为或者认为自己是一台机器。选项B项符合原文。8. 单选题The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is ( ) anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.问题1选项A.everything exceptB.anything butC.no less thanD.nothing more than【答案】D【解析】everything except除了;anything but 绝不;no less than不少于, 正如;nothing more than不过是, 无非是。句意:个体的电视观众总是觉得自己在众多不同的观众中仅仅是无足轻重、微不足道的。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题The simple wooden house sits in an unremarkable old neighborhood in an Osaka suburb, the kind of place people forget still exists in modem Japan. There are no pachinko parlors or cyber cafesno shops of any kind, really. Its an unlikely place to encounter the next version of Japans technological evolution. But listen to what happens when a gray-haired septuagenarian named Kazuko Komiyama returns after visiting friends, Welcome home, a voice chirps. Isnt it a nice day?”The high-pitched greeting belongs to a robot. Its a simple machine, to be sure. This isnt a thoughtful robotic character like those found in a Star Wars movie, or like Japans own popular creation Astro Boy. But its a robot nonetheless: a chocolate-brown wombat that eventually will be able, to flutter its eyes when Komiyama, 77, enters the room and giggle when she scratches its fuzzy little head. It tells her what the weather is like. It reminds her when its time to take her medicine. It sings sweet songs to her.For Komiyama, a mechanical companion is a guard against the dreadful loneliness many elderly Japanese must endure. She saw one such tragic story on a TV news show recently. “An old mans death went unnoticed because he lived alone,” she says. “Day after day, his diary read, I didnt meet anybody today. Again. I dont want to end up like that.” So when welfare workers from the Osaka suburb of Ikeda asked for volunteers to test the prototype of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.s pet robot, she jumped at the chance. She keeps the robot sitting in her living room. After a month, shes starting to warm-up to the thing, despite one irritating habit “It speaks with a childish voice,” she complains. “That makes me feel like Im treated as an old person. I would rather have an equal relationship with a robot.”This is modem Japan, a Gizmo Nation where even grandmothers make friends with their gadgets. For half a century, the Japanese have made it a cultural mission to turn out a succession of cool, elegant and increasingly human machines. And what machines they have become: robotic geishas; headgear that projects computer screens in midair in front of wearers eyes; toilets that measure a persons weight, body fat and urine sugar levels. The country that gave the world transistor radios, the Walkman and hand-held video games is now positioned to turn its love of gadgetry into a profitable national enterprise once again.1.We can learn from the first paragraph that( ).2.Who giggles after Komiyama comes into the room according to the passage?3.We can infer from the third paragraph that nowadays many old people in Japan are ( ) .4.The phrase warm-up to in the third paragraph can be most likely replaced by( ) .5.Which of the following is not mentioned as one of the roles the robots can play?问题1选项A.it is impossible for people to find high-tech robots in a simple wooden houseB.it is easy for people to think of a simple wooden house in the modem JapanC.Komiyama usually goes to a coffee restaurant to release her lonelinessD.Komiyama has a mechanical companion whose voice is very sharp and short问题2选项A.The old woman Komiyama herself.B.Komiyamas fantastic pet robotC.A mechanical companion in Star Wars.D.A naughty Japans creation Astro Boy.问题3选项A.treated as old personsB.very lonely in their lifeC.enjoying themselvesD.not taken good care of问题4选项A.become warmer and warmerB.prepare fora game with the robotC.start to like or be friendly withD.approach to or come up to问题5选项A.Helpful instruments.B.Friendly companions.C.Entertaining machines.D.Instructive educators【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.根据第一段的第三句“Its an unlikely place to encounter the next version of Japans technological evolution. ”可知选项A正确。选项B,C,D都与原文不符。2.根据第二段的一二三句“The high-pitched greeting belongs to a robot.选项A首先排除。Its a simple machine, to be sure. This isnt a thoughtful robotic character like those found in a Star Wars movie, or like Japans own popular creation Astro Boy.”既不是星球大战里的机器人, 也不是日本人创造的阿童木, 所以排除选项C和D。3.根据第三段的第一句“For Komiyama, a mechanical companion is a guard against the dreadful loneliness many elderly Japanese must endure.”可知, 选项B日本的老人都很孤独, 符合原文。4.根据原文, 老人把机器人放在客厅, 一个月后, 开始慢慢的接受它。选项C符合原文。5.根据原文内容可知, 只有选项D有益的教育工作者, 在文中没有被提及, 其他的均提到了。10. 单选题With its common interest in lawbreaking but its immense range of subject-matter and widely-varying methods of treatment, the crime novel could make a legitimate claim to be regarded as a separate branch of literature, or, at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, offshoot of the traditional novel.The detective story is probably the most respectable (at any rate in the narrow sense of the worD. of the crime species. Its creation is often the relaxation of university teachers, literary economists, scientists or even poets. Fatalities may occur more frequently and mysteriously than might be expected in polite society, but the world in which they happen, the village, seaside resort, college or studio, is familiar to us, if not from our own experience, at least in the newspaper or the lives of friends. The characters, though normally realized superficially, are as recognizably human and consistent as our less intimate associates. A story set in a more remote environment, African jungle, or Australian bush, ancient China or gas-lit London, appeals to our interest in geography or history, and most detective story writers are conscientious in providing a reasonably authentic background. The elaborate, carefully assembled plot, despised by the modern intellectual critics and creators of significant novels, has found refuge in the murder mystery, with its sprinkling of clues, its spicing with apparent impossibilities, all with appropriate solutions and explanations at the end. With the guilt of escapism from real life nagging gently, we secretly revel in the unmasking of evil by a vaguely super-human detective, who sees through and dispels the cloud of suspicion which has hovered so unjustly over the innocent.Though its villain also receives his rightful deserts, the thriller presents a less comfortable and credible world. The sequence of fist fights, revolver duels, car crashes and escapes from gas-filled cellars exhausts the reader far more than the hero, who suffers from at least two broken ribs, one black eye, uncountable braises and a hangover, can still chase and overpower an armed villain with the physique of a wrestler. He moves dangerously through a world of ruthless gangs, brutality, a vicious lust for power and money and, in contrast to the detective tale, with a near-omniscient arch-criminal whose defeat seems almost accidental. Perhaps we miss in the thriller the security of being safely led by our imperturbable investigator past a score of red herrings and blind avenues to a final gathering of suspects when an unchallengeable elucidation of all that has bewildered us is given and justice and goodness prevail. All that we vainly hope for from life is granted vicariously.1.The crime novel may be regarded as( ).2.The creation of detective stories has its origin in( ) .3.The characters of the detective stories are, generally speaking, ( ) .4.The setting of the detective stories is something in a more remote place because( ) .5.The writer of this passage thinks ( ).问题1选项A.a not quite respectable form of the conventional novelB.not a true novel at allC.related in some ways to the historical novelD.a distinct branch of the traditional novel问题2选项A.seeking rest from work or worriesB.solving.mysterious deaths in this societyC.restoring expectations in polite societyD.preventing crimes问题3选项A.more profound than those of the traditional novelsB.as real as life itselfC.not like human beings at allD.not very profound but not unlikely问题4选项A.it is more realB.our friends are familiar with itC.it pleases the readers in a wayD.it needs the readers support问题5选项A.what people hope for from life can finally be granted if they have confidenceB.people like to feel that justice and goodness will always triumphC.they know in the real work good does not prevail over evilD.their hopes in life can only be fulfilled through fiction reading【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.根据第一段的最后一句“at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, offshoot of the traditional novel.”选项D正确。2.根据第二段的第二句“ Its creation is often the relaxation of university teachers, literary economists, scientists or even poets. ”侦探小说通常是大学教师、文学经济学家、科学家甚至诗人放松之余的创作。选项A符合原文。3.根据第二段的第四句“The characters, though normally realized superficially, are as recognizably human and consistent as our less intimate associates.”尽管从表面上看, 可以被认出来, 但有可能是我们不那么亲密的伙伴。由此可以推断, 侦探小说主人公的特点, 一般来说, 给人的印象不是很深刻, 但也不是没可能, 选项D符合原文。4.根据第二段的内容“A story set in a more remote environment,., appeals to our interest in geography or history, and most detective story writers are conscientious in providing a reasonably authentic background.”大多数侦探小说作者都认真地提供了一个合理真实的背景。选项A符合原文。5.根据文中的最后一句“All that we vainly hope for from life is granted vicariously.”我们对生活的一切希望都是间接实现的。也就是体现在侦探小说中, 选项D符合原文。11. 单选题USA


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