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2022年考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题_ that as both birds and mammals become larger, their metabolic rates per unit of tissue decrease, and they generally live longer.问题1选项A.The truthB.It is trueC.If trueD.To be true【答案】B【解析】考查固定句型。句意:的确,随着鸟类和哺乳动物的体型变大,它们每单位组织的代谢率会下降,它们通常会活得更长。It is/was+adj.+that是强调句型,It作形式主语,真正主语是that后面的内容,B选项It is true符合题意。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Teachers complain that children _ these tests without being able to write a decent essay, solve a multi-step math problem or construct a framework.问题1选项A.look throughB.carry throughC.sail throughD.put through【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项look through“浏览;仔细查看”;B选项carry through“(常指不顾困难)完成”;C选项sail through“轻易完成;顺利通过”;D选项put through“给接通电话;使遭受”。句意:老师们抱怨说,孩子们没有写出一篇像样的文章、解决一个多步骤的数学问题或构建一个框架,在这种情况下_这些测试。根据语境,sail through“顺利通过”搭配tests“测试”比较合理,意指学生不做什么努力就通过测试了。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题We assumed ethics needed the seal of certainty, else it was non-rational. And certainty was to be produced by a deductive model: the correct actions were derivable from classical first principles or a hierarchically ranked pantheon of principles. This model, though, is bankrupt.I suggest we think of ethics as analogous to language usage. There are no univocal rules of grammar and style which uniquely determine the best sentence for a particular situation. Nor is language usage universalizable. Although a sentence or phrase is warranted in one case, it does not mean it is automatically appropriate in like circumstances. Nonetheless, language usage is not subjective.This should not surprise us in the least. All intellectual pursuits are relativistic in just these senses. Political science, psychology, chemistry and physics are not certain, but they are not subjective either. As I see it, ethical inquiry proceeds like this: we are taught moral principles by parents, teachers, and society at large. As we grow older we become exposed to competing views. These may lead us to reevaluate presently held beliefs. Or we may find ourselves inexplicably making certain valuations, possibly because of inherited altruistic tendencies. We may “learn the hard way” that some actions generate unacceptable consequences. Or we may reflect upon our own and others “theories” or patterns of behavior and decide they are inconsistent. The resulting views are “tested”; we act as we think we should and evaluate the consequences of those actions on ourselves and on others. We thereby correct our mistakes in light of the test of time.Of course people make different moral judgments; of course we cannot resolve these differences by using some algorithm which is itself beyond judgment. We have no vantage point outside human experience where we can judge right and wrong, good and bad. But then we dont have a vantage point from where we can be philosophical relativists either.We are left within the real world, trying to cope with ourselves, with each other, with the world, and with our own fallibility. We do not have all the moral answers; nor do we have an algorithm to discern those answers. Neither do we possess an algorithm for determining correct language usage but that does not make us throw up our hands in despair because we can no longer communicate.If we understand ethics in this way, we can see, I think, the real value of ethical theory. Some people talk as if ethical theories give us moral prescriptions. They think we should apply ethical principles as we would a poultice: after diagnosing the aliment, we apply the appropriate dressing. But that is a mistake. No theory provides a set of abstract solutions to apply straightforwardly. Ethical theories are important not because they solve all moral dilemmas but because they help us notice salient features of moral problems and help us understand those problems in context.21. Ethical principles are generally thought to be _.22. In what way is ethics similar to language use?23. What does the author mean by saying that we may learn moral principles “the hard way”?24. It is implied in the text that a relativistic view of ethnics_.25. The author asserts that the true value of ethical theory lies in_.问题1选项A.explicitly clearB.implicitly vagueC.certain but non-rationalD.relative but not subjective问题2选项A.Both have rules to determine the optimal choice under a circumstance.B.Both vary according to the context they are applicable to.C.Both are objective, not subjective, entities.D.Similar sets of rules can be applied in quite different situations.问题3选项A.We reevaluate our previously held beliefs as we grow older.B.We refute some moral principles only after we find them inconsistent.C.We acquire a sense of right and wrong from real life lessons.D.We act by ignoring our inherited altruistic tendencies.问题4选项A.can only be acquired after real life lessonsB.often generate unacceptable consequencesC.is more mature and rationalD.is too abstract to be of any practical value问题5选项A.its prescriptive powerB.its diagnostic functionC.its effectiveness in resolving moral dilemmasD.its relevance to the situation【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第5题:D【解析】21.实施细节题。根据第一段第一句We assumed ethics needed the seal of certainty, else it was non-rational.(我们假定道德标准需要确定性的密封,否则它就是非理性的。),可知道德标准被视为非常明确,绝对,并且不是非理性的,A选项“明确清晰的”正确。B选项“隐隐约约,模糊”,C选项“确定但非理性”错误和D选项“相对但不主观”错误。因此A选项正确。22.推理判断题。根据第二段第四句Although a sentence or phrase is warranted in one case, it does not mean it is automatically appropriate in like circumstances.(虽然一个句子或短语在某种情况下是正当的,但这并不意味着它在类似的情况下自动适用。),可知道德和语言没有固定和绝对的使用方法,而是要根据情况而定,也没有特定情况,B选项“两者都根据它们适用的背景而不同”正确,A选项“两者都有在特定情况下决定最佳选择的规则”错误。C选项“两者都是客观的,而不是主观的实体”:根据第二段最后一句Nonetheless, language usage is not subjective.(然而,语言的使用并不是主观的。),作者说的然而,可知作者想要表达的是语言是客观的,而道德不是客观的,故错误。D选项“类似的规则可以应用于相当不同的情况”:没有提到类似的规则的用法,属于过度推断,故错误。因此B选项正确。23.语义推测题。根据第三段倒数第四句We may “learn the hard way” that some actions generate unacceptable consequences.(我们可能会“吃了苦头才明白”,有些行为会产生不可接受的后果。),行为产生后果,这里指的是在实际生活中检验对错,B选项“我们驳斥一些道德原则,只是在我们发现它们不一致之后”错误和C选项“我们从现实生活的教训中获得对与错的意识”正确。A选项“随着年龄的增长,我们会重新评估以前持有的信念”:根据第三段第五、六句As we grow older we become exposed to competing views. These may lead us to reevaluate presently held beliefs.(随着年龄的增长,我们会接触到不同的观点。这些可能会引导我们重新评估目前持有的信念。),可知重新评估以前持有的信念和接触不同观点有关,重新评估不是驳斥,故错误。D选项“我们通过忽视我们遗传的利他主义倾向来行动”:根据第三段第七句possibly because of inherited altruistic tendencies.(这可能是因为遗传的利他主义倾向。),可知并没有忽视利他主义,故错误。因此C选项正确。24.推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句But then we dont have a vantage point from where we can be philosophical relativists either.(但是我们也没有一个有利的位置,让我们成为哲学相对主义者。)和第五段最后一句Neither do we possess an algorithm for determining correct language usage but that does not make us throw up our hands in despair because we can no longer communicate.(我们也没有确定语言正确用法的算法,但这并不会让我们因为再也不能交流而绝望地举手投降。),可知相对主义的观念里,事情没有固定的解决办法,有时也会遇到困境,但是总体来说会积极面对,C选项“更加成熟和理性”正确。A选项“只有在真正的生活教训后才能获得”:根据第三段第五、六句As we grow older we become exposed to competing views. These may lead us to reevaluate presently held beliefs.(随着年龄的增长,我们会接触到不同的观点。这些可能会引导我们重新评估目前持有的信念。),可知不同的观点也会对此有帮助,故错误。B选项“经常产生不可接受的后果”:根据第三段倒数第四句We may “learn the hard way” that some actions generate unacceptable consequences.(我们可能会“吃了苦头才明白”,有些行为会产生不可接受的后果。),可知不可接受的后果由某些行为产生,与相对主义无关,故错误。D选项“太抽象了,没有任何实用价值”:根据第六段最后一句Ethical theories are important not because they solve all moral dilemmas but because they help us notice salient features of moral problems and help us understand those problems in context.(伦理理论之所以重要,并不是因为它们解决了所有的道德困境,而是因为它们帮助我们注意到道德问题的显著特征,并帮助我们在情境中理解这些问题。),可知相对主义在实际生活中有价值,故错误。因此C选项正确。25.语义推测题。根据第六段最后一句Ethical theories are important not because they solve all moral dilemmas but because they help us notice salient features of moral problems and help us understand those problems in context.(伦理理论之所以重要,并不是因为它们解决了所有的道德困境,而是因为它们帮助我们注意到道德问题的显著特征,并帮助我们在情境中理解这些问题。),可知道德论的真正意义是帮助我们在情境中理解问题,不能直接解决问题,D选项“与情况的相关性”正确,C选项“解决道德困境的有效性”错误。A选项“指令权”和B选项“诊断功能”:根据第六段第三、四句They think we should apply ethical principles as we would a poultice: after diagnosing the aliment, we apply the appropriate dressing. But that is a mistake.(他们认为我们应该像使用膏药一样应用伦理原则:诊断出食物后,我们使用适当的敷料。但这是一个错误。),可知道德论和药不是一回事,诊断以后就可以开药,故错误。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题The good news made headlines nationwide: Deaths from several kinds of cancer have declined significantly in recent years. But the news has to be bittersweet for many cancer patients and their families. Every year, more than 500,000 people in the United States still die of cancer. In fact, more than half of all patients diagnosed with cancer will die of their disease within a few years. And while its true survival is longer today than in the past, the quality of life for these patients is often greatly diminished. Cancerand many of the treatments used to fight itcauses pain, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety that routinely go undertreated or untreated.In the nations single-minded focus on curing cancer, we have inadvertently devalued the critical need for palliative care, which focuses on alleviating physical and psychological symptoms over the course of the disease. Nothing would have a greater impact on the daily lives of cancer patients and their families than good symptom control and supportive therapy. Yet the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the federal governments leader in cancer research and training, spent less than one percent of its 1999 budget on any aspect of research or training in palliative care.The nation needs to get serious about reducing needless suffering. NCI should commit to and fund research aimed at improving symptom control and palliative care. NCI also could designate “centers of excellence” among the cancer centers it recognizes. To get that designation, centers would deliver innovative, top-quality palliative care to all segments of the populations the centers serve; train professionals in medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, and other disciplines to provide palliative care; and conduct research.Insurance coverage for palliative and hospice care also contributes to the problem by forcing people to choose between treatment or hospice care. This “either/or” approach does not readily allow these two types of essential care to be integrated. The Medicare hospice benefit is designed specifically for people in the final stages of illness and allows enrollment only if patients are expected to survive six months or less. The benefit excludes patients from seeking both palliative care and potentially life-extending treatment.That makes hospice enrollment an obvious deterrent for many patients. And hospices, which may have the most skilled practitioners and the most experience in administering palliative care, cannot offer their services to people who could really benefit but still are pursuing active treatment.It is innately human to comfort and provide care to those suffering from cancer, particularly those close to death. Yet what seems self-evident at an individual, personal level has not guided policy at the level of institutions in this country. Death is inevitable, but severe suffering is not. To offer hope for a long life of the highest possible quality and to deliver the best quality cancer care from diagnoses to death, our public institutions need to move toward policies that value and promote palliative care.16. Palliative care is concerned with improving patients _.17. According to the author, research on palliative care _.18. The main problem of insurance coverage for hospice care and active treatment is that _.19. Hospices offer cancer patients _.20. This text is mainly about _.问题1选项A.survival ratesB.quality of lifeC.lifespansD.options for health insurance providers问题2选项A.is more important than research for cancer curesB.has been overlooked by researchersC.is virtually non-existentD.is regarded by researchers as a frivolous topic问题3选项A.it does not allow patients to seek bothB.it only covers patients whose life expectancy is less than six monthsC.it deprives patients of the right to choose between two proven treatment methodsD.hospice care is only covered when it may extend a patients life expectancy问题4选项A.an alternative to palliative careB.comfort in their early stages of illnessC.skilled and experienced palliative careD.an alternative to active treatment问题5选项A.improving cancer research in the U.SB.reforming insurance coverage for cancer patientsC.understanding different options for cancer treatment and careD.reducing the suffering of cancer patients【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】16.事实细节题。根据第二段第一句palliative care, which focuses on alleviating physical and psychological symptoms over the course of the disease.(姑息治疗的重点是在疾病过程中减轻身体和心理症状。)和第二句Nothing would have a greater impact on the daily lives of cancer patients and their families than good symptom control and supportive therapy.(没有什么比平稳控制症状和支持性治疗对癌症患者及其家人的日常生活影响更大的了。),可知姑息治疗对日常生活影响最大,所以B选项“生活质量”正确。A选项“存活率”,C选项“寿命”和D选项“健康保险公司的选择”不是姑息治疗的重点,故错误。因此B选项正确。17.推理判断题。根据第二段第一句In the nations single-minded focus on curing cancer, we have inadvertently devalued the critical need for palliative care(在我国一心一意致力于治愈癌症的同时,我们无意中低估了对姑息治疗的迫切需要)和第三段第一句The nation needs to get serious about reducing needless suffering.(国家需要认真对待减少不必要的痛苦。),可知在作者看来,姑息治疗应该更加被重视,所以B选项“被研究者忽视了”正确,没有说姑息治疗比治疗癌症本身更重要,故A选项“比癌症治疗的研究更重要”错误。C选项“几乎不存在”:根据第二段最后一句Yet the National Cancer Institute (NCI)spent less than one percent of its 1999 budget on any aspect of research or training in palliative care.(然而,作为联邦政府在癌症研究和培训方面的领导机构,国家癌症研究所在姑息治疗的任何方面的研究或培训上的支出不到其1999年预算的1%。),可知有这方面的研究,只是很少,故错误。D选项“研究者认为这个主题很无聊”:文章没有提及,故错误。因此B选项正确。18.事实细节题。根据第四段第一句Insurance coverage for palliative and hospice care also contributes to the problem by forcing people to choose between treatment or hospice care.(姑息治疗和临终关怀的保险范围也导致了这个问题,因为它迫使人们在治疗和临终关怀之间做出选择。),可知医疗保险让人只能在姑息治疗和临终关怀选择其一,所以A选项“不允许病人同时寻求两者”正确,但还是可以选择,故C选项“剥夺了患者在两种已被证实的治疗方法之间选择的权利”错误。B选项“只覆盖预期寿命少于6个月的患者”和D选项“只有当临终关怀可以延长病人的预期寿命时,它才包括在内”:根据第四段第三、四句The Medicare hospice benefit is designed specifically for people in the final stages of illness and allows enrollment only if patients are expected to survive six months or less. The benefit excludes patients from seeking both palliative care and potentially life-extending treatment.(医疗保险临终关怀福利是专门为处于疾病最后阶段的人设计的,只有在患者预计存活时间为6个月或更短的情况下才允许登记。这种好处使患者既不寻求姑息治疗,也不寻求可能延长生命的治疗。),这里说的是临终关怀的使用情况,即患者预计存活时间为6个月或更短的时候采用临终关怀,这时不以延长寿命为目的,故错误。因此A选项正确。19.事实细节题。根据第五段第二句And hospices, which may have the most skilled practitioners and the most experience in administering palliative care(临终关怀院或许有对临终关怀最有经验的医生和姑息治疗经验),可知临终关怀院提供给患者C选项“熟练和经验丰富的姑息治疗”,所以C选项正确。B选项“疾病早期阶段的舒适”:根据第四段第三句The Medicare hospice benefit is designed specifically for people in the final stages of illness(医疗保险临终关怀福利是专门为处于疾病最后阶段的人设计的),可知临终关怀不针对疾病早期,故错误。A选项“姑息治疗的替代方案”,和D选项“积极治疗的替代方案”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此C选项正确。20.主旨大意题。文章第一段引入治疗癌症的副作用没有得到充分治疗,第二、三段呼吁国家对此采取措施,第四、五段提到临终关怀对减轻患者痛苦的保险情况,最后一段总结全文强调推动姑息治疗,全文都在围绕减轻患者痛苦的医疗方法,所以D选项“减少癌症患者的痛苦”正确。A选项“改善美国的癌症研究”,B选项“改革癌症患者的保险范围”和C选项“了解癌症治疗和护理的不同选择”是文章的部分内容,不足以概括全文,故错误。因此D选项正确。5. 单选题Despite his occasional fondness for gambling, he is still considered as a good boy _.问题1选项A.as the wholeB.for the wholeC.by the wholeD.on the whole【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项as the whole和D选项on the whole都意为“总的来说”,as the whole强调把部分和整体作为为两方面,相当于分分结构,on the whole强调整体包含部分,相当于分总结构;B选项for the whole和C选项by the whole非固定搭配。句意:尽管他有偶尔赌博的嗜好,_他仍然被认为是一个好孩子。根据语境,这里强调赌博的嗜好是整体是好孩子的一部分,D选项on the whole符合题意。因此D选项正确。6. 单选题The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree _ the students potentiality is developed.问题1选项A.of whichB.with whichC.in whichD.to which【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。句意:教学质量应该以学生潜能的开发程度来衡量。横线及其后面部分是修饰degree的定语从句,根据固定搭配to the degree确定用介词to,D选项to which符合题意。因此D选项正确。7. 单选题Progressive and reactionary populist movements are not necessarily _: each may, and usually does, possess features of the other.问题1选项A.subversiveB.efficaciousC.untenableD.dichotomous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项subversive“破坏性的”;B选项efficacious“有效的”;C选项untenable“(理论等)站不住脚的;不能维持的”;D选项dichotomous“二元对立的”。句意:进步和反动的民粹主义运动不一定_:相互可能,而且是通常具有对方的特征。根据语境,这里指的是进步和反动的民粹主义有相同的特性,不是完全对立,所以dichotomous“二元对立的”符合题意。因此D选项正确。8. 单选题Between 1897 and 1919, at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed _.问题1选项A.has producedB.have been producedC.would have producedD.had been produced【答案】D【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:1897年至1919年间,至少29部出现人造生命的电影被制作出来。根据主语motion pictures和谓语动词produce的关系确定用被动语态,根据事件发生在过去以及were portrayed确定用过去完成时,D选项had been produced符合题意。因此D选项正确。9. 单选题After some time the second stage of the space shuttle, having used up its fuel, just like the booster, separates and_.问题1选项A.runs awayB.charges forC.falls offD.merges into【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项runs away“逃跑;失控”;B选项charges for“索价”;C选项falls off“跌落;下降;离开”;D选项merges into“并入;结合”。句意:过了一段时间,航天飞机的第二级燃料耗尽,像助推器一样分离并_。根据语境,这里指燃料分离和脱落,C选项falls off“跌落;离开”符合题意。因此C选项正确。10. 翻译题Section B Chinese to English (20 points)Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on your ANSWER SHEET.(40)土壤和土地资源支撑着全球可持续发展,它们还是我们与穷困、食品不安全和气候变化作斗争的关键元素。与其他自然资源复杂地交织在一起,土壤是水、能源和食品安全链条中(nexus)不可分割的组成部分。由于风沙和水的侵蚀,世界每年失去约240亿吨肥沃的土壤。(41)土壤和土地的恶化(degradation)不仅是一个物理或生物化学问题,而且常常与社会经济各方面相联系。贫穷和被边缘化的人口通常最容易受土壤和土地恶化的影响,因为通常是他们拥有这些恶化的土地。(42)为了使贫困的小规模农业耕种社区达到食品安全要求,并且根除(eradicate)极端贫困,我们需要处理与土地恶化相关的一系列复杂问题。土壤和土地恶化既是技术问题,也是管理(governance)问题。【答案】40. Soils and land resources underpin global sustainable development, and they are key elements in our fight against poverty, food insecurity and climate change. Intertwined with other natural resources complicatedly, soil is an integral part of the water, energy, and food security nexus. Due to the erosion of wind and dust as well as water, the world loses about 24 billion tons of fertile soil every year.41. Soil and land degradation not only involves physical or biochemical problems, but also often related to social and economic aspects. Poor and marginalized populations are usually the most vulnerable to soil and land degradation, as they are usually the ones who own the deteriorated land.42. In order for poor small-scale farming communities to meet food safety requirements and to eradicate extreme poverty, we need to address a set of complex issues associated with land degradation. Soil and land degradation is as much a matter of governance as of technology.11. 单选题By the year of 2025, scientists probably _ a cure for cancer.问题1选项A.will be discoveringB.are discoveringC.will have discoveredD.have discovered【答案】C【解析】考查将来完成时。句意:到2025年,科学家们可能已经发现了治疗癌症的方法。根据语境,可知这个句子的时态是将来完成时,在这里表示将来完成时表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作,其结构是will(第二、三人称)+have+过去分词(done),C选项will have discovered符合题意。因此C选项正确。12. 翻译题When a company unexpectedly finds itself losing market share and taking a beating at the hands of its competitors, its a clear signal that a change is needed. For a variety of reasons, any company can suddenly lose the competitive advantage that it previously enjoyed. (36) The mark of a strong business, however, is its ability to overcome such setbacks and reclaim its positions as the front runner in its field.One of the greatest variables in the process, however, is technology, which on one hand makes business more efficient and thus profitable than previously thought possible, but changes at such a rapid pace that few businesses utilize it to its full potential. Those companies that invest heavily in the latest technology of the day may find their machines out dated and obsolete the next yea


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