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2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Paper clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were ( )all over the floor.问题1选项A.sprayedB.separatedC.dispersedD.scattered【答案】D【解析】spray喷雾, 喷射;separate分离, 隔开;disperse分散, 多指把一群人或物等彻底驱散;scatter指人或物向四处散开, 或把物随意撒开。句意:回形针、图钉和安全别针散落在地板上。所以选项D正确。2. 单选题One common-sense reason( )children learn to speak is that they imitate those around them.问题1选项A.whichB.whatC.thatD.of which【答案】D【解析】reason做先行词, 后面一般接why引导的原因状语从句, 选项中的of which=why, 表示孩子们学会说话的原因。所以选项D正确。3. 单选题Diseases of the twenty-first century are inevitably be different from those of the twentieth century; just as our present illnesses have been quite different from those of the nineteenth century. Although our health is improving in many ways and we are living longer than in previous decades, new diseases and conditions threaten the quality of our lives. We have already observed some significant changes in the 1980s that foretold what health problems lie ahead in the twenty-first century:Diseases of the immune system, not just AIDS but various conditions of a deficient or overactive immune system, have reached epidemic proportions.The number of people suffering from viral conditions that are incurable with conventional therapies is increasing, and the number of newly defined viral conditions, such as the Epstein-Barr Virus and cytomegalovirus, is also increasing significantly.More and more bacterial infections are becoming resistant to commonly used antibiotics and are requiring stronger antibiotics, which also are net always successful in curing the infections.Allergies to foods, to common substances such as animal hairs and house dust, and to new chemicals are becoming more prevalent. One in seven Americans had an allergy in 1950, as many as one in five had an allergy in 1970, and approximately 75 million Americans, or nearly one in three, had an allergy in 1985.Chronic disability is affecting people more frequently at younger and younger ages. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the percentage of children under 17 years of age who are limited in activity due to chronic conditions increased by 86% from 1967 to 1979.Mental disease is affecting more and more people. The National Institute of Mental Health estimated in 1984 that one in every five Americans had a mental disorder. This same study revealed that, during a six-month period, 8.3% of Americans suffered from an anxiety disorder, 6.4% had an alcohol or drug problem, and 6% had a mood disorder.In addition to these various trends, one of the more significant facts that will affect the future of health care is that larger percentage of the population will be over 65 years old. According to projections by the US Bureau of the Census, the size of the American population Over 65 in 1985 will have doubled by 2030.Futurists generally assume that twenty-first century medicine will include new and more-powerful drugs and various innovative technological interventions. However, futurists tend to ignore the serious problems presently arising from conventional medications. According to 1986 statistics, the average American receives 7.5 prescriptions a yeah This is a particularly frightening number because we all know there are people who have not been prescribed any medications in the past year, which means that someone else is getting their 7.5 drugs.Since most drugs have side effects, some of which are quite serious, and since the sick person is often prescribed several drugs at the same time, any of which may have even greater potential for side effects, it is no wonder that 50% of the time people do not even get their drug prescriptions filled. Additionally various studies have indicated that 25% to 90% of the time patients make errors in administering the medicines. Despite the respect that people generally show inward present-day physicians, there does not seem to be equal confidence in the treatments they prescribe.1.That diseases of the 21st century are different from those of 20th century is( ) .2.Which of the following is true about diseases of the immune system?3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?4.We may infer from the passage that( ) .5.According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 1984, ( ) .问题1选项A.what scientists are worried aboutB.a well-grounded statementC.drawn on changes in the medical professionD.not necessarily true问题2选项A.They refer to AIDS only.B.They become epidemic in the 21st century.C.They crop up in various organs.D.They make patients overactive and feel restless.问题3选项A.Cases of chronic disability increased by an alarming rate of 86% in the late 1980s.B.Chronic disability used to affect old people only.C.Chronic disability causes some people to be limited in activity.D.Chronic disability has increased greatly among the teenagers.问题4选项A.many of the 21st century diseases are closely related to the environmentB.the average life span will become still longer despite all the future diseasesC.mans ability to resist diseases will not change with timeD.people of the 21st century know better how to make full use of their prescribed medicine.问题5选项A.25% of the Americans had a mental disorderB.doctors predicted that the mental cases would be declining in the 21th centuryC.the size of the American population over 65 with mental disorders was doubledD.cases of mental disorders increased quickly【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.本题可采用排除法。选项A在文中没有提及科学家们的担心, 所以不正确;根据第一段第一句“Diseases of the twenty-first century are inevitably be different from those of the twentieth century;”可知选项D错误;结合全文内容可知, 本文讲述的是20世纪存在的事实, 由此可知是对21世纪的推测, 所以选项B表述也不正确;只有选项C正确。2.根据第二段的内容可知, 免疫系统疾病, 不仅是艾滋病, 甚至包括免疫系统缺陷或过度活跃的各种情况, 都已达到流行病的程度。选项B符合原文。3.根据第六段第一句“Chronic disability is affecting people more frequently at younger and younger ages.”可知, 选项B不正确。4.根据倒数第三段第一句, 除了这些不同的趋势之外, 影响医疗保健未来的一个更重要的事实是, 65岁以上的人口比例将更大。也就是说, 尽管未来会有各种疾病, 但人类的平均寿命将会变得更长。选项B符合原文。5.根据关键词“the National Institute of Mental Health”定位到倒数第四段, 根据上下文, 精神疾病正在影响越来越多的人, 每五个美国人中就有一个患有精神障碍。由此可知, 精神疾病的病例迅速增加。选项D符合原文。4. 单选题When one leaves his car ( ) , he assumes that the mechanic will repair the car well.问题1选项A.repairedB.to be repairedC.repairingD.being repaired【答案】A【解析】leave sth. done常用来表示宾语所处的状态或表示动作已经完成, 宾语和宾补为被动关系, 翻译为让.保持.的状态, 留下.被做。由此可知选项A正确。5. 单选题Since the first settlers from England had arrived in Virginia in the seventeenth century, independence for the United States was a long time coming. But even if England had not given the colonies cause for rebellion, there would probably have been a separation from the mother country, for the roots of American independence lay in the character of the American colonists. Any people who would willingly forsake the comforts and safety of the Old World to wrest a home from the wilderness in the raw New World would never take kindly to a rein on their liberties. And England assuredly did stir the colonists to rebellion by its Writs of Assistance, Stamp Act, and tax on tea. Further, many of the colonists had never seen England, either being descendants of English settlers or coming from families rooted in other nations; thus, the ties to England were tenuous at best.As with any explosive situation, however, it took a single act to ignite the powder keg. The light for the fuse was supplied when Englands taxed tea was thrown overboard from ships in Boston Harbor in December of 1773 in what is called the Boston Tea Party. England demanded payment, and its Boston Port Act proposed to close the harbor until the tea was paid for. With this, all thirteen colonies flared. They saw, clearly, that Bostons fate could be their own, and that Bostons fight was their fight. Alone, no colony could prevail against England. Together, they had a fight chance. The movement to unite began at an unofficial session of the Virginia House of Burgesses on May 27, 1774. By September of this same year the First Continental Congress met and forced the nucleus of a union. The delegates agreed to boycott British goods. Before the Second Continental Congress could hold its first meeting on May 10, 1775, the American Revolution had begun. With the shots exchanged between the colonists and the British at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, the nation exploded into war. By June the Americans had an army with George Washington as its commander in chief. By spring of 1776 all thirteen colonies delegates to Congress felt keenly the mandate of the people. The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in June and formed a committee to draw up a Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was appointed by the committee to draft the Declaration. The Declaration as we know it today was unanimously adopted on July 4, and was signed on August 2, 1776.The Declaration of Independence contained five of the most earthshaking words ever written, “.all men are created equal.” Not since the signing of. Englands Magna Carta in 1215 had such an astonishing idea found its way into the public consciousness. The document has often been confused with a declaration of war, which it definitely was not, since was had existed before July 4, 1776. It was primarily a statement of the reasons to the world of the colonists for wishing independence from England: As the world took heed, the phrase “. all men are created equal” stuck in mens minds and could not be dislodged. The fervor for freedom flamed in France where that nations first great revolution began in 1789, fought under the banner of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.” Later, President Abraham Lincoln was to say, “I have often inquired of myself what great principle or idea it was that kept this Confederacy so long together. It was not the mere matter of the separation of the Colonies from the motherland; but that sentiment in the Declaration of Independence which gave liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but, I hope, to the world, for all future time.”1.According to the first paragraph, the separation from England was ( ) .2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?3.The word boycott in the second paragraph most probably means ( ) .4.What can you learn from the last paragraph?5.We can infer that ( ) .6.The word document in line 3 of the last paragraph refers to( ) .7.The word motherland refers to( ) .问题1选项A.inevitableB.avoidableC.doomed to failureD.reconcilable问题2选项A.The thirteen states used to be colonies of England.B.Thomas Jefferson was appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence.C.The Declaration of Independence was actually a declaration of war.D.George Washington was the commander in chief of the American army.问题3选项A.To be willing to acceptB.To hesitate to takeC.To breakD.To refuse to buy问题4选项A.The Declaration of Independence contained all men are created equal.B.Abraham Lincoln spoke highly of the document.C.The Declaration of Independence has a far-reaching influence on the world.D.People were frightened by the five words.问题5选项A.Boston Tea Party started the movement of independenceB.the Declaration of Independence was drafted in 1215C.England wanted to make money by governing the colonistsD.Thomas Jefferson became a writer ever since he wrote the Declaration of Independence问题6选项A.Englands Magna CartaB.Declaration of IndependenceC.an astonishing ideaD.way into the public consciousness问题7选项A.AmericaB.UnionC.ColoniesD.England【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C第6题:B第7题:D【解析】1.根据第一段的第二句“But even if England had not given the colonies cause for rebellion, there would probably have been a separation from the mother country.”即使英国没有激发殖民地的起义, 美国也很可能会从英国分裂出去, 也就是说, 美国的独立是无法避免的。选项A正确。2.根据最后一段第三句“The document has often been confused with a declaration of war, which it definitely was not,.”可知, 选项C不正确。3.根据上文可知, 波士顿倾茶运动是殖民地对英国感到不满, 由此引发殖民地团结起来反抗英国。所以, 他们对英国的商品是抵制的态度, 选项D最符合原文语境。4.根据最后一段的内容可知, 选项A是原文中的事实;选项C中根据林肯总统说的hope可推断出独立宣言暂时只是对美国产生了深远的影响, 还没有影响到世界;选项D表述错误;选项B林肯总统对独立宣言给予了高度的评价, 符合原文。5.根据第二段前半部分可知, 波士顿茶党是对殖民地进行反抗, 没有涉及到独立, 所以选项A不正确;根据原文可知, 独立宣言是于1776年起草的, 1215年颁布的是英国的大宪章, 所以选项B也错误;选项D在文中没有提及;选项C英国想通过统治殖民者来赚钱, 正确。6.根据上下文可知, 人们常常将这个文件和宣战书混为一谈, 实际上它并不是。由此可知, 这个文件指的是独立宣言7.根据原文可知, 这里指美国从英国独立出来, 所以“motherland”指的是英国, 选项D正确。6. 翻译题Passage 1Many human diseases are caused by the absence or inappropriate presence of a protein. The protein could then be administered to patients in order to compensate for its absence. Today, gene therapy is the ultimate method of protein delivery, in which the delivered gene enters the bodys cells and turns them into small factories1 that produce a therapeutic protein for a specific disease over a prolonged period. As gene therapy has moved from the laboratory into the clinic, several issues have emerged as central to the development of this technology: gene identification, gene expression and gene delivery. A number of disease-related genes with direct clinical value have already been identified, and this number is growing as the field rapidly advances. Genes with broader clinical application are also being utilized to make ceils express immune activating agents locally at the disease site or to become susceptible to further drug treatment or to immune response recognition.Passage 2It is the now well-known IBM brand that formed part of the computer science revolution. IBM released the IBM 704 and later the IBM 709 computers, which were widely used during the exploration period of such devices. During the late 1950s, the computer science discipline was very much in its developmental stages, and such issues were commonplace. Time has seen significant improvements in the usability and effectiveness of computer science technology. Modem society has been a significant shift from computers being used solely by experts or professionals to more and more widespread user base. By the 1990s, computers became accepted as being the norm within everyday life. During this time data entry was a primary component of the use of computers, many preferring to streamline their business practices through the use of a computer. This also gave the additional benefit of removing the need of large amounts of documentation and file records which consumed much-needed physical space within offices.Passage 3Every organization is an emotional place. It is an emotional place because it is a human invention, serving human purposes and dependent on human beings to function. And human beings are emotional animals: subject anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness or joy, ease and unease. Recently, there have been attempts to develop the idea of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence emphasizes the impact reason can make on emotion. The claim made for this perspective is that it represents “an ability to perceive, to process, to understand, and to manage emotions in self and others.” Proponents of emotional intelligence maintain that there are distinct individual abilities and skills that relate to the explicit management of emotion. In addition, emotional intelligence develops over time and can be enhanced by training. Therefore, learning to perceive emotion in others and manage these emotions successfully is an important tool in every managers guide book.Choose ONLY ONE passage front the following passages and translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet provided. If more than ONE translation appears on the Answer Sheet, only the first or the indicated one would be scored【答案】Passage 1许多人类疾病是由某种蛋白质的缺失或不当的存在所引起的。可以通过给病人服用这种蛋白质来填补这种缺失。现今, 基因疗法是蛋白质输送的最尖端的方法。这一疗法将基因输入人体细胞内, 该基因能够将这些细胞变成长期生产对特定疾病具有治疗功能的蛋白质的小型“工厂”。随着基因疗法走出实验室并应用到诊所中, 出现了几个涉及该技术发展的核心问题:包括基因识别, 基因表达和基因输送。有一些与疾病相关并具有直接治疗意义的基因已经被识别, 随着这一领域的飞快发展, 这一数字在增加。具有更广泛治疗应用的基因同样被用来促使细胞在病灶部位表达免疫力, 或使其有助于后续的药物治疗或免疫反应识别。Passage 2众所周知, IBM品牌构成了电脑科学革命的一部分。IBM曾发售IBM 704型电脑, 并在之后发售IBM 709型号电脑, 在人们对电脑还处于探索时期时, 这两种电脑得到了广泛的应用。在20世纪50年代后期, 电脑科学还处于发展阶段, 这些问题很常见。随着时间的推移, 电脑科学技术的实用性和效用得到了显著的提高。现代社会中, 电脑已经不再是仅仅供专家或专业人士使用的, 而是获得了越来越广泛的应用。到了20世纪90年代, 电脑己经被视作日常生活中的必备品。在这一期间, 电脑主要被用来做数据登记, 许多人偏爱使用电脑来提高他们工作的效率。这同时还免去了占用稀缺的办公室空间的大量的文件和档案记录的必要性。Passage 3每个组织都是一个具有情感的场所。这是因为它是人类的发明, 服务于人类的目的并依赖于人类才能运作。而人是有情感的动物:愤怒、恐惧、惊讶、厌恶、快乐或欢喜、放松和不安等。近来, 有人试图发展情感智力这一观念。情感智力强调理性对情感的影 响。从这一视角出发的观点认为情感智力代表了“一种认知、处理、理解和控制自己和他人情感的能力”。情感智力的主张者断言人们具有与情感控制直接相关的不同的个人能力和技巧。此外, 情感智力是随着时间的推移而发展的并且能够训练得以加强。因此, 学会观察他人的情感并成功地控制这些情感是每个管理者应当掌握的重要技能。7. 单选题The function of the office is to perform administrative work. First, it must provide the necessary communications with customers, banks, governments, and other outside organizations. Second, it must service the information requirements within the company itself. In order to meet these needs efficiently, the Office Manager must employ the most appropriate business methods, systems and equipment.In an efficient administrative structure, clerical operations are organized so that they add to the profitability of the business. However, in many countries the number of clerical staff has increased while the total number of workers employed in production has fallen.To ensure that office services run smoothly, there must be the means to check, sort, copy and file correspondence and other paperwork. Today there is a growing range of machine that can be used to do such jobs. The size and resources of a company will determine how mechanized or computerized its office systems are.The office must give maximum service at minimum cost. A balance must be kept between production, marketing, and administration. As a company develops and grows, the contribution of administration will vary in kind and in value.The most important objective in modem offices is the processing of data in order to provide a means of business control, but in many companies there are weaknesses in the ability to manage communications efficiently. For example, some data are often used only by individual managers, and different departments in the same company may use different data processing systems. In order to contribute to business efficiency, however data processing must be a centralized service. The system which is required is one that looks at the total needs of a business and therefore assists management in making appropriate decisions quickly.An office may receive information by telecommunications, by mail or by computer. An office worker must have skill in language and arithmetic to handle this and other business information properly. Almost all office jobs require at least a high school education. Many employers prefer people who have taken courses beyond the high school level. A person can get such advanced training at a community college, or business or vocational school.An office requires a staff of managers to plan and direct work. As a business grows, so does the amount of information that must be handled by its office workers. The managers coordinate the activities of these employees so that accurate records can be kept concerning correspondence, inventory, payroll, sales, and taxes.1.The office manager has to use the most suitable business system in order to( ) .2.According to the passage, the function of the office manager is to( ) .3.In what way are some companies inefficient in managing communications?4.The degree of computerization in a companys office is limited by( ) .5.The word “mean” (line 2, paragraph 5) can be best replaced by( ) .6.The structure of t


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