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2022年考博英语-中国人民解放军陆军装甲兵学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题_ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.问题1选项A.ThatB.WhichC.AsD.It【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. That那个 B. Which哪个C. As作为 D. It它【考查点】非限制性定语从句。【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,主句结构完整,所以前半句为非限制性定语从句,修饰后面整个主句,空格处要填入一个引导词,而as引导非限制性定语从句可以放在句首也可以放在句尾,所以该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A、D项不引导非限制性定语从句;B项引导非限制性定语从句不放在句首。【句意】众所周知,马克吐温是伟大的美国作家。2. 单选题Im writing to you _ my brother who is ill in the hospital.问题1选项A.on behalf ofB.by the name ofC.in place ofD.in favor of【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. on behalf of代表 B. by the name of以为名;名叫C. in place of取代 D. in favor of有利于,支持【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“我_我生病住院的兄弟给你写信”可知,我是代表我的兄弟写信,所以该选择A项符合句意。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】我代表我生病住院的兄弟给你写信。3. 单选题This spacious room is _ furnished with just a few articles in it.问题1选项A.lightlyB.hardlyC.sparselyD.rarely【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. lightly轻柔地,轻微地 B. hardly几乎不,几乎没有C. sparsely稀疏地;贫乏地 D. rarely罕有,很少【考查点】副词辨析。【解题思路】根据后面的a few(几个)说明是仅仅有少数几件家具,东西不多,而sparsely表示数量少地,该题选择C项恰当。【干扰项排除】A项不符合句意;B、D项含有否定的意思,与后面的just a few articles(仅有几件家具)不符合。【句意】这个宽敞的房间只零星布置了几件家具。4. 翻译题1. China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community in the process of eradicating extreme poverty by 2030. Since the implementation of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, China has helped as many as 400 million people out of poverty. In the next five years, China will provide assistance to other developing countries in poverty reduction, education development, agricultural modernization, environmental, protection, health care and so on. China has made remarkable progress in poverty alleviation, and it has made unremitting efforts in promoting economic growth. This will encourage other poor countries to cope with their own development challenges. These countries can learn from Chinas experience in seeking the path of development with their own characteristics.【答案】1. 中国在帮助国际社会到2030年消除极度贫困的进程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。自上世纪70年代末实施改革开放以来,中国已帮助多达4亿人摆脱贫困。未来5年里,中国将在减贫、教育发展、农业现代化、环境保护、卫生保健等方面向其他发展中国家提供援助。中国在减贫方面取得了显著进展,在促进经济增长方面做出了不懈努力。这将鼓励其他贫困国家应对自身的发展挑战。这些国家在寻求具有自身特色的发展道路时,可以借鉴中国的经验。5. 不定项选择题No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. “Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers?” Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last week. “You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?” At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul-searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. Its a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.At the core of this debate is the chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve Ross in 1992. On the financial front, Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce the companys mountainous debt, which will increase to S17.3 billion after two new cable deals close. He has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company, but investors are waiting impatiently.The flap over rap is not making like any easier for him. Levin has consistently defended the companys rap music on the grounds of expression. In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-Ts violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet. “The test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column, “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be. We wont retreat in the face of any threats.”Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hard-line stand, at least to some extent. During the discussion of rock singing verses at last months stockholder meeting, Levin asserted that “music is not the cause of societys ills” and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students. But he talked as well about the “balanced struggle” between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.The 15 member Time Warner board is generally supportive of Levin and his corporate strategy. But insiders say several of them have shown their concerns in this matter. “Some of us have known for many, many years that the freedoms under the First Amendment are not totally unlimited,” says Luce, “I think it is perhaps the case that some people associated with the company have only recently come to realize this.”1. Senator Robert Dole criticized Time Warner for _.2. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?3. Levin, according to the text, is probably _.4. In face of the recent attacks on the company, the chairman _.5. The best title for this text could be _.问题1选项A.its self-examination of soulB.its emphasis on creative freedomC.its neglect of social responsibilityD.its raising of the corporate stock price问题2选项A.Steve Ross is no longer alive.B.Gerald Levin is liable to compromise.C.Luce is a spokesman of Time Warner.D.Time Warner is united as one in the face of the debate.问题3选项A.a defendant of rap musicB.a pioneer of street cultureC.an advocate of music reformD.an opponent of music innovation问题4选项A.changed his attitude and yielded to objectionB.softened his tone and adopted some new policyC.received more support from the 15-member boardD.stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expression问题5选项A.A Debate on Moral DeclineB.A Form of Creative FreedomC.A Lawful Outlet of Street CultureD.A Company under Fire【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【选项释义】1. Senator Robert Dole criticized Time Warner for _. 1. 参议员罗伯特多尔指责时代华纳公司_。A. its self-examination of soul A. 对灵魂的反省B. its emphasis on creative freedom B. 对创作自由的强调C. its neglect of social responsibility C. 对社会责任的忽视D. its raising of the corporate stock price D. 对抬高公司股价的行为【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段的内容“没有一家公司乐意听到别人说自己引起了社会的道德败坏。参议员罗伯特多尔上星期质问时代华纳公司高级人员时说:难道这就是你们要成就的事业吗?你们已经出卖了自己的灵魂,难道你们还非要腐化我们的国家,威胁我们的孩子不成?”可知,多尔指责的是该公司带来的社会影响;然后根据第三段最后一句中公司董事长莱文的话“任何一个民主社会的检验不在于它能多有效地控制各种情感的表达,而在于是否给予了人们思考和表达的最广泛的自由”,也就是说强调创作自由,而后第四段莱文改变态度,倒数第二句提到“但他也谈到了创作自由和社会责任之间要保持平衡的问题”,可见,多尔参议员所指责的正是公司的音乐作品所带来的不良社会影响,即忽视了社会责任,故该题选择C项“对社会责任的忽视”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“对灵魂的反省”,第一段倒数第二句指出“对时代沃纳公司来说,多尔所质疑的问题只不过是公司自1990年创立以来一直所进行的自我反省(soul-searching)的最新表述”可知,多尔质疑的这些问题是该公司对自身的反省,但并不是多尔真正指责的地方,该项曲解原文;B项“对创作自由的强调”根据解题思路来看,多尔并没有关心该公司的创作自由,而是该公司董事长莱文关注的重点,该项张冠李戴;D项“对抬高公司股价的行为”根据解题思路来看,多尔关心的并不是该公司的经济状况,该项出处错位。2.【选项释义】2. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE? 2. 根据文章,下列哪个选项是正确的?A. Steve Ross is no longer alive. A. 斯蒂夫罗斯已经去世了。B. Gerald Levin is liable to compromise. B. 杰拉尔德莱文很容易妥协。C. Luce is a spokesman of Time Warner. C. 卢斯是时代华纳的发言人。D. Time Warner is united as one in the face of the debate. D. 面对这场争论,时代华纳团结一致。【答案】A【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据第二段第一句“于1992年接替已故董事长斯蒂夫罗斯(the late Steve Ross)的56岁的现任董事长杰拉德莱文是争论的焦点人物”可知,前董事长斯蒂夫罗斯已经去世了,其中late表示“迟到的,已故的”,一般来讲,该词加在人名或称呼前时译作“已故的”,所以该题选择A项“斯蒂夫罗斯已经去世了”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“杰拉尔德莱文很容易妥协”根据第三段最后一句莱文所说的话“任何一个民主社会的检验不在于它能多有效地控制各种情感的表达,而在于是否给予了人们思考和表达的最广泛的自由,尽管有时这种结果会引起争论和愤怒。我们不会在任何威胁面前退却。”可以看出,莱文并非是个易于妥协的人,该项属于反向干扰;C项“卢斯是时代华纳的发言人”,根据最后一段第二三句“但内部人士(insiders)表示,他们中的一些人已经表达了对此事的担忧。鲁斯说,我们中的一些人多年来早就知道宪法第一修正案所说的自由并非毫无限制,我想与公司有关系的一些人可能是最近才意识到这一点。”可知,他的话说明了公司领导内部对处理创作自由和社会影响这一对矛盾上的不同看法、也暗含着对公司一贯政策(过于强调创作自由)的批评;可见,他并非公司指派的发言人,而仅代表自己,该项曲解原文;D项“面对这场争论,时代华纳团结一致”根据C项的解题思路可知,时代华纳公司内部并非团结一致的,该项曲解原文。3.【选项释义】3. Levin, according to the text, is probably _. 3. 根据文章,莱文可能是_。A. a defendant of rap music A. 说唱音乐的被告人B. a pioneer of street culture B. 街头文化的先驱C. an advocate of music reform C. 音乐改革的倡导者D. an opponent of music innovation D. 音乐创新的反对者【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段第二句“莱文一向以它(说唱音乐)是一种富于表现力的演唱方式为理由来捍卫公司的说唱音乐”和第三句“1992年公司因出品Ice-T乐队狂暴的说唱歌曲警察杀手后备受谴责时,莱文说这是街头文化的合法表达方式,它应该有自己的宣泄途径”可知,莱文对于说唱音乐是非常拥护的,并且他认为这是街头文化的一种合法表达方式,综合理解可以推断,莱文可能是街头文化的先驱者,所以B项“街头文化的先驱”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“说唱音乐的被告人”根据解题思路可知,莱文是支持说唱音乐的,不可能成为其被告人,该项属于反向干扰;C项“音乐改革的倡导者”,原文没有提及音乐改革,该项无中生有;D项“音乐创新的反对者”根据第四段最后一句“莱文还宣布公司将致力于为一些人们可能会反感的音乐制定发行和标识的标准”可知,莱文并不反对,反而很支持,该项属于反向干扰。4.【选项释义】4. In face of the recent attacks on the company, the chairman _. 4. 面对最近对公司的攻击,董事长_。A. changed his attitude and yielded to objection A. 改变了态度,不再反对B. softened his tone and adopted some new policy B. 语气变软,并采取了一些新政策C. received more support from the 15-member board C. 从15名董事会成员那里得到了更多支持D. stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expression D. 坚持捍卫言论自由的强硬立场【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】第四段第一句指出“莱文不愿对上周的辩论做出评论,但有迹象表明这位董事长的强硬立场起码在一定程度上有所缓和”可知,莱文强硬的语气有所缓和,然后他举了他儿子的例子强调音乐并不会引起社会丑恶现象,接着最后两句指出“但他也谈到了创作自由和社会责任之间要保持平衡的问题。他还宣布公司将致力于为一些人们可能会反感的音乐制定发行和标识的标准。”可见,莱文在做出妥协姿态的同时,也采取了实际的行动,所以B项“语气变软,并采取了一些新政策”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“改变了态度,不再反对”根据解题思路可知,莱文只是在一定程度上进行了让步,并不是完全不反对,该项曲解原文;C项“从15名董事会成员那里得到了更多支持”,根据最后一段第二三句“但内部人士表示,他们中的一些人已经表达了对此事的担忧。鲁斯说,我们中的一些人多年来早就知道宪法第一修正案所说的自由并非毫无限制,我想与公司有关系的一些人可能是最近才意识到这一点。”可知,公司领导内部对处理创作自由和社会影响这一对矛盾上有不同看法,换言之董事会意见出现了分歧,该项属于曲解原文;D项“坚持捍卫言论自由的强硬立场”根据解题思路可知,莱文在一定程度上进行了让步,所以该项属于曲解原文。5.【选项释义】5. The best title for this text could be _. 5. 这篇文章最好的标题是_。A. A Debate on Moral Decline A. 关于道德沦丧的争论B. A Form of Creative Freedom B. 一种创造自由的形式C. A Lawful Outlet of Street Culture C. 街头文化的合法输出D. A Company under Fire D. 遭到责难的公司【答案】D【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】通读全文,根据第一段的内容可知,该文讲述的内容主要是时代华纳公司因为忽视社会责任而被受到指责,然后第二至四段讲述该公司董事长对这一指责的立场,以及为之采取的实际行动,最后一段则暗示公司内部对处理创作自由和社会影响这一对矛盾上由不同的分歧;综合理解可知,本文主要是评述了时代华纳公司因发行新音乐专辑而受到的责难及其反应,所以D项“遭到责难的公司”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“关于道德沦丧的争论”,时代华纳公司所被指责的主要是它对社会责任的忽视,而并非它所发行的作品所带来的实际道德上的影响,该项过度推断;B项“一种创造自由的形式”和C项“街头文化的合法输出”只有部分提及,并不能概括全文,属于以偏概全。6. 单选题When Sally _ the criminal _ her house, she screamed at the top of her voice because she didnt want _.问题1选项A.saw; enter; killedB.sees; enter, killingC.sees; entering; be killedD.saw; enter; to be killed【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. saw; enter; killed看见;进去;被杀 B. sees; enter, killing看见;进去;杀C. sees; entering; be killed看见;进去;被杀 D. saw; enter; to be killed看见;进去;被杀【考查点】时态和固定搭配。【解题思路】根据screamed可知,时间发生在过去,所以第一个空格填入saw,而saw sb. do sth.表示“看见某人做了某事”,所以第二个空格填入enter原形;want的搭配是want to do(想要做某事),she和kill之间是被动,故用to be killed,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B项不符合语态;C项不符合搭配。【句意】当莎莉看到罪犯进入她的房子时,她声嘶力竭地尖叫起来,因为她不想被罪犯杀掉。7. 单选题Many years had _ before they returned to their original urban areas.问题1选项A.floatedB.elapsedC.skippedD.proceeded【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. floated浮动,漂流 B. elapsed(时间)消逝,流逝C. skipped蹦蹦跳跳地走 D. proceeded继续做(或从事、进行)【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据many years(许多年)可知,此处表示“时间的消逝”,所以该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】许多年过去了,他们才回到原来的城市地区。8. 不定项选择题Few people doubt the fundamental importance of mothers in child-rearing, but what do fathers do? Much of what they contribute is simply the result of being a second adult in the home. Bringing up children is demanding, stressful and exhausting. Two adults can support and make up for each others deficiencies and build on each others strengths.Fathers also bring an array of unique qualities. Some are familiar: protector and role model. Teenage boys without fathers are notoriously prone to trouble. The pathway to adulthood for daughters is somewhat easier, but they must still learn from their fathers, in ways they cannot from their mothers, how to relate to men. They learn from their fathers about heterosexual trust, intimacy and difference. They learn to appreciate their own femininity from the one male who is most special in their lives. Most important, through loving and being loved by their fathers, they learn that they are love-worthy.Current research gives much deeper, and more surprising, insight into the fathers role in child-rearing. One significantly overlooked dimension of fathering is play. From their childrens birth through adolescence, fathers tend to emphasize play more than caretaking. The fathers style of play is likely to be both physically stimulating and exciting. With older children it involves more teamwork, requiring competitive testing of physical and mental skills. It frequently resembles a teaching relationship: come on, let me show you how. Mothers play more at the childs level. They seem willing to let the child direct play.Kids, at least in the early years, seem to prefer to play with daddy. In one study of 2.5-year olds who were given a choice, more than two-thirds chose to play with their father.The way fathers paly has effects on everything from the management of emotions to intelligence and academic achievement. It is particularly important in promoting self-control. According to one expert, “children who roughhouse with their fathers quickly learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not acceptable.” They learn when to “shut it down.”At play and in other realms, fathers tend to stress competition, challenge, initiative, risk-taking and independence. Mothers, as caretakers, stress emotional security and personal safety. On the playground fathers often try to get the child to swing ever higher, while mothers are cautious, worrying about an accident.We know, too, that fathers involvement seems to be linked to improved verbal and problem-solving skills and higher academic achievement. Several studies found that along with paternal strictness, the amount of time fathers spent reading with them was a strong predictor of their daughters verbal ability.Form sons the results have been equally striking. Studies uncovered a strong relationship between fathers involvement and the mathematical abilities of their sons. Other studies found a relationship between paternal nurturing and boys verbal intelligence.1. The first paragraph points out that one of the advantages of a family with both parents is _.2. According to paragraph 3, one significant difference between the fathers and mothers role in child-rearing is _.3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?4. Studies investigating fathers involvement in child-rearing show that _.5. The writers main point in writing this article is _.问题1选项A.husband and wife can share houseworkB.two adults are always better than oneC.the fundamental importance of mothers can be fully recognizedD.husband and wife can compensate for each others shortcomings问题2选项A.the style of play encouragedB.the amount of time availableC.the strength of emotional tiesD.the emphasis of intellectual development问题3选项A.Mothers tend to stress personal safety less than fathers.B.Boys are likely to benefit more from their fathers caring.C.Fathers tend to encourage creativeness and independence.D.Girls learn to read more quickly with the help of their fathers.问题4选项A.this improve kids mathematical and verbal abilitiesB.the more time spent with kids, the better they speakC.the more strict the fathers are, the cleverer the kidsD.girls usually do better than boys academically问题5选项A.to warm society of increasing social problemsB.to emphasize the fathers role in the familyC.to discuss the responsibilities of fathersD.to show sympathy for one-parent families【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The first paragraph points out that one of the advantages of a family with both parents is _. 1. 第一段指出双亲家庭的优势之一是_。A. husband and wife can share housework A. 丈夫和妻子可以分担家务B. two adults are always better than one B. 两个大人总比一个大人强C. the fundamental importance of mothers can be fully recognized C. 母亲的根本重要性可以得到充分认可D. husband and wife can compensate for each others shortcomings D. 丈夫和妻子可以弥补彼此的缺点【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段,根据最后一句“两个成年人可以互相支持,弥补彼此的不足(make up for each others deficiencies),并建立在彼此的优势之上”可知,双亲家庭的优势之一是两个成年人可以互相支持,弥补彼此的缺点,所以D项“丈夫和妻子可以弥补彼此的缺点”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“丈夫和妻子可以分担家务”和B项“两个大人总比一个大人强”符合生活常识,但是第一段并未提到,这两项无中生有;C项“母亲的根本重要性可以得到充分认可”在第一段第一句有提到“很少有人怀疑母亲在抚养孩子方面的根本重要性,但是父亲们做什么呢?”,但该项表述太片面,属于曲解原文。2.【选项释义】2. According to paragraph 3, one significant difference between the fathers and mothers role in child-rearing is _. 2. 根据第三段,父亲和母亲在抚养孩子方面的一个重要区别是_。A. the style of play encouraged A. 所鼓励的游戏方式B. the amount of time available B. 可供使用的时间C. the strength of emotional ties C. 情感联系的强度D. the emphasis of intellectual development D. 对智力发展的重视【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先定位至第三段,第一二句提到“目前的研究对父亲在抚养孩子中的作用给出了更深入、更令人惊讶的见解。为人父亲的一个明显被忽视的方面是玩耍。”可知,父亲在抚养孩子中最容易被忽视的方面是玩耍,然后后面描述了父亲和母亲对于孩子玩耍的两种不同方式:“父亲的游戏风格更加倾向于身心的激励。对于年龄较大的孩子,这需要更多的团队合作,需要对身体和智力技能进行竞争性测试。它常常类似于一种教学关系母亲与孩子之间的玩耍多在孩子们的孩童时期。他们似乎愿意让孩子们直接玩。”,从中可知,父亲和母亲在鼓励孩子们玩耍上,所用的是两种完全不同的方式,父亲会教孩子如何玩耍,而母亲则更乐意让孩子直接玩,综合理解可推断,父亲和母亲在抚养孩子方面的一个重要区别是对于鼓励孩子们玩耍的方式,A项“所鼓励的游戏方式”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“可供使用的时间”没有提及,无中生有;C项“情感联系的强度”和D项“对智力发展的重视”都是父亲和母亲对待游戏方面不同的鼓励方式所表现出来的差异,最根本的区别还是在于所鼓励的游戏方式不同,这两项属于曲解原文。3.【选项释义】3. Which of the following statements is TRUE? 3. 下列哪个陈述是正确的?A. Mothers tend to stress personal safety less than fathers. A. 母亲往往比父亲更少强调个人安全。B. Boys are likely to benefit more from their fathers caring. B. 男孩可能会从父亲的关爱中获益更多。C. Fathers tend to encourage creativeness and independence. C. 父亲倾向于鼓励创造性和独立性。D. Girls learn to read more quickly with the help of their fathers. D. 女孩在父亲的帮助下学习阅读更快。【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据倒数第三段第一句“在游戏和其他领域,父亲往往强调竞争、挑战、主动、冒险和独立(competition, challenge, initiative, risk-taking and independence)”可知,父亲倾向于鼓励孩子们竞争、挑战、主动、冒险和独立,其中initiative也可以表示“首创精神”,是creativeness 的同义转换,所以C项“父亲倾向于鼓励创造性和独立性”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“母亲往往比父亲更少强调个人安全”根据倒数第三段第二句“母亲,作为照顾者,强调情感安全和个人安全”可知,该项属于反向干扰;B项“男孩可能会从父亲的关爱中获益更多”根据最后一段的内容“研究发现,父亲的参与程度和儿子的数学能力之间有着密切的关系。其他研究也发现了父亲的教育与男孩语言智力之间的关系。”可知,文中虽然提到父亲对男孩在语言和数学能力有帮助,但是并没有与男孩从母亲那得到的益处做比较,该项曲解原文;D项“女孩在父亲的帮助下学习阅读更快”根据倒数第二段最后一句“除了父亲的严格要求外,父亲与女儿一起阅读的时间是女儿语言能力的一个重要指标”可知,父亲和女儿一起阅读能促进孩子的语言能力,并不是阅读更快速,该项偷换概念。4.【选项释义】4. Studies investigating fathers involvement in child-rearing show that _. 4. 对父亲参与育儿的研究表明_。A. this improve kids mathematical and verbal abilities A. 这能提高孩子的数学和语言能力B. the more time spent with kids, the better they speak B. 和孩子在一起的时间越长,孩子们说话就越好C. the more strict the fathers are, the cleverer the kids C. 父亲越严格,孩子就越聪明D. girls usually do better than boys academically D. 女孩通常在学业上比男孩做得好【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据最后一段的内容“研究发现,父亲的参与程度和儿子的数学能力之间有着密切的关系。其他研究也发现了父亲的教育与男孩语言智力之间的关系。”可知,父亲参与育儿能提高孩子的数学能力和语言能力,A项“这能提高孩子的数学和语言能力”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“和孩子在一起的时间越长,孩子们说话就越好”,根据解题思路可知,虽然父亲参与育儿能够提高孩子的语言能力,但语言能力不代表孩子们说话说得很好,该项曲解原文;C项“父亲越严格,孩子就越聪明”和D项“女孩通常在学业上比男孩做得好”在原文没有提及,这两项无中生有。5.【选项释义】5. The writers main point in writing this article is _. 5. 作者写这篇文章的主要观点是_。A. to warm society of increasing social problems A. 缓解社会问题的增加B. to emphasize the fathers role in the family B. 强调父亲在家庭中的角色C. to discuss the responsibilities of fathers C. 讨论父亲的责任D. to show sympathy for one-parent families D. 对单亲家庭表示同情【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】文章首句通过一个问题“很少有人怀疑母亲在抚养孩子方面的根本重要性,但是父亲们做了什么呢?”引出了文章的主题,即父亲在抚养孩子上所发挥的作用,然后第二段讲述了父亲在养育孩子方面带来的一系列特别的作用,接下来几段描述的是对于父亲参与育儿带来的一系列好处的研究;综上所述我们可以推断出,这篇文章主要是强调父亲在家庭中所扮演的重要的角色,故B项“强调父亲在家庭中的角色”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“缓解社会问题的增加”和C项“讨论父亲的责任”在原文只有部分提及,属于以偏概全;D项“对单亲家庭表示同情”在原文没有依据,属于无中生有。9. 单选题The ships generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _ instead of mechanically.问题1选项A.artificiallyB.autom


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