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2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题On the afternoon of July 2, 1936, Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler and a coterie of his senior officers paraded on foot through the winding cobblestone streets of Quedlinburg, one of the most perfectly preserved medieval cities in all Europe. Himmlers staff had been planning the trip to the small city in central Germany for weeks. They ordered the streets to be cleaned and the old houses along the main thoroughfares to be painted. They draped Nazi banners from the rooftops and garlands along the walls. They rehearsed the SS band, drilled the local chapter of Hitler Youth and arranged for an SS photographer to record the proceedings from beginning to end. Nothing of importance was overlooked.Dressed in a shiny black helmet, immaculate black uniform and tall black boots, Himmler made his way up the citys Castle Hill. Pale and anemic-looking, with a spindly frame and a head one or two sizes too small for his body, he looked strangely out of place among his entourage of tall, athletic-looking SS men. He stopped to admire Quedlinburgs splendid stone castle, then proceeded to its large medieval cathedralthe ultimate object of his pilgrimage. Himmler despised Christianity, a religion that preached compassion for the weak and the brotherhood of all men and accepted a Jew as the son of God. But the Quedlinburg cathedral guarded something of immense importance to him the tomb of an obscure 10th-century German king, Heinrich I.Himmler was enthralled by ancient history, and he wanted all SS men to share his passion. Indeed, he regarded the feudal past as a blueprint for the future glory of the Third Reich. He viewed Heinrich I as a great leader who could serve as a model for Adolf Hitler and planned to transform the cathedrals dusty tomb into an SS shrine. Himmler stood at the foot of the crypt and gave a speech exhorting his officers to pay careful heed to Germanys proud ancient past, “Just as a tree withers if its roots are removed, so a people fall if they do not honor their ancestors,” he later warned.For years, scholars of the Third Reich have ridiculed Himmlers intense interest in the German past, dismissing occasions such as his visit to Quedlinburg as the foolishness of a fanatic drunk on power. Even some senior Nazis poked fun at his ardor for history. As Albert Speer, Hitlers former chief architect, jeered after the war, Himmler “was half schoolmaster, half crackpot”. But Himmler was deadly serious about returning the Third Reich to the lost golden age of his imagination. In 1935 he founded a large SS research institute, employing more than 100 German scholars to study the past and help tutor SS men in the ways of their ancestors. With such research, he intended to transform vast stretches of the Reich into medieval fiefdoms ruled by SS lords, a plan he began acting on before the war. Far from being a dreamer lost in fantasy, Himmler was a careful, methodical planner who worked diligently toward this sinister future in much the same tireless way that he labored on creating the concentration camp system and implementing a “final solution”. Indeed, these were the twin poles of his existence, the yin and yang of his world: the squalid, crowded camps and the sunny SS farm villages.Himmler set about constructing this future in three ways. He recruited tall, blond-haired men to the SS in order to scientifically rebreed what he believed was a primeval master race. With the help of his researchers, he instructed SS men and their families in ancient German religion, lore and farming practices. And before the war started, he began installing SS families in “feudal” villages of newly fabricated medieval-style houses. He planned to create thousands of these antique colonies in conquered lands across Eastern Europe. In this way, Himmler hoped to give birth to a new golden age, thereby reversing the decline of Western civilization and rescuing humanity from its mire. This was social engineering in its most swaggering, arrogant form utopianism gone horribly wrong. But Himmler, who rose to become the second most powerful man in the Reich by early 1945 as Hitlers health failed, folly intended to carry out that plan if Nazi Germany won the war. Only crushing defeat by the Allies stopped him.1.Which of the following expressions is closest in meaning to “coterie” ?2.Which of the following phrases best describes how Himmler intended all SS men to assimilate Germanys feudal past?3.From this passage, it is clear that Himmler primarily intended ( ).4.For Albert Speer Himmler was “half schoolmaster, half crackpot”. In which of the following is the meaning of this quote closest?5.For the author, Himmler would best be described as ( ).问题1选项A.A selected group of persons who associate with one another frequently.B.A large number of persons with whom one might meet on social occasions.C.An indiscriminate group of persons who associate with one another on rare occasions.D.A large number of persons who associate with one another to discuss political matters.问题2选项A.Esoteric cult and practices.B.Eccentric approach.C.Catatonic state.D.Histrionic disorder.问题3选项A.to bring ancient agricultural practices into 20th century GermanyB.to return to a prosperous era during which the German people lived in ideal happinessC.to encourage the development of multiculturalism in a melting pot societyD.to eliminate all those who could have threatened his rise to power问题4选项A.Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past was regarded as absurd.B.Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past provoked intense rivalry among other prominent Nazi leaders.C.Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past provoked widespread emulation amongst other prominent Nazi leaders.D.Others had the privilege of studying the awe inspiring breadth and depth of Himmlers passion for Germanys medieval past.问题5选项A.a utopian reformerB.an incurable romantic lost in timeC.an improbable visionaryD.a level-headed purpose-driven man【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:1.判断推理题。题干中关键词coterie出现在文章首段首句,a coterie of用来修饰后面的his senior officers,是量词。前面主人公是纳粹党卫军领袖,他与军官们自然是处于同一阵线的。A选项“经常互相交往的一组人”;B选项“一个人在社交场合可能会遇到的许多人”;C选项“无差别的一群人,只会在极少数情况下有往来”;D选项“许多人互相联系讨论政治问题”。军队领袖与他的军官之间自然是属于第一类“经常互相交往的一组人”。第2题:2.判断推理题。本题关键在于“how Himmler intended all SS men to assimilate Germanys feudal past(希姆莱打算如何让所有党卫军成员同化德国的封建历史)”,相关信息出现在第三段第二句“he regarded the feudal past as a blueprint for the future glory of the Third Reich”,他认为过去的封建制度是第三帝国辉煌的未来蓝图。紧跟着第三句说到“.planned to transform the cathedrals dusty tomb into an SS shrine”,计划将大教堂布满灰尘的坟墓变成党卫军的圣地。在最后一段第三句中提到“he instructed SS men and their families in ancient German religion, lore and farming practices”,他教导党卫军士兵和他们的家人学习古德国的宗教、知识和耕作方法。对比选项可知,A选项“宗教信仰和实践”符合题意。第3题:3.判断推理题。本题关键在于“Himmler primarily intended(希姆莱主要目的是)”,最后两段说了希姆莱的一些做法及计划,但是关键在于最后一段中第六句说到“In this way, Himmler hoped to give birth to a new golden age, thereby reversing the decline of Western civilization and rescuing humanity from its mire”,通过这种方式,希姆莱希望创造出一个新的黄金时代,从而扭转西方文明的衰落,将人类从泥潭中拯救出来。因此,希姆莱的主要意图是B选项“复兴德国人曾幸福生活的繁荣时代”。第4题:4.语义题。Albert Speer对于希姆莱的这句评价出现在文章第四段第三句,他人的评价可以认为是“果”,而“因”则要往前面找。本段第一句说到“For years, scholars of the Third Reich have ridiculed Himmlers intense interest in the German past, dismissing occasions such as his visit to Quedlinburg as the foolishness of a fanatic drunk on power.”第三帝国的学者们一直嘲笑希姆莱对德国历史的浓厚兴趣,认为像他访问奎德林堡这样的场合是一个醉心于权力的狂热分子的愚蠢行为。换句话说希姆莱对德国中世纪历史的热爱被认为是荒谬的,A选项符合题意。第5题:5.观点态度题。作者在第四段对于希姆莱做了这样的评价“Far from being a dreamer lost in fantasy, Himmler was a careful, methodical planner”,说他并不是迷失在幻想中的梦想家,而是细心、有条理的策划者。A选项a utopian reformer“一个乌托邦式的改革者”;B选项an incurable romantic lost in time“迷失在时间里的无可救药的浪漫主义者”;C选项an improbable visionary“一个几乎不可能的空想家”;D选项a level-headed purpose-driven man“头脑冷静、目标明确的人”。综合选项与文意可知D选项正确。2. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into good English.1.当前,世情、国情、党情继续发生着深刻变化,我们面临的发展机遇和风险挑战前所未有。全党一定要牢记人民的信任和重托,更加奋发有为、兢兢业业地工作,继续推动科学发展、促进社会和谐,继续改善人民生活、增进人民福祉,完成时代赋予的光荣而艰巨的任务。2.学生活动是美国大学的一个显著特点,每周都有数不清的由学生组织的各种各样的活动。这些活动涵盖了体育、文艺、文化、政治和社会等各个方面,其主要目的是为了娱乐。 新的学生活动组织不断涌现,而中国学生的参与使这一局面变得更加热烈,他们甚至在耶鲁大学上演了曹禺的话剧雷雨。3.中国是一个有五千年历史的文明古国,有着与外来文化取长补短、兼容并蓄的传统。 我们的祖先历来强调“以和为贵”。由此,中国人民选择和平发展的道路是基于中国的文化传统、是基于惨痛的历史与严酷的现实所做出的明智选择。【答案】1.At present, as the global, national and our Partys conditions continue to undergo profound changes, we are faced with unprecedented opportunities for development as well as risks and challenges. The whole Party must bear in mind the trust the people have placed in us and the great expectation they have of us. We must aim higher and work harder and continue to boost the scientific development, promote social harmony, and improve peoples lives so as to complete the glorious and arduous tasks bestowed on us by the times.2.Student activities are another remarkable feature of American college life. Each week there are countless activities of all sorts organized by students athletic, artistic, cultural, political or social, all of which are just for fun. New student organizations are constantly being created, and Chinese students contribute to this ferment. They even stage CaoYus play Rainstorm in Yale.3.China is an ancient civilization with a 5,000-year-long history, having the tradition of seeking mutual complementarities, accommodation and integration with foreign cultures. Our ancestors have always emphasized the “cherishing of harmony”. Accordingly, the choice by the Chinese people to follow a peaceful path to development is a wise decision based on Chinas traditional culture, painful history and serious reality.3. 单选题That was a man-made disaster that clearly Acould have averted if the federal government,specifically the Federal Emergency Management Agency,Bhad quickly marshaled Cthe political will and resources to evacuate those without access to cars,instead of promoting on its Web site a faith-based charity Dthat was clearly no match for the problem.问题1选项A.could have avertedB.had quickly marshaledC.the political willD.that was【答案】A【解析】考查被动语态。A选项前的主语a man-made disaster“人为的灾难”,与avert“避免”之间应为被动关系,应将could have averted改为could have been averted。4. 单选题Inductive reasoning involves making useful generalization about the environment Aas a whole, based on a necessarily limited number of observations. BAs so, it is an important tool that people Cuse to build the models of reality they need to function effectively. DWhile conclusions can be wrong if observations are faulty or are drawn from an unrepresentative sample, if properly used, it can be incredibly powerful.问题1选项A.as a wholeB.As soC.use toD.While【答案】B【解析】考查逻辑关系。B选项错误,在前后逻辑中,没有as so这一说法,去掉as保留so,形成因果关系。5. 单选题( ) is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.问题1选项A.WhatB.WhichC.ThatD.Whether【答案】A【解析】考查主语从句。空格后出现了两个be动词,可知前面部分为一个主语从句。从句中缺少主语成分,四个选项中只有what可以引导。因此A选项符合题意。6. 单选题He doesnt know much about politics,but hes always shooting off his mouth about how good he is. He is somewhat of a/an( ).问题1选项A.dogmatistB.adventurerC.braggartD.humbler【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项dogmatist“教条主义者;独断家”;B选项adventurer“冒险家”;C选项braggart“吹牛者;好自夸者”;D选项humbler“谦虚的人”。句意:他不了解政治,但他总脱口而出夸赞自己有多好。他多少是个。C选项符合题意。7. 单选题Production workers must be able to do statistical quality control. Production workers must be able to do just-in-time inventories. Managers are increasingly shifting from a dont think, do what you are told to a think, I am not going to tell you what to do style of management.This shift occurs not because todays managers are more(1) than yesterdays managers, but because the evidence is mounting that the second style of management is more(2)than the first style of management. But this means that problems of training and motivating the work force both become more central and require different models of behavior.To be on top of this situation, tomorrows managers will have to have strong background in organizational psychology, human relations, and labor(3). The MIT Sloan School of quickly management attempts to(4)our understanding in these areas through research and then quickly bring the(5)of this new research to our students so that they can be leading-edge managers when it comes to the human side of the equation.The first three decades after World War II were(6)in(7)the United States had a huge technological lead(8)all the rest in the world. In a very real sense,(9)technological competitive. American firms did not have to worry about their technological competitiveness because they were(10).But that world has disappeared. Today we live in a world where American firms (11)have automatic technological(12). In some areas they are still ahead, in some areas they are(13), and in some areas they are behind, but on average, they are average.(14)this means is that American managers have to understand the forces of technical change in ways(15)were not necessary in the past. Conversely, managers from the rest of the world know that it is now possible for them to dominate their American competitors if they understand the forces of technical change better than their American competitors do.In the world of tomorrow managers cannot be technologically(16)(17)their functional tasks within the firm. They dont have to be scientists or engineers inventing new technologies, (18)they have to be managers who understand when to bet and when not bet on new technologies. If they(19)what is going on and technology effectively becomes a black box, they(20)to make the changes. They will be losers, not winners.问题1选项A.enlightenedB.enlighteningC.enlightenmentD.enlighten问题2选项A.sterileB.producingC.productiveD.extravagant问题3选项A.economicsB.economicC.economyD.economies问题4选项A.takeB.arouseC.riseD.advance问题5选项A.resultsB.evidenceC.contentD.fruits问题6选项A.usualB.flawedC.unusualD.unessential问题7选项A.whichB./C.thatD.those问题8选项A.byB.overC.onD.upon问题9选项A.was the world notB.the world was notC.did the world be notD.was not the world问题10选项A.superiorB.superC.inferiorD.junior问题11选项A.stillB.evenC.neitherD.no longer问题12选项A.superiorityB.inferiorityC.majorityD.minority问题13选项A.commonB.averageC.ignorantD.exceptional问题14选项A.HowB.ThatC.WhatD.Which问题15选项A.thatB.theyC.thoseD.who问题16选项A.illiterateB.sophisticatedC.literateD.omniscient问题17选项A.regardlessB.in spite ofC.despiteD.regardless of问题18选项A.andB.likewiseC.furthermoreD.but问题19选项A.didnt understandB.dont understandC.havent understoodD.hadnt understood问题20选项A.failedB.would have failedC.would failD.would be failed【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D第6题:C第7题:C第8题:B第9题:B第10题:A第11题:D第12题:A第13题:B第14题:C第15题:A第16题:A第17题:D第18题:D第19题:B第20题:C【解析】第1题:(1)考查形近词辨析。由选项可知此题考查的是enlighten“启发;启蒙”在具体语境中的变形。空格前是more,后面是than,可知此处需要填入一个形容词来构成形容词比较级。再看句中前后的比较对象是“todays managers现在的管理者”和“yesterdays managers以前的管理者”,因此空格处的形容词需要用来修饰“人”的特性。A选项enlightened“开明的;有觉悟的”,形容人;B选项enlightening“使人领悟的;有启发作用的”,形容事物;C选项enlightenment“启迪;启蒙运动”,名词;D选项enlighten“启发;启蒙”,动词。综合选项分析可知A选项符合题意。第2题:(2)考查形容词辨析。空格前后照样是more和than,表明此处应填形容词。前一个比较对象是“the second style of management 第二种管理方式”,是指第一段第三句中的“think, I am not going to tell you what to do style of management 请思考,我不会告诉你做什么的管理风格”;后一个比较对象是“the first style of management 第一种管理方式”,是指第一段第三句中的“ dont think, do what you are told style of management 不要思考,别人叫你做什么你就做什么的管理方式”。根据常识判断,对于公司或企业来说,管理方式对公司产出影响非常重大。A选项sterile“不育的;无菌的;枯燥乏味的”;B选项producing“生产的”;C选项productive“多产的;富有成效的”;D选项extravagant“奢侈的;浪费的”。综合句意和选项可知,好的管理方式应该是让公司更加“多产”。因此C选项符合题意。第3题:(3)考查名词辨析。由选项可知本题考查economy及同根词的辨析。本句表示:要想控制这种局面,未来的管理者必须具备很强的组织心理学背景、人际关系背景和劳动 背景。A选项economics“经济学”;B选项economic“经济的;经济学的”;C选项economy“经济”;D选项economies“节约;经济(economy 的复数)”。C和D选项指的是广义上的“经济”,而本句中说的是未来管理者应具备的素质,要有组织心理学储备,要有人际关系背景,自然空格处应表示labor economics“劳动经济学”这一知识储备更合适。因此A选项正确。第4题:(4)考查动词辨析。由四个选项及空格前的attempts to可知空格处应填入动词。逻辑主语是“The MIT Sloan School of quickly management麻省理工斯隆快速管理学院”,宾语是“our understanding in these areas 我们在这些领域的理解”。A选项take“拿;获得”;B选项arouse“引起;唤起;鼓励”;C选项rise“攀升”,作动词使用时一般为不及物动词;D选项advance“提出;预付;将 提前”。文中表示,斯隆学院试图通过研究来 我们在这些领域的理解。综合选项与句意可知B选项arouse“唤起”符合句意。第5题:(5)考查名词辨析。空格前是定冠词the,后面是所有格of this new research,并且有定冠词the表示特指,因此空格处词语指代前面提到的麻省理工斯隆快速管理学院做的研究发现。A选项result“结果”;B选项evidence“证据”;C选项content“内容”;D选项fruits一词以复数形式出现时表示“水果种类;成果;收益”。本句表示,麻省理工斯隆快速管理学院在做了上述研究后,迅速把研究发现带给学生,在涉及人性的一方面时,以便使学生成为引领前沿的管理者。句意说明这项研究的发现是会给学生带来好处的,因此理解为“研究成果”而不是简单的“研究结果”更合适。因此D选项符合题意。第6题:(6)考查形容词辨析。本句出现了两个谓语动词(were 和had)且没有并列连词,因此此句为复合句。第一个主谓结构“The first three decadeswere”前面没有关系词,可知为主句。后面从句由in+关系词+the United States had,修饰主句的主语中心词the three decades 。本句大意:二战后的第一个三十年,在此期间,美国在技术上领先于世界其他国家。A选项usual“平常的;惯例的”;B选项flawed“有缺陷的;有裂纹的”;C选项unusual“不寻常的”;D选项unessential“非本质的;不重要的”。由后半句判断,这个三十年里,美国技术有飞跃性进展并且领先于世界其他国家,因此这三十年必然“不同寻常”,因此C选项符合题意。第7题:(7)考查状语从句用法。本句存在两个完整句子结构,结合选项可知为主从复合句。前一句表示“二战后的第一个三十年不同寻常”,后一句说到“美国在技术上领先于世界其他国家”。空格前有介词in,in which用来引导定语从句,本句前面并没有名词或名词短语,不存在修饰情况;in that在状语从句中可引导原因状语从句,结合句意理解“因为美国在技术上领先于世界其他国家,所以二战后的第一个三十年不同寻常”,语义逻辑完整,因此C选项正确。第8题:(8)考查固定搭配。本句表示美国的技术在全世界处于领先地位,而have a lead over正表示“领先”的含义,因此B选项符合题意。第9题:(9)考查倒装句用法。空格前虽是介词短语in a very real sense“实际上”作状语,但空格后是形容词作表语而不是名词作主语,因此本句并不构成倒装。空格处填入正常语序的主谓结构即可。B选项正确。第10题:(10)考查上下文语义。本段第一句说到:美国在第一个三十年内,技术领先于世界其他国家。说明在这一段时间内美国比其他国家都要更优秀。因此本句句意:美国公司不必担心自己的竞争优势是因为美国处于优势地位。A选项superior符合题意。第11题:(11)考查上下文语义。本段开头有转折连词but,说明文意发生了转折。上文说的是美国技术在全世界处领先地位,下文说到“But that world has disappeared”,但那个世界已经消失了,也就是美国技术至少不再领先世界所有国家了。本句句意:今天我们生活在一个美国公司拥有的世界里。A选项still“仍然”;B选项even“甚至”;C选项neither“也不”;D选项no longer“不再”。结合上述分析可知D选项正确。第12题:(12)考查上下文语义。接上题(11题)分析,转折前,美国的技术优先于(superior)所有其他国家,转折后,本句表示美国不再拥有自动化技术(automatic technological)的。A选项superiority“优越性;优势”;B选项inferiority“次等;自卑感”;C选项majority“多数”;D选项minority“少数派”。结合上述分析可知此处A选项“优势”符合题意。第13题:(13)考查上下文语义。本句有三个并列成分,前面说到“在某些领域,美国依然领先”;后面说到“在某些领域,美国落后其他国家”,可推知中间的并列成分应表示“在某些领域,美国处于中等水平”。A选项common“共同的;一般的”;B选项average“平均的;中等的”;C选项ignorant“无知的”;D选项exceptional“异常的”。结合上述分析,及下文反复提到average字眼,可知此处B选项符合文意。第14题:(14)考查主语从句用法。本句句首部分连着出现两个谓语动词“means”和“is”,说明此处存在主从句,be动词前面为句子的主语,因此“this means”是句中的主语从句。mean做动词用时表示“意味着;预示”,是及物动词。因此空格处需要填入疑问代词,排除A和B;which后没有名词时不能引导主语从句,排除D选项,C选项正确。第15题:(15)考查定语从句。本句主干部分“What this means is that”,表语是由that引导的表语从句构成,在这个表语从句中存在两个谓语部分“have to understand”和“were not”,可知这个表语从句中还存在主从复合句。前面部分是一个完整句子“American managers have to understand the forces of technical change in ways(美国管理者们必须以某种方式理解技术变革的力量)”,以名词“ways”结尾;后一个句子“.were not necessary in the past(在过去没有必要)”缺少主语,且主从句间缺少连接词。因此可推测空格前的名词ways作为先行词被后面的定语从句修饰,排除B和C选项,D选项who不能指代事物做关系代词,因此A选项that正确。第16题:(16)考查形容词辨析。A选项illiterate“文盲的”;B选项sophisticated“复杂的”;C选项literate“受过教育的;精通文学的”;D选项omniscient“无所不知的”。句意:在未来的世界里,管理者不可能在技术上。前文说到,管理者需要理解技术变化的力量,结合这一点,本句应表示管理者不可能是个技术文盲。因此A选项正确。第17题:(17)考查介词用法。空格后是名词短语,再结合选项可知本空需要填入的是介词。句意:在未来的世界中,管理者在公司的职能任务是什么,他们都不能是技术盲。A选项regardless“不管的;不管怎样”,没有介词用法 ;B选项in spite of“尽管”;C选项despite“即使;尽管”;D选项regardless of“不顾;不管”。结合句意可知D选项符合文意。第18题:(18)考查连词用法。句中有两个独立的句子,前句表示“他们(管理者)不必是发明新技术的科学家或工程师”,后句说到“他们必须成为懂行的管理者,知道何时该、何时不该投资新技术”。前面的“必须”与后面的“不必”之间存在转折关系,因此空格处需要填入转折连词,D选项but正确。第19题:(19)考查时态。If引导的条


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