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2022年考博英语-中南大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题During the 1960s and 1970s, the primary economic development strategy of local governments in the United States was to attract manufacturing industries. Unfortunately, this strategy was usually implemented at another communitys expense: many manufacturing facilities were lured away from their moorings elsewhere through tax incentives and slick promotional efforts. Through the transfer of jobs and related revenues that resulted from this practice, one towns triumph could become another towns tragedy.In the 1980s the strategy shifted from this zero-sum game to one called “high-technology development,” in which local governments competed to attract newly formed high-technology manufacturing firms. Although this approach was preferable to victimizing other geographical areas by taking their jobs, it also had its shortcomings: high-tech manufacturing firms employ only a specially trained fraction of the manufacturing workforce, and there simply are not enough high-tech firms to satisfy all geographic areas.Recently, local governments have increasingly come to recognize the advantages of yet a third strategy: the promotion of homegrown small businesses. Small indigenous businesses are created by a nearly ubiquitous resource, local entrepreneurs, with roots in their communities, these individuals are less likely to be enticed away by incentives offered by another community. Indigenous industry and talent are kept at home, creating an environment that both provides jobs and fosters further entrepreneurship.1. The passage suggests which of the following about the majority of United States manufacturing industries before the high-technology development era of the 1980s?2.The tone of the passage suggests that the author is most optimistic about the economic development potential of which of the following groups?3.The author of the passage mentions which of the following as an advantage of high-technology development?4.The primary purpose of the passage is to( ).问题1选项A.They lost many of their most innovative personnel to small entrepreneurial enterprises.B.They experienced a major decline in profits during the 1690s and 1970s.C.They could provide real economic benefits to the areas in which they were located.D.They employed workers who had no specialized skills.问题2选项A.Local governmentsB.High-technology promotersC.Local entrepreneursD.Manufacturing-industry managers问题3选项A.It encourages the modernization of existing manufacturing facilities.B.It does not advantage one local workforce at the expense of another.C.It encourages the growth of related industries.D.It takes full advantage of the existing workforce.问题4选项A.Advocate more effective strategies for encouraging the development of hightechnology enterprises in the United States.B.Contrast the incentives for economic development offered by local governments with those offered by the private sector.C.Acknowledge and counter adverse criticism of programs being used to stimulate local economic development.D.Review and evaluate strategies and programs that have been used to stimulate economic development.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。定位到第一段中“this strategy was usually implemented at another communitys expense这种策略通常是实现另一个社区的代价,”以及 “through the transfer of jobs and related revenues that resulted from this practice, one towns triumph could become another towns tragedy通过这种做法带来的就业和相关收入的转移,一个城镇的胜利可能成为另一个城镇的悲剧”,可知,在八十年代以前,经济的发展都是本地化的,只能为自己所在的社区带来经济利益。C项“它们可以为它们所处的地区提供真正的经济利益。”正确。2.细节事实题。定位到第二段 “high-tech manufacturing firms employ only a specially trained fraction of the manufacturing workforce高科技制造企业只雇佣了一小部分受过专门训练的制造劳动力”,以及第三段 “indigenous industry and talent are kept at home, creating an environment that both provides jobs and fosters further entrepreneurship本土产业和人才被留在国内,创造了一个既提供就业又促进进一步创业的环境”。可知作者是对本土的企业持有比较乐观的态度。3.细节事实题。定位到第二段 “this approach was preferable to victimizing other geographical areas by taking their jobs这种办法比夺走其他地理地区的工作而使其受害要好”可知与B项“它不会牺牲一个当地劳动力的利益而使另一个劳动力受益。”相符。4.主旨大意题。文章主要目的在于通过讲解三种不同的经济发展策略,告诉读者哪种发展策略优势比较明显,同时三种发展策略对经济有哪些好的促进作用。故D项“审查和评估用于刺激经济发展的战略和方案。”符合题意。2. 单选题I passed all the other courses that I took at my university, but I could have never passed botany. This was because all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a laboratory looking through a microscope at plant cells, and I could never once see a cell through a microscope. This used to enrage my instructor. He would wander around the laboratory pleased with the progress all the students were making in drawing the structure of flower cells, until he came to me. I would just be standing there. “I cant see anything” I would say. He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope, but he would always end up in a fury, claiming that I could, too, see through a microscope but just pretended that I couldnt. “It takes away from the beauty of flowers anyway.”I used to tell him. “We are not concerned with beauty in this course,” he would say. “We are concerned solely with what I may call the mechanics of flowers.” “Well,” Id say, “I cant see anything” “Try it just once again,” hed say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all, except now and again a nebulous milky substance a phenomenon of maladjustment. You were supposed to see a vivid, restless clockwork of sharply defined plant cells. “I see what looks like a lot of milk,” I would tell him. This, he claimed, was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope properly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk.I finally took a deferred pass, as they called it, and waited a year and tried again. (You had to pass one of the biological sciences or you couldnt graduate.) The professor had come back from vacation brown as a berry, bright-eyed and eager to explain cell-structure again to his classes. “Well,” He said to me, cheerily, when we met in the first laboratory hour of the semester, “Were going to see cells this time, arent we?” “Yes, sir, I said. Students to the right of me and to the left of me and in front of me were seeing cells; whats more, they were quietly drawing pictures of them in their notebooks, Of course, I didnt see anything.“Well try it, the professor said to me grimly, “with every adjustment of the microscope known to man. As God is my witness. Ill arrange this glass so that you see cells through it or Ill give up teaching. In twenty-two years of botany, I” He cut off abruptly for he was beginning to quiver all over, like Lionel Barrymore, and he genuinely wished to hold onto his temper; his scenes with me had taken a great deal out of him.So, we tried it with every adjustment of the microscope known to man. With only one ofthem did I see anything but blackness or the familiar lacteal opacity, and that time I say, to my pleasure and amazement, a variegated constellation of flecks, specks, and dots. These I hastily drew. The instructor, noting my activity, came back from an adjoining desk, a smile on his lips and his eyebrows high in hope. He looked at my cell drawing, “whats that?” he demanded, with a hint of a squeal in his voice, “thats what I saw,” I said. “You didnt, you didnt,you didnt!” he screamed, losing control of his temper instantly; and he bent over and squinted into the microscope. His head snapped up. “Thats your eye!” he shouted. “Youve fixed the lens so that it reflects! Youve drawn your eye!”1.According to the author, why was he taking the botany course?2.It can be inferred from the passage that the professors attitude toward the author was( ).3.Why did the author have difficulty with the microscope?4.The tone of this passage could best be described as( ).问题1选项A.He was a premedical student.B.He wanted to see the structure of cells.C.He needed it to graduate.D.It was required of science majors.问题2选项A.encouragingB.disbelievingC.instructiveD.All of the above问题3选项A.The professor adjusted it to his own eyes rather than to the authors eyes.B.Because of a faulty instrument.C.Due to the teachers poor instruction.D.He didnt try.问题4选项A.self-congratulatoryB.ironyC.degradingD.critical【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。定位到第二段中 “You had to pass one of the biological sciences or you couldnt graduate. 你必须通过一门生物科学课程否则你不能毕业。”可知C项正确。2.细节事实题。定位到第一段中“He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope, but he would always end up in a fury, claiming that I could, too, see through a microscope but just pretended that I couldnt. 他在开始的时候有足够耐心,解释如何通过显微镜看到东西,但他总是在愤怒中结束,声称我也可以通过显微镜看到东西,只是假装我不能看到。”可知B 项正确。3.判断推理题。定位到第一段中 “This, he claimed, was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope properly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk他声称,这是由于我没有调好显微镜,所以他就为我调试,或者更确切地说,为自己。我再看了一遍,结果我看到了乳状物。”可知A项正确。4.判断推理题。最后一段中“Thats your eye!” he shouted. “Youve fixed the lens so that it reflects! Youve drawn your eye!” 那是你的眼睛!他(导师)大声说。“你已固定了镜头,以至于它发生了反射!你画了你的眼睛!”可推知B项“讽刺的”正确。A项“自满的”;C项“可耻的;不名誉的”;D 项“批评的”。3. 单选题A major goal of law of any country, to deter potential criminals by punishing wrongdoers, is not served when the penalty is so seldom invoked that it ceases to be a ( )threat.问题1选项A.seriousB.coerciveC.deceptiveD.credible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。serious “严肃的;危急的”;coercive “强制的;胁迫的”;deceptive “欺骗性;虚伪的”;credible “可靠的”。句意:当惩罚很少被执行,因而它已经不再是一种可靠的震慑时,任何国家法律的主要目标一一通过惩罚做坏事的人来阻止潜在的犯罪就没有得到保证。由关键词A major goal is not served.可知法律不再是一种有效的震慑。D项符合语义。4. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.Beginning in the late 1960s, a growing number of women expressed a strong dissatisfaction with any marriage arrangement where the husband and his career were the primary considerations in the marriage. (1)By the end of the 1970s, for example, considerably less than half of the women in our society still believed that they should put their husbands and children ahead of their own careers. In the 2000s, most women in the United States believe that they should be equal partners in their marriages and that their husbands should have equal responsibility for child care and household chores.(2) In an equal-partnership marriage, the wife pursues afull-time job or career which has equal or greater importance to her husbands, while the long-standing division of labor between husband and wife comes to an end. The husband is no longer the main provider of family income, and the wife no longer has the main responsibilities for household duties and raising children. Husband and wife share all these duties equally. Power over family decisions is also shared equally.(3)The reality of life in the present world is that although most American women now have an equal say in the decision affecting the family, they sometimes earn less than men for same work. Also, most women are still spending more time taking care of the children, cooking, and cleaning than their husbands are. Many women are resentful because they feel like they have two full-time jobs-the one at work and the one at home. In the 1980s women were told they could “have it all” - fast-track career, husband, children, and a clean house. Now, some women are finding that lifestyle exhausting and unrewarding. (4)Some young women are now choosing to stay at home until their children start school, but many others who would like to cannot afford to do so.Juggling two careers and family responsibilities can be as difficult for men as it is for women, especially if there is truly an equal division of duties. American fathers are often seen dropping the kids off at the babysitters or taking a sick child to the doctor.(5)Some businesses are recognizing the need to accommodate families where both parents work,thus they may open a day care center in the office building, offer fathers paternity leave to stay home with their new babies or have flexible working hours. Unfortunately, these benefits are not yet available to all. While young couples strive to achieve equality in their careers, their marriages, and their parenting, society at large still lacks many of the structures that are needed to support them.【答案】1.例如,到20世纪70年代末,我们社会中仍有相当少的妇女认为她们应该把丈夫和孩子放在自己事业的前面。2.在一个平等伙伴关系的婚姻中,妻子所从事的全职工作或事业与丈夫 的工作或事业是同等或更重要的,而丈夫与妻子之间的劳动分配也结束了。3.当今世界的现实生活是,尽管大多数美国妇女现在在影响家庭的决定上有平等的发言权,但她们有时因同样的工作而挣得比男人少。4.如今,一些年轻女性选择待在家里,直到孩子上学,但许多其他愿意这样做的人却负担不起。5.一些企业认识到需要去帮助那些父母都上班的家庭,因此,他们可能 在办公大楼里开设日托中心,为父亲们提供陪产假以便在家里陪伴其新出生的婴儿或有弹性工作时间。5. 单选题For people with disabilities recent improvements have made the theatre fully ( )by wheel-chair.问题1选项A.accessibleB.availableC.pertinentD.transparent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项accessible“易接近的;可进入的”;B选项available“可获得的;有空的”;C选项pertinent“恰当的;切题的”;D选项transparent“透明的;显然的”。句意:对于残疾人来说,最近的改进使剧院完全可以由轮椅 。此处涉及“剧院”和“轮椅”,显然A选项符合逻辑。6. 单选题Whenever I worried that our connection might be fading, I opened the drawer and felt his energy ( )around me like a freed canary.问题1选项A.flutter upB.adhere toC.flash backD.queue up【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。flutter up “扑闪起来”;adhere to “坚持;粘附”;flash back“;反射”;queue up“排队等候”。句意:每当我担心我们之间的联系会逐渐淡去时,我就打开抽屉,感受他的活力就像一只放飞自由的金丝雀围绕着我。由 like a freed canary可知A项符合语境,答案A7. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.The American definition of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a high material standard of living. It is not surprising, therefore, that Americans value education for its monetary value. The belief is widespread in the United States that the more schooling people have, the more money they will earn when they leave school. (1)The belief is strongest regarding the desirability of an undergraduate university degree,or a professional degree, such as medicine or law, following the undergraduate degree. The monetary value of graduate degrees in nonprofessional fields such as art, history, or philosophy is not as great.In recent years there has been a change in the job market in the United States. (2)In the past, it was possible to get a high-paying factory job without a college education; workers with skills learned in vocational schools or on the job could do work that did not require a college education. These were among the jobs that new immigrants were often able to obtain. Increasingly, however, the advent of new technologies has meant that more and more education is required to do the work.(3)Many of the new jobs in the United States either require a college education, even a graduate degree or they are low-paying jobs in the service sector of the economy_such as in fast-food restaurants, small stores, and hotels. Additionally,many jobs are being outsourced to countries where salaries are much lower. (4)This is true of both higher-paying technical jobs and lower-paying jobs requiring limited skills.Because of the importance of higher education, many adults combine working with taking classes at a college. Many public and private colleges and universities are making it easier for students to take classes through distance learning, using the Internet to provide materials and lectures as well as to engage students in discussion. (5)Some students who are living on campus or commuting to classes take at least part of their coursework by distance, but it is also possible for a student to obtain both undergraduate and graduate degrees without ever being on a college campus.【答案】1.有一种观点强烈地认为大学本科学位或继大学本科学位之后的专业学位(诸如医学和法律)是值得向往的。2.在过去,没有大学学历的情况下得到一份高薪的工厂工作是可能的;从职业学校或工作上学得技巧的工人们可以做不需要大学学历的工作。3.在美国很多新工作要么要求大专学历甚至研究生学历,要么它们是经济服务业里(诸如快餐店,小商店和旅馆)的底薪工作。4.较高薪酬的技术工作和需要有限技能的较低薪资的工作都的确如此。5.住校或通勤来上课的一些学生通过远程学习来完成至少部分课程,不过一个学生在从不在大学校园的情况下也可能获得本科学位和研究生学位。8. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.Once the monologue begins, the Knowledgeable One drones on and on. The Knowledgeable One is a fact person.(1)She may be the history prof who knows the death toll of every Civil War battle, the biology prof who can diagram all the common biological molecules, the accounting prof who enumerates every clause of the federal tax form. Oblivious to students tired eyes and stifled yawns, the Knowledgeable One delivers her monologue, dispensing one dry fact after another.(2)The only advantage to being on the receiving end of this boring monologue is that students do not have to worry about being called on to question a point or provide an opinion; the Knowledgeable One is not willing to give up one minute of her time by giving students a voice. Assume for one moment that student actually manages to stay awake during the monologue and is brave enough to ask a question. In such a case, the Knowledgeable One will address the questioning student as “Mr.” or “Miss.” (3)This formality does not, as some students mistakenly suppose, indicate respect for the student as a fledgling member of the academic community.Not at all. This impersonality represents the Knowledgeable Ones desire to keep as wide a distance as possible between her and her students.The Knowledgeable Ones monologue always comes to a close at the precise second the class is scheduled to end.(4)No sooner has she delivered her last forgettable word than the Knowledgeable One packs up her notes and shoots out the door, heading back to the privacy of her office, where she can pursue her specialized academic interest- free of any possible interruption from students. The Knowledgeable Ones hasty departure from the lecture hall makes it clear she has no desire to talk with students. (5)In her eyes, she has met her obligations, she has taken time away from her research to transmit to students what she know. Any closer contact might mean she would risk contagion from students, that great unwashed mass. Such a danger is to be avoided at all costs.【答案】1.她可能是一位历史教授,知道每一场内战的死亡人数;她可能是一位生物学教授,能够绘制出所有常见生物分子的图表;也可能是能够列举联邦税表每一项条款的会计学教授。2.成为这段无聊独白的接受者的唯一好处是,学生们不必担心被要求提出问题或发表意见;知识渊博的人不愿意放弃哪怕一分钟时间来为学生发声。3.这种形式并不像一些学生错误地认为的那样,表明了对学生作为学术界新生成员的尊重。4.她刚说出最后一个容易被遗忘的单词,知识渊博的那位就收拾好笔记,冲出门去,回到自己的私人办公室,在那里她可以追求自己的专业学术兴趣没有任何学生可能的打扰。5.在她看来,她已经履行了她的义务,她从她的研究中抽出时间把她所知道的传授给学生。9. 单选题Although Johnsons and Smiths initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm ( )after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be.问题1选项A.revivedB.persistedC.intensifiedD.flagged【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。revive “复兴;苏醒”;persist “坚持”; intensify “增强,变激烈”;flag “减 退”。 句意:几个月后,尽管Johnson 和Smith对律师事务所中那些运用手段图谋权力的人的最初着迷减退了,但是这两个人对于确定谁应该是他们的午餐伙伴的问题上非常重视。由Although和initial fascination可知空格处所填单词应与initial fascination形成对比,故D项“减退”正确。10. 单选题Johnson never scrupled to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if ( )compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so,whatever the effects on his subordinates.问题1选项A.deignedB.feignedC.literalD.halfhearted【答案】C【解析】考查动词和形容词词义辨析。deign 赐予;feign 假装;装作;捏造; 想象;literal 文字的;字面上的;halfhearted 不认真的;不热心的;无兴趣的。句意: 如果在字面上对上司指令的服从让自己能够去忽视公司政策所颁布的得体的行为标准,那么不论对下属有什么样的影响,John都会从未有所顾忌地去这样做。由Johnson never scrupled to ignore与 compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so 可知“字面上的”符合。11. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(1)Because analysis ultimately rests with


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