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2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题 This year mark the 100th anniversary of the deadliest event in U.S. history: the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918. Although science and technology have advanced tremendously over the past century, the Pandemic peril remains; a recent exercise at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security showed that an epidemic of an influenza-like virus could kill 15 million Americans in a single year. The medical communitys response to this danger is, understandably, focused on research and responsediscovering new vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics and fighting ongoing epidemics, such as the current Ebola outbreak in Congo. But these urgent undertakings are not sufficient. If the World is to tackle many factors that raise our risk of a devastating pandemic, the medical community may have to enter theatres of operation beyond the laboratory bench and the treatment unit and publicly engage with controversial issues that some observers would consider nonmedical. Indeed, I believe that only such efforts can save us from the social trends, political movements, and policy failures that arc elevating our risk of a pandemic. There are three aspects in particular where the medical communitys intervention is urgently needed. First is the rising tide of isolationism and xenophobia (排外) in many high-income nations, particularly the United States and European countries. The belief that isolating ourselves from the world can prevent the spread of diseases is irrational: we can build no wall high enough to keep out infectious diseases and disease-bearing vectors. The second trend is the growing tide of antiscientific thinking and resistance to evidence-based medicine. In low-income countries, skepticism about vaccines is an everlasting challenge, but what we are seeing in the United States and Europe is something very different, and very dangerous. The growing refusal of parents in high-income countries to vaccinate their children is the tip of an iceberg that could sink us all in the event of an epidemic demanding rapid vaccine deployment and acceptance. Finally, and perhaps most fundamentally, medical professionals can step into the public arena to take on unpleasant and contentious political issues such as climate change and isolationism. Many members of the medical community prefer to avoid becoming involved in controversial issues that seem to be outside the scope of medical concerns, but their voices are needed to confront such issues.1. What does the author mainly do in the first paragraph?2. To address the increasing risk of pandemics, the author suggests that the medical community( ).3. According to Paragraph 3, what do the United States and European countries need to do to prevent infectious diseases and disease-bearing vectors?4.What can be said of the second trend mentioned in Paragraph 4?5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?问题1选项A.Warn the world against the upcoming influenza pandemic.B.Give credit to tremendous advances in science and technology.C.Remind the readers of the potential devastating pandemic perils.D.Reflect on the severity of the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918.问题2选项A.focus more on the urgent undertakingsB.pay more attention to research and responseC.make quicker response in fighting ongoing epidemicsD.get more actively engaged with issues other than medical问题3选项A.To build high walls.B.To maintain an open mentality.C.To isolate themselves from each other.D.To learn from other high-income nations.问题4选项A.Skepticism about vaccines can be tackled easily.B.Antiscientific thinking is not serious in low-income countries.C.High-income countries should learn from low-income countries.D.Parental resistance to vaccinating their children can be disastrous.问题5选项A.Medical concerns are as controversial as nonmedical issues.B.Medical professionals should be more concerned with medical issues.C.More and more medical professionals are involved in controversial issues.D.The medical community should play a more active role in controversial issues.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.【选项释义】What does the author mainly do in the first paragraph? 作者在第一段主要做什么?A. Warn the world against the upcoming influenza pandemic. A. 警告世界警惕即将到来的流感大流行。B. Give credit to tremendous advances in science and technology. B. 把功劳归于科学技术的巨大进步。C. Remind the readers of the potential devastating pandemic perils. C. 提醒读者潜在的毁灭性流行病的危险。D. Reflect on the severity of the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918. D. 回顾1918年西班牙流感疫情的严重性。【答案】C【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】第一段“虽然科学和技术在过去一个世纪中取得了巨大的进步,但流行病的危险仍然存在。”可知这里作者想“提醒读者注意潜在的毁灭性流行病的危险”,故C选项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“警告世界警惕即将到来的流感大流行。”,属于对第一段的片面理解,该选项以偏概全;B选项“把功劳归于科学技术的巨大进步。”,对第一段的片面理解,属于以偏概全;D选项“回顾1918年西班牙流感疫情的严重性。”,第一段没有提及严重性,属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】To address the increasing risk of pandemics, the author suggests that the medical community( ). 为了应对不断增加的流行病风险,作者建议医学界_。A. focus more on the urgent undertakings A. 把更多的精力放在紧急的事情上B. pay more attention to research and response B. 多注意研究和应对C. make quicker response in fighting ongoing epidemics C. 迅速应对疫情D. get more actively engaged with issues other than medical D. 积极参与医疗以外的问题【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第二段第二句和第三句“但这些紧急措施是不够的。如果我们要应对诸多引起毁灭性流行病风险的因素,医学界可能要超越实验室和治疗单位,进入实际,并公开参与某些观察家认为的非医学的争议性问题。”可知作者建议医学界要参与医疗以外的问题。D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“把更多的精力放在紧急的事情上”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;B选项“多注意研究和应对”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“迅速应对疫情”,可以定位到倒数第二段的最后一句“高收入国家的父母越来越拒绝为孩子接种疫苗,这只是冰山一角,一旦出现需要迅速部署和接受疫苗的疫情,我们所有人都可能陷入困境。”,从中可知原文只是提到一旦出现需要迅速部署和接受疫苗的疫情,我们所有人都可能陷入困境,并没有说为了应对不断增加的流行病风险,作者建议医学界应该迅速应对疫情,属于张冠李戴。3.【选项释义】According to Paragraph 3, what do the United States and European countries need to do to prevent infectious diseases and disease-bearing vectors? 根据第3段,美国和欧洲国家需要做什么来预防传染病和携带疾病的媒介?A. To build high walls. A. 建造高墙。B. To maintain an open mentality. B. 保持开放的心态。C. To isolate themselves from each other. C. 使他们彼此隔离。D. To learn from other high-income nations. D. 向其他高收入国家学习。【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词Paragraph 3与题干信息可定位至原文第三段,该段提到了美国和欧洲国家在预防流行病上具有排外和孤立的思潮。由第三段第二句“认为将自己与世界隔绝就能防止疾病传播的想法是不合理的:我们无法筑起足够高的墙来阻挡传染病和传播疾病的媒介。”由此句可知不应该有排外和独立他国的思想,所以B选项“保持开放的心态”是美国和欧洲国家需要做的。【干扰项排除】A选项“建造高墙。”,由解题思路可知文中提到“我们无法筑起足够高的墙来阻挡传染病和传播疾病的媒介。”,该选项属于反向干扰;C选项“使他们彼此隔离。”,由解题思路可知文中提到“认为将自己与世界隔绝就能防止疾病传播的想法是不合理的”,该选项属于反向干扰;D选项“向其他高收入国家学习。”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】What can be said of the second trend mentioned in Paragraph 4? 第四段提到的第二种趋势是什么?A. Skepticism about vaccines can be tackled easily. A. 对疫苗的怀疑很容易解决。B. Antiscientific thinking is not serious in low-income countries. B. 反科学思想在低收入国家并不严重。C. High-income countries should learn from low-income countries. C. 高收入国家应该向低收入国家学习。D. Parental resistance to vaccinating their children can be disastrous. D. 父母对给孩子接种疫苗的抵制可能是灾难性的。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词Paragraph 4与题干信息词second trend可定位至原文第四段第一句“第二个趋势是越来越多的反科学思维和对循证医学的抵制”。该趋势中提到“在低收入国家,对疫苗的怀疑是一个永恒的挑战”以及“高收入国家的父母越来越拒绝为孩子接种疫苗”,因此选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“对疫苗的怀疑很容易解决。”,原文提到“对疫苗的怀疑是一个永恒的挑战”,该选项属于反向干扰;B选项“反科学思想在低收入国家并不严重。”,由解题思路可知与第二种趋势相反,属于反向干扰;C选项“高收入国家应该向低收入国家学习。”,该段没有提及,属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】What can be inferred from the last paragraph? 从最后一段可以推断出什么?A. Medical concerns are as controversial as nonmedical issues. A. 医疗问题和非医疗问题一样具有争议性。B. Medical professionals should be more concerned with medical issues. B. 医疗专业人员应该更关注医疗问题。C. More and more medical professionals are involved in controversial issues. C. 越来越多的医疗专业人员卷入了有争议的问题。D. The medical community should play a more active role in controversial issues. D. 医疗界应该在有争议的问题上发挥更积极的作用。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词last paragraph与题干信息可定位至原文最后一段第一句“最后,也许是最根本的,医学专业人员可以步入公共舞台,处理令人不快和有争议的政治问题,如气候变化和孤立主义”,由此句可知医学人员可以多去处理医学以外的有争议的问题。因此D选项符合原文,选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“医疗问题和非医疗问题一样具有争议性。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;B选项“医疗专业人员应该更关注医疗问题。”,与最后一段意思相反,原文是希望医学人员处理医学以外的有争议的政治问题等,该选项属于反向干扰;C选项“越来越多的医疗专业人员卷入了有争议的问题。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。2. 单选题 There may be no better example of what is meant by preventive medicine than the strategy of Vaccination. A healthy person is given a tiny taste of a virusflu or polio, saythats too weak to cause illness but just enough to introduce the body to the pathogen. If the virus later shows up for real, the immune system is primed and waiting for it. Thats close to how a cancer vaccine works, but not precisely. Most experts see cancer vaccines as a hybrid of treatment and prevention. While its true that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration has approved vaccines against cervical and liver cancer, both are designed to fight the viruses most responsible for causing the disease, as opposed to targeting cancer itselfhuman papilloma virus (HPV;人乳头瘤病毒) in the case of cervical cancer and hepatitis B in the case of liver tumors. Using vaccines to prevent nonviral cancers in someone who is disease-free is a whole different mater. For one thing, its much more difficult to determine a persons chance of developing a particular type of cancer than it is to determine the likelihood of being exposed to, say, the influenza virus or chicken pox. What passes for “exposure” in the case of nonviral cancers is a combination of genes and environment and a range of other X factors that can vary from person to person. How do you vaccinate against your family legacy of breast cancer or your constant exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke? But that doesnt mean the immune system cant be exploited in a different way. Cancer vaccines would ideally be used in patients whose disease has already been diagnosed and treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. They would then be immunized as a way to prevent the cancer from coming back and spreading. Such metastases are actually the leading cause of death from cancer. “The charm of working with the immune system is that we can use the bodys own defense mechanisms to possibly get to that last cancer cell or at least create a surveillance system that keeps that cancer under control,” says an oncologist.1. The first paragraph is meant to describe( ).2. Which of the following is true of vaccines against cancer?3. According to the passage, why is it difficult to use vaccines to prevent non-viral cancers?4. From the context, what does the author suggest by saying “passes for exposure”?5. We can conclude from the last paragraph that( ).问题1选项A.the evolution of vaccinationB.the mechanism of vaccinationC.the significance of vaccinationD.the popularization of vaccination问题2选项A.They are both therapeutic and preventive.B.Vaccines against cervical cancer also work on liver cancer.C.Vaccines can replace other therapeutic modalities for cancer.D.They strictly follow the mechanism of traditional vaccination.问题3选项A.Because too many factors make it hard to determine the main causes.B.Because genetic makeup plays a dominant role in cancer development.C.Because the development of such vaccines requires enormous investment.D.Because literature is limited on the efficacy of vaccines for non-viral cancers.问题4选项A.The “exposure” in antiviral vaccination and anticancer vaccination is different.B.The “exposure” in cancer vaccination does not produce any long-term effect.C.“Exposure” is a useless concept when cancer is genetically-determined.D.Constant “exposure” to something may make the exposure ineffective.问题5选项A.vaccination is able to prevent the occurrence of cancerB.cancer vaccines may replace the conventional therapiesC.cancer vaccines may control the cancer recurrences and metastasesD.vaccination against cancer is possible in theory but almost impossible in reality【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.【选项释义】The first paragraph is meant to describe( ). 第一段是为了描述_。A. the evolution of vaccination A. 疫苗的发展B. the mechanism of vaccination B. 疫苗接种机制C. the significance of vaccination C. 接种疫苗的意义D. the popularization of vaccination D. 疫苗接种的普及【答案】B【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词first paragraph与题干信息可定位至原文第一段第一句“预防医学中,没有比疫苗注射策略更好的例子了”,推断第一段主要是向我们介绍疫苗注射后是如何起作用的,所以B选项“疫苗接种机制”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“疫苗的发展”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“接种疫苗的意义”文中没有提及属于无中生有;D选项“疫苗接种的普及”属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】Which of the following is true of vaccines against cancer? 关于癌症疫苗,下列哪项是正确的?A. They are both therapeutic and preventive. A. 它们既具有治疗作用又具有预防作用。B. Vaccines against cervical cancer also work on liver cancer. B. 宫颈癌疫苗对肝癌也有效。C. Vaccines can replace other therapeutic modalities for cancer. C. 疫苗可以替代癌症的其他治疗方式。D. They strictly follow the mechanism of traditional vaccination. D. 它们严格遵循传统的疫苗接种机制。【答案】A【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第二段第二句“大多数专家认为癌症疫苗是治疗和预防的结合”,由此句可知A选项“它们既具有治疗作用又具有预防作用”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项“宫颈癌疫苗对肝癌也有效。”,文中提到“这两种疫苗都是为了对抗引起疾病的主要病毒,而不是针对癌症”,所以该选项属于过度推断;C选项“疫苗可以替代癌症的其他治疗方式。”,与原文意思不符,属于反向干扰;D选项“它们严格遵循传统的疫苗接种机制。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。3.【选项释义】According to the passage, why is it difficult to use vaccines to prevent non-viral cancers? 根据文章,为什么使用疫苗来预防非病毒性癌症如此困难?A. Because too many factors make it hard to determine the main causes. A. 因为太多的因素使得很难确定主要的原因。B. Because genetic makeup plays a dominant role in cancer development. B. 因为基因组成在癌症发展中起着主导作用。C. Because the development of such vaccines requires enormous investment. C. 因为开发这种疫苗需要巨大的投资。D. Because literature is limited on the efficacy of vaccines for non-viral cancers. D. 因为文献对非病毒性癌症的疫苗疗效有限。【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第三段最后两句“在非病毒性癌症中,所谓的接触是基因、环境和一系列因人而异的其他未知因素的结合。试问你如何接种疫苗来预防你的家族遗传性乳腺癌或抵制长期接触的二手烟?”推断非病毒性癌症致病的因素是一系列综合因素,无法通过接种疫苗来免疫。所以A选项“因为太多的因素使得很难确定主要的原因。”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项“因为基因组成在癌症发展中起着主导作用。”,原文中只说家族遗传的很难用疫苗来预防,并未说其组成占主导地位,这里偷换概念;C选项“因为开发这种疫苗需要巨大的投资。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;D选项“因为文献对非病毒性癌症的疫苗疗效有限。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】From the context, what does the author suggest by saying “passes for exposure”? 从上下文来看,作者说“通行证是接触”是什么意思?A. The “exposure” in antiviral vaccination and anticancer vaccination is different. A. 在抗病毒疫苗接种和抗癌疫苗接种中的“接触”是不同的。B. The “exposure” in cancer vaccination does not produce any long-term effect. B. 癌症疫苗的“接触”不会产生任何长期的影响。C. “Exposure” is a useless concept when cancer is genetically-determined. C. 当癌症是由基因决定的时候,“接触”是一个无用的概念。D. Constant “exposure” to something may make the exposure ineffective. D. 持续地“接触”某些东西可能会使接触变得无效。【答案】A【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词“passes for exposure(通过接触所传递的事物)”可将信息点定位至原文第三段倒数第二句“在非病毒性癌症中,所谓的接触是基因、环境和一系列因人而异的其他未知因素的组合”,再结合本段第一句“使用疫苗来预防无病人的非病毒性癌症是完全不同的事情。”由这两句可知A选项“在抗病毒疫苗接种和抗癌疫苗接种中的接触是不同的。”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项“癌症疫苗的接触不会产生任何长期的影响。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“当癌症是由基因决定的时候,接触是一个无用的概念。”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有;D选项“持续地接触某些东西可能会使接触变得无效。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】We can conclude from the last paragraph that( ). 从最后一段我们可以得出结论_。A. vaccination is able to prevent the occurrence of cancer A. 接种疫苗可以预防癌症的发生B. cancer vaccines may replace the conventional therapies B. 癌症疫苗可能会取代传统疗法C. cancer vaccines may control the cancer recurrences and metastases C. 癌症疫苗可以控制癌症的复发和转移D. vaccination against cancer is possible in theory but almost impossible in reality D. 接种癌症疫苗在理论上是可能的,但在现实中几乎是不可能的【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据提示词last Paragraph与题干信息可定位至原文最后一段第二、三句“理想情况下,癌症疫苗将用于那些已经通过手术、化疗或放疗进行诊断和治疗的患者。让他们形成免疫能力,以防止癌症复发和扩散。”由这两句可知C选项“癌症疫苗可以控制癌症的复发和转移”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“接种疫苗可以预防癌症的发生”,文中并没有说接种疫苗后就不会发生癌症,属于过度推断;B选项“癌症疫苗可能会取代传统疗法”,文中只是说运用了疫苗这个方法,并没有说取代,属于过度推断;D选项“接种癌症疫苗在理论上是可能的,但在现实中几乎是不可能的”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。3. 单选题问题1选项A.The necessity to be a PAB.Her love for the position of PAC.Her journey to being a PAD.The hardship she suffered for being a PA问题2选项A.Her family encouraged her to choose PAB.She did have interest in PAC.Physical therapy is not accessible to herD.It is easier for her to be a PA问题3选项A.She should acquire a masters degreeB.She needed to study Organic ChemistryC.She had to have the experience in AnatomyD.She should prepare some materials she didnt have【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B【解析】第1题:本文说到的是说话人成为PA的经历,因此C选项“Her journey to being a PA”正确。第2题:说话者说到了成为医生助理的原因:I looked more into the PA route because I was really interested in it(我更多地关注了PA路线,因为我真的很感兴趣)。因此B选项正确。第3题:文中说到“I still needed some learning in subjects like organic chemistry and anatomies and stuff that I didnt have(我还需要学习一些学科,比如有机化学和解剖学,还有一些我没有学过的东西)”,对比信息,可知B选项正确。4. 单选题21-25问题1选项A.The link between weight loss and sleep deprivation.B.The link between weight gain and sleep deprivation.C.The link between weight loss and physical exercise.D.The link between weight gain and physical exercise.问题2选项A.More than 68 000.B.More than 60 800.C.More than 60 080.D.More than 60 008.问题3选项A.Seven-hour sleepers gained more weight over time than five-hour ones.B.Five-hour sleepers gained more weight over time than seven-hour ones.C.Short-sleepers were 15% more likely to become obese.D.Short-sleepers consumed fewer calories than long sleepers.24.问题4选项A.Overeating among the sleep-deprived.B.Little exercise among the sleep-deprived.C.Lower metabolic rate resulting from less sleep.D.Higher metabolic rate resulting from less sleep.25.问题5选项A.Exercise everyday.B.Take diet pills.C.Go on a diet.D.Sleep more.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】Heres a dreamy weight-loss plan: take a nap. Thats the message from work by Sanjay Patel at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. (21) (22) (23) His study of more than 68 000 women has found that those who sleep less than 5 hours a night gain more weight over time than those who sleep 7 hours a night.Controlling for other differences between the groups, Patel found that women who slept 5 hours or less gained 0.7 kilograms more on average over 10 years than 7-hour sleepers. The short-sleeping group was also 32 percent more likely to have gained 15 kilograms or more, and 15 percent more likely to have become obese.Significantly, the short-sleepers consumed fewer calories than those who slept 7 hours, says Patel, who presented his results this week at the American Thoracic Society International Conference in San Diego, California. This finding overturns the common view that overeating among the sleep-deprived explains such weight differences.(24) Lower metabolic rate resulting from less sleep may be the reason behind the weight gain, Patel suggests. (25) “It obviously also suggests that getting people to sleep more might be a relatively easy way to help people lose weight,” he says.21. What did Patels study indicate?【解析】根据录音内容“His study of more than 68 000 women has found that those who sleep less than 5 hours a night gain more weight over time than those who sleep 7 hours a night”可知,应该讲的是睡眠不足与体重增加的问题。故选B。22. How many subjects did Patel have in his study?【解析】根据录音内容“His study of more than 68000 women has found.”可知,受试对象超过68 000。故选A。23. According to Patels study, which of the following is not true?【解析】根据录音内容“His study of more than 68 000 women has found that those who sleep less than 5 hours a night gain more weight over time than those who sleep 7 hours a night”可知,A选项恰与之意思相反。故选A。24. According to Patel, what might be the reason behind the weight differences?【解析】根据录音内容“Lower metabolic rate behind the weight gain”可知,由于睡眠时间少而导致的代谢缓慢可能是体重增加的原因。故选C。25. What suggestion will Patel give to those who want to lose weight?【解析】根据录音内容“It obviously also suggests that getting people to sleep more might be a relatively easy way to help people lose weight”可知,对于要减肥的人们来说,多睡会儿可能会起作用。故选D。5. 单选题问题1选项A.He crashed his truckB.He injured his spine in an earthquakeC.He broke his arm in a car crashD.He suffered an accident问题2选项A.lt is easy to be absorbedB.lt can grow very fastC.lt has a high rate of fusi


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