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非谓语动词复习策略一般现在时 一般过去时一般将来时 过去将来时现在进行时 过去进行时现在完成时 过去完成时将来完成时 完成进行时(一)动词不定式【基本概念】对英语动词的基本认识 时态 (按高考要求共九十个时态) 谓语动词 语态 (主动语态和被动语态) 语气 (陈述语气和虚拟语气) 动词 主谓一致动词不定式( to do ) 非谓语动词 分词 (现在分词doing和过去分词done) 动名词 ( doing ) 非谓语动词是指不能充当谓语而做其他句子成分的动词,凡是用作非谓语的动词在形式上都要有所变化,以区别于谓语动词。非谓语动词的基本形式及其语法功能非谓语动词时态和语态的形式(以动词do为例)动词不定式动名词/现在分词过去分词一般式to dodoingdone 及物动词的过去式既表示被动又表示完成;个别的过去分词(多数为不及物动词)并不表示被动的意思,只表示完成。一般式被动式to be done being done完成式to have donehaving done完成被动式to have been donehaving been done进行式to be doing非谓语动词的语法功能具有哪些词性的部分特征 可充当的句子成分名词形容词副词主语宾语表语定语状语补语不定式 动名词 分 词 非谓语动词(一)动词不定式考查热点【基本概念】不定式是动词的非谓语形式之一,具有名词、形容词、副词的性质,在句子中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补足语。使用不定式时,大多数情况下要带有不定式的符号“to”,少数情况不用“to”。一、考查动词不定式(短语)的句法功能1.不定式做主语。 动词不定式可以作句子的主语,这时谓语动词用单数。若不定式主语较长,常用it来代替它作形式主语,而将真实主语不定式短语移到谓语之后,以免句子结构头重脚轻。如: 1.Whenandwheretobuildthenewfactory_yet. A.isnotdecided B.arenotdecided C.hasnotdecided D.havenotdecided2.Ilovetogototheseasideinsummer.It_goodtolieinthesunorswiminthecoldsea. A.does B.feels C.gets D.makes动词不定式作主语时,it为形式主语的常见句型有: Itiseasy/difficult/hard/important/right/wrong/possible/necessary,/foolish/kind.todo. Itisapleasure/pity/pleasantthing/anhonour.todo. Ittakes(sb.)sometimetodo. 2.不定式做宾语。有些及物动词常跟动词不定式作宾语,这些动词有:like,want,try,wish,begin,decide,ask,forget,promise,hope,love, offer,refuse等。如: 3.Idontwant_likeImspeakingillofanybody,butthemanagersplanisunfair.A.tosound B.tobesounded C.sounding D.tohavesounded 4.Theyrenotverygood,butwelike_. A.anywaytoplaybasketballwiththem B.toplaybasketballwiththemanyway C.toplaywiththembasketballanyway D.withthemtoplaybasketballanyway 有些动词后面跟复合宾语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正宾语不定式短语放在宾语补足语之后。这类动词常见的有find(发现),think(认为),consider(认为),feel(觉得),make(使得)等。如: MarxfounditimportanttostudythesituationinRussia.马克思觉得研究俄国形势很重要。3. 不定式做表语 作表语的不定式往往说明主语的内容,句子的主语通常是hope,idea,job,mistake,plan,suggestion,wish,work,aim,purpose,thing,business等。如: 5.Thepurposeofnewtechnologiesistomakelifeeasier,_itmoredifficult. A.notmake B.notmaking C.nottomake D.donotmake 4.不定式做定语不定式(短语)作定语要放在所修饰的名词/代词后面,他们之间常存在如下关系: 主谓关系,被修饰的名词/代词是不定式的逻辑主语。如: Shewasthefirstpersontothinkoftheidea.她第一个想到这个注意。 动宾关系,被修饰的名词/代词是不定式的逻辑宾语。如: 6.Therearefivepairs_,butImatalosswhichtobuy. A.tobechosen B.tochoosefrom C.tochoose D.forchoosing 同位关系,不定式说明被修饰的名词/代词的内容。如: Iwanttohaveachancetofurthermystudyabroad.我想得到去国外进修的机会。 5.不定式做状语 不定式作状语用来修饰动词,表示目的、结果、原因等。 作目的状语 不定式作目的状语,有时在形式上与结果状语一样。但是位于句首的一定是目的状语,位于句末的既可能是目的状语也可能是结果状语,这要根据上下文来判断。如: 7._moreaboutsenior three courses,call(029)88231608. A.Tofindout B.Findingout C.Findout D.Havingfoundout8.Itwasunbelievablethatthefanswaitedoutsidethegymforthreehoursjust_alookatthesportsstars.A.had B.having C.tohave D.have9.Hehurriedtothestationonly_thatthetrainhadleft. A.tofind B.finding C.found D.tohavefound 有时为了强调,还可以在不定式前加inorder(to)或soas(to),inorder(to)可以用于句首或句末,soas(to)不能用于句首Inordertosearchforgold,manypeoplewenttoCalifornia.为了寻找金子很多人去了加利福尼亚。 10.Tomkeptquietabouttheaccident_losehisjob.A.sonotasto B.soasnotto C.soastonot D.notsoasto 作结果状语 不定式作结果状语常见于too.to,enoughto等句式中。如: Thismeetingroomistoosmallforoverfiftypeopletoholdameetingin. Theiceisthickenoughtowalkon.冰够厚了可以在上面行走。 only to do 是不定式做结果状语的典型用法,这种“结果”往往是预想不到的。 Yesterday I went to see him only to find he had been away on business. He got to the station only to be told the train had gone. 作原因状语 不定式作原因状语主要用于表示喜、怒、哀、乐等的形容词后面。如: Sheseemedsurprisedtomeetus.他遇见我们,似乎有点惊讶。 Iamverysorrytohearyourmotherisill.听到你妈妈病了,我很难过。 6. 不定式做宾语补足语 不定式可与名词或代词构成复合宾语,这时不定式作宾语补足语。此情况分以下三种: 带to的不定式作宾语补足语 要求这种结构的动词主要有: advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,drive,encourage,expect,force,invite,like, love,teach,order,persuade,request,require,tell,want等。如: 11.Myadvisorencouraged_asummercoursetoimprovemywritingskills. A.formetaking B.metaking C.formetotake D.metotake 不带to的不定式作宾语补足语 常用于这种结构的动词有:“我看三室两厅一感觉” 动词 五看see, look at, watch, notice, observe, 三使have, make, let; 两听hear,listen to;一感觉feel.后做宾语补足语的不定式主动语态时必须用do;改为被动语态又必须用to 。12. Asyouveneverbeentherebefore,Illhavesomeone_youtheway. A.toshow B.show C.showing D.showed在help后既可带to也可不带to。如: Willyouhelpme(to)plantthesetrees,please?你愿意帮我种这些树吗? 当含有复合宾语的句子由主动语态变为被动语态时,原来的宾语补足语变为主语补足语。这时,原来不带to的不定式要加上to。如: 12.Thefluisbelieved_byvirusesthatliketoreproduceinthecellsinsidethehumannoseandthroat. A.causing B.beingcaused C.tobecaused D.behavecaused 13.IsBobstillperforming? Imafraidnot.Heissaid_thestagealreadyashehasbecomeanofficial. A.tohaveleft B.toleave C.tohavebeenleft D.tobeleft7.不定式做插入语,修饰全句To tell the truth ,I have got no money on me . To be honest, I know nothing about it. 【高考热点】二、考查动词不定式的否定式 动词不定式的否定式是在不定式前加not或never。如: 15.Thepatientwaswarned_oilyfoodaftertheoperation. A.toeatnot B.eatingnot C.nottoeat D.noteating16.Tofetchwaterbeforebreakfastseemedtomearule_. A.toneverbreak B.nevertobebroken C.nevertohavebroken D.nevertobebreaking 三、考查动词不定式的时态形式 不定式一般有三种时态形式:一般式、进行式和完成式。 (一)不定式的一般式 在很多情况下,不定式的一般式表示的动作发生在谓语动作之后。如: 17.Weagreed_herebutsofarshehasntturnedupyet. A.havingmet B.meeting C.tomeet D.tohavemet 不定式的一般式有时表示不定式的动作和谓语动作同时发生。如: WelistenedherplayapiecebyChopinonthepiano.我们倾听她用钢琴弹奏的肖邦的曲子。 (二)不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示谓语动词的动作发生时,它的动作正在进行。如: Hepretendedtobelisteningattentively.他假装在认真听。 (三)不定式的完成式 不定式的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。如: 18.Youweresillynot_yourcar. A.tolock B.tohavelocked C.locking D.havinglocked4、 考查动词不定式的被动态 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式动作的承受者时,一般需用被动语态。不定式的被动语态有一般式和完成式两种。 (一)不定式被动态的一般式 不定式被动态的一般式表示被动意义,它的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生,或在其后发生。如: 19.Allthesegiftsmustbemailedimmediately_intimeforChristmas A.inordertohavereceived B.inordertoreceive C.soastobereceived D.soastobereceiving20.Thenewsreportershurriedtotheairport,only_thefilmstarshadleft. A.totell B.tobetold C.telling D.told(二)不定式被动语态的完成式 不定式被动语态的完成式表示被动意义,而且它的动作发生在谓语动作之前。如: 21.Heclaimed_inthesupermarketwhenhewasdoingshoppingyesterday. A.beingbadlytreated B.treatingbadly C.tobetreatedbadly D.tohavebeenbadlytreated 五、考查动词不定式的复合结构的用法 “for+名词/代词宾格+不定式”构成不定式复合结构。这里的for本身无意义,名词/代词宾格是不定式的逻辑主语,说明不定式的动作执行者。如: LincolnsaidthatitwasnotrightforthesouthtobreakawayfromtheUnion.有时也可在形容词后用复合结构“of+sb.+不定式”。常可这样用的形容词有kind,good,bad,right,wrong,clever,foolish,stupid等。这些形容词既能表示不定式动作的性质,又可体现人的特点。在此结构中,sb.与形容词有逻辑上的主谓关系;无此关系时,要用for。如: 22.Itwasfoolish_youtogiveupwhatyourightlyowned. A.for B.of C.about D.fromItswrongoftheotherchildrentomakefunofyou.(=Theotherchildrenarewrongtomakefunofyou.) Itisnecessaryforyoutoworkhard.(Youarenecessarytoworkhard.) 六、考查“疑问词+动词不定式”结构的用法 疑问代词who,what,which和疑问副词when,where,how,why以及连词whether等与不定式构成的短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。如: 23.Iveworkedwithchildrenbefore,soIknowwhat_inmynewjob. A.expected B.toexpect C.tobeexpecting D.expect24.LastsummerItookacourseon_. A.howtomakedresses B.howdressestomake C.howtobemadedresses D.howdressestobemade七、考查动词不定式在某些句式或结构中的用法 不定式常可用于 usedtodosth.,wouldratherdo.thando,cantchoosebutdo,canthelpbutdo,prefertodo.than(to)do,happentodo等固定结构中。如: 25.Idontknowwhetheryouhappen_,butImgoingtostudyintheU.S.A.thisSeptember. A.tobeheard B.tobehearing C.tohear D.tohaveheard 26.Sandycoulddonothingbut_tohisteacherthathewaswrong. A.Admit B.admitted C.admittingD.toadmit 八、考查动词不定式的省略 在口语中,如果句子前面已出现过同样的动词,为避免重复,后面常用不定式符号to替代动词及其后续部分。如: Will you join us in the discussion? Ill be glad to. Would you like to go shopping with me? I prefer not to.在used to 、be going to 、 mean to 、 ought to 、 try to 、 plan to 等结构中,当不定式省略时,to 常都保留。 当两个或多个带to 的不定式由并列连词and或or 连接在一起时,第二个及其后的不定式符号to 常可省略。The teacher asked the students to read over the text carefully and (to) put down the important points (or) put forward questions if there is any. 但如果两者有对比关系,则在每个不定式前面加to: They didnt tell me whether to go on or to stop.27.Youshouldhavethankedherbeforeyouleft. Imeant_,butwhenIwasleavingIcouldntfindheranywhere. A.todo B.to C.doing D.doingso28.Theboywantedtoridehisbicycleinthestreet,buthismothertoldhim_. A.notto B.nottodo C.notdoit D.donotit 九、考查“名词/代词+不定式”构成的独立结构的用法 “名词/代词+不定式”构成的独立结构在句中常作状语。如: 29.Isendyou100dollarstoday,therest_inayear. A.follows B.followed C.tofollow D.beingfollowed 动词不定式测试( ) 1. She pretended _ to me, so she mended my socks. A. to be friendly B. to be friend C. being friendly D. being friendship.( ) 2. It happened to _ when I got there. A. rain B. raining C. be raining D. rained( ) 3. They seemed _ to the radio at seven yesterday morning. A. being listen B. to be listening C. to listening D. listening( ) 4. How he expects _ his parents soon. A. seeing B. seen C. saw D. to see( ) 5. -Why did you get up so early this morning? -I wouldnt like _ late again. A. to be caught being B. to be catching being C. to catch being D. to be caught( ) 6. She spoke too quickly _ . A. to understand B. to be understood C. not to understand D. not to be understood( ) 7. He seems _ here for three years. A. to be living B. to have lived C. to have been lived D. to live( ) 8. Tom pretended _ it, but, in fact , he knew it very well. A. not listen to B. not to hear about C. not to have heard about D. to be not listening to( ) 9. _ No. 1 in the coming game, they have been keeping on _ hard many hours a day. A. To be; training B. Being; to train C. In order to be; to train D. So as to be; training( )10. To go shopping on Sundays seems to my mother a rule _. A. to never break B. never to be breaking C. never to be broken D. never to have broken( )11. It is not always easy _ invitations. A. to refuse B. refusing C. to be refused D. being refused( )12. It is clear to all the Chinese people why _ out the reform and the open policy(政策). A. to carry B. carrying C. carry D. be carries( ) 13. _ a language requires time and effort. A. Learn B. Learning C. To learning D. Being learned( )14. To see is _. A. believe B. believing C. to believe D. to have seen( )15. As we know, the meeting _ this afternoon. A. will hold B. is to be held C. is being held D. is to hold( )16. - How are you going to the station, on foot or by bus. - I _ there, for there is quite some time to go. A. prefer to take a bus B. wouldnt like taking a bus C. dont feel like walking D. would prefer to walk( )17. It is careless _ the same mistake in your composition. A. for you to make B. for you making C. of you to make D. of you making( )18. The lost girl desired nothing but _ home. A. to go B. going C. go D. went( )19. There seemed to be nothing else to do but _ a doctor. A. to call on B. call for C. send for D. to send( )20. I had nothing _ but _ , for it was too noisy for me to go to sleep. A. to do; to sit up B. to do; sit up C. do; to sit up D. to do; sitting up( )21. After having finished the work, he wanted nothing except _. A. having a deep sleep B. to have a deep sleep C. a deep sleep D. have a deep sleep( )22. Mary did nothing except _ to the wall. A. smile B. to smile C. smiling D. smiled( )23. She didnt know whether to keep these letters or _. A. if she should throw them away B. throwing them away C. to throw them away D. throw them away( )24. I first considered _ to him, but then I decided _ him. A. writing; how seeing B. to write; when to see C. writing; when to see D. to write; where seeing( )25. Have you been told _? A. when to start B. when will we start C. when start D. to start when( )26. The manager has told the workers _ next week. A. how to do B. what to do C. where to do D. to do( )27. I am very sorry _ that. I didnt do it on purpose. A. doing B. to do C. having done D. to have done( )28. He was afraid _ the yard because he was afraid _ by the big dog _at the gate. A. to enter; to be bitten; lay B. of entering; to be bitten; lay C. of entering; to be bitten; laying D. to enter; of being bitten; lying( )29. I know him _ a good football player while in college. A. to have be B. to be C. was D. had been( )30. With a lot of difficult problems _, the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks. A. to settle B. settling C. settled D. being settled( )31. The man was made_ a woman he didnt love at all. A. to marry B. marry C. to marry with D. marry with( )32. Mr. White is a worker but he has a large family _. A. to support B. for supporting C. support D. to be supporting( )33. Im leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. Have you anything _ there? A. taking B. being taken C. to take D. to be taken( )34. Attention please, I have something important _. A. say B. to say C. said D. to speak( )35. The captain was the last one _ the _ship. A. leaving; sinking B. to leave; sinking C. left; sunk D. to leave; sunk( )36. Could you help me find a hotel _? A. to stay B. to stay at C. staying D. staying at( )37. Have you got any ink _? A. to write B. to write by C. to write with D. to write in( )38. Id like the man you referred _ help me. A. / B. to C. so to D. to to ( )39. The little girl was _ nervous _ a word. A. too; to say B. very; to speak C. so; to talk D. such; to tell( )40. Mr Smith is _ kind _ help his comrades in their work. A. too; to B. very; to C. enough; to D. so; /( )41. The city government must take action _ the increasing population. A. to control B. controlling C. controls D. controlled( )42. To make more progress, _. A. one must work hard B. working heard is needed C. what you need is to work hard D. what one needs is to work hard( )43. - How is the wounded soldier? - Sorry. He _ though the doctor did what he could _ him. A. was died; to save B. would die; save C. died; to save D. is dead; save


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