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富平中学七年级英语上册月考试题(一)答案卷本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,满分120分,时间120分钟。注意事项:1, 答题前,请将姓名,班级,学校等填在试卷规定位置。2, 答选择题时,必须将答案写在下面的答案栏内,如需改动,须用橡皮擦干净,再填涂其他选项标号。3, 答非选择题时,需用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,将答案写在试卷上规定位置。4, 在试卷以外其他地方作答无效。第I卷(选择题)第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分40分)第一节、请把栏和栏中的句子连线。(共10小题,每题1分,满分为10分) 1.Nice to meet you! A. Hello.2. What color is it? B. Good morning.3. Whats his phone number? C. It is a book.4. Whats this in English? D. Thats all right.5. Whats your name? E. Fine, thank you.6. Whats his family name? F. It is blue.7. How are you? G. Nice to meet you.8. Im sorry. H. I am Linda.9. Good morning. I. It is 889-623410. Hello. J. It is Smith.第二节: 单项选择( 共20小题,每题1分,满分为20分)( )11.早晨在学校门口遇到老师, 你应该说 。 A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening ( )12. How are you ? ,thank you. A. How are you B. Good afternoon C. I am fine ( ) 13. There is _ “u” and _ “s” in the word “useful”. A. an, a B. a, an C. a, a D. an, an ( ) 14. -Is this your sister? -Yes, _. A. he is B. she is C. it is D. this is( ) 15. _ those your _? A. Are, apple B. Is, apple C. Is, apples D. Are apples( ) 16. Dave is a teacher. _ phone number is 989-5624. A. Her B. My C. His D. Your( ) 17. Thanks _ your oranges. A. with B. of C. at D. for( ) 18. -Is this your bike? It is very nice. -Yes, _. A. thanks B. the same to you C. its not nice D. dont say so.( )19. Is this eraser?Yes,it is . A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )20. -Is she your cousin?Yes, . A. it is B. she is C. it isnt D. she isnt( )21. This is friend . name is Liu Bing. A. her,Hes B. my;He C. your;She D. my;His( )22. - ? -Mary Green. A. Whats your name? B. Whats this? C. What color is it D. How are you?( )23. -Whats your phone number?- 511-8027. A. Im B .Its C.It D. My( )24. This is a girl. name is Gina. A. His B. I C. Her D. It( )25. -Whats his name?-Jim. A. one B. last C. three D. first( )26. I a boy. My name Nick. A. am;am B. is ;is C. am;is D. is;am( )27. - ?-B-O-O-K. A. How are you? B. Whats this in English? C. How do you spell it ? D. Is this your book?( )28. -Is Paul your friend?- . A. Yes ,it is . B. No,it isnt. C. Yes,he is D. No,she isnt. ( )29. My fathers brother is my . A. brother B. father C. uncle D. cousin( )30. are her brothers,Dave and Jack. A. This B. That C. He D. Those第三节:完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分为10分)Hello,everyone!Nice to 31 you! My name 32 Tim Brown. I am a 33 . I am 13. Look! 34 this? Its a 35 of my family. 36 People(人们)are in my family-my parents,my 37 ,Anna and I. My brother is a teacher(老师) in a 38 . My father is a teacher,too. Anna is 11. I am a student(学生) and 39 is a student,too. My telephone number is 565-9921. You can 40 me at it . ( )31. A. thank B. meet C. excuse D. look( )32. A. am B. / C. are D. is( )33. A. boy B. father C. grandfather D. friend( )34. A. What B. Hows C. Whats D. How( )35. A. photo B. ID card C. telephone number D. Nothbook( )36. A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six( )37. A. sister B. brother C. cousin D. aunt( )38. A. picture B. photo C. school D. family( )39. A. he B. it C. I D. she( )40. A. call B. found C. spell D. lost第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节: 阅读理解选择题(共15小题,每题2分,满分为30分) AName Thing Color Alicequiltyellow and whiteBob jacketblueCindy rulerredHelenpengreenFrankkeyblack( )41. Alice has a _. A. key B. ruler C. quilt D. jacket( )42. Bobs jacket is _. A. red B. blue C. yellow D. green( )43. Is Cindys ruler white? A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is C. No, it is. D. We dont know.( )44. _ has a green pen. A. Helen B. Bob C. Frank D. Alice( ) 45. What color is the key? A. Black. B. White. C. Green. D. Red.BIm a boy. My name is Tom White. I am ten years old. I am in Class 2, Grade 1. Im in No. 1 Middle School. My teacher is Mr. Wu. I have a good friend at school He is Jim Green. Jim is his first name and Green is his last name. He is ten, too. But he is in Class 1, Grade 1. His teacher is Miss Wang. 读短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。( ) 46. Tom is in _.A. Class 1, Grade 1 B. Class 1, Grade 2 C. Class 2, Grade 1 D. Class 2, Grade 2( ) 47. Tom is _.A.9 B.10 C. 11 D. 12( ) 48. Toms teacher and Jims teacher are _. A. Mr. Wu B. Mr. Wu and Mr. Wang C. Miss Wu and Miss Wang D. Mr. Wu and Miss Wang( ) 49. Tom is Tom Greens _. A. first name B. last name C. number D. family name( ) 50. Tom and Jim are in _ A. Grade 1 B. Grade 2 C. Grade 3 D. Grade 1 and Grade 2C Mark Black is my good friend. He is English. He has a yellow bike. His bike number is 9075. His mother has a black car. The number is CA3566. His father has a black car, too. The number is CA3567. 读短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。( )51. Black is Marks .A. color B. first name C. brother D. family name ( )52. Mark has a .A. yellow bike B. yellow jeep C. green bike D. green jeep( )53. Mr Blacks car number is .A. 9075 B. 9076 C. CA3566 D. CA3567( )54. His mothers car is .A. yellow B. black C. red D. white( )55. Mark and are good friends.A. I B. me C. you D. she第二节: 信息归纳(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分) Look at this boy. He is an English boy. His first name is Alan. His last name is Brown. This is his school. His school ID card is 36872368. His teacher is Miss Black. She is a nice teacher. Look! Whats that? Its backpack(背包). Its blue. Its Alans backpack. His red jacket is in it. Where is his watch(手表)? Oh, Alan lost it this morning.56. Alans family name is _.57. Alans school ID card number is _.58. The color of his backpack is _.59. The color of his jacket is _.60. Alan lost _ this morning.第II卷(非选择题)第三部分:写作 (共四节,满分45分)第一节、书写。( 共2 0 分 ) 61. 写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。( 5 分 ) 62.写出跟Ee 含有相同音素的其它字母的大小写形式。( 4 分) 63.写出一笔完成的大写字母。(5分) 64.用手写体的小写抄写下列单词。( 6 分 )1)2)A F T R N O O N3) 4)M O T H E R 5)N I N E 6)G O O D 第二节、单句改错。(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分)找出每句中的一处错误,并在后面横线上改正。65. What is you name? A B C D ( ) 66. I name is LiuYing. A B C D ( ) 67. Hello! Nice meet you. A B C D ( ) 68. Whats your phone number? This is 9981372. A B C D ( ) 69. Whats your first name? My first name is John Smith. A B C D ( ) 第三节 词语运用(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分)根据句意及所给提示,补全单词或用单词、固定短语、固定搭配的正确形式填空。70. Whats this in E ? Its a book. 71. Is this (you)baseball?72. (that) are my brothers,Bill and Mike. 73. It is my ID (身份证).74. Its an (橘子)第四节 基础写作(共15分)(A) 连词成句,将所给单词连成完整正确的句子(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分) 75. telephone,number ,her ,whats (?) 76. your,ruler,this,is (?) 77. your, is ,sister, lily (?) 78. dictionary, is, here, your (.) 79.those,erasers, her, are (?) (B) 书面表达(共 10 分)书面表达(10分)开学已经有一个月了, 你认识你的新同学了吗?那你的同学认识你吗?假如下面是你的一些个人信息,请根据其中的信息内容用英语向你的同学介绍你的个人情况,词数4050。School: No. 1 Middle School First name: JohnLast name: Smith Sex(性别): boyAge(年龄):12 Class: Class 4, Grade 1Teacher: Mr. Green Nationality(国籍):EnglishTelephone number: 253-3685_富平中学七年级英语上册月考试题(一)答案第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分40分)第一节、请把栏和栏中的句子连线。(共10小题,每题1分,满分为10分) 1-5 GFICH 610 JEDBA 第二节: 单项选择( 共20小题,每题1分,满分为20分1115 BCBCD 1620 CDABA 21-25 DACCD2630 CCCCD第三节:完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分为10分)31-35 BDACA 36-40 CBCDA第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节: 阅读理解选择题(共15小题,每题2分,满分为30分)4145 CBAAA 4650 CBDAA 51-55 DACBA第二节: 信息归纳56. Brown 57. 36872368 58. blue 59. red 60. his watch第三部分:写作 (共四节,满分45分)第一节、书写。( 共2 0 分 )61 A E I O U a e i o u62 B b C c D d G g Vv Tt Zz63 C G J L O S V W Z64 name afternoon apple mother nine good 第二节、单句改错。(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分)找出每句中的一处错误,并在后面横线上改正。65 C your66 A my67 C to meet 68 C It69 D John 第三节 ,词语运用(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分)根据句意及所给提示,补全单词或用单词、固定短语、固定搭配的正确形式填空。70 English71 your72 those73 card74 orange第四节 基础写作(共15分)(A) 连词成句,将所给单词连成完整正确的句子(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)(共5小题,每题1分,满分为5分) 75 whats her telephone ? 76 Is this your ruler ?77 Is lily your sister ?78 Here is your dictionary.79 Are those her erasers ?(B) 书面表达(共 10 分)Hello,everyone ! My firstnme is John and my last name is smith ,I am a boy ,I am 12 ,I am from English ,I am in No 1 Middle school .Iam in class 4 Grade 1 now .My telephone number is 253-3685.My teacher is Mr. Green.He is my English teacher , I am very happy in my school.


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