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时态 1 一般现在时 形式 do does 单数第三人称 意义 一般现在时表示客观的 普遍性的真理以及经常性的 事件 用法 A 表示现在发生的动作 情况 状态和特征 B 经常性 习惯性动作 e g He always helps others 他总是帮助别人 He often goes to the gym C 客观事实和普遍真理 尤其要注意 如果前后文不是一般 现在时 则无法保持 主句 从句时态一致 e g The sun rises in the east and sets in the west Knowledge is power 这一用法场合一些表动作频率的时间副词连用 1 表示肯定的频率副词 always frequently usually sometimes generally occasionally often etc 2 表示否定的频率副词 never seldom rarely etc 这些副词的位置 在 Be 动词后 实义动词前 e g He is always late 2 一般过去时 形式 did 意义 一般过去时表示在过去的某一特定时间发生和结束的活 动或情况 用法 A 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或情况 e g I saw him in the library yesterday morning 有特定的时间状语 yesterday yesterday evening last night month spring year the night before last 前天 晚上 three days months years ago in 1999 etc 这些时间状语之前不用加介词 B 表示过去习惯性动作 一直持续或反复发生的动作 此时 可与表示拼读的时间副词连用 e g I slept for eight hours last night 表示在过 去某一段时间内持续的动作 但这动作现在已经结束了 3 一般将来时 形式 will shall do 或 be going to do 意义 一般将来时表示在未来的某个时间将要发生的某个动 作或状态 学明白一般将来时要理解的一下三个至关重要的概念 1 预测 表示说话人认为将来会发生某件事 2 事先计划 说话人在头脑里已经做出决定将来要做某件事 3 意愿 说话人既不是预计某事会发生 也不是预先经过考 虑决定将做某事 而是在说话的时刻立即做出决断表明他将做某事 用法 A 用来预测 表示预测 或说估计将来要发生某事 可用 will 或 be going to e g According to the weather report it will be windy tomorrow B 表示 打算去 要 时 可用 be going to do e g This is just what I am going to say C 表示 将要 正要 时 可用 be about to do 强调近期 内或马上要做的事 e g Do not worry I am about to make a close examination on you 别担心 我马上就给你做一次仔细的检查 D be to do 的 5 种用法 a 表示 按计划 安排即将发生某事或打算做某事 例 She is to be seen in the lab on Monday 星期一你准 会在实验室见到她 b 该做或不该做的事情 语气上接近于 should must ought to have to 表示一种命令 规劝性语气 e g You are to go to bed and keep quiet kids Our guests are arriving in less than 5 minutes 孩子们 你们必 须 上床睡觉 不准吵闹 我们的客人 5 分钟之内就要到了 c 能或不能发生的事情 接近 can may 例 How am I to pay such a debt 我怎么可能还得起这么大 的一笔债呢 d 不可避免将要发生的事情 后来将要发生的事情 e g I assure you that the matter as quickly as possible Have a little patience A will be attended B will be attended to C is attended D is attended to will be attended to 关键的一点是 attend 表示 处理 解决 时是不及物动词 必须与 to 连用 另外 从上下文看 事情显然尚 未解决 所以应该用将来时的被动语态 答案是 B e 用于条件从句 如果 想 设想 接近 if want to 或 if should e g Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage avoided A is to be B can be C will be D has been 答案是 A is to be 全句的意思是 如果要避免食品短缺 就必须作出更大努力来增加农业产量 表预测时 我们可以用 will 或 be going to 但两者还存在 以下两点区别 1 用 be going to 特别是意指根据目前的明显迹象来推断某件 事将要发生 will 则只是表明说话人认为或相信某件事将要发生 2 be going to 通常用来表示说话人与其所说的时间马上或在 相当近的将来就要发生 而 will 所表示的动作发生的时间可近可远 a Look at those black clouds It s going to rain b I feel terrible I think I m going to be sick c John is going to fall into that hole d Oh my dear They re going to bump against that tree e You look very pale I am sure you are going to get sick 一般时态练习 一 用动词的适当形式填空 1 Vegetarians 素食者 not eat meat 2 An atheist 无神论者 not believe in God 3 Constant dripping 滴水 wear away a stone 4 John always not go to school late That is to say he sometimes attend school late He be generally a good student He be always ready to help others 5 If it rain tomorrow we ll have to put off our sports meet 6 Look Here come your boyfriend 7 Mozart write more than 600 pieces of music 8 I be very tired last night so I go to bed early 9 you go anywhere on Labor Day 10 When I was young I want to be a bus driver 答案 1 don t eat 2 doesn t believe 3 wears 4 doesn t always go sometimes attends is generally is always 5 rains es 7 wrote 8 was went 9 Did go 10 wanted 4 现在进行时 形式 be doing am is are doing 是助动词 没有 是 的意思 意义 强调在现在这个时间点 某项活动正在发生 用法 A 表示说话此刻正在进行 e g What program are you watching I am studying English B 表示现阶段正在持续的动作 这是进行时态表示的是一个一 般性的活动 在说话时刻这个动作并不一定正在发生 e g These days I am translating a book C 表示最近的将来一定的安排 通常含有 计划 安排做 之意 e g I am taking a makeup test tomorrow D 现在进行时常与 always forever continually constantly 等连用 往往表示抱怨 厌烦 不合理或使人不愉快的 事 e g Jack is always borrowing money and forgetting to pay you back Jack 常常借钱忘还 How come Joe is always groaning about things Joe 为什么总是在抱怨 5 过去进行时 形式 be doing was were doing 意义 强调在过去这个时间点 某项活动正在发生 用法 A 用来描述一个过去特定的时刻正在发生的事情 e g I was discussing my thesis with my director at this time last night 特定时刻 B 过去进行时还常常和一般过去时配合使用 此时 过去进行时通常表示一个历史较长的体现 背景 的动作或状态 而一般过去时则表示此 背景 下发生的 短暂的动 作或状态 过去进行时动作先发生 一般过去时动作后发生 e g I was telephoning Harry when she arrived 在五打 电话过程中 她到了 先 telephone 后 arrive I telephoned Harry when she arrived 她回来之后 我才打电话 先 arrive 后 telephone 6 将来进行时 形式 will be doing 意义 强调在将来的某个具体时间正在发生的动作或事情 用法 A 表示在将来某一特定时刻正在进行的活动 e g I ll be lying on a beach in Sanya this time tomorrow Wait until seven o clock so that they won t still be eating 进行时态练习 一 用适当时态填空 1 How fast you drive when the accident happened 2 I walk along the street when suddenly I hear footsteps behind me Somebody follow me I was frightened and I started to run 3 Why you stare at me like that 4 anybody watch TV or I turn it off 5 I want to lose weight So this month I not eat lunch I am only eating fruits 6 Clint phoned me last night He is on holiday in Qindao He have a good time and want to come back until the end of this month 7 You always watch TV You should do something more active 二 用适当时态填空 1 The television was on but nobody watch it 2 I see you in the park yesterday afternoon You sit on the grass and talk with some people 3 Hurry up Everybody wait for you 4 The water boil Can you turn it off 5 Water boil at 100 degrees Celsius 6 After three days of rain I m glad that the sun shine again today 7 Every morning the sun shine in my bedroom window and wake me up 8 I ride home yesterday when suddenly an old lady walk out into the road in front of me I go quite fast but luckily I was able to stop in time and not hit her 9 Look There go our bus we ll have to wait for the next one 10 It rain hard but no one stopped working 单选选择 1 I ll go with you as soon as I my homework A will finish B finish C am finishing D have finished 2 He at 8 o clock every morning A is going to work B went to work C goes to work D will go to work 3 When I see Jean in the street she always at me A smiled B has smiled C was smiling D smiles 4 Look here the famous player A comes B came C has come D come 5 The year four seasons A has been divided into B is divided into C has divided in D was divided into 6 Nobody likes her because she to carry favor with the boss A has always tried B does always try C always tries D is always trying 答案 一 1 were driving 2 was walking heard was following 3 are staring 4 Is watching ll turn 5 want am not eating 6 is having doesn t want 7 are always watching 二 1 was watching 2 saw were sitting talking 3 is waiting 4 is boiling 5 boils 6 is shining 7 shines wakes 8 was riding walked was going didn t hit 9 goes 10 was raining 三 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 现在完成时 形式 have has done 意义 开始于过去的动作一直持续到现在 而且还可能继续持 续下去 谓语动词一般为延续性动词 黑点表示现在和过去两个时间点 时间骰表示动作在延续 徐建投表示 动作可能继续持续下去 用法 A 延续到现在的动作或状态 特点 1 谓语动词一般为延续性动词 2 动作发生的时间是过去 但这一动作持续到现在 而且还可能继续持续下去 3 与这种用法的现在完成时态连用的时间状语通常是 表示 一段时间 的时间状语 已说明某个动作或状态持续了多久 与现在完成时态搭配的时间状语 1 since 时间点 e g I ve worked in this company since 1980 2 for 时间段 e g I ve worked in this company for 3years Great changes have taken place in Beijing for the past few years 3 到目前为止 until now up till now up to now so far up until now e g We have up until now failed to take any action to decide on a common language that would further communication between nations 到目前为止 我们尚未采取任何行动来决定一 门国际通用语言 以促进国际间的交流 4 在最近几世纪 年 月以来 in the past few years over the past few years during the last three months for the last few centuries through centuries throughout history e g Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die for the very nature of life includes death 自古以来 人类就必须接受这样的事实 一切 生命体最终都会消亡 因为生命的本质包含了死亡 B 过去发生但与现在仍有联系的动作或状态 表示在不确定的过去发生的某一动作对现在仍有影响 谓语 动词一般为短暂性动词 这种完成时态是中国学生对难以理解的 也 常常和一般过去时混淆不清 图中黑点表示过去某一时刻发生的动作 虚线表示过去发生的动 作对现在仍有影响 C 到目前的一个时间段内重复发生的动作 表示到目前为止的一个时间段内重复发生的动作 图中每一个黑点表示以此动作 虚线表示于现在有联系 e g For more than eight years scientists have argued over whether life exists on the planet Mars 八十多年以来 科学家们一直就火星上是否有生命存在这一问题不断进行争论 8 过去完成时 形式 had done 意义 在过去某一时刻之前 即过去的过去 就已开始的动作 这一动作 1 在该过去时刻仍然再继续 或在该过去时刻刚刚停止 2 在该过去时刻之前的某一时刻停止的动作 3 在该过去时刻之前的一段时间内重读的动作 用法 A 如同现在完成时的第一种永达的过去完成时 开始于过去 之前 即过去的过去 的动作或状态在过去这一时刻仍在持续 e g I had stayed in America for 2 years when he moved here move 是过去的动作 stayed 发生在 moved 之前 即过去的过 去 在 moved 之后还将会继续 stayed B 如同现在完成时的第二种用法 表示开始于过去之前的动作 倒过去这一时刻之前即已停止 过去完成时的动作通常是短暂动作 e g She had made everything ready before I came C 如同现在完成时的第三种用法 在过去之前开始的动作 在 过去之前的一段时间内重复发生 e g I had written her 100 letters when she finally promised to marry me 9 将来完成时 形式 will have done 意义 是以 将来 作为 坐标时间 来描述开始于将来之 前 可能是过去 现在或将来 的动作持续到将来 用法 A 延续到现在的动作或状态 e g I will have taught English in New Oriental School for five years by the end of next month B 过去发生但与现在仍有联系的动作或状态 e g We will have finished our exam by the end of next week C 在将来之前开始的动作 在将来之前的一段时间内重复发生 e g By five o clock this afternoon the spaceship will have traveled eleven times round the world 10 现在完成进行时 形式 have has been doing 意义 强调动作的持续性 表示开始于过去的动作持续到现在 并且活动还没有结束 还将继续持续下去 e g It began raining 2 hours ago and it s still raining It has been raining for two hours It began raining at 8 o clock Now it s still raining It has been raining since 8 o clock It has been raining all day B 刚刚结束的动作 表示开始于过去的动作持续到现在为止不在继续或表示不久前刚 刚结束的动作 C 重复发生的动作 具体来说就是表示说话时刻以前的一段时间内重复发 生的动作 e g Every Sunday they meet in the same bar They ve been going there for years 11 过去完成进行时 形式 had been doing 意义 A 强调在过去的某一活动或时间之前一直在持续的一项活动 可能仍然持续下去 e g When I arrived in Inner Mongolia it had been snowing for half a month B 强调在故去的某一活动或时间之前一直在持续的一项活动 持续到过去这一活动或这一时间为止 或者是在过去这一时间之前刚 刚结束 e g The police had been looking for the murder for 2 years before they caught him He finally showed up at 9 o clock I had been waiting for him since 6 o clock C 过去完成进行时可表示重复发生的动作 具体来说 就是表 示过去某一活动或时间之前的一段时间内重复发生的动作 e g He had been gambling for 2 years before his wife found out 12 将来完成进行时 形式 will have been doing 意义 表示开始于将来某个时刻之前的动作持续到将来这一时 刻 并可能继续持续下去 用法 A 强调在将来的某一活动或时间之前一直在持续的一项活动 e g I m retiring this fall By then I ll have been teaching for 30 years She will have been taking care of her blind husband for 20 years by then B 表示在将来某个时间之前经常重复的动作 e g I will have been attending Prof Smith s lectures for half a year by next week


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