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语法结构应试技巧 1基本内容 从基本要求来看,句法测试主要要求掌握以下内容: Tense(时态) Simple present,past,future(一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时) Present and past progressive(现在进行时和过去进行时) Future progressive(将来进行时) Present and past perfect(现在完成时和过去完成时) Future perfect(将来完成时) Present perfect progressive(现在完成进行时) Past perfect progressive(过去完成进行时) Passive voice(被动语态) Passive voice in simple tenses(被动语态的一般式) Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses(被动语态的完成式和进行式) Passive voice of Phrasal verbs(短语动词的被动语态)Passive voice of modal verbs(含情态动词的被动语态)Subjunctive mood(虚拟语气)Subjunctive mood in conditional sentences(用于条件句中的虚拟语气)Omission of “if”(if的省略)Subjunctive mood in that-clause after“wish”,“suggest”,“demand”,etc (用于wish,suggest,demand等动词后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气。)Subjunctive mood in the clauses after “as ifthough”,“Its time”,etc (用于as if/ though, Its time后的从句中的虚拟语气。)Subjunctive mood in the construction “would rather” (用于would rather句型中的虚拟语气。)To V(Infinitive动词不定式)As subject,object,attribute,adverbial and complement (用作主语、宾语、定语、状语和补足语)Wh-words+ to V(phrase)(疑问词加不定式短语)To be+ V-ed,to have+ V-ed,to be+ V-ing(不定式的被动式、完成式和进行式)V-ing(Gerund动名词) As object(of vt. and prep.),subject and predicative(用作及物动词和介词的宾语,用作主语和表语)being+ V-ed,having+ V-ed(动名词的被动式和完成式) V-ing and V-ed(Present and past participle现在分词和过去分词)As attribute,adverbial and complement(用作定语、状语和补足语)Being+ V-ed,having+ V-ed,having been+ V-ed(现在分词的被动式、完成式和完成被动式)Basic sentence patterns and sentence elements(基本句型和句子成分)Pattern 1:S+V(主+谓)Pattern 2:S+V+O(主+谓+宾)Pattern 3:S+ V+ Oi+ Od(主+谓十间宾+直宾)Pattern 4:S+V+O+CO(主+谓+宾+宾补)There be(There be结构)Agreement between subject and predicate V(主语和谓语动词的一致关系)Noun clause(名词从句)Attributive clause(定语从句) Adverbial clause(状语从句)Apposition(同位关系) Coordination(并列)Subject-verb inversion(主谓倒装) Emphasis(强调)the use of it(it的用法) Negation(否定)Omission(省略) Parenthesis(插入语)2.考题解析与学习指导1) 动词的时态例:That was the first time I English with a foreigner.A)have spoken B)weak C)spoke D)had spoken 答案 D) 解析 从整个句子来看,这是一个与过去时间相关联的句子,因此很快可以排除选项A)和B)。又因为“That was the first time(that)”是一个固定句型,它要求后面的that从句用过去完成时(通常情况下),因此D)是正确答案。 例:We hoped that by the end of the year we_the job A)would have finished B)finished C)had finished D)will finish答案 A) 解析 本句的主要动词“hoped”为过去式,根据“时态呼应”的原则,后面从句中的谓语动词应该是一个相应的过去形式,那么D)是应该首先排除的。从句中的介词短语“by the end of the year”能为我们选择正确答案带来很大的启发,因为“年底”在当时说话时还没有过去,故应该选择A)(过去将来完成时)。学习指导 在做选择填空题时,我们主张首先迅速瞅一眼四个选项,如果是同一个动词的不同时态,我们就要特别认真地注意题目的两个方面:全句的另外一个动词(一般是主要动词)和时间状语。除此以外,还要注意一些固定的句型。在做题时,先采用排除法,把一些根本不着边的选项先排除(如上两例所示),再根据“时态呼应”的原则和时间状语的启示,在剩下的选项中进行比较后,选定正确答案。必须要记住一些固定的句型(如第1题中“That was the first time”)。现在我们将常与完成时连用的句型和时间状语归纳如下表中:句型时间状语完 成 时 态 It iswill be the first time(that)现在完成时It is the first+ sth. (that)现在完成时It is the+形容词最高级+sth. (that)现在完成时By now;up till now; since+过去时间(的句子)现在完成时It was the first time(that)过去完成时By the end of +过去时间过去完成时By the end of+将来时间将来完成时By this time+将来时间将来完成时By the timewhen+一般现在时的从句将来完成时注:(1)在上述句型中,it的位置还可用this, that, this evening, yesterday等。 (2)这种结构中的first也可用其他序数词。 (3)在no soonerthan;hardlyscarcelywhen这种句型中,前一部分常用过去完成时,后一部分用一般过去时。 (4)虽然被动语态在近几次考试中没有出现过,但它是一种不可忽视的语言现象。在做这类题目时,一定要注意句子的主语与动词之间的关系,还要掌握被动语态的各种时态。专项练习(1) I hope they the work by the time we come back next week. A) would finish, would B) will finish, will C) finish, / D) will finish, /(2) He told me that it was the best film he .A) has ever seen B) saw C) had ever seen D) liked(3) If we , we shall miss the train to Shanghai.A) don t hurry B) not hurry C) are not hurry D) won t hurry(4) At that time they were playing chess while I my homework.A) did B) was doing C) were doing D) had done(5) a class meeting next Friday afternoon .A) There will have B) There will be C) There is D) There is going to have(6) It happened that Mr. Blacks all out when I called.A) had been B) was C) were D) was going(7) They said that all the chairs and they asked us to have a rest . A) had cleaned B) were cleaned C) cleaned D) had been cleaned(8) This is one of the largest factories that in this area .A) is ever built B) was ever builtC) has ever built D) has ever been built(9) We into the bus when it to rain heavily.A) had hardly got, began B) hardly got,C) have hardly got, begins D) got hardly, had begun(10) No good solution to the problem has been worked out , so they it .A) are still considered B) are still consideringC) still consider D) considered2) 情态动词例: The doctor said I go back to the hospital; my leg is all fight now.A)mustnt B)neednt C)Wont D)cant 答案 B) 解析 由于四个选项分别为“不准”、“不必”、“将不”和“不能”,这就要求我们先看懂句子的意思。根据分号后句子的意思“我的腿现在完全好了”,可以断定前面一句中医生说的是“不必”,因此应选B)。例:Look,the trees are fallenThere a strong windA)must be B)should have been C)could be D)must have been 答案 D) 解析 此句考的是情态动词的推测性用法。根据“树倒下”这一事实来推断“一定刮过一场大风”。故应选择“must have been”来表示对过去的某事很有把握的推测。 学习指导 大多数情态动词都有两种用法:一种是一般性用法即非推测性用法;另一种是推测性用法。情态动词的一般性用法比较容易掌握,而其推测性用法往往难以把握。我们先来举几个简单的例子,看看这两种用法的区别(翻译和结构上均有不同)。一般性用法:I can answer this question(表示能力)Can l watch TV here?(表示许可,相当于May。)推测性用法:Anybody can make mistakes(表示可能)He cant have finished his homework(表示不可能)在一般性用法中,情态动词后只能接动词原形;而在推测性用法中,情态动词后可接不同的动词形式,分别对不同时间的动作或状态进行推测。请看下表:推测语气情态动词所表意思后接动词形式推测的时间 强 弱must很肯定动词原形(否定式:cant do)动词的进行式(否定式:cant be doing)动词的完成式(否定式:cant have done)对现在和将来的推测对现在正在进行或对将的推测对过去的推测will wouldought toshould很有可能cancouldmaymight有可能 例 句Xiao Li must be in the library小李一定在图书馆。(现在)It might rain tomorrow.明天可能会下雨。(将来)He must be sleeping in bed他一定正在床上睡觉。(进行)She may be leaving tomorrow她可能明天外出。(将来)He should have arrived home他应该早到家了。(过去)There must have been a strong wind一定刮过一场大风。(过去)从表中我们可以看到情态动词的推测性用法,其中最重要的是后接动词形式及推测对象的时间。另外,还要记住下列词组,因为它们的意义稍有不同:should have done(应该做了,但却没做。)shouldnt have done(不该做的,但却做了。)need have done(需要做的,但却没做。)neednt have done(不需要做的,却做了。)例如:You neednt have told him about that.其实你不需要将此事告诉他。(但已告诉了他。)You are lateYou should have got up earlier你迟到了,你应该早点起床。(可是你并未早起。)专项练习(11) Does she have his new address?No, she his address. She doesnt even know he has moved. A) mustnt have B) cant have C) cant have had D) might have had(12) They are old enough to take care of themselves. You worry about them.A) mustnt B) can t C) shouldn t D) needn t(13) He is seriously ill. You him about the bad news. A) can tell B) cant have told C) shouldnt have told D) may not tell(14) This library is old and small and no longer meet the needs of the teachers and students, so a new library . A) must build B) should build up C) must be built D) need to build(15) There seems to be no bus now. We here any longer. A) needn t wait B) needn t wait for C) mustn t wait D) can t wait(16) Must I answer the question right now? No, you . You can go home and consider it.A) musn t B) can t C) needn t D) shouldn t(17) I had my umbrella with me a moment ago, but now I haven t got it. I it somewhere. A) must leave B) must have left C) can t have left D) may leave(18)If you have some good suggestions,you them on a piece of paper and hand it in. A) may write B) must have written C) have to write D) will write(19) Xiao Li very tired after several hours of hardwork .A) may be B) can be C) could be D) must be(20) I havent seen my dictionary for a long time and I think it again A) cant find B) wont find C) cant be found D) shouldnt be found3) 虚拟语气例: Jacks father suggested that Jack in London for a few more days.A) would stay B) stay C) had stayed D) stayed答案 B)解析 此题考查考生对if虚拟条件句以外的虚拟语气用法的掌握情况。在suggest,order.demand等动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词必须用“(should+)动词原形”的形式,因此,本题的正确答案为B)。例:Peter _ the drivers test,but he wasnt calm enough in the last ten minutes.A)will have passed B)ought to have passed C)might have passed D)must have passed 答案 C) 解析 这个句子是一个由but连接起来的并列句。根据but后面的分句,我们得知“他最后10分钟不够冷静”,那么我们也可以这样理解:“要是他最后10分钟保持冷静的话,他(Peter)就有可能通过驾驶考试。”因此C)是正确答案。这一句子中并没有很直接的虚拟语气的条件,但是连词but却表示一种转折,也可以说是一个含蓄虚拟条件。学习指导 虚拟语气是在各种考试中几乎都要考到的内容,而虚拟语气又往往是令中国考生感到很困难的一个问题,因为它既不符合中国人的语言习惯,使用又比较复杂,句子结构上有一定的要求。将虚拟语气的重要内容归纳为以下三类(见下表) If条件句主句时间及含义第一类Had+过去分词Would/should/could/might+have+过去分词与过去事实相反动词过去式wereWould/should/Could/might+动词原形与现在事实相反或将来实现的可能性不大第二类句型、动词、连词从句中的虚拟形式本类的例句 Wish(that) As if As though Would rather Its time thatHad+过去分词与过去事实相反动词过去式were与现在的事实相反或将来实现的可能性不大第三类动词:suggest, order, advise, desire, insist, request,require等后的宾语从句(should)+动词原形表示个人的意 愿建议、命令等名词:suggestion, order,advice, desire, request,proposal, demand, decision,idea等后的同位语从句或表语从句(should)+动词原形注:(1)要将此表中的Its time与“动词时态”(见1)中的句型Its the first time进行区别。 (2)would rather后必须接从句才能用虚拟语气,否则就不用虚拟语气。例如: I would rather have the old one than the new one. 我宁要旧的而不要新的。(不用虚拟语气) I would rather you came tomorrow than the day after tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天来,而不要后天来。(句中用虚拟语气)专项练习(21) I wish I more attention to the study of English when I studied in the middle school.A) paid B) have paid C) should pay D) had paid(22) Without electricity our life quite different . A) would be B) would have been C) will be D) might have been(23) He told me his telephone number but I forgot it now . Perhaps I it down then. A) should write B) would write C) should have written D) could have Written(24) If he had studied hard, be the examination . A) should pass B) would pass C) would be passed D) would have passed (25) He insisted that we the problem at the meeting . A) would discuss B) discuss C) discussed D) will discuss(26) My suggestion is that we all her birthday party and give her a pleasant surprise.A) go to B) should go C) go D) would go to(27) They talked as if they each other for years . A) knew B) had known C) have know D) know(28) His proposal was that an English speech contest every year. A) would be held B) must be held C) should hold D) be held(29) If I you, I would do it in a different way . A) am B) was C) were D) would be(30) Its time we our discussion.A) stop B) must C) have to stop D) stopped4)名词性从句例: woke me up was a loud cry from someone in the next room .A) What B)That C) How D) Which答案 A)解析 从选项可以看出此题是考查从句的,又从连词位于句子开头,而句中无逗号这一点可以断定这是一个主语从句(其实从四个选项中的连词和整个句子结构来看,也可得知不是考查状语从句和定语从句)。“woke me up”是属于主语从句的,而“was”则属于主句部分。现在就很清楚了,从句中缺乏的是主语,所以应该填入what。例:You are responsible to is in charge of sales.A)who B)whom C)whomever D)whoever答案 D)解析 选项中的这些连词都是指代人的(who的各种形式),选中一个填人句子后应该是引导出“are responsible to。”的宾语从句。“be responsible to”是“向某人负责”。根据全句的意思来看,应该是“向任何从事销售的人负责”,因此,先排除A),B)。有的考生可能会选择C),因为他们认为to后面应接宾格。其实,to后接的是宾语从句,宾语从句没有主格和宾格之分,只有代词才有主格和宾格之分,如:be responsible to mehim。在选择连词时,主要考虑连词在从句中的作用和意义,这儿的连词应该在从句中作主语,所以D)是正确答案。学习指导 主语从句、宾语从句和表语:从句都属于名词从句。相对于所有的从句而言,名词从句是比较容易学习和掌握的,因为它们在句中有比较明显的位置。比如:主浯从句往往位于句首,但有时为了避免“头重脚轻”的现象,将形式主语置于句首,将真正的主语(从句)放到句尾了。宾语从句往往位于及物动词和介词之后。表语从句总是位于系动词(be)之后。名词从句是必考的内容。专项练习(31 )Our monitor is xxx. We dont know will chair this class meeting .A) who B) whom C) that D) whoever(32) surprised me most was_he could speak English so fluently.A) That, that B) What , that C) That , what D) What, how(33) It was lucky for him to sell his house for exactly .A) what he had paid for it B) what is paid for itC) where he had paid for it D) when he paid for it(34) He is a new teacher. His trouble is he doesnt have much experience in teaching English .A) what B) if C) why D) that(35) I want to know you climbed the mountain with yesterday.A) that B) who C) whom D) where(36) that is a good plan depends on practice.A) If B) Whether C) What D)Why(37) We Chinese people always mean we say.A) that B) which C) what D) whichever(38) He is my good friend. Ill give him help he needs.A) whatever B) whichever C) that D) whose(39) Did he tell you country he would go to for his holiday?A) what B) that C) which D) where(40) Look at the clouds! I wonder our plane will take off on time.A) that B) when C) how D) if5)定语从句例:In Britain there have been many people over the age of 65 have begun a degree course with the Open University and passed successfully.A)which B)who C)that D)what答案 B)解析 从四个选项看,此句又是考查从句的,但绝不是考查状语从句,因为这些连词不是引导状语从句的连词。另外,如果是状语从句,那么“have”前面还应该有个主语才行,引导状语从句的连词在从句中是不充当任何成分的。这里的从句也不是名词从句,应该断定为定语从句。这个定语从句的先行词是people,出题者有意用“over the age of 65”这一短语将先行词和定语从句割裂开来,这是值得考生注意的。通过以上的分析,我们可先排除A)和D)。“who和“that都可以指代先行词people,又可引出定语从句,那么我们就要根据“连词在从句中作主语时用who较多”这一原则,选择最佳答案B)。例:That is the very man house was burned down last week. A)his B)whose C)which D)of whom答案 B)解析 这道题目比较简单,一眼就能判断出是考查定语从句的,因为连词前面的先行词是“man”,后面的house是指“the mans house”,因此B)是正确答案。学习指导 定语从句是必考的内容,分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句一般是紧按在所修饰的词(先行词)后面,非限制性定语从句也放在它所修饰的词后面,但是它与主句之间有逗号隔开,另外,它一般不用that引导,通常用who,whom,whose,which,where等wh-词引导。有时也可用as引导。专项练习(41) I must make up the lesson I missed last week .A) whose B) that C) when D) of which(42) This book , you can get at any big bookshop , will give you all information you need. A) which , which B) that , that C) that , which D) which, that(43) She is the only one of the girls in our class football . A) who is fond of B) who are fond of C) that are fond of D) who were fond of(44) The house he once lived in serves as a classroom building now.A) where B) that C) which D) whose(45) They are the students I taught before.A)whose B) whom C) which D) thats(46) I will never forget the day I joined the Party .A) where B) that C) in which D) when(47) is known to all, our earth is round .A) That B) As C) Which D)What(48) Our new teaching building was finished before the day it had been promised to finish . A) that B) which C)on which D) on that(49) He never talks about the things he has experienced before.A) which B) when C) for which D) those(50) Those test paper should be corrected must stay in the classroom.A) that B) who C) which D) whose6)状语从句例: The police knew nothing about the case you phoned them.A) while B) until C) after D) since 答案 B)解析 此题的四个选项暗示此项考查状语从句。引导状语从句的连词在从句中不作任何成分,因此答题时,主要根据全句的意思来选定一个既符合句意要求又符合句子结构的正确答案。首先A)和D)都不对,因为while”往往表示两个(几乎)同时进行的动作。其基本句型为:whiledid, diddidwhilewas/were doingwas/were doingwhilewas/were doing例如:While I stood there, I saw two men enter the building. She slipped and hurt herself while she was getting off the bus. My wife was cooking while I was watering the flowers. “since往往用于完成时的句子中,其句型为:have/has donesincedid 例如:I havent seen him since he left.那么,剩下的两个选项中哪个是正确的呢?有一部分考生肯定会选C),因为他们从中国人的思维方式来理解,认为“你打过电话后,警察才知道这回事”,因此应该选after。这里还牵涉到一个句型的问题。“after作连词用时,其句型往往是:didafterhad donewill doafterdo/have done例如:She went on holiday after she had taken the examination. I will go to your party after I finish/have finished my work.而“until的句型往往是:didnt,dountildid意思为:“直到时候才”。此句中的前一部分“knew nothing about”等于“didnt know anything about”。因此,无论从意思上还是句子结构上,都应该选B)。但是在用until时,要注意主句中的动词,如果是可延续动词,则要用肯定形式。例如:I didnt recognize(认识)him until he told me his name We waited until he came back(wait是一个可延续的动词。)学习指导 由于状语从句的连词只起引导从句的作用,不在从句中作任何成分,这就要求我们对每个连词的词义及习惯用法有准确的了解。专项练习(51) I ask him for help, he always tries his best to help me .A) After B) While C) Once D) Every time(52) you master the good method of study , you will make still greater progress. A) While B) As C) Once D) For(53) this beautiful skirt is out of fashion , I dont want to throw it away . A) Because B) Since C) Although D) As(54) People could not know anything about the moon a satellite was invented and sent round it .A) until B) after C) when D) because(55) He read English in such a loud voice everybody in the house could hear him in the early morning . A) as B) that C) so D) for(56) I met a group of foreigners I was going into the park . A) after B) while C) till D) before(57) His report is not a good one he has spent much time preparing it .A) because B) since C) if D) though(58) Much I would like to help you , I have to tell you that I have no time today. A) as B) when C) if D) how(59) He has the habit of making a mark he has any doubts or questions . A) when B) where C) because D) while(60) The people in my hometown are more friendly in the city .A) as that B) than that C) as those D) than those7)动名词例:It s no use to her about the importance of the document . A) talking B) talked C) to talk D) talk答案 A)解析 此题中的“It”是形式主语,要填入空格中的是真正的主语。根据真正的主语这一句子成分的要求,首先要排除的是B)和D)。又根据句型要求,“Its no use”后应接动名词作真正主语,故应选择A)。常用动名词短语作真正主语的句型有:Its no use / no good + doing Its no easy job + doing It s a waste of time + doingIts nice / difficult + doing 例: I dont mind all that way in such bad weather .A) go B) gone C) going D) to go答案 C)解析 及物动词mind除了可接名词、代词作其宾语外,还可接动名词作宾语,但绝对不能接不定式作宾语,因此只有C)是正确答案。学习指导 虽然在近几次的测试中没有考查动词不定式,但不定式这一语言现象却非常重要,而且使用频率很高。因为它既可以起动名词的作用(在句中作主语、宾语、表语),又可以起分词的作用(在句中作定语、状语、补足语)。在此,我们单就动名词和不定式作宾语的情况进行总结。(1)下面的动词要求动名词作宾语:advise(劝告),deny(否认),admit(承认,接纳),endure(忍耐,忍受),avoid(避免),enjoy(享受,喜爱),acknowledge(承认),escape(逃跑,逃避),appreciate(感激,欣赏),excuse (原谅),anticipate(预期,预测)fancy(幻想,设想),celebrate(庆祝),favore(赞同,喜爱),complete(完成),figure(计算,描绘),canI help(不禁),finish(完成,结束),confess(坦白),imagine(想像),consider(考虑),involve(使卷入,包含),discourage(使泄气),recall


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