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2014 年 pep 新版五年级英语上册第三单元测试题 Unit Three what would you like 一 读单词 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 并写出序号 10 分 1 A dad B washroom C cat D have 2 A music B computer C you D bus 3 A short B pork C doctor D sport 4 A that B those C healthy D this 5 A sea B eat C bread D meat 二 写出下面单词的复数形式 Class 复数 tomato 复数 I d like 完整形式 onion 复数 Potato 复数 let s 完整形式 三 选答语 4 分 1 What do you have on Mondays A My favorite food is fish 2 What would you like to eat B it s Sunday 3 What s your favorite food C I have Chinese 4 what day is it today D I d like some fish and noodles 5 here you are E Thank you 四 选择填空 12 分 1 I don t like ice cream Sweet A they are B it s C They re 2 Bananas my favorite A is B are C like 3 I m hungry go to the canteen A Let B Let s C Lets 4 Caroot and tomato are A meat B vegetables C fruit 5 Oops These noodles are delicious A to B two C too 6 It s 6 30p m Let s have A breakfast B lunch C dinner 7 Pork and mutton are A fruits B meat C vegetables 8 I d like rice and mutton Mondays A for B at C on 9 What would you like to drink A milk B salad C hamburger 10 What s your favorite day A Sunday B tea C weekend 五 用所给单词的适当形式填空 12 分 1 Watermelon is I favorite fruit 2 I don t like orange They re sour 3 Usually we have some egg and bread for lunch on Tuesdays 4 The hamburger is heath It s favorite 5 Opens The noodles are too 美味的 六 英汉互译 12 分 1 I d like some water I m thirty 2 What would you like to drink 3 What is your favorite food 4 I like apples they are sweet 5 今天我们吃牛肉面和鱼肉三明治 2014 年五年级英语上册第三单元测试题 pep 人教版 小学五年级英语上册第一至第三单元测试卷 班级 姓名 得分 一 找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词 将其序号填入括号里 5 分 1 A tofu B potato C love 2 A fish B like C strict 3 A watch B Canada C active 4 A bed B very C grape 5 A but B fun C menu 二 选择填空 15 分 1 He is university student A a B an C the 2 He is short thin A and B but C so 3 your English teacher like A What s B Who C Who s 4 What would you like dinner A at B for C to 5 is it today It s Friday A What B When C What day 6 I like grapes they are sour A so B and C because 7 What do you do Sundays A on B at C from 8 It s time go to school A for B to C with 9 We books on the weekend A look B see C read 10 Who s that young lady She s our music teacher White A Mr B C Miss 11 Saturday is fun me A for B with C to 12 I have three new teachers Who A is it B they are C are they 13 Tomorrow is A Saturday B June C Apil 14 Who s math teacher A you B your C yours 15 tall Yes she is A is she B Is her C Is she 三 完成句子 10 分 1 The apples are 新鲜的 2 She is very 有趣的 3 We go to the park on 星期六 4 All the food here is 好吃的 5 The children like 鱼 四 根据所给中文 完成下列句子 10 分 1 他又老又高 He is and 2 午餐我想吃了土豆 I d like for 3 我们星期四上体育课 We have on 4 我最喜欢的食物是豆腐 My fruit is 5 你晚餐吃了什么 What you for dinner 五 情景反应 10 分 1 你想知道 Tom 的叔叔长得怎么样 你会问 Tom A What is your uncle like B What does your uncle do C What does your uncle like 2 你想问 Mike 周末做什么 你说 A Where do you go on the weekend B What do you have on the weekend C What do you do on the weekend 3 你告诉妈妈晚餐想吃茄子 你说 A Eggplant is good for dinner B I d like eggplant for dinner C I like eggplant at dinner 4 你想知道今天星期几 你说 A What day is it today B Is today Tuesday C What time is it 5 Mike 问你周六一般都干吗 你说你踢足球 你说 A I play football on Saturday B I play the football on Saturday C I play football on S aturdays 六 连词成句 15 分 1 is very She active 2 like What is your mother 3 What like you for breakfast would 4 The smart girl is very 5 do you What do Sundays on 七 选择恰当的应答语 将其序号填入括号里 15 分 A B What do you have on Mondays A He s from China Where is Mr Zhang from B He s my math teacher What would you like for dinner C It s Tuesday Who s that man D We have English and math What day is it t oday E I d like some potatoes 八 阅读短文 选择正确的答案填在括号里 10 分 Cook Oh it s time for dinner Look This is the school menu On Mondays we have onions and noodles On Tuesdays we have mutton and potatoes On Wednesday s we have vegetables and pork On Thursdays we have chicken and tofu On Fridays we have gree n beans and beef What do you like Amy Amy I like mutton I like Tuesdays Cook What about you Chen Jie Chen Jie I like beef I like Fridays 1 Amy and Chen Jie have at school A breakfast B lunch C dinner 2 They have on Thursdays A onions and noodles B mutton and potatoes C chicken and tofu 3 They have on Fridays A green beans and beef B vegetables and pork C mutton and beef 4 Amy likes A Mondays B Tuesdays C Thursdays 5 Chen Jie likes A Wednesdays B Tuesdays C Fridays 第三单元测试题 Name Mark 听力部分 20 一 将你听到的那个单词选出来哦 听一遍 每题 2 分 共 10 分 1 A every B ear C often 2 A hot B what C salad 3 A weekend B help C helpful 4 A robot B read C table 5 A play sports B play the pipa C do kung fu 二 听句子 选出你所听到的那一个 每题 2 分 共 10 分 1 A Can you draw cartoons B Can you clean the bedroom C Please clean the classroom 2 A What can you do for the party B What can you do C What can you do at school 3 A I can help you B I can help my parents C I am helpful at home 4 A I can sing English songs B I can sing English songs but I can t do kung fu C I can do kung fu and sing English songs 5 A Can you play basketball B Can you speak English C Can you play ping pong 笔试部分 80 一 单词翻译 10 分 1 三明治 2 茶 3 新鲜的 4 健康的 5 美味的 6 hamburger 7 ice cream 8 favourite 9 hot 10 delicious 二 句子翻译 10 分 1 I m hungry 2 你最喜欢的食物是什么 3 What would you like to eat 4 我喜欢汉堡包 5 We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today 三 情景对话 10 分 1 What would you have to eat A Yes it is 2 What s your favourite food B I like salad best 3 What do you like to drink C I d like some tea 4 Is ice cream sweet D I d some potatoes 5 Do you like beef E Yes I do 四 连词成句子 20 分 1 what like to you would eat 2 food your favourite what s 3 is what it day today 4 often I on TV Sunday watch 5 tomatoes have tofu we and fish 6 you do can kung fu any 7 have we party English Tuesday an next 8 cartoons can draw I 9 about how you 10 my onions favourite are vegetable 五 选择最佳的答案填空 12 分 1 What you like to eat I d like some fish A do B would C have 2 I d beef A eat B have C like 3 What is favourite food salad A for B you C your 4 about you A What B What is C What are 5 Apples my favourite A is B are C like 6 What would you like to drink A beef B sandwich C tea 六 找出下列不同类的单词 8 1 A delicious B sweet C strict 2 A fish B ice cream C tea 3 A food B onion C salad 4 A fresh B healthy C tired 七 判断正误 10 Baby Mom I m hungry Mother What would you like to eat Baby I d like some cakes Mother Here are some cakes Would you like some apples They re sweet Baby No I don t I don t like apples Mother What s your favourite food Baby I like beef Mother Oh dear 1 The baby would like some cakes 2 The baby likes beef 3 The cakes are sweet 4 cakes are the mother s favourite food 5 The baby wants to eat apples Unit 3 What is your favourite food 一 根据句意 写出所缺的单词 第一个字母已给出 1 Sugar is s 2 Apple and grape are fresh and h 3 Salt is s 4 Grape is s I don t like it 二 根据对话 完成下列表格 Chen Jie I m hungry Wu Yifan What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays Chen Jie we have cabbage tomato green beans and fish on Tuesday What do have for lunch on Fridays Wu Yifan We have tofu tomato and pork on Fridays Chen Jie That Sounds good Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chen Jie Wu Yifan 这篇关于五年级英语上册第三单元测试题 是无忧考网特地为大家整理的 希望对大家有 所帮助 一 补全单词 1 arr v 2 tr p 3 tr n 4 h t 5 plane 6 l ve 7 ab t 8 c m 二 选择填空 1 I go shopping Yes you may A Can B Would C may D May 2 Let s a train A take B on C at D with 3 I want to Beijing A to go B goes C go D 4 We leave for Beijing February first the morning A on on B in in C in at D on in 5 I want Danny and Jenny to come on our trip to Beijing May I invite Mum A them B they C her D him 三 用适当的词填空 1 How far is it China Canada It s about 8500 kilometers 2 How far is it Shijiazhuang Beijing It s about 278 kilometers 3 How far is it Edmonton Shijiazhuang It s about 9600 kilometers 4 How far is it your home the school It s about 860 kilometers 四 用 faster 或 slower 填空 五 找出句中的错误并改正 1 Is airplane faster than a train 2 Is Beijing the capital city in our country 3 How many bus are there 4 Come and leave Is they the same 六 连词成句 1 is a faster train than bus a 2 bus than slower A is bicycle a 3 to a May go hotel I 4 from is far to Beijing How Shijiazhuang it 5 do we When leave 笔 试 部 分 70 分 一 下面每小题有三个单词 你能找出每小题中与众不同的那一个吗 请你把这个 捣乱 分子 的序号填在前面的括号里吧 共 5 分 1 A cabbage B eggplant C fish 2 A apple B grape C green beans 3 A tofu B pork C beef 4 A sour B strong C sweet 5 A Monday B Thursday C Saturday 二 给单词找朋友 找出下列单词的汉语含义 把序号填在前面括号内 共 5 分 1 cabbage 2 menu 3 mutton 4 sound 5 healthy A 菜单 B 听起来 C 健康的 D 羊肉 E 洋白菜 三 下面图片里的这些食物真诱人啊 请用英语写出他们的名字吧 共 10 分 图片 1 三个土豆 2 两个西红柿 3 两个茄子 4 两串葡萄 5 一条鱼 1 2 3 4 5 四 你有一双 火眼金睛 吗 从 ABC 三个选项中选择合适的答案 把序号填写在题前 括号内 每题 2 分 共 10 分 1 What do you have lunch today A in B on C for 2 What would you like A I d like some grapes B I like apples C I don t like grapes 3 What s your favorite food A I like English best B Mutton and cabbage C Ping pong and football 4 What do you do on Sundays A I like mutton and tomatoes B I often watch TV and read some books C I d like some fish 5 I like tofu It s A sour B sweet C healthy 五 将这些不讲究秩序的单词排列成句 注意横线后的标点哦 每题 2 分 共 10 分 1 good that sounds 2 do have lunch for what you 3 mutton have Mondays we on 4 apples they I like sweet are 5 What favorite is food your 六 从 ABCDE 中选择合适的句子补全对话 将序号写在横线上 每题 2 分 共 10 分 A They are sweet B What day is it today C I d like some pork and green beans D I don t like grapes E What do you have for lunch on Sunday Sarah John It s Sunday Sarah John I have grapess and mutton What would you like for lunch Sarah They are sour John I like tomatoes 七 阅读理解 根据下面四个人的对话内容判断句子正误 正确写 T 错误写 F 共 10 分 Mr Black What s your favorite fruit Chen Jie Chen Jie I like apples They are sweet Amy I like fruits too But I don t like grapes They are sour Bananas are my favorite They are tasty Mr Black I like orange juice It s fresh and healthy What about you John John I like beef but I am heavy now I have to eat vegetables 1 Chen Jie doesn t like apples Because they are sweet 2 Amy likes fruit 3 Amy likes grapes very much 4 Mr Black likes carrot juice Because it s fresh and healthy 5 John is very heavy now He likes beef


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