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第 1 页 共 8 页 静安区 2017 2018 学年第一学期期末学习质量调研 九年级英语 2018 1 Part 1 Listening 第一部分 听力 Listening comprehension 听力理解 共 30 分 A Listen and choose the right picture 根据你听到的内容 选出相应的图片 6 分 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 根据你听到的对话和 问题 选出最恰当的答案 8 分 7 A Surprised B Confused C Disappointed D Worried 8 A By bus B By taxi C By underground D By bike 9 A In 1995 B In 1997 C In 1998 D In 2001 10 A A cat B A bird C A rabbit D A dog 11 A A reporter B A policeman C A manager D A captain 12 A Play computer games B Chat online C Climb the mountains D Go travelling 13 A He agrees with Cherry B He never does any housework C Everyone should do housework D Housework is only for parents 14 A The problem was probably caused by a storm B The man s work can be done without the power C The problem can t be solved in a very short time D The electric company is now working on the problem C Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false 判断下列句子是 第 2 页 共 8 页 否符合你听到的内容 符合的用 T 表示 不符合的用 F 表示 6 分 15 Judy was happy to receive a letter from her grandma 16 Judy and her grandma don t have enough face to face communication 17 Grandma wrote briefly in the letter about her everyday life 18 Grandma planted flowers in the garden and sometimes played card games with friends 19 Judy replied to her grandma that she would visit her once a week 20 Judy has realized she sometimes needs to slow down and enjoy happy moments with family D Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences 听对话 完成下列内容 每空格限 填一词 10 分 21 Mrs Gray wants to Mr Phillips to the headmaster 22 She thinks that Mr Phillips is going with his lessons 23 Mrs Gray s son is worried that his parents are damaging 24 Her son used his own money to buy an energy saving 25 Mrs Gray thinks that Mr Phillips needs to change Part 2 Phonetics Vocabulary and Grammar 第二部分 语音 词汇和语法 Choose the best answer 选择最恰当的答案 共 20 分 26 Which of the following words is pronounced as ga d A garden B gold C guide D guard 27 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others A We have a training program B The way you speak is very common C The doctor operated on him immediately D I have been in contact with him 28 I can t go to sleep without doing a few minutes reading A a B an C the D 29 I was angry myself for making such a stupid mistake A of B at C with D for 30 Last Friday my aunt gave and my brother two tickets to the rock concert A I B me C mine D myself 31 Some people think the Internet helps friendship but don t A other B another C the other D others 32 If you enjoy American stories you ll find that quite of them take place on the road A few B a few C little D a little 33 During my stay in Germany I gained much of local customs and cultures A suggestion B idea C knowledge D message 34 I like hiking at weekends I have walked 10 miles 6 o clock A for B since C at D from 35 Tea is drink in the world besides water A popular B more popular C most popular D the most popular 36 Jimmy set out early for the airport he wouldn t catch the plane 第 3 页 共 8 页 A and B then C so D or 37 The restaurant is very popular it offers a wide variety of delicious food at low prices A although B because C before D until 38 Our road information system should be improved so that we know the road condition ahead of time A must B should C can D could 39 will we know the result of our physical examination In about 2 weeks A How soon B How often C How long D How far 40 Oh my god The children an awful mess in the kitchen I have to clean it A are making B have made C will make D made 41 After his death the land equally among his sons A divides B divided C was divided D has divided 42 The weather report has warned people outdoor exercise in hazy caught A not do B to not do C not to do D not doing 43 The drunk driver didn t remember the old lady after being caught A knock down B to knock down C knocking down D knocked down 44 In my opinion we should help the old when they are in trouble A Congratulations B Yes please C Best wishes D I think so too 45 I ve been waiting for you for ages What kept you so long John but I have been caught in a traffic jam for nearly an hour A Not at all B Never mind C I m so sorry D That s all right Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box Each can only be used once 将下列单词或词组填入空格 每空格限填一词 每词只能填一次 共 8 分 A chat B interview C trained D operation E relationship Animal Talk Calm down said Alex Don t tell me to calm down replied Irene Husband and wife Brother and sister No Alex was an African gray parrot and Dr Irene Pepperberg 46 him to talk he had a vocabulary of about 150 words when he died in 2007 Alex could also count up to six and identify shapes colors and materials And he had a close 47 with Dr Pepperberg When she had to leave Alex with the vet for a n 48 he asked her not to go Stop he screamed I love you Come back Apes are also famous for learning human language Koko a gorilla who was taught sign language has learned more than 1000 signs and can understand about 2000 English words She also makes up words She has even had an Internet 49 But one of the most famous animal language learners is Kanzi a chimpanzee who communicates by touching symbols on a computer A accurately B bring back C relaxing D turn off E correctly Kanzi has a vocabulary of over 3000 words and he responds to a large number of spoken commands and questions In one test the researcher Dr Savage Rumbaugh asked him to wash a potato and then she told him to 50 the water She asked him to get a ball and told him to take a red ball into the office 第 4 页 共 8 页 She told him to put a tomato and a key in the fridge Kanzi responded 51 to 74 percent of 660 requests and instructions Kanzi clearly a remarkable chimp Once Dr Savage Rumbaugh s keys were stolen by another chimp She asked Kanzi to get them back Kanzi went to talk to the guilty chimp to 52 the stolen keys And when he s 53 Kanzi likes watching TV Tarzon is one of his favourite movies Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms 用括号中所给单词的适当形 式完成下列句子 每空格限填一词 共 8 分 54 It s not good to make for being late for school excuse 55 Avenue is a good place for window shopping five 56 The comic book was so exciting that they all lost in it they 57 We have full that we shall succeed confident 58 There wasn t enough evidence to him guilty proof 59 It was the most experience of my life Oh what an awful day frighten 60 Sometimes life is very but we must continue helpful 61 Whenever we have trouble with our studies our teachers help us patient Rewrite the following sentences as required 根据所给要求 改写下列句子 第 62 67 题空格限 填一词 第 68 题注意句首大写 共 14 分 62 You have never seen such a beautiful sunset 改为一般疑问句 you seen such a beautiful sunset 63 The first computers were built in the 1940s 对划线部分提问 the first computers built 64 It is uncertain Will coffee cause problems with memory 合并为一句 It is uncertain coffee cause problems with memory or not 65 Shelley was so lucky that she won a free trip to Singapore 改为简单句 Shelley was lucky to a free trip to Singapore 66 Big flood often affects a great many people 改为被动语态 A great many people often by big flood 67 I won t go to the party if I m not invited 同意句型转换 I won t go to the party invited 68 more chances offers working in pairs from each other the students to learn English 连词成句 Part 3 Reading and Writing 第三部分 读写 Reading comprehension 阅读理解 共 50 分 A Choose the best answer 根据短文内容 选择最恰当的答案 12 分 Spiderman saves the day A comic book fan dressed as Spiderman became a real superhero on Saturday He tackled a thief who was trying to steal an expensive comic book Michael Wong 24 was wearing a Spiderman costume to attend the annual Asian Festival of Comics at 第 5 页 共 8 页 the Sunny Sports Club He saw the man putting the 350 comic book into his sports bag There were about 50 people at the festival wearing superhero costumes that day said Maddie Tam the festival organizer We enjoy seeing people dressed up as their favourite characters while they shop for comics However we didn t expect to see any of them actually stop a crime The thief did not have a chance to escape While Spiderman took hold of his sweatshirt several Star Wars characters blocked the exit After a short struggle the embarrassed robber gave the book back At first I thought it was part of the festival said Sharon Luk a rock climbing instructor dressed as Wonder Woman Reading comics is fun but watching superheroes in action is even better We were rather surprised when we arrived said Police Constable Albert Mak It can be easily seen that Spiderman hates to let criminals get away Maybe he ll be interested in joining the police Crime fighting is easy for Spiderman Mr Wong said laughing The poor man was a bit unlucky as I teach judo 柔道 lessons here at the club 69 According to the report Mr Wong went to the Sunny Sports Club to A catch a thief B teach judo C attend a festival D steal a comic book 70 In Line 1 the word tackled is closest in meaning to A stopped B reported C argued with D cared for 71 The thief A escaped at last B fought with Mr Wong C kept the comic book D wore a Spiderman costume 72 Sharon Luk felt about what she saw A angry B unhappy C excited D perfect 73 Which of the following is NOT true about the man who caught the thief A superhero B organizer C club member D judo coach 教练 74 The article probably appears in a n A newspaper B advertisement C comic strip D science magazine B Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文 12 分 The traditional baths of Turkey 土耳其 Hamams or bath houses are a traditional part of Turkish culture They represent an important piece of Turkey s long history and serve as a window into the past However these bath houses are quickly 75 because of the changing habits of the Turkish people Hamams hold a strong place in the history of Turkey and many data back hundreds of years Traditionally all kinds of people went to hamams because Islam has strict laws for cleanliness Believers must wash themselves 76 especially before their daily prayers 祷告 As most people in Turkey didn t have running water in their homes the Hamam was the perfect place to get clean relax and catch up with friends Today however the tradition of going to the hamam is dying out for many young people Now almost everyone has running water in their bathrooms so they prefer to bathe at home 77 Turkish people are not going to hamams as often as they used to These days instead of relying on locals many hamams are trying to attract foreign tourists A typical 78 at a hamam can last well over an hour Visitors will be welcomed into entrance hall 第 6 页 共 8 页 There they will be able to relax with friends and chat over a cup of tea They will also be able to change into the Turkish towel which wraps around the waist like a skirt When ready visitors will head into the hot room There they will lie on the hot floor and be scrubbed clean and massaged by one of the in house masseurs or masseuses Men and women always bathe separately 分开地 but their experiences are very 79 Although many hamams are in danger of closing they will always remain a part of Turkish culture An experience in one of Istanbul s famous bath houses should not be 80 on any visit to Turkey It will certainly leave you refreshed relaxed and squeaky clean for your next adventure 75 A developing B disappearing C setting up D falling down 76 A together B again C regularly D immediately 77 A In brief B What s more C For the time being D As a result 78 A process B program C case D conclusion 79 A familiar B similar C dramatic D essential 80 A missed B gained C shared D described C Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words 在短文的空格内填入适当的词 使其 内容通顺 每空格限填一词 首字母已给 14 分 AMAZING RESCUE THANKS TO CELL PHONE Two teenagers capsized 倾覆 in the ocean off the east coast of the U S and called the west Coast on a cell phone to ask for help Brother and sister Ray and Susan Rivera were on a sailing vacation near Newport Rhode Island But because of huge w 81 of the sea their boat capsized and they were thrown into the ocean Ray 17 and Susan 16 spent 30 minutes trying to right the capsized boat but without success They couldn t get back into the boat and they couldn t a 82 the attention of passing ships After they had been in the water for about 40 minutes the situation was getting s 83 and they felt very cold Then Susan remembered her cell phone in its watertight container in her pocket and reached for it But she didn t think of dialing 911 the emergency number I 84 she called their father who was 2500 miles away in Scattle Washington on a business trip Susan explained I thought it would be q 85 to call someone I knew and tell them our position I dialed Dad s number and he contacted the Coast Guard About ten minutes later after they had held on to the boat for nearly an hour they heard a helicopter Next everything happened very fast and Ray and Susan were picked up and carried to s 86 Afterward The Coast Guard said that the teenagers were lucky to be alive and very very lucky that the cell phone had worked Anyone in trouble should contact the Coast Guard d 87 by calling 911 he added D Answer the questions 根据短文内容回答下列问题 12 分 Tigers as Pets Having a pet tiger would be great wouldn t it It seems that many people agree at least in the United 第 7 页 共 8 页 States The US Association of Zoos and Aquariums says that there are 12 000 privately owned pet tigers in the U S A 12 000 is a very large number of tigers It is much more than the number of tigers living in the wild Scientists think that there are only 2 000 or 3 000 wild tigers left Why are there so many pet tigers One reason is that the price of a baby tiger is quite low sometimes just 500 dollars Unfortunately tigers don t make very good pets Caring for a big cat is very expensive difficult and dangerous As baby tigers they may live inside with their owner play safely and look very cute However when they grow up they cannot be trusted They still want to attack and bite like a wild tiger According to big cat trainers only 1 in 8 big cats can be trained sufficiently to have contact with humans That s after training by a professional For this reason nearly all pet tigers llive in a cage Because they must always live in a cage the life of a pet tiger is sometimes unhappy They must be locked away so their owner can clean the cage and feed them It is not safe to touch the tiger Pet tigers are most often kept for show rather than for companionship 陪伴 Is that the kind of pet you would want 88 There are more pet tigers than wild tigers in the U S A aren t there 89 How many wild tigers are there in the U S A 90 What might be the reason that there are so many pet tigers 91 If you have a pet tiger what should you do to stay safe 92 Why do most people keep pet tigers 93 Would you like to keep a pet tiger Why or why not Give at least 2 reasons Writing 作文 共 20 分 94 In 60 100 words write a story based on the pictures below 展开合理想象 看图写一篇 60 100 个词的有趣的短文故事 标点符号不占格 The following words and phrases are for reference only 以下单词和短语仅供参考 hours of studying take a break a pair of skates 第 8 页 共 8 页 参考答案 1 25 HAFEGC BDABACC TTFTFT complain about too far the planet desk lamp his teaching 26 D 27 A 28 D 29 C 30 B 31 D 32 B 33 C 34 B 35 D 36 D 37 B 38 C 39 A 40 B 41 C 42 C 43 C 44 D 45 C 46 C 47 E 48 D 49 A 50 D 51 A 52 B 53 C 54 excuses 55 Fifth 56 themselves 57 confidence 58 prove 59 frightening 60 helpless 61 patiently 62 Have ever 63 When were 64 whether will 65 enough win 66 are affected 67 unless I m 68 Working in pairs offers the students more chances to learn English from each other 69 C 70 A 71 B 72 C 73 B 74 A 75 B 76 C 77 D 78 A 79 B 80 A 81 waves 82 attract 83 serious 84 Instead 85 quick 86 shore seaside87 directly 88 Yes there are 89 There are only 2 000 or 3 000 wild animals left 90 That the price of a baby tiger is quite low sometimes just 500 dollars 91 I should keep the pet tiger in the cage 92 Because they often kept the pet tigers for show 93 Any reason is ok

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