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八年级英语上学期重点短语及句型Unit 1 1.watch TV 看电视 2.go to the movies 去看电影 3.on weekends 在周末 4.hardly ever 几乎不 5.how often 多久一次 6.every day 在每天 everyday每天的7.once a week 一周一次 8.twice a month 一月两次 9.do homework 做家庭作业 10.the result of的结果 11.as for 至于,对于 12.read a book= do some reading 看书 13.junk food 垃圾食品 14.be good/bad for 对有益/害 15.eating habits 饮食习惯16.try to do sth.尽力做某事 17.lots of=a lot of许多 18.of course/Sure当然19.come home from school从学校来到家 20.look after=take care of=babysit 照看;照顾 Look after.well = take good care of.= babysit.well :好好地照顾. 21.a healthy lifestyle 一种健康的生活方式 22.the same as和相同23.be different from和不同 24.want to do sth.想要做某事 25.want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 26.want=would like 想要 Do you want= Would you like? 你想要。吗?27.health-healthy 28.healthy 健康的-unhealthy 29.different 不同的difference 30.keep healthy = stay healthy =be healthy =be/ keep in good health 保持健康 31.although = though 虽然 32.surf the Internet上网 33.three times a week一周三次 34.get good grades 取得好成绩 35.How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每晚睡多少个小时?36.What do you/they usually do on weekends? 你/他们通常在周末做什么? 37.I usually go to the movies. 我通常去看电影. 38.What does he/she often do on Sundays?他/她常常在星期天做什么?39.He/She often does homework.他/她常常做家庭作业. 40.How often do you shop? 你多久买一次东西? 41.I shop twice a month. 我一月买两次东西. 42.How often does your mother go to the movies?你妈妈多久去看一次电影?43.She goes to the movies once a week. 她一周去看一次电影. 44.Most students do homework every day. 大多数学生每天都做作业.Unit 2 1.foot-feet 脚 2.tooth-teeth 牙齿 3.be thirsty 口渴 4.be hungry 饥饿 5.have a headache (患)头痛 6.have a sore back 背痛7.have a (bad) cold (重)感冒 8.have a sore throat 喉咙痛 9.lie down 躺下 10.have a stomachache 肚子痛 11.hot tea with honey 加有蜂蜜的热茶12.Whats the matter with sb./sth.?=Whats wrong with sb./sth.?某人/某物怎么啦?13.see a dentist 看牙医 14.two days ago 两天前 15.have a fever 发烧 16.be stressed out 紧张的 17.go to bed 去睡觉 18.listen to music 听音乐19.drink some water喝些水 20.for example 例如 21.No problem 没问题 22.too much + 不可数名词:太多的 23.much too +形/副 实在太 24.too many + 可数名词复数:太多的 25.a balanced diet 平衡饮食26.have a rest 休息 27.be/get tired 累的 28.Its+形+for sb.+to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是的。 eg:Its important for me to eat a balanced diet. 平衡饮食对我来说是很重要的. 29.a few + 可数名词复数 少许 30.a little + 不可数名词/形/副 一点 31.at the moment=now = at present此时,此刻 32.host family 寄宿家庭 33.good idea 好主意 34.Im sorry to hear that.听到你那样说我感到难过. 35.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事36.I dont feel well= Im not feeling well我感觉不舒服.37.maybe 或许 may be 也许是 38.Whats the matter with you?=Whats the trouble with you?=Whats wrong with you?你怎么啦?39.I have a sore back. 我背痛 40.You should lie down and rest. 你应当躺下休息. 41.He shouldnt eat anything=He should eat nothing. 他不应当吃任何东西. 42.I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你一会儿感觉更好些. 43.Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle. 有一种健康生活方式是容易的. 44.I dont think Im improving. 我认为我不会有提高. Unit 3 1.babysit ones sister 临时照顾某人的妹妹 2.go with sb. 和某人一起去 3.go camping / hiking / fishing / sightseeing / bike riding 去野营/远足/钓鱼/观光/骑车4.go away 离开 5.stay at home 呆在家 6.plan to do sth. 计划做某事 7.at night =in the evening 在晚上 8.That sounds + 形:那听起来是 的 9.on (the) twelfth 在12号 10.What/How about+ doing? 怎么样呢? 11.on Monday 在星期一 12.next week (在)下周 13.send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 送某人某物 14.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看 15.how long 多久 16.How is the weather?=Whats the weather like? 天气怎么样?17.think about+n./ doing考虑. 18.go back to school 回到学校 19.go back home 回到家20.take walks=have walks= take a walk = have a walk:散步 go for a walk去散步 21.take a vacation 度假 go on vacation 去度假22.something different 不同的东西 23.in the countryside 在乡下 24.finish doing sth. 做完某事 25.decide on sth. 决定于。 26.decide to do sth. 决定做某事 27.rent videos 租影碟 28.have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself(某人自己)玩得高兴 29.this time 这次 30.next time =another time 下次 31.relax at home 在家休闲 32.too long 太久 33.Can I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗? 34.What are you/they doing for vacation? 你/他们假日要做什么?35.Im/Were/Theyre watching TV. 我/我们/他们要看电视. 36.Whats he/she doing for vacation? 他/她在假日里要做什么?37.He/She is going camping. 他/她要去野营. 38.When are you/they going? 你/他们要何时去? 39.Im/Were/Theyre going on Tuesday. 我/我们/他们要星期二去. 40.When is he/she going? 他/她要何时去? 41.He/She is going on the twentieth. 他/她要在20号去. 42.How long are you staying? 你要呆多久? 43.Im staying for three days.我只呆三天.44.That sounds interesting.那听起来很有趣. 45.Show me your photos when we get back to school.当我们回到校时把你的相片给看. 46 Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.我正在计划在美丽的乡下消遣. 47 I heard that Luzhou is a good place to go sightseeing. 我听说泸州是一个观光的好地方. 48 I dont like going away for too long. 我不喜欢离开太久.Unit 4 1.get to=arrive in/at=reach 到达 2.get up 起床 3.take a bus/the subway/a train/a taxi/a boat to +地点名词 坐汽车/地铁/火车/出租车/船(去)= go to + 地点名词 by bus/subway/train/taxi/boat/bike 坐汽车/地铁/火车/出租车/船/自行车(去) 4.on a bus/train/subway/plane/bike 坐汽车/火车/地铁/飞机/自行车 5.ride a bike(bicycle) 骑自行车 6.on foot 步行 7.fromto 从到 8. in a car/taxi/boat 坐小车/的士/船 9.leave for 动身去 10.the early bus 早班车 11.how far多远12.think of 考虑/想到 13.around the world=all over the world全世界 14.the school bus 校车 15.depend on 取决于 16.in other parts of the world 在世界的其它地方 17.a small number of 少数 18.in the hospital 在医院里 19.in Chinese 用汉语 20.Dont worry. 别担心. 21.so much 这么多 22.at around half past six 大约在六点半23.half an hour=thirty minutes 半小时 24.bus station 汽车站 25.bus stop 汽车站 26.It takes sb. some time to do sth.=Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事.27.need to do sth.需要做某事. 28.How do you get to school?你怎样到校? 29.I walk/I take a bus. 我走路/坐汽车. 30.How does he get to his uncles house? 他怎样到他叔叔家的? 31.He rides a bike. 他骑自行车去. 32.How far is it? 它有多远? 33.Its ten kilometers. 有十千米. 34.How long does it take you to get from home to school? 从你家到学校要花多长间? 35.It takes about half an hour. 大约要花半个小时. 36.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. 那一定要比坐汽车有趣得多. 37.How can I get to.? 我怎样到达? 38.by water=by boat 坐船 39.by air=by plane 坐飞机Unit 5 1.study for a test 复习考试 2.go to the doctor 去看病 3.have/take a piano lesson 上钢琴课 4.help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 5.help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 6.Thank you for sth./doing sth. 为而感谢 7.have/has/had to do =must do 不得不;必须 8.come over to 顺便来访 9.the day after tomorrow 后天 10.keep quiet 保持安静 11.Id love/like to. 我愿意. 12.on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午 13.have a party 开晚会 14.come to the party 来参加聚会 15.visit sb.拜访某人16.go to the concert去音乐会 17.write soon 尽快回信 18.play tennis with sb. 和某人一起打网球 19.Whats today? 今天是什么日子? 20.Its Monday the 14th. 星期一,14号. 21.be free 有空-be busy 繁忙的 22.all (the) day = the whole day 整天24.Sure,Id love to. 当然啦,我愿意去. 23.Can you come to my party on Wednesday? 星期三你能来参加我的聚会吗? 25.Im sorry, I have to go to the doctor. 对不起,我得去看病. 26.Thats too bad. Maybe another time. 真遗憾.也许下次吧. 27.Thanks for(Thank you for) asking (inviting) me/your invitation. 谢谢你邀请我. 28.I have too much homework this weekend.这个周末我有太多的家庭作业. 29.Im going to my cousins birthday party. 我要去参加我表兄的生日聚会.30.Can you come to the movies with us on Friday? 你星期五能和我们一起来看电影吗? 辨析:1 Whats today?:今天是什么日子?2 What day is it today?:今天是星期几?3 Whats the date today? 几天是几月几号? Unit 6 1.good/well 好-better-best 2.many/much 许多-more-most 3.bad/ill-worse-worst 最坏 4.far-farther/further-farthest/furthest 最远 5.little 小的,少的-less-least 6.look the same看起来一样 look like 看起来像 7.in some ways在某些方面 8.as you can see 正如你能看到的9.look different 看起来不同 10.in common 共同(地)11.as + +as 与一样 12.not as/soas 不如 13.more than=over 多于,超过 14.be good at/do well in sth.-doing sth. 擅长(做) 15.make sb. +do 使某人 16.have good grades 成绩优良 17.be good with sb. 善于与某人相处 18.call人at +电话号码 :给某人打电话,号码是.19.stop doing sth. 停止做某事 20.stop to do sth. 停下来做某事 21.begin with n./ doing 以开始 22.most of中的大多数 23.primary school 小学 24.both A and B A和B两个都 25.laugh at嘲笑 26.a little+比较级 一点儿 27.much/far/ a lot+比较级 得多 28.even/still+比较级 更/还 29.A +be+比较级+than+B :A比B更 30.A+be as +原级+as B A是与B一样 A 是 更.的 比 B31.A good friend likes to do the same things as me. / as I do好朋友喜欢跟我做一样的事情. 32.I like to have friends who are like me/who are different from me. 人who.+句子:.的人我喜欢和我个性一样/不一样的朋友. 33. We both enjoy going to parties. 我们俩都喜欢去参加聚会. (否)Neither of us enjoys going to parties.34.Although my hair is shorter than hers. 尽管我的头发比她的短. 35.thin-fat 胖的 36.tall-short 矮的 37.long-short 短的 39.interest兴趣-interesting/interested 40.my twin sister 我双胞姐姐 Unit 7 1.take off 脱下 2.put on 穿上 3.cut up 切碎 4.turn on 打开 5.turn off 关掉 6.mix up混合在一起7.putaway 把收起来 8.take away拿走 9.Let me think让我想想 10.a slice of bread 一片面包 11.two teaspoons of honey 两汤匙蜂蜜 12.two cups of yogurt 两杯酸奶 13.a kilo of tomatoes 一公斤西红柿 14.two bowls of water两碗水 15.two baskets of apples两篮苹果16.a bag of tea一袋茶叶 17.addto把加到上 18.pourinto 倒到里 19.put sth.in:放入sth. put sth. into.:把sth.放入.里20.on the top 在顶部 21.first 首先 22.next 接着 23.then 然后 25.finally=at last 最后 26.an onion 一个洋葱 27.in the bowl 在碗里 28.sandwich-sandwiches 29.Lets do sth. 让我们做 30.How many +可数名词复数+一般疑问句? 31.How much +不可数名词+一般疑问句? 32.How much+一般疑问句? 33.How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样制作香蕉奶昔? 34.How many bananas do you need? 你需要多少香蕉? 35.How much yogurt do we need? 我们需要多少酸奶? 36.We need two oranges and two cups of milk. 我们需要两个桔子和两杯牛奶. 37.Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? 你喜欢在三明治里放生菜吗?38.peel three bananas 剥三个香蕉 Unit 8 1.hang out with和闲逛 2.take photos/pictures照相 3.go to the zoo去动物园 4.go to the aquarium 去水族馆 5.go to the beach 去海滩 6.buy a souvenir 买一份纪念品 7.buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. 买某物给某人 8.give sb. sth.=give sth.to sb.把某物给某人9.pass sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb.递某物给某人 10.get ones autograph 得到某人的亲笔签名 11.win a prize 得了一个奖 12.win the first prize 得了冠军 13.Visitors Center 游客中心 14.on the school trip 在学校旅游中 15.at the end of 在的尽头 16.watch a dolphin show 观看海豚表演 17.day off 休息日 18.have fun doing sth. 做某事有趣 19.That sounds interesting. 那听起来很有趣. 20.go for a drive 去兜风 21.sleep late 睡懒觉 22.have/take a class 上课 23.on my next day off 在我下一个休息日 24.see you soon再见 25.How was your day off? 你的休息日过得怎样?26.(have) a yard sale (进行)庭院旧货出售 27.in the future 在未来,在将来 in future:从今以后28.have/eatfor breakfast/lunch/dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐吃 29.take the bus back to school 坐公共汽车回到学校 30.in the rain 在雨中 31.in the sun 在太阳下 32.in the yard 在院子里 33.come back from 从回来 34.what else 别的什么 35.after that 在那之后 36.How was your school trip?你的学校旅游怎样? 37.What did you do last Sunday? 上周星期天你做了些什么? 38.There is(was)+可数名词单数(不可数名词)+somewhere.There are(were)+可数名词复数+somewhere 某处有 39.How was the weather yesterday? 昨天天气如何? 40.Did you clean the classroom yesterday? 你昨天打扫了教室了吗? 41.Were there any sharks? 有鲨鱼吗? 42.win 赢-winner 获胜者Somewhere某处 anywhere任何地方 nowhere无处/没有地方 everywhere到处/每一个地方1 不定代词 (+形容词) 2 地点副词 ( 前不加to,in,at)I want to go somewhere interesting. Unit 9 1.be born 出生 2.world record 世界纪录 3.hiccupping world record 打嗝世界纪录4.sb. has world record for(doing)某人有.的世界纪录 5.playfor national team为国家队打.球 6.start/begin to do sth./doing sth.开始做某事 7.learn to do sth. 学习做某事 8.first have a party 第一次举行聚会 9.a comedy called/named一部名叫.的喜剧 10.too+形+to+do 太而不能 11.a piece of music 一首音乐 12.at the age of=when sb. be (years old) 在岁时 13.take part in.参加(活动) join:参加(组织)14.hum songs 哼歌 15.major in 主修 16.womens singles 女子单打 17.because of. + 名词性短语:因为 because + 句子:因为18.all his free time他所有的空闲时间 19.talk about 谈论 20.see sb. do sth.=see sb. doing sth. 看见某人做某事 21.in the 70-year history of在70年的的历史中 22.69 years and 5 months :69年零5个月 23.in October 2000 在2000年10月 24.on May 2nd ,1983: 在1983年5月2号 25.a famous tennis player 一个有名的网球运动员 26.for example 例如 27.well-known=famous 有名的,著名的 28.When were you born? 你何时出生的? 29.He was born in 1988.他出生于1988年. 30.How long did he hiccup?他打嗝打了久? 31.He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. 他打了69年零5个月的嗝. 32.When did he stop hiccupping? 他何时停止打嗝的? 33.You are never too young to start doing things. 你决不要因为年轻就不去做一些事情. 34.How old were you when you started learning English? 当你开始学英语时多少岁?35.He spends all his free time with his grandson.他所有的空闲时间和他的孙子一起过. 36.science 科学-scientist 科学家 37.piano 钢琴-pianist 钢琴家 38.violin 小提琴-violinist小提琴家 39.tour 游览-tourist 旅游者Unit 10 1.grow up 长大 2.computer programmer 电脑程序设计员 3.take acting lessons 上表演课 4.professional basketball player 职业篮球运动员 5.save money 存钱 6.at the same time 同时 7.somewhere interesting 有趣的地方 8.fashion shows 时装展览 9.Im not sure yet. 我还不能确定. 10.a year or two =one or two years 一两年 11.hold art exhibitions 举办艺术展览 12.make the soccer team 组建足球队 13.find a part-time job 找到一份兼职工作 14.play an instrument 弹奏乐器 15.make a resolution 制定计划 16.get letters from.=hear from 收到的来信 17.communicate (better) with与(更好地)交流 18.move to搬到 19.a foreign language 一门外语 20.New Years Resolutions 新年计划 21.study math really hard 刻苦认真地学习数学 22.practise doing sth. 练习做某事 23.at an art school 在艺术学校 24.exchange student 交换生 25.What are you going to do when you grow up? 你长大了打算做什么? 26.How are you going to do that? 你打算怎样做? 27.Im going to do what I want to do. 我要做自己想做的事. 28.Im going to move somewhere interesting. 我要搬到有趣的地方. 29.An old lady found a job as a foreign language teacher.一位老太太找了一份外语教师的工作. 30.I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. 我想当一名时装杂志的记者.31.last year 去年 32.this year 今年 33.next year 明年 34.talk with与交谈 35.athlete=player 运动员 36.love-loving/lovely 37.grandchild-grandchildren Unit 111. could you please 你能吗?/请你干.好吗? 2. do the dishes 洗餐具 3. sweep the floor清扫地板 4. take out the trash倒垃圾 5. make ones bed铺床 6.fold ones clothes叠衣服 7. clean the living room 清扫客厅 8.stay out late晚归 9. his fathers reason他父亲的理由 10. get a ride搭顺风车车 11. use ones computer 使用某人的电脑 12. hate sth./to do sth.讨厌某事/做某事 13. do the laundry = do some washing = wash clothes洗衣服 14. make breakfast做早饭 make dinner做晚饭 do some cooking 做饭 15.wash the car刷车 16. work on 从事,忙于 17. work at学习、致力于、在上下工夫 18.borrow some money借一些钱 19. invite sb. to do sth邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to 某地:邀请某人去/ 来某地 20. go to the store去商店 21.agree sb. to do sth.同意某人做某事 22. agree with sb. =agree with what one says同意某人的意见24. borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物(借入) 25. lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb.借给某人某物(借出) 26.ask for要求得到/见到 27. take care of=look after照顾、照看、照料 take good care of=look afterwell 28. need some help需要一些帮助 29. come over过来 come over to 某地:(顺便)来某地 30. get angry生气 31. have a test考试32. make a clean sweep of 彻底扫II句型1Could you please clean your room? 请你打扫一下你的房间好吗?2Could you please open the door for me? 请你替我开门,好吗?3I hate to do chores.我讨厌做家务。5Thanks for taking care of my dog. 感谢你照看我的狗。7Take him for a walk. 带它出去散步。Give him water and feed him. 给它喝水,并喂它食物。Then wash his bowl. Play with him. 然后,把它的碗洗洗。和它一起玩。Dont forget to clean his bed.不要忘了把它的床铺清扫干净。9Im going to move to a new house! I need some help.我要搬入新房子,需要帮助 Unit 121.the best radio station最好的无线电台 2.comfortable seats舒适的椅子 3. big screens大屏幕4. friendly service友好的服务 5.new movies新电影 6. close to home离家近7. in a fun part of town 在城镇闹区 8. Town Cinema城镇电影院 9. Screen City大屏幕影视城 10.Movie Palace电影艺术宫 11.Jeans Corner牛仔广角 12.Trendy Teens时髦少年服装店 13.Easy Listening轻松听力 14. have good quality clothes服装质量好 15.in town在城里, in the city在城市里,in the country在乡下 16. the best clothing store最好的服装店17.do a survey of 进行调查一个.的调查 18. all the movie theaters所有的电影院 19. the most interesting music最有趣的音乐 20.be(get, become, feel) interested in .(n. / doing) = take an interest in .(n. / doing) 对感兴趣 21.positive words肯定的词语 22. negative words否定的词语 23. the most creative最有创造力的 24. the most boring最烦人的 25.the math teacher数学老师 26. a great success巨大的成功 27. win the prize for赢得的奖项 28. without music没有音乐伴奏下 29. the funniest actor最滑稽的演员 30. the worst movie最差的电影 31. action movies动作片 32. beautiful beaches美丽的海滩 33. in the north of China在中国的北部 34. an Ice and Snow Festival冰雪节 35. Central Park 中心公园 36.leader of a band乐队指挥 37. Forbidden City紫禁城 38. elementary school 小学II.应掌握的句子:1.Whats the best radio station? 哪一家是最好的广播电台?2. How do you choose what movie theater to go to? 你如何选择去哪一家影剧院。3.I think Gold Theater has the most comfortable seats.我认为黄金剧院的座位最舒适。4.What do young people think about places in town? 年轻人认为我们镇里的场所怎么样?5.The film is interesting.这电影令人感兴趣。6. Where are we going for lunch? 我们到哪里吃午饭?7.My sister Isabel is the funniest person I know.我妹妹伊莎贝尔是我知道的最滑稽的人。9.He danced without music.在没有音乐伴奏的情况下,他跳了一曲。


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