五年级英语上册 Unit5 There is a big bed Part B课件 人教PEP.ppt

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五年级英语上册 Unit5 There is a big bed Part B课件 人教PEP.ppt_第3页
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Unit5Thereisabigbed BLet slearn infrontof beside between behind above mygrandparents shouse ArethereanypicturesinZhangPeng slivingroom Yes thereare Whodrawsthepictures ZhangPeng sfather Whoseplantsarethey They reZhangPeng sgrandmother splants Whereisthegarden It sinfrontofthehouse listenandanswer comparethesesentences Thereisabigbed Thereisanicephoto Therearesomanypictureshere Therearesomanyplants too 课堂练习 选择填空 Thisisapicture myroom A atB ofC to There adeskandashelfinthestudy A isB areC some Thetrashbinis thedoor A overB onC behind Thecomputeris thedesk A inB onC of move Theroomisdirty Hurry Hurry Hurry mouse Isitright 1 Therearepencilsandcrayonsonthetable 2 Iseeamouseinfrontofthecomputer 3 Ilivenearthenaturepark naturepark Thereis are inthebedroom Storytime Canyouanswerthequestions Wheredoesthecanwanttogo Whydon tMonkeyandRabbithelpthecan Whohelpsthecanatlast 课堂练习 选择填空 There abookandapencil boxonthedesk A isB areC be There someorangejuiceinthebottle A areB isC have I aroom There abigbedandanewclosetinit A has isB have areC have is It snice A What syourroomlike B What sinyourroom C Whereisyourroom Goodbye MerryChristmas and Happynewyear

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