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人教版中学2020年自主招生英语模拟考试试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)The table is _ iron and paper is _ wood. A . made of; made fromB . made from; made fromC . made from; made ofD . made of; made of2. (2分)I called at 8:00 pm yesterday, but there was no answer.We some shopping in the supermarket.A . doB . didC . are doingD . were doing3. (2分)I believe Mars soon in the future by human beings.A . maybe visitB . will be visitedC . may visitD . can visit4. (2分)It takes _ half an hour _ on foot. A . my, to get to schoolB . me, to get to schoolC . my, going to schoolD . me, going to school5. (2分)Did you learn ?Yes. I did. I learned quite a lot.A . somethingB . nothingC . everythingD . anything6. (2分)There _ a soccer ball and eight _.A . are; basketballsB . are; basketballC . is; basketballsD . is; basketball7. (2分)Who the cup at last?A . winsB . is winC . won8. (2分)Finish your homework first, and then youll be able_ TV. A . watchB . watchesC . to watchD . watching9. (2分)Watch carefully everything _ the teacher will do. A . thatB . whichC . whatD . who10. (2分)You throw it away. It can . A . neednt; recycleB . neednt; be recycledC . dont need; be recycled11. (2分)一What did you do at last?一I the house alone A . cleanB . cleanedC . cleaningD . was cleaning12. (2分)Jenny _ TV every evening. But last night she _.A . watches; didntB . watch; didntC . watched; didntD . watches; doesnt13. (2分)The students were reading aloud _ the bell rang and class was over.A . whenB . whileC . asD . whenever14. (2分)His parents always tells him _ to bed early because its good for his health. A . to goB . goC . goingD . goes15. (2分)Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?Not yet. We _ go to Mount Lu. It is a good place for vacation.A . mayB . shouldC . mustD . need16. (2分)Is your sleeping problem getting better? No. And . They gave me the wrong medicine this time. Can you believe that?A . a good miss is as good as a mileB . it never rains but it poursC . the early bird catches the wormD . every dog has its day17. (2分)_ to me, Daming. A . ListenB . DrawC . SitD . Put18. (2分)He has never _ such a strange thing. A . hearB . heardC . hear ofD . heard of19. (2分)Every time the exam is over, I will_ the result.Take it easy! Grades are not our whole life.A . be pleased withB . be worried aboutC . be good at20. (2分)What do you think of the movie you saw last night?I think it is worth .A . seeingB . to seeC . seesD . see二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。I got out of the train station with my father. A woman came to him and said that her money had been stolen (偷). She asked if he could1her some money to go back home. My father gave her what she asked for and told her not to worry about paying it back. I was2. How could my father be so silly? Anyone could see that she was telling a lie (谎言), staying at the station all day long3for money. She was lying! I said. 4did you give her the money?My father looked at me. He was a bit angry. And what would you like me to do? he said. Should I tell her that I am a college professor (教授) and I can see through her scam (骗局)? I did not 5his meaning at all, and then he told me something that I6forgot. First, she would not do this 7she didnt need the money. Second, I made her day, because now she thinks that shes8than me. It is more important to9than the money, but I dont mind this.A week later, we were at the same station, and the same woman came to my father with the same story. Not this time, my father told her. In your business, you should learn to recognize (认出) people. Try another10on me next week.(1)A . borrow B . keep C . lend D . pay (2)A . excited B . angry C . sad D . surprised (3)A . asking B . looking C . waiting D . going (4)A . Where B . When C . Why D . How (5)A . find B . know C . hear D . believe (6)A . never B . sometimes C . always D . usually (7)A . because B . until C . as D . if (8)A . smarter B . younger C . taller D . better (9)A . them B . her C . you D . me (10)A . coat B . story C . station D . man 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)22. (8分)阅读理解 One night a patient went fishing in another mans boat outside Albert Smiths hospital. The owner of the boat thought he should get all the fish from the patient.Dr Smith said to the boat owner, You are right because you didnt allow him to use your boat. But you are wrong because you are careless and lazy. You seldom(很少) put your boat in a safe place and fasten it with a lock. Because of your laziness you were asleep on this moonlit night instead of making use of the good time to fish. He turned to the patient, But you are wrong when you took the boat without asking the owners permission(允许). You are right because you are not so lazy as he is, and you did not want to let the moonlit night go by without making use of it. Dr Smith divided the catch(捕捉物) among the patient, the boat owner and the hospital .(1)When did the patient go fishing? A . On a sunny day.B . On a moonlit night.C . In the day.D . One morning.(2)What did Dr Smith think of the boat owner? A . Careless and lazy.B . Careful and smart.C . Foolish and patient.D . Careful and lazy.(3)Which of the following is TRUE? A . The boat owner often puts his boat in a safe place.B . Dr Smith thought the boat owner should get all the fish.C . The story happened outside Albert Smiths restaurant.D . The patient wasnt allowed to use the boat.(4)How many people are there in this story? A . Four.B . Three.C . Two.D . Five.23. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 She is Li Xinqi. Her English names Olivia. She is a lovely girl. She was born(出生) on January 12th, 2012 in USA. She is gymnastics champion(体操冠军) Li Xiaopeng and Angelita Lis daughter. In April, 2014, she goes to record the TV program(录制节目), Dad came back. After that,she is loved by everyone. The girl is Jia Yunxin. She was born on October 23rd, 2012 in Beijing. Her parents are Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu. They are actors(演员). She also comes to “Dad came back” in Zhejiang TV. She is very cute, sometimes gentle, sometimes tough(强硬的). People like her. The boy is Du Yuqi, but we all call him “Uh huh”. He was born on the morning of September 19th, 2013 in Beijing. He is Du Jiang and Huo Siyans son. They are actors, too. He looks very handsome(帅), and he records “Dad came back” second season with his father. Everyone likes him very much.(1)How old is Olivia?A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(2)Whats the name of “Uh huh”?A . Li Xinqi.B . Du Yuqi.C . Jia Yunxin.D . Du Jiang.(3)Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A . They were born in Beijing.B . They all record the program “Dad came back”.C . Olivias parents arent actors.D . People like them very much.24. (10分)阅读理解BOne of the things I like best about school is my art classWe have a very good teacher-Mrs.HilbertShe is a great artistI love watching her draw and paint(用颜料画)She teaches us how to make the fight colors for our paintingsShe plays good music when we draw and paintWe have two art classes a week and we draw and paint in classSometimes we look at pictures of other artistsIt is interesting to do misIt gives me ideas for my paintingOur school will have an art exhibit(展览)in May this yearSome of our pictures will be in the exhibitMany people will come to itOur parents will come,tooNow I am working on a paintingI hope my parents can see it in the exhibitIts really great to have agoal(目标)to work for根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)Who is MrsHilbert? A . A musicianB . A swimmerC . The writers teacherD . 1he writers mother(2)How many art classes,does the writer have a week? A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(3)The writer thinks looking at other artistspictures in class is A . interestingB . difficultC . boringD . easy(4)When is the art exhibit? A . In MarchB . In MayC . In JulyD . In September(5)What goal is the writer working for? A . Being a great artistB . Getting help from a great artistC . Showing his painting in the exhibitD . Making the right colors for his paintings25. (10分)Go Green Enjoy tap water(1)ITS THE RESPNSIBLE CHOICEProducing plastic bottles and transporting water require a lot of energy and resources(资源)just to land in the waste!(2) IT SAVES MONEYBottled water costs money. Tap water is free for you!Go Green Eat responsibly(1) Shorter distance(距离) requires less transport fuels(燃料)and less chemicals needed to keep food fresh.(2)EAT LESS MEATMeat production needs a lot of resources.(3)AVOID PACKINGPackaging requires energy and resources just to end up in the wasteGo Green Keep it on the screenand if printing cannot be avoided remember to:PRINT DOUBLE-SIDED and in black-white.Set the printer/copy machine to ENERGY SAVING model when doneREUSE single-sided printed paper for internal documents(内部文件) or as not paperGo Green E-communicateReduce what gives out quite a lot of Greenhouse Gas(温室效应气体):instead of traveling, make use of VIDEO MEETING, WEB MEETING, and the good old phone.For more information visit www.greeningtheblue.org.(1)The purpose of the passage is to give advice on how to _.A . protect the environmentB . cancel travelingC . avoid printing(2)_ save money for you.A . Producing plastic bottlesB . Using bottled waterC . Using tap water(3)The missing part in Go Green Eat responsibly is _.A . CHOOSE GREEN FOODB . KEEP FOOD FRESHC . SUPPORT LOCAL(4)It is suggested that_ printed paper should be reused for taking notes.A . doubled-sidedB . single-sidedC . colored(5)You can get more information about “Go Green” by _.A . visiting the website givenB . making a phone callC . having a meeting四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。We often see top students around us and everyone knows about them. Let us take Jenny as an example. She is the monitor of our class. She spends a lot of time working for our class. But she always gets good grades in all subjects. How do students like Jenny do that? When I asked her, she said, Hard work is not the whole story. Its not how long you sit at the desk with your books open. Its what you do as you are sitting. In fact, we can see many top students spend fewer hours on their studies than their classmates. Jenny gave me some valuable suggestions.If your math teacher gives you five problems, you should do six. If your Chinese teacher gives eight pages of reading, you should read nine. The more you practice, the more you learn.Studying is a matter of your personal interest, so choose the way you are most comfortable with. Some people like working at night when the house is quiet, while others like doing their work early in the morning. However, others like studying as soon asthey arrive home from school while the work is fresh in their minds. No matter which way suits you, try to do your best.Studying is your business and the business comes before entertainment(娱乐). When you are studying, phone calls should go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks given up. Studying is the only thing in your mind. Nothing can pull your attention away from what you are studying.Studying is like eating. You should eat a little at a time. You can plan what to do today, but dont do too much. When you cant finish the work you planned to do, you will feel stressed and may lose confidence. On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan. It all de pends on how you manage your time.The students who hand in a clearly written paper are already half way to get an A. Tidy papers are likely to get higher marks than messy ones. When you write clearly and do your work carefully, the thoughts in your mind are clear. You can avoid making more mistakes._to make your studies betterPassage outlineSupporting detailsDo more than you are askedDo more than what your teacher asks you to because _more makes you learn more.Choose suitable waysSome people like working on a _night, while others like doing their work early in the morning. Some people like studying their lessons shortly after_home from school.Put _before entertainmentPay _to what you are studying.Plan your time wellDont try to do much at a time.Failing to _your planned task will make you feel stressed and lose confidence.On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan.Keep your papers _Messy papers are more likely to get _marks than clear ones.Besides, some mistakes can be _.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)最近,你班就“学生的良好学习习惯和生活习惯”话题展开了广泛讨论。请你根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇题为“A good habit, a successful life”的短文。注意:1词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;3短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:预习preview vA good habit, a successful lifeRecently our class have had a discussion on students good habits. In order to make our life successful, first we should have good habits of learning.In a word, good habits will give us a successful life.第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)26-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、


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