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第二讲 词汇(一)课程目标课程背景与目标:词汇量的大小是决定读写能力高低的关键,所以词汇的复习非常重要。 目前高二学生虽然完成了高二的学习,由于教材本身内容多,密度大,进度快,学生对词汇的记忆和掌握普遍存在着很大问题。例如:词汇量小,拼写错误多,(一看就会,一写就错), 更谈不上灵活运用词汇的能力了。词汇掌握的情况如何直接影响学生的阅读和写作能力。所以,为学生能较快地进入高三紧张备考,快速提升读写能力,首先要对词汇进行梳理。 词汇复习课程的目的是帮助学生记忆掌握核心词汇,通过练习巩固所学的词汇,尤其是通过练习,不仅帮助学生记忆核心词汇,还要帮助他们学会使用核心词汇,为挑战完形填空、阅读理解和书面表达试题高分打好知识基础。教学方法建议教学建议:课时有限,词无限,词汇复习主要是对高频词汇的复习和整理。复习的时,教师可以根据学生的情况,灵活处理提供的练习。例如先认、再读、讲练巩固。词汇复习要照顾到词的音形意,先帮助学生回忆学过词汇的词义,然后朗读、带读目的是掌握发音(为听力测试打好词汇基础)。之后,在句子中、短文中巩固词汇的用法,目的是帮助学生掌握词汇的搭配、词汇的拼写、词汇的变化等,为完形填空试题、写作试题打好词汇灵活运用的基础。在训练的过程中教师进行适当的讲解,以练为主,在练的过程中,引导学生感悟、发现词汇的用法。此课程提供的练习教师可以灵活处理,例如完形填空的练习,有时间就完成,没有时间可以作为课后练习。教师也可带着学生一起做,适当节约课堂时间。词汇讲座后附了高频词汇表,教师可以带着学生适当过一遍,或者让学生自读。 一、知识梳理中考要求的1500词汇中有500左右的词汇与高中学习衔接。高中毕业会考要求学生掌握2500左右词汇,高考要求掌握3500左右词汇。高考要求的3500词汇涵盖了中考、会考的词汇,中等程度的学生应该有15002000左右的词汇量,他们高考成绩提高有困难基本上是由于词汇量低,导致阅读速度慢,理解受阻。所以,有1000左右的高中词汇是复习的要点,也是提分的关键。这1000左右的词汇基本上是高中学习的词汇,由于复现率低(尤其是高二学过的词汇)学生掌握的不好。所以,词汇复习的重点就在这1000左右的高中词汇上。第一步是自测一下词汇量,之后核对答案。词汇自测词汇英汉互译:accept计算,账面,说明actually同意;赞成的意见announce虽然,尽管appear努力;尝试;企图army相信;认为;想attack机会;可能性;运气available俱乐部;夜总会base全部的,完全的,完成的billion考虑;照顾;认为campaign继续;延伸capital控制;管理;抑制cause决定;下决心;判决century描写,叙述central设计;图案;企图;构思;纲要chief发展,开发;生长committee指挥,指导,导演company效果;作用;影响;结果concern例子,榜样condition盼望;认为conference失败;不及格;衰退;忘记;辜负create打仗(架);争论;斗志court最后的,最终的,决定性的department强迫,迫使;夺取;推动develop外国的;外交的;不相关的director将来;前途;远景produce归还,回,归provide规则,规定;惯例;破折号report九月research服务;服役;仪式result形成者;创造者;模型role分享,共同使用secretary符号,标记sense形势,情况;(建筑物等的)位置social社会;社交界;上流社会sort特别的,专门的staff度过;花费(钱、时间等)教师可以带读,个别词汇进行适当强调发音特点、拼写特点、搭配特点等,例如available, provide的搭配: be available for, provide with。为了巩固词义,布置学生做以下练习。二、课堂精讲例题及方法归纳(一)选词填空。Aa good / great many, adapt to, a good / great deal, be available for, contribute to, on average, draw a conclusion, belong to, take care of(1) The children are finding it hard to_ their new school.(2) The university is trying to make more accommodation_ students. (3) _ men smoke more cigarettes than women.(4) The house _ my grandfather.(5) Who is _your dog while you are away?(6) From these facts we can _ about how the pyramids were built.(7) Various factors _ his failure.(8) _ their work is unpaid.(9) Most of the young men went off to the war, and _ never came back.Bhave an effect on, again and again, suffer from, burst into, dozens of, meet a challenge, use ones head, depend on, devote oneself to(1) I have told you _, dont play soccer near the windows.(2) Ben suddenly_ tears. (3) I like to _of the speed racing.(4) Children _ their parents for all of their material needs. (5) Mother Teresa has _ caring for the poor.(6) His encouragement_ me.(7) If you try to _, I believe you can work it out.(8) I have been there _ times.(9) Simon _ stomachache.答案: 1. (1) adapt to (2) available for (3) On average (4) belongs to (5) taking care of (6) draw a conclusion (7) contributed to (8) A good / great deal (9) a good / great many2. (1) again and again (2) burst into (3) meet the challenge (4) depend on (5) devoted herself to (6) has a great effect on (7) use your head (8) dozens of (9) suffers from教师在核对答案过程中,要注意读完整的句子。解析: A短语含义注释a good / great many许多修饰可数名词复数adapt to, 适应可以用为: adapt to n. / doing / pron.Adapt 可以是及物动词 adapt oneself to doing / n/ pron. 使自己适应a good / great deal,许多,大量修饰不可数名词be available for, 可供用的Available 是形容词/ be available for 相当于 can be used forcontribute to, 导致,引起, 促成相当于lead to/ result in / causeon average, 平均draw a conclusion,得出结论相当于come to a conclusion/ reach a conclusion/ arrive at a conclusionbelong to, 属于没有被动语态,通常不用进行时态。 take care of照顾相当于look after; 但是注意和take care 用法不一样。 Take care 意为: 小心,当心, 保重。 B短语含义例句again and again再三She spent hours every day in the tower room, reading and rereading.她每天都要在这个塔室里消磨好几个小时,读着,反复地读着。再三地Over and over, Orin had me connect with all three of these star systems.再三地,欧林要我与这些星系统的所有三个接触。burst into突然The whole class burst into laughter after hearing the story. meet the challenge面对挑战Everyone in the society must meet the challenge. depend on依靠We should not depend on others too much. devote herself to献身于The teacher devoted himself to teaching. have a great effect on对有巨大的影响His mothers death had a great effect on his study. use your head动脑筋Use your head and you will work out this problem. dozens of几十There are dozens of red roses in his home. suffer from承受,遭受Many people suffer from cancer. 教师在讲解例如中,注意与完形试题和写作相结合。(二) 完成句子。 A(1) 中国的饮食被认为是世界上最健康的饮食。The Chinese diet_ _ _be the _ in the world. (2) 为了偿还这笔钱,他们不分昼夜地干活。They worked _ _ _ in order _ _ _ the money. (3) 他兄弟工作的那个公司的老板去纽约了。The boss, _ _ his brother works in, _ _ _ New York. (4) 我想在你有空的时候跟你谈谈。I d like to _ _ _ _ you when you are free. (5) 这个特殊的班级是由各种各样的人组成的。This special class is _ _ of _ _ of people. 答案与简析:(1) 被认为是可以用be considered to be, be considered as等来表达,也可以用be regarded as 但是给的语境后边有be, 所以只能用be considered to; 第二个空填写最健康的, 可以用healthiest, 也可以用fittest 所以答案是is considered to, healthiest/ fittest (2) 不分昼夜,夜以继日的表达是day and night; ,偿还用pay back , 所以答案为 day and night; to pay back; 但是有的学生会误写成pay off,这是不对的,pay off 有两个含义 1为还清,如: pay off all his debt 还清他所有的债务 2为值得努力,取得了回报,如: His effort finally paid off. 他所有的辛劳最后达到了回报。 (3) 公司和老板之间有所属关系,要用定语从句的引导词whose, 第二个空去了纽约,强调这个人目前不在这里,所以用have gong to ; 再根据语境提示,答案为whose company; has gone to (4) “跟某人谈谈”学生最熟悉的是 have a talk with 或者talk with somebody, 其实have a word with更高级一些。 根据给的空格我们确定答案为:have a word with/ have a talk with. 请同学注意:不能使用have words with 因为此短语为“与人打架或者发生口角”。(5) “由组成的”表达有多种,例如: be made up of, consist of, 但是学生要注意主动和被动的差异,如: 我们班有15名男生和20名女生组成。 可以表达:Our class is made up of 15 boys and 20 girls. 或者Our class consists of 15 boys and 20 girls. 第二个空需要填写多样的, 可以用all sorts 或者a variety 可以构成短语all sorts of 和a variety of。 所以答案为 made up, all sorts/ a variety (三)翻译以下句子。1 我父母的离异对我影响很大。( have a big effect on)2 这可以使我们的城市成为一个更好的居住地方。(make)3 我每天都洗碗,习惯了。 (be used to doing)4 我过去常常打篮球。 (used to)5 你知道谁获得了今年的最佳女演员奖?(the Best Actress Award)答案与简析:1. My parents divorce had a big effect/ impact/ influence on me. 还可以用名词性从句 That my parents divorced affected. Impacted/ influenced me a lot. 2. It can make our city a better place to live in. 还可以用it 作形式宾语,写成:This can make it a better place for people to live in our city. 3. I do the dishes every day, so Im used to it. 还可以用高级词汇表达:I am accustomed to doing the dishes every day. 或者I am used to doing the dishes every day. 4. I used to play basketball. / I often played basketball in the past. / I played basketball regularly in the past. 5. Do you know who won the Best Actress Award this year? 或者复杂一点: Do you know who got the title for the Best Actress Award this year? (五) 完成下面的短文(每空限填一词)。Nowadays its a common phenomenon that parents drive their children to school in and back home, which causes a heated discussion. A survey has just been conducted about it, and the findings are as follows.We can see that half of the supporters 1_ that more valuable time can be 2_ for students to get enough sleep. Another 30% 3_ children can rest or have meals 4_ in their own cars. About 15% consider it 5_just for the sake of childrens 6_. The rest of them think it 7_more chances for parents to 8_with their children.However, there are 9_many people who 10_ different opinions. 55% of them believe 11_it 12_in more traffic jams, especially around schools in rush hours. And 30% think that 13_kids to and from school will undoubtedly 14 _to the parents burdens in aspects like time, energy and 15_. Still, 15% 16 _ that in the long term children may be more 17_on their parents, which does no 18_ to them. 答案:1. believe 2. saved 3. think 4. comfortably 5. reasonable 6. safety 7. offers 8. communicate 9. still 10. hold 11. that 12. results 13. driving 14. add 15. expenses 16. worry 17. dependent 18. good核对答案后,教师对文段适当进行分析,对词汇使用的亮点进行点评。(六) 完成下面的短文(每空限填一词)。Nowadays its a common phenomenon that parents drive their children to school in and back home, which causes a heated discussion. A survey has just been conducted about it, and the findings are as follows. Supporters hold the 1_ that driving children to school 2_ tremendous advantages. 3_ than half of the supporters think that it is a way of 4_ time, and about 30% of them 5_ that it makes children feel comfortable. Also 15% of supporters argue that children 6_ to school by their parents can be more safe and 5% of them think its also a way to 7_ the communication 8_ parents and children. 9_ great benefits it brings, therere also many people 10_ against it. 15% of them feel that it makes children dependent on their parents. 30% of them think it increases parents 11_ on their shoulders including the cost time, money and 12_. Also 55% of them believe that it brings 13_ jams. 答案:1. view 2. brings 3. more 4. saving 5. believe 6. driven 7. increase 8. between 9. Notwithstanding 10. being 11. pressure 12. energy 13. traffic核对答案后,教师对文段适当进行分析,对词汇使用的亮点进行点评。三、课后自我检测一写作练习。 目前,家长开车接送孩子上下学已成为一个普遍现象,人们对此做法褒贬不一。下面是就此现象所做的问卷调查结果。请根据下列图表提示,描述被访者的看法。注意:1、词数不少于60。 2、文章的开头已经给出。 3、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Nowadays its a common phenomenon that parents drive their children to school in and back home, which causes a heated discussion. A survey has just been conducted about it, and the findings are as follows. _作文讲评: 注意: 写作要求:l 1、紧扣主题,逻辑清晰l 2、语言简约,语法正确l 3、信息点全,适当发挥高考英语书面表达题所要求的技能:1、恰当地应用不同文体完成书面交际任务;2、恰当地应用词汇、语法知识,清楚、连贯地表达观点和态度;3、逻辑思维能力。审题要求l 话题:接送孩子上下学利弊调查结果l 文体:对比型作文l 时态:一般现在时l 人称:第三人称I. 审中文信息l 1、调查结果-客观性描述-一般现在时l 2、调查报告-第三人称they(支持者和反对者)l 3、两幅图片-对比型描写-连接词的应用l 4、中文信息-被访者的态度-客观描述他人观点 II. 析图 1. 两幅图-对比写作l 2. 支持者-柱形图,图片信息要点:l (1)省时50%l (2)舒适30%l (3)安全15%l (4)增加交流5%l 3. 反对者-饼图,图片信息要点:l (1)交通拥堵55%l (2)增加家长负担30% (时间、精力、开支) l (3)孩子依赖性强15%写作要领:l 要点全面、前后连贯、叙述流畅、点题准确l 写作过程中:l 注意人称、时态的正确应用,要点齐全,l 行文连贯,句式多样,语法正确,用词恰当 III. 语言支持:l A. 充分利用开头语言。l B. 短语的运用l C. 认为如何表达?l D. 支持者l E. 支持,反对的表达。l F. 易错点: 百分数以及there be 表达应该注意的一些问题:l 1. 时态乱(一般过去时)12以下l 2. 第一幅图(柱图)描写时无数据或数据错误 酌情扣2l 3. 粗心:1st图:省时-省钱l 4. %表达错误:30 percentsl 5. 漏点:反对者观点中增加家长负担30% (时间、精力、开支)漏写 12以下重点掌握要点:1. 基础词汇(单词拼写,如:percent, opinion, dependent, their, against )2. 基本句型:There be句型中含有从句的用法 3. 常用从句:定从、宾从、时间状语从句-注意引导词的正确运用!4. 同一含义的不同表达法:think, believe, feel, argue, insist, hold the opinion that(加分点)5. 对比型写作连接词:转折:however, in contrast, yet, whereas, 递进:besides, moreover, whats more, 答案见上题。 二完形填空练习。(A)Wings of Angel I used to hate myself because I wasnt “normal”. Everyone else could play on the monkey bars and ride on a bicycle, but not _1_. I had a severe spinal cord disorder (脊髓病) and I knew I would always be much _2_ than others. I hated going to school and I hated people _3_ at me. I hated seeing others smiling broadly and standing _4_ and tall. And most of all, I hated looking in the _5_ and seeing an ugly hunchback (驼背).My friends found me _6_ because I didnt let others get close to me. I thought I was going to go on like this for the rest of my life _7_ Angela appeared. That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the schoola spot where no one would _8_ me. Thats when I first heard her voice.“Hi. Can I sit down?”I raised my head and there she was, with an irresistible smile on her round face.“What are you looking at?” she asked.“Ants.”“What are they doing?”“No _9_.” “I bet theyre playing games and making friends. Dont you think so?”That was how our _10_ started and it didnt stop. We talked about everything under the sunthe ants, the clouds, my little niche (处境)until it was sunset.Then suddenly, she saw my _11_. She just stared. My heart _12_. What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure she would _13_ me now.She stood up, pointed at my back and said, “I know _14_ your back is hunched.”I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be _15_. I begged in my heart for her to _16_, but she just kept on going. “I know what youve got in there. Do you?”“No,” I answered _17_. She bent and whispered in my ears. “Your back is hunched because youve got a pair of wings from the angels.” I was _18_. I looked into her eyes and her _19_ touched my heart. From that day on, I started to learn to _20_ myself because I have the wings of an angel and a kind-hearted friend.1. A. them B. it C. me D. her 2. A. sadder B. shorter C. weaker D. slower 3. A. looking B. smiling C. aiming D. glaring 4. A. still B. alone C. straight D. together 5. A. street B. sun C. corner D. mirror 6. A. distant B. stubborn C. hopeless D. unfortunate 7. A. after B. before C. since D. until 8. A. disturb B. seek C. interrupt D. ignore 9. A. wonder B. idea C. sign D. action10. A. connection B. competitionC. conversation D. comprehension 11. A. face B. back C. eyes D. shoulders 12. A. sank B. beat C. broke D. ached 13. A. care for B. rely on C. look down upon D. put up with 14. A. that B. how C. whether D. why 15. A. accused B. arrested C. punished D. sentenced 16. A. relax B. leave C. stop D. pause 17. A. shyly B. weakly C. proudly D. firmly 18. A. astonished B. ashamed C. annoyed D. amused 19. A. wisdom B. generosity C. honesty D. kindness 20. A. control B. like C. comfort D. enjoy 答案: 15 CBACD 610 ADABC 1115 BACDD 1620 CBADB(B)It was her giggling that drew my attention. Note taking really wasnt all that funny.Walking over to the offender, I asked for the 1 . Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet 2 between teacher and student. When she finally 3 it over she whispered, “Okay, but I didnt draw it.” It was a hand-drawn 4 of me, teeth blackened and the words “Im stupid” coming out of my mouth. I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind, 5 , was working angrily as I struggled not to 6 . I figured I knew the two most likely candidates for drawing the picture. It would do them some 7 to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it!Thankfully, I was able to keep myself 8 . When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how 9 this was for me. I told them there must be a reason 10 and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom.As I 11 the notes later, many of them said something like, “Ive got nothing against you,” or “Im sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said, “Were 12 of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I 13 were behind the picture, had a list of issues. I was too 14 , too strictReading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of 15 my students, I had begun commanding them to 16 . Where I thought I was driving them to success I was 17 driving them away.I had some apologizing to do. But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card. The one 18 by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for 19 .This was a lesson for both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the 20 . 1. A. noteB. adviceC. reason D. help2. A. battleB. competitionC. argumentD. conversation3. A. tookB. thought C. turnedD. handed4. A. statueB. graphC. pictureD. poster5. A. otherwiseB. howeverC. thereforeD. besides 6. A. leaveB. cryC. explainD. argue7. A. goodB. harmC. favorD. punishment 8. A. amusedB. controlledC. uninterestedD. relaxed 9. A. meaningfulB. forgetfulC. regretfulD. hurtful10. A. asideB. aboveC. beneathD. behind11. A. wroteB. finishedC. readD. collected 12. A. proudB. fondC. afraidD. ashamed 13. A. figuredB. promisedC. concludedD. confirmed 14. A. talkativeB. meanC. clumsyD. considerate15. A. forcingB. encouragingC. comfortingD. teaching 16. A. appreciateB. apologizeC. compromiseD. achieve17. A. actuallyB. normallyC. immediatelyD. generally18. A. decoratedB. offeredC. signedD. bought19. A. thankfulnessB. forgivenessC. compensation D. communication20. A. friendshipB. educationC. knowledge D. future 答案: 15 A A DC B 6-10 B A BDD 11-15 CC ABB 1620 D A CBD(C)Some years ago when I was in my first year in college, I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time. The moment was exciting. Salomes _1_ filled the room and brought the theater to life. I was so _2_ that I decided to write an article about her.I _3_ Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine, and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her career. She _4_ and told me to come to her studio next Tuesday. When I hung up, I was scared out of my mind. I _5_ I was lying. I was not a writer at all and hadnt even written a grocery list. I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday. I sat there _6_, taking notes and asking questions that all began with, “Can you tell me” I soon realized that _7_ Salome Bey was one thing, but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossible. The _8_ was almost unbearable. I struggled for days _9_ draft after draft. Finally I put my manuscript (手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox.It didnt take long. My manuscript _10_. How stupid of me! I thought. How could I _11_ in a world of professional writers? Knowing I couldnt _12_ the rejection letter, I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer. Five years later, I was moving to California. While _13_ my apartment, I came across the unopened envelope. This time I opened it and read the editors letter in _14_:Dear Ms Profit,Your story on Salome Bey is fan

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