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重点句型及短语:(一)见面问候语:1、 Good morning / afternoon / evening. Good morning / afternoon / evening.2、 How are you ? I m fine , thanks . I m OK , thanks .3、 Nice to meet you ? Nice to meet you, too .(二)询问物品名称(what):1、 Whats this / that in English? Its a / an .2、 What are these / those ? Theyre + n.(pl.) . (三)询问单词拼写:1、 Spell it , please ? O-R-A-N-G-E .2、 How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-G-H .(四)询问颜色(what color):1、 What color is it / this / that ? Its orange / red / yellow / green .2、 What color are these / those ? Theyre + 颜色 .(五)询问姓名:1、 Whats your name? Alan . / Im Alan . / My names Alan.2、 Whats his name ? Hes Eric . / His names Eric .3、 Whats her name ? Shes Mary . / Her names Mary .4、 Is he Mike? Yes, he is . / No, he isnt .5、 Are you Helen? Yes, I am. / No, Im not .(六)自我介绍: Hello , Im Cindy . / My names Cindy. Nice to meet you , Cindy. Im Chen Kang.(七)介绍他人:1、This / That is my sister?2、These / Those are my parents?(八)辨认人物(who):1、 Whos he / she? Hes / Shes .2、 Whore they ? Theyre my grandparents.(九)询问电话号码: 1、 Whats your telephone number?. Its + 1234567 . 2、 Whats his / her telephone number?. Its + 电话号码 .(十)辨认物品所属关系: 1、 Is this / that your pencil ? Yes , it is . Its mine.No , it isnt . Its his / hers . 2、 Is this / that his / her schoolbag? Yes , it is . / No , it isnt . 3、Are these / those your books ? Yes , they are . / No , they arent . Theyre hers .4、Are these / those his / her books ? Yes , they are. No , they arent .Theyre mine.(十)辨认物品所属关系:1、 Do you have a soccer ball ? Yes , I do .No , I dont . I have a / an .2、 Does he / she have a basketball? Yes , he / she does . No , he / she doesnt . He / she has a / an .(十一)询问物品的位置(where):1、 Wheres my schoolbag ? Its on / in / under (+地点) .2、 Wheres the map ? Its on / in / under (+地点) .3、Where are my books ? They are on / in /under (+地点)4、Where are their keys? They are on / in /under (+地点).(十二)提出建议:(lets、what / how about)1、 Lets play computer games? That souds interesting / fun / boring / relaxing .2、 Lets play basketball? That souds .3、 How about burgers ,vegetable salad , and some fruit ? Souds good / great . (十三)询问价格(How much ):1、 How much is the hat ? Its five dollars .2、 How much is that brown sweater ? Its eight dollars .3、 How much are these socks? They are two dollars .4、 How much are those black trousers? They are nine dollars .(十四)询问日期/时间(when):1、 When is your / his / her birthday ? My / His / Her birthday is on May 2nd.2、 When is Alices birthday ? Its in August .3、 When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is on April 21th.4、 When is your English class? Its at 8:00 on Monday.(十五)询问最喜欢的事物(what):1、 Whats your favorite subject / food / fruit / sports /color? My favorite subject is . .2、 Whats his / her favorite subject / food / fruit / sports / color? His / Her favorite subject is .(十六)谈论喜好(like)、询问原因(why):1、 Do you like bananas? Yes , I do .No , I dont .2、 Do they like pears ? Yes , they do .No , they dont .3、 Does he / she like tomatoes ? Yes , he / she does . No , he / she doesnt .(十六)询问原因(why): 1、 Why do you like science ? Because its fun .2、 Why do Frank and Bob like P.E. ? Because its fun .3、 Why does he / she like music? Because its relaxing .


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