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Unit 1Lifestyles Period 1Vocabulary.语境填词1A _ (牧羊人) is a person who takes care of sheep.2It has _ (减少) its size from about 135,000 workers to 75,000.3Todays topic is “How to face _ (挑战) of the 21st Century”4He said he couldnt _ (容忍) the noise outside.5My business is too _ (紧急的) to waste time on apologies.6We prefer a p_ discussion to a hot fight.7He s_ on the computer and began to work.8This summer I will g_ from Peking University.9What kind of l_ would you like to live?10We need many v_ for Olympic Games.以义思词1_:vt. to think that sth.is true or possible2. _:vt. to change or make sth.change from one thing to another,or to exchange by replacing one person or thing with another3_:adj. far away in distance,time or relation4_:vi. to experience physical or mental pain5_:v. to help sb./sth.by saying or showing that you agree with them6_:n. a statement that predicts sth.with the help of information7_:adj. describes language,clothes,and behavior that are serious and correct.同义词替换1I do_well_in learning languages and numbers._2My bestliked subjects are English and maths._3We are learning English now._4I turn_on the television and watch the childrens programmes._5The bomb exploded at midnight._6How_do_you_find her decision?_7Every minute of the day is_full_of urgent matters._8I check_numbers_all_morning._9My friends and I drive to the countryside for a_short_holiday_on_the_weekend. _10Unfortunately,I_like_them_better_than_my_wife._.选词填空1There are a few houses in the mountains _.2Of all the subjects we have learned,I _ politics.3He didnt work hard._,he failed his exam.4His illness _ eating some poisonous food.5The scientists are beating their brains trying to _ a solution to the problem.6You can put your car in our garage,as its empty _.7Honesty should and would never go _.8As far as I am concerned,China will have huge changes _.9_ people soon gathered at the gate of the hospital.10_ refers to a certain kind of education in which teaching courses are sent to a student outside the campus by voice,video and so on.单项填空1It is more _ to travel by train than by car.Arelaxing Brelaxed Crelax Dto relax2Why not try _ some sugar? Maybe it is more tasty.Aput Bputting Cto put Dto putting3The thieves ran away when the alarm _.Awent on Bwent out Cwent away Dwent off4His jokes made us _ from the beginning to the end.Alaugh Blaughing Cto laugh Dlaughed5In the education of children,what really _ is what their parents say and do.Amatters Bconsiders Cminds Dcares6I think Ill _ golf in my spare time.Atake up Btake in Ctake out Dtake on7Would you please _ the TV? Its so late.Aswitch on Bswitch off Cswitch over Dswitch in8With no one to _ in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless.Aturn to Bturn on Cturn off Dturn over9He is the rudest man I have ever met.Jane,his present secretary,is the only person who can _ him.Arespect Bstand Csupport Ddislike10Well have an important exam tomorrow,so we _ it now.Aprepare Bprepare for Care preparing Dare preparing for.句型转换1A:What do you usually do when you are free?B:What do you usually do _ _ _ _?2A:We spent an hour in finishing our homework.B:It _ _ an hour _ _ our homework.3A:I like music best in my spare time.B:I like music _ than _ _ _ in my spare time.4A:The huge stone is very heavy. We can not lift it.B:The huge stone is _ heavy _ we can not lift it.5A:She is a lovely girl. They all like to play with her.B:She is _ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ _ they all like to play with her.Period 3Language Points.语境填词1I have something _ (秘密的) to tell you.2I _ (认为) your mother is right.3He lived in a _ (偏僻的) village when he was a child.4There is a _ (开关) on the wall for turning on/off the lights.5Its _ (安静的) at home when the children are at school.单项填空1I wont _ any more of your time.Atake over Btake onCtake up Dtake apart2Please _ the light before you leave the room.Aswitch off Bswitch onCswitch over Dswitch up3The room _ smoke and I had to go out for some fresh air.Awas filled of Bwas full withCwas filled with Dwas full about4The difficulty of putting our ideas into practice challenged us _ find a new method.Ato Bin Cunder Dof5I dont suppose anyone will volunteer,_?Ado I Bdont ICwill they Dwont they6He was in a _ mood,so I had the courage to explain the whole situation to him.Arelaxing BrelaxCrelaxed Drelaxation7Good morning,Madam.Can I help you?Yes.Ive got a complaint to _.Atake Bmake Csay Dtell8Do you have any other friends _ the girl in red?Sure.Aexcept Bexcept forCbesides Dwith9The plane was out of _ ten minutes ago,but now we are in complete _ the situation. Acontrol;control of Bcontrol;controlCcontrol of;control Dcontrolling;control10He was lying in the sun,looking very _. Arelaxing and happy Brelaxed and happy Crelaxing and happily Drelaxed and happilyPeriod 4Lesson 2Relaxing.语境填词1I dont want to be a workaholic,so I would try to do some sports to r_ my stress.2It is not an easy task to o_ the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympic Games which will be held in London in 2012.3The government lays s_ on welfare work.4The band spent six months in the s_ working on their new album.5She likes cartoons better than TV series.I mean she p_ cartoons to TV series.用所给词的适当形式填空1Seeing the sun _ (rise) above the surface of the sea,we let out a shout of joy.2Good morning.Can I help you?Id like to have this package _ (weigh),madam.3Though he had often made his little sister _(cry),but today he was made _ (cry) by his little sister.4Why did you go back to the shop?I left my friend _ (wait) there.5An army spokesman announced that all the soldiers had been ordered _ (issue) clear warnings before firing any shots.6Which machine did you have _ (run) all that afternoon?.单项填空1I cant stand_with Jane in the same office.She just refuses_talking while she works.Aworking;stoppingBto work;stopping Cworking;to stopDto work;to stop2It was dark and he had to find a house_.Ato stay Bto stay in Cstay in Dstaying in3How did you become a teacher?I became a teacher under_from my parents. Afuture Bpressure Crisk Dworry4People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this_creates further problems. Ain short Bin case Cin doubt Din turn5_the Internet is of great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.AIf BWhile CBecause DAs6The terrible disease reduced the population _ half its previous level.Ain Bon Cto Dwith7With the rapid development of economy,most of the important cities of the world_traffic jams.Atake place Bbring in Clead to Dsuffer from8She is on a_to lose_weight.Afood;her Bfood;/ Cdiet;my Ddiet;/9On a cold day he prefers_out to play football_at home.Agoing;rather stay Bgoing;to stayingCto go;rather than staying Dto go;rather than to stay10It is believed that if a book is_,it will surely_the reader.Ainterested;interest Binteresting;be interestedCinterested;be interesting Dinteresting;interestPeriod 5Lesson 3A Volunteer Teacher.用适当的介、副词填空1Whats the reason _ people doing voluntary work?2He graduated _ a key university.3It can get as cold as minus 40 degrees at night.Here “minus” means _ zero.4We are ready _ the coming exam.5You can get support _ me.6People in Haiti suffered a lot _ the earthquake in 2010.7The economy of the city reduced _ 20% compared to that of last year.8They were discussing the problem _ small groups.9They advertised _ a typist _ the newspaper.10What is your plan _ the coming weekend?.翻译句子1他是什么时候开始踢足球的?(take up)_2我丈夫喜欢冒险的生活,而我喜欢宁静的生活。(adventurous/peaceful)_3他们主动提出替老人修缮房子。(volunteer)_4该军队在那次战役中损失惨重。(suffer)_5他要有挑战性的事业。(challenge)_.单项填空1They have_in love with each other for 5 years.Abeen BfallenCfell Dcome2Every few years,the coal workers_their lungs Xrayed to ensure their health.Aare having BhaveChave had Dhad had3The university_400 students this summer.Agraduated Bgraduated fromCgraded Dgraded from4The church tower which_will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished. Ahas restored Bhas been restored Cis restoring Dis being restored5If you ask why I plan to study in the United States,the only answer is that it is a(n)_for me.Apuzzle BadvantageCchallenge Daverage6In the spoken English of some areas in the US,the “r” sounds at the end of the words_.Aare dropped BDrop Care being dropped Dhave dropped7The majority of people in the town strongly_ the plan to build a playground for children. Aconsider Bsupport Cconfirm Dsubmit8Im not finished with my dinner yet.But our friends_for us.Awill wait Bwait Chave waited Dare waiting9I will give the letter to her_I see her.Aa moment Bthe moment later Cthe moment Dafter a moment10It is reported that many a new house_at present in the disaster area.Aare being built Bwere being built Cwas being built Dis being builtPeriod 6Lesson 4City and Country.语境填词1At noon,the station is usually _ (拥挤) with passengers.2You must work hard,_ (否则),you will fall behind others.3The wall was covered with _ (广告)4Beijing lies in the _ (北部) of our country.5Do you have any difficulty _ (解决) these problems?6Sometimes I drive to the countryside for a rest if the weather f_ is good.7Her sister is an a_ in a large company.8Under so much p_,the students have no time for physical exercise.9E_ has been said about this topic,I think.10Her mother lived in a n_ town.用所给词的适当形式填空1To win the championship in the next game is certainly a _ (challenge) job for her.2Mother Teresa was a very _ (determine) woman who always got over whatever difficulties she met with to help the poor and sick people.3Playing the piano is one of his favorite _ (relax)4Once you make a _ (decide),you should not change your mind.5Can you tell me some _ (different) between city and country lifestyles?6As we got into the crowd,I got _ (separate) from my friends.7_ (person),I think Martin Luther King is also quite important,because he fought against racism and won freedom for black Americans.8Five people got hurt in the bus accident,_ (include) the driver.单项填空1The children live in a village _.They come here almost every day.Anearby Bnear Cnearly Dnear to2I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.Asail Bto sail Csailing Dto have sailed3America was _ was first called “India” by Columbus.Athat Bwhere Cwhat Dthe place4Im interested in animals,so I _ every Saturday working in an animal hospital.Apay Bget Ctake Dspend5He chanced _ when I came out of the house.Ato pass Bto be passing Cpassing Don passing6They got two free tickets to Canada,_ theyd never have been able to afford to go.Atherefore Bhowever Cotherwise Danyhow7He has made _ progress that we all praise him.Aso a great Bsuch a great Cso great Dsuch great8A good cyclist can cover _ of over a hundred miles a day.Adistances BwalksCpaces Dplaces9He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year.Awill graduate Bwill have graduated Cgraduates Dis to graduate10_ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.AThe walk BWalking CTo walk DWalkUnit 1Lifestyles Period 1Vocabulary.1.shepherd2.reduced3.challenges4.stand 5urgent6.peaceful7.switched8.graduate9lifestyle10.volunteers.1.suppose2.switch3.remote4.suffer5.support6forecast7.formal .1.am good at2.favorite3.at the moment/at present4switch on5.went off6.What do you think of 7is filled with8.spend all morning in checking numbers9.a weekend break10.my wife isnt as fond of them as I am.1.in the distance2.am not interested in3.As a result4resulted from5.come up with6.at the moment7out of style8.over the years9.A crowd of10Distance learning .1.A2B3D4B5A 6A7B8A9B10D.1.in;your;spare;time2.took;us;to;finish3.better;anything;else/other;things4.so;that5.such;a;lovely;girl;that;so;lovely;a;girl;thatPeriod 3Language Points.1.personal2.suppose3.remote4.switch 5peaceful.1.C2A3C4A5C6C7B8C9A10BPeriod 4Lesson 2Relaxing.1.reduce2.organise3.stress4.studio5.prefers.1.rising2.weighed3.cry;to cry4.waiting 5to issue6.running.1.C2B3B4D5B6C7D8D9B10DPeriod 5Lesson 3A Volunteer Teacher.1.for2.from3.below4.for5.from6.from7by8.in9.for;in10.for.1.When did he take up football?2My husband loves adventurous life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.3They volunteered to repair the house for the old man.4The army suffered heavy losses in the battle.5He wants a career that offers a challenge.1.A2B3A4D5C6A7B 8D9C10DPeriod 6Lesson 4City and Country.1.crowded2.otherwise3.advertisements4.north5.solving6.forecast7.accountant8.pressure 9Enough10.nearby.1.challenging2.determined3.relaxations 4decision5.differences6.separated7.Personally 8including.1.A2C3C4D5B6C7D8A9C10B


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