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译林牛津版2020届九年级上学期英语第二次月考试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。(共12小题,每小题1.5分,共18分) (共12题;共18分)1. (1.5分) (2019八下瑞安月考) Who is that girl in front of the library? The one with _ umbrella? She is our monitor.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (1.5分) (2017七上成都期中) The man _ the black umbrella is Mr. Crisp. What is he looking _ ? A . with; atB . with; 不填C . 不填; out3. (1.5分) (2016七上宿迁月考) Hamburgers are nice, _ I don t eat them often. A . becauseB . SoC . butD . or4. (1.5分) (2018广东模拟) Nick usually does his homework very . So he seldom makes mistakes.A . carefullyB . carelesslyC . politelyD . cheaply5. (1.5分) (2019眉山) Your new watch is so nice! When did you buy it? In October. I it for two months.A . hadB . boughtC . have hadD . have bought6. (1.5分) Mo Yan is one of the most famous_writers. He is still_. A . living; liveB . living; aliveC . alive; livingD . alive; live7. (1.5分) (2019长春模拟) _ bad day! Its raining hard. We have to stay at home. A . How aB . What aC . How8. (1.5分) (2019七上雅安期中) Mrs. Miller is my aunt, my fathers . A . sisterB . daughterC . brother9. (1.5分) - The movie star, Zhao Yazhi, looks so young.- So she does. I cant really tell _.A . how old is sheB . how old she isC . how is she old 10. (1.5分) She _ live alone. But she _ living alone now because she feels lonely. A . used to; doesnt used toB . is used to; was used toC . used to; is not used toD . was used to; doesnt used to11. (1.5分) (2020九上青山月考) Do you know ? Its about two hours ride.A . how long does it take to finish the workB . how far it is from his home to schoolC . how long it takes to finish the workD . how far is it from home to school12. (1.5分) Shall we meet at 9: 00 tomorrow morning?_.A . All rightB . Thats all rightC . RightD . Thats right二、 完形填空题。(每小题1.5分,共8题,计12分) (共1题;共12分)13. (12分) 完形填空 I walked into the grocery store not particularly interested in buying anything. The pain of losing my husband of 37 years was still raw. And this store held so many sweet1.Rudy often came with me and every time hed pretend to2and look for something3. And Id then spot him walking back to me with three yellow 4. Rudy knew I loved them. The grocery store was different 5Rudy had gone. Standing by the meat, 1 searched for the perfect small steak and remembered6Rudy had loved his steak.Suddenly a woman came beside me. I watched as she7a package of T bones and dropped them in the handcart(手推车), 8, and then put them back. She knew me watching her and smile. My husband loves T bones, but9, at these prices, I dont know.”I met her blue eyes. My husband passed away eight days ago. I told her. Glancing 10the package, I fought to 11the tremble(颤动) in my voice. Buy him the steaks. And treasure every moment you have together.She nodded and I saw emotion in her eyes as she placed the package in her handcart and 12away. Ten minutes later, I saw her walking towards me,13a package in her arms. On her face was the brightest 14I had ever seen.These are for you, she said and placed three beautiful yellow roses in my arms. She 15over close to me and gently kissed my check, then smiled again. I wanted to tell her what the rose 16, but still unable to speak. I watched as she walked away as tears 17my vision.I looked down at the beautiful roses. How did she know?Suddenly the answer seemed so clear. I wasnt 18. Oh, Rudy, you havent 19me, have you? I whispered, with tears in my eyes. He was still with me, and 20was his angel.Every day be thankful for what you have and who you are.(1)A . moments B . memories C . flowers D . friends (2)A . go off B . go about C . go ahead D . go on (3)A . important B . expensive C . lovely D . special (4)A . packages B . T bones C . roses D . steaks (5)A . since B . before C . after D . when (6)A . when B . why C . that D . how (7)A . picked off B . picked up C . took away D . took off (8)A . influenced B . amazed C . hesitated D . pleased (9)A . honestly B . generally C . particularly D . obviously (10)A . through B . over C . round D . at (11)A . close B . contribute C . control D . continue (12)A . wheeled B . left C . hurried D . turned (13)A . carried B . carrying C . to carry D . carry (14)A . eyes B . emotion C . sunshine D . smile (15)A . leaned B . ran C . fell D . jumped (16)A . smelled B . cost C . meant D . indicated (17)A . cleared B . clouded C . blocked D . discovered (18)A . deserted B . isolated C . lonely D . alone (19)A . left B . forgotten C . punished D . separated (20)A . I B . he C . she D . it 三、 阅读理解题。(共45分) (共5题;共45分)14. (10分) Mrs Black is sixty-nine years old. She has only a daughter named Sandra. Mr Black died twelve years ago. She was very sad and lived in her house alone. Two years later her daughter had a baby. The woman was busy all the time and no time to look after her son James. She asked her mother to live with with them.The old woman had to sell her house and moved there. She was strong and could do all the housework. And the family liked her.Last autumn Mrs Black went to do some shopping. A car hit her and her leg was hurt. She had to be in hospital for three months. She couldnt do anything after she came back. At first her daughter was kind to her, but soon she began to tired (讨厌)of her. The old woman wanted to leave, but she had no money to buy a house and nobody could take care of her. She didnt know what to do.One morning Mrs Black broke a plate. It made her daughter angry. She told James to buy a wooden(木制的)for her grandma. That afternoon James came back with two wooden plates. She was surprised(惊讶的) and asked “Why did you buy two plates, son”“One is for my grandma,” answered the boy. “The other is for you.” She cried for long. Shes kind to her mother as she did before.(1) Sandra asked her mother to live with them because_A . the old woman lived aloneB . she needed her helpC . the old woman couldnt look after herselfD . the old woman could give her much money.(2) The family liked Mrs Black because_A . she was richB . she could watched their doorC . she could do the housework for themD . she was friendly to them all(3) Mrs Black was afraid _,so she couldnt leave her daughters house.A . she had no house to live inB . she couldnt look after herselfC . Sandra couldnt go to see her any moreD . she couldnt buy a house and none takes care of her(4) Sandra was afraid _,so she told her son to buy a wooden plate for her.A . her mother could broke another plateB . her mother didnt want to liveC . her husband could be tired of her motherD . her mother couldnt do anything at home(5) Sandra is friendly to her mother again because_A . she knows she did wrongB . she was afraid of her sonC . the old is poorD . its her duty15. (10分) (2019九上顺德月考) 阅读下面材料,选择正确答案 The traditional Chinese Lunar calender divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Heat, the 12th solar term of the year, begins this year on July 23 and ends August 6. During Major Heat, most parts of China enter the hottest season of the year. The following are some things you should know about Major Heat. A season of harvesting and plantingDuring Major Heat, the sunshine, high temperatures, and heavy rainfall are good for agricultural crops. But like Minor Heat, many natural calamities such as floods, droughts and typhoons also happen during Major Heat. Therefore, its important to harvest and plant in time to avoid setbacks caused by natural disasters. Sending the Major Heat shipThe ship is filled with various animals for sacrifice such as pigs, sheep, chicken, fish and shrimps. More than 50 fisherman take turns carrying the ship as they march through the streets. Drums are played and fireworks are lit. Both sides of the street are filled with people praying for blessings. After a series of ceremonies, the ship is finally carried to the wharf. Then, the ship is pulled out of the fishing port and burned at sea. People carry out this ritual to pray for good harvests and health. Eating litchi and MizaoOn the day of Major Heat, there is a custom of eating litchi, Mizao in Putian , Fujian province, as a celebration of Major Heat. Litchi is a nutritious fruit containing glucose and vitamins. People usually soak litchi in cold well water first and eat it. Mizao is made of fermented rice. On the day of Major Heat, people cook them with brown sugar. (1) How many solar terms does the traditional Chinese Lunar calendar divide the year into? A . 12B . 36C . 24D . 26(2) Which of the following is NOT true? A . During Major Heat, the sunshine,high temperatures and heavy rainfall are good for agricultural crops.B . There might be some floods,droughts and typhoons during Major Heat.C . Setbacks caused by natural disasters cannot be avoided.D . People play drums and light fireworks during Major Heat.(3) People send the Major Heat ship for _. A . Good harvests and healthB . good luckC . a long lifeD . more money(4) What does the underline word calamities mean in this passage? A . 风景B . 风险C . 灾祸D . 环境(5) What is the best title of the passage? A . Customs about Major Heat.B . Special food of Major Heat.C . Sending the Major Heat ship.D . The hottest season of the year.16. (10分) 阅读短文,下列问题BFathers Day has a very short history. It was started because there was a mothers Day,and just because some Americans thought that if we had a Mothers Day, we should also have a Fathers Day. Fathers Day has become important in North America. And businessmen found it was a good way to get people to buy a present for the fathers from their shops.By the way, very few countries have a Fathers Day, though some have Childrens Day, or a special day for boys and another for girls. More and more countries are having Mothers Day, so maybe Fathers Day will become popular before too long. Now, what do people in North America do on Fathers Day? The newspapers, radios, and TV tell children what they should buy Fathers Day presents for their fathers. They even tell a wife to buy a Fathers Day present-not for her father but for her husband, even if(即使) he is not a father. And they tell grandchildren to buy a present for their grandfathers.(1) Fathers Day was started just because .A . there was a Mothers Day.B . there was a Childrens Day.C . businessmen wanted to get a lot of money.D . people liked their father very much.(2) In North America, people have a Fathers Day to .A . buy some presents only for their fathers. B . help their fathers do something.C . let their fathers have a good rest D . show their love for their fathers or husbands.(3) On Fathers Day, businessmen always want .A . people to buy as many presents as they can.B . children to buy presents only for their fathers.C . women to buy presents only for their husbands.D . only men with children to have presents.(4) We know from the passage that .A . the writer doesnt like Fathers Day.B . many countries have a Fathers Day.C . businessmen can get more money on Fathers Day.D . Fathers Day will become more important than Mothers Day.17. (10分) (2017九上江门月考) 阅读理解Going to college means a lot of changes in their lifestyle for most students. Living in a dormitory remains a major challenge as it means learning how to share space with others who are total strangers.While some can live together peacefully, others may face conflicts (矛盾) that need to be worked out. According to a recent survey of students in 12 different universities in Wuhan, only 40 percent of them are satisfied with their dormitory friendships and 35 percent said they kept away from conflicts in the dorm.For those living in a dorm for the first time, sharing things, such as a computer or paper towels, can be a source of conflict. Another common conflict is related to different habits. What they are going to do, such as going to bed, watching movies or studying, will also cause a conflict. Sometimes roommates may also have problems when welcoming guests, especially those of the opposite sex.However, there are more effective methods to solve problems than screaming at each other. The best way is to talk about an issue before it even becomes a problem. You should treat roommates honestly and directly, and try to work out a solution. And you can also set up rules that everyone can obey. These rules can be written down in an agreement and be put up in a visible (看得见的) place. Students can also outline which items to share and which are for personal use. They can regulate cleaning duties, agree on a time to sleep, and decide on how to receive guests.In any discussion it is important to talk with your roommates in a positive way. For example, you can mention your roommates good personality. This can help them understand you better and make them more willing to compromise (妥协).(1) of the students in the survey get on well with their roommates in the dorm. A . 12%B . 40%C . 35%D . 25%(2) For those living in a dorm for the first time, their conflicts may come from sources. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(3) The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “effective” is . A . 有效的B . 积极的C . 合理的D . 肯定的(4) In order to solve problems, the best order is . A . issueproblemsolutionrulesB . problemissuesolutionruleC . issueproblemrulessolutionD . problemissuerulessolution(5) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A . The author did a survey of the students in 12 different universities in Hunan.B . The girls in the same dorm may face conflicts when a girl goes to visit them.C . The rules you make can be put up on the door.D . Talking about others bad personality can help them understand you better.18. (5分) 阅读下面短文,对的选择A,错的选择B。People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world, each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains thousand words. Before you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are a lot of books written in English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.(1) The number of different languages spoken is about 1500.(2) Before you leave your school, youll learn more than three thousand words.(3) You must have a large English dictionary to make you know bigger vocabulary.(4) If we know about five thousand words, we can read as many books as we like.四、 短文填空。根据语境或具体提示填空,完成短文。(每小题10分, (共1题;共10分)19. (10分) (2015八上绍兴期末) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个恰当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空.Dear Nancy,How are you? I will be in the UK for another two weeks. I like the life here. I always take a bus to go to school. _I dislike waiting for the bus too long. There are a lot of after-school_(activity) at my school. Its good to relax by _(exercise). I like playing basketball best. I feel like being a basketball player _Yao Ming. Also, I go to the dance club every weekend. All of my friends in the club say I can dance _(wonderful). I like cola, but I hardly ever drink it because I dont think its good _my health. Im good with my host family. I often help them _(do) housework on weekends. The only problem is that it always_(rain) there, so I like taking _ umbrella with me. All in all, its _(enjoy) to stay here. What about your life?Write to me soon.Yours,David五、 情景交际。根据情景提示,完成下列各题。(共5小题;每小题2分 (共5题;共10分)20. (2分) (2019九上尤溪月考) 你想知道该怎样准备英语考试,你可以这样问学霸:_ 21. (2分) (2019九上尤溪月考) Clara购物时向服务员打听衬衫的材质是什么,她会这么问:_ 22. (2分) (2019九上尤溪月考) 你想知道电话是谁发明的,你会这样问:_ 23. (2分) (2019九上尤溪月考) 你认为青少年应该被允许选择自己的衣服,你会这样说:_ 24. (2分) (2019九上尤溪月考) 你想告诉朋友,那些产品是在上海生产的,你会说:_ 六、 看图写句。根据所给图片和提示词,写出正确的句式表达。(每小题 (共5题;共10分)25. (2分) (2018福州模拟) heavy, than (根据情景和提示词写句子)_26. (2分) (2018福州模拟) If, break, fine (根据情景和提示词写句子)_27. (2分) 把下列各句与正确的图片匹配A. B. C. D. E. (1) Ma Jun is going to climb a mountain_(2) Jane is reading a book at home now_(3) Danny is going to have a piano lesson next Sunday_(4) Zhang Di helps his mother do the housework_(5) Lucy always checks her email in the evening_28. (2分) (2019九上福州开学考) 看图写话 there ,next week_29. (2分) 看图写话 根据所给的图片和提示词,按要求个写一句意思完整、语法正确的句子(必须用上全部提示词)。go, next year_be good for, health_cost, 3.98_talk, now_build, last year_七、 书面表达。(满分15分) (共1题;共15分)30. (15分) (2016温州) 21世纪的今天,经济发展了,社会进步了,汽车多了,工厂更多了可是随之而来的环境问题也多了。作为一名中学生,你有何感想?以Lets be a greener person!为题,写一篇文章呼吁大家行动起来做环保卫士,关爱我们共同的地球家园。温馨提示:1. 字数:100词左右。2. 短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名字。Lets be a greener person!With the development of our society, there is more pollution now. 第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 选择题。(共12小题,每小题1.5分,共18分) (共12题;共18分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略二、 完形填空题。(每小题1.5分,共8题,计12分) (共1题;共12分)13、答案:略三、 阅读理解题。(共45分) (共5题;共45分)14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略四、 短文填空。根据语境或具体提示填空,完成短文。(每小题10分, (共1题;共10分)19、答案:略五、 情景交际。根据情景提示,完成下列各题。(共5小题;每小题2分 (共5题;共10分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略六、 看图写句。根据所给图片和提示词,写出正确的句式表达。(每小题 (共5题;共10分)25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略七、 书面表达。(满分15分) (共1题;共15分)30、答案:略


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