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冀教版初中毕业生学业考试英语预测卷(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Will you go for a walk after dinner?A . aB . anC . /2. (2分)There_ many students on the playground after school every day. A . hasB . haveC . isD . are3. (2分)_ are you in? I am in Class One.A . Which schoolB . What classC . Which grade4. (2分)(2016毕节)I hear youve got a new watch. _ I have a look?Yes, you may.A . DoB . MayC . ShouldD . Shall5. (2分)He thought the necklace made of earth _ little value and let me have it only _ one dollar. A . with; forB . of; forC . of; byD . with; by6. (2分) Why do people call the private school Lu Xun Middle School?Because its _ the famous writer, Lu Xun.A . on memory ofB . with memory ofC . at memory ofD . in memory of7. (2分)Have you watched the new movie Kungfu Yoga, Richard?Not yet. But I _ it with my cousin this evening.A . watchedB . was watchingC . have watchedD . will watch8. (2分)She wants her brother _ with her.A . playB . playsC . to play9. (2分)Although he was will,his father came back.A . butB . andC . soD . /10. (2分)Im sorry for being late.Never mind. The meeting _for only 5 minutes. This way, please.A . has begunB . has endedC . has been on11. (2分) excellent news reporter he is .All of us are proud of him.A . WhatB . What anC . HowD . What a12. (2分) Our city is developing so fast. Yes. Many modern buildings _ in the city next year.A . are builtB . will buildC . will be builtD . will be build13. (2分)Class, you should be thankful to those people _ helped and supported you.We will. Miss Chen.A . whichB . whomC . whoD . whose14. (2分) _does Nancy get up _school days?At 7: 30.A . How; inB . What time; inC . What; onD . What time; on15. (2分)I think students should have mobile phones to keep up with their parents._. Because they often use them to play games.A . I hope soB . I think soC . I dont agree二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空( A )Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and1in the morning.The body must have enough sleep. If we dont go to bed early, we cant have enough sleep. Then we cant2or do our work properly(正常地). We will not be clever or live a comfortable life. We must sleep at night when it is dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for3. It means doing things with the body. Walking, running, swimming, playing games are all good forms of exercise. If the body is not used, it becomes weak. Exercise keeps it4.Exercise helps blood(血液) to move around inside the body. The brain(大脑) need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies5, and do exercise, we can think better.(1)A . have lessons B . get up early C . go to work D . cook dinner (2)A . think B . see C . time D . read (3)A . work B . meeting C . exercise D . breakfast (4)A . weak B . slow C . clean D . strong (5)A . slim(细长的) B . tidy C . healthy D . bright 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分)Live MusicLate Night JazzEnjoy real American from Herbie Davis, the famous trumper(小号)player.Place: The Jazz Club Dates: June 15-23Price: $100-150 Time: 10p.m.till lateTel: 4668736Scottish DancingScottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from Britain will be shown.Place: Jack steins Dates: May10-20Price: $150 Time: 7-10p.m.Tel: 4021877ShownAnhui MuseumThere are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole Chinese history.Place: Anhui Museum Dates: 1 March-30 JunePrice: $60($30 for students)Time: Monday-Friday 9 a.m-8 p.mWeekends 9 a.m-9 p.mTel: 4886888(1)If you want to watch dancing, you can call_.A . 4668769B . 4021877C . 4886888D . 4686788(2)You can see the whole Chinese history at _ in April in Anhui Museum.A . 3.p.m.every dayB . 9 p.m.from Monday to FridayC . 7 a.m. at the weekendD . 9 p.m.every day(3)You can enjoy _ at Jack Steins.A . American jazzB . Scottish dancingC . 12,000 pieces on showD . A, B and C(4)You have $70, and you can_.A . listen to American JazzB . watch Scottish dancingC . go to Anhui Museum to see Chinese historyD . watch magic shows in Anhui Museum18. (10分)阅读理解Dont want to miss the train? Here are some steps to follow!Enter the railway station. There are X-ray machines at the gate of each railway station. All the luggage (If)has to be passed through to examine for dangerous things. Once you put your luggage on the machine, please go to the other side and get it quickly in case that your luggage is taken either by mistake or on purpose.Find the right waiting room. After you enter the railway you should find the hall where your train is going to leave from. There are always electronic boards at the railway station with information shown in Chinese. You can find your waiting room according to the information given on your train ticket, or you can ask a member of staff(工作人员) for help if you are in trouble with Chinese.Get onto the platform(月台). In most cases, check-in starts 30 minutes before the train leaves if it is the starting station. So you are advised to arrive at the station one hour early. If it is not a starting station .check-in starts when the train arrives, then you just need to be 30 minutes early. You will be informed by radio then. Remember to take all your luggage!Board the train. The train number and the carriage(车厢) number are shown outside the train clearly; So it is easy to find your carriage. There is a member of staff at the door of each carriage to whom you are required to show your ticket. If you board on the wrong carriage, he she will guide you to the right one.(1)Passengers luggage should be examined at the railway station. A . by a member of staffB . by an X-ray machineC . by a ticket sellerD . by a policeman(2)The information on the train ticket tells a passenger . A . which waiting room to go toB . where to find an electronic boardC . who to ask for help at the stationD . what the Chinese on the boards means(3)For G68 from Guangzhou to Beijing which starts out at 11: 15 and arrives Wuhan at 15:28, check-in at Wuhan station starts . A . at10:45B . at14:28C . at14:58D . at15:28(4)The staff member at the door of the carriage will . A . help you find the right waiting roomB . check your ticket and lead you to your carriageC . check your luggage for dangerous thingsD . show you the ticket and tell you the train number(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . All the trains leave from the same hall at a railway station.B . If you are in the wrong carriage, you will be asked to get off the trainC . Its possible that your luggage may be taken by others when it is examined.D . You can find your carriage easily because each carriage has a different color.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)配对阅读:左栏是五个学生的来信,右栏是Dr. Holly的回信。请根据学生的来信为他们选出最合适的回信。( B )_I have some trouble in communicating with my parents.We have complete different ideas on many things.Lynn_My dream is to be a professional athlete.My dad thinks I started too late and Ill never be able to make it.He puts me down, but I want his support.What should I do?Jeff_I just moved and Im kind of shy, so how do I make new friends?Jessica_What should I do if I failed a test? Im afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad at me and I cant play computer games.And computer is the whole world to me.Ashley_Whatever I do, I always think about if other people will laugh at me.How can I stop worrying about what they think?KarlA. Youd better tell your mom the truth and explain why you failed the test. Ask her if she can help you study in the future, so youll do better on your tests and try not to play computer games too much.B. Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Always act strong and confident.C.You should tell him about your dream as soon as possible, and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though you started late.D. You should take more exercise to prepare for the Olympic team.E. Nobody knows you at your new school.You have nothing to lose, so gather up all your courage and go over to someone who looks friendly and introduce yourself. Good luck!F. I think you should be patient to listen to what your parents say. Because they have more experience than you. Their suggestions are good to you.G. You can make a speech in front of a mirror every day, and it will make you more confident to give a speech one day.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)阅读短文,根据首字母提示填写单词。There is nothing more i_to life than the sun. W_the sun, all living things on the earth would die. The sun is a star. In the sky there are t_of stars like the sun. They are as large as the sun and as hot as the sun. At night you can see many stars, but in the day you can o_see one star- the sun.The sun is much n_to us than any other star. That is w_it looks the biggest and brightest of all the stars. The distance (距离) of the sun from the earth is as m_as 150,000,000 kilometers. Most stars are thousands of light-years a_from the earth.Do you know what a light-year is? N_in the world travels faster than light. It travels 300,000 kilometers per second. And one light-year is the distance that light can travel in one y_.六、 读写综合 (共2题;共30分)21. (25分)阅读理解DBamboo is one of the natures most surprising plants. (1) 许多人称这种植物为树,但它是一种草。Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist recorded one bamboo plant that grew almost 1.5 meters in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe.(2)There are more than 1 , 000kinds of bamboo that grow around the world on both mountains and plains (平原)Not all bamboo looks the sameSome bamboo plants are very thinThey may only grow to be a few centimeters wide while others may grow to more than 30centimeters acrossThis plant also comes in different colors,from yellow to black to greenMany Asian countries have been using bamboo for hundreds of yearsThey often use bamboo for building new buildingsAs a matter of fact,the cables (绳索) that hold up the hanging bridge across the Min River in Sichuan are made of bambooThe bridge has been in use for more than 1,000years,and is still holding strongIn Africa,(3)engineers are teaching poor farmers how to use bamboo to find water These African countries need cheap ways to find water because (4 )they have no money,and their fields often die from no rain and no waterIt seems that bamboo is one of the best things they can useBamboo pipes and drills (钻) can help to make the poor thirsty fields be watered(1)将(1)处翻译成英文。(2)将(1)处翻译成英文。(3)将(2)处翻译成中文。(4)将(2)处翻译成中文。(5)将(3)处改成复合句。(6)将(3)处改成复合句。(7)写出(4)处they指代的内容。(8)找出该文段的中心句。(9)写出(4)处they指代的内容。(10)找出该文段的中心句。22. (5分)假设你将代表你校2013届毕业生在学校毕业典礼上发言, 请你用英语写一篇发言稿, 发言稿的内要点如下表所示。回顾在美丽的学校学习了三年; 将会永远记住它老师们总是尽力把课上得生动有趣课余生活丰富多彩; 参加这些活动很有乐趣学到了很多知识; 也取得了很大的进步感谢老师和父母的支持和帮助祝愿注意:发言稿须包括所有的要点, 要求语句通顺、意思连贯;表格中祝愿一栏, 请用自己的2至3句话展开合理想象, 作适当发挥;词数80个左右, 发言稿的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and fellow graduates.It is a great honour for me to make a speech on behalf of (代表) the graduating class of 2013. Goodbye, our beautiful school, our dear teachers and our friends.Thank you for listening.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 读写综合 (共2题;共30分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、21-6、21-7、21-8、21-9、21-10、22-1、


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