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1. about(1) worry about担心七下(2) hear about(3) talk about(4) think about 考虑八上2. against(1) against the rules九上(2) protect sth. against sth. 九上3. at(1) be good at擅长七上(2) be surprised at对感到惊奇九上(3) laugh at嘲笑;对一笑置之九下(4) look at看七上(5) point at指着七下(6) at first起初;首先七下(7) at last 终于;最后八上(8) at least至少;起码九上(9) at a time每次;一次九上(10) at the time那时;在那段时间九上(11) at the moment此刻,目前七上(12) at the bottom of在的底部八上(13) at the top of在的顶端八下(14) at weekends在周末七上(15) at school在学校;上学八下(16) at work在工作七上4. away(1) fall away突然向下倾斜九上(2) get away离开,逃离(3) give away捐献(4) go away走开,离开(5) keep away from远离(6) keep sb. / sth. away(使)避开;(使)不靠近九上(7) put away收起;收拾好七上(8) run away逃走;逃跑九上(9) send away发送,派遣(10) sweep away扫去七上(11) take away夺去;拿走八上(12) throw away扔掉;丢弃九上5. down(1) break down出故障(2) count down倒数,倒计时八下(3) sit down坐下七上(4) slow down减速(5) turn down调低,关小(6) get down记下(7) put down写下;记下(8) take down写下;记下(9) write down写下;记下八上6. from(1) come from来自七上(2) far from 远离八上(3) hear form收到的来信七上(4) stop sb.(from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事九上(5) suffer from受(某种病痛)折磨 因而受苦九上(6) from now on从现在开始七下7. for(1) get ready for为做好准备七上(2) search for搜寻,查找七上(3) wait for等待,等候七上(4) look for寻找七下(5) ask for 请求(给予)八上(6) pay for为付出代价九上(7) stand for是的缩写;代表九上(8) die for为而死九上(9) be bad for对有害的七上(10) be good for对有帮助的七上(11) be famous for 因而闻名八上(12) for a time一小段时间;一度;一时九上8. of(1) win the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心八下(2) be pround of(3) take care of照顾九上(4) consists of(5) think of 想到,想出八上9. on(1) cheeron 用欢呼声激励;为加油八上(2) come on 快点八上(3) depend on取决于,决定于八下(4) get on进展(5) hand on (口)稍等八上(6) have on(7) keep on(8) put on穿上;上演(9) try on试穿七下(10) turn on打开七上(11) on air(广播或电视)播出八下(12) on business出差九上(13) on sale正在出售七上(14) on the left在左边,在左侧七上(15) on the right在右边,在右侧七上(16) on top of在上面;盖住九上10. off(1) brush sth. off sth. off把某物从某物上刷掉九上(2) call off取消,决定终止九下(3) cut sth. off sth. off把某物从某物上剪掉九上(4) fall off从跌落八上(5) get off下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)七上(6) give off发出(光、热等)(7) go off离开九下(8) keep off使不接近;回避某话题(9) knock off碰掉,撞掉(10) put off推迟(11) set off动身,出发九下(12) show off炫耀(13) take off脱去九下(14) turn off关掉,关闭(设备)九上11. in(1) give in(2) hand in提交;上交九上(3) join in参加;加入八下(4) keep in touch保持联系(5) put in(6) stay in touch(with sb.)(与某人)保持联系八下(7) take part(in sth.)(8) take pride in感到自豪九上(9) turn in上交12. on(1) depend on八下(2) carry on(3) live on(4) hand on13. out(1) come out出版;问世八下(2) fill out填写;填充八下(3) find out查明,弄清楚(4) give out分发,发出(5) go out 外出;游玩七上(6) keep out留在外面(7) look out当心,留意(8) point out指出,指明八下(9) put out熄灭(10) read out朗读,宣读九上(11) take out获得(12) try out试用,试九上(13) turn out结果是(14) watch out小心(15) work out计算出;锻炼14. through(1) go through穿过九上(2) look through浏览,快速阅读九上15. to(1) according to根据;按照;据所说九上(2) belong to(3) keep to(4) lead to(5) look forward to期盼七下16. up(1) catch up赶上九下(2) clear up清理,收拾(3) come up with想到(主意),找到(答案,方法)(4) end up结束(5) fix up组织,安排,提供(6) get up起床七上(7) give up放弃九下,上(8) grow up成长(9) heat up使变热九下(10) hurry up赶快七上(11) keep up持续不停(12) keep up with了解(最新消息,形势);跟上(13) lift up抬起;提起八上(14) look up to钦佩(15) look up查阅,查找八上(16) make up编写;创作;组成八下(17) pick up拿起;举起七下(18) put up with容忍(19) put up公布九上(20) set up开办;设立;创办;建立八上(21) show up出现(22) speak up大点声说九下(23) stand up站起来七上(24) stay up熬夜(25) take up占去八下(26) tidy up使整齐八下(27) turn up开大,调高(28) use up用完(29) wake sb. up唤醒某人八下(30) wake up醒来;活跃起来九上(31) warm up热身;做准备活动17. with(10) agree with sb. 同意某人八上(11) be angry with sb. 生某人的气九上(12) be careful with小心(对待)七下(13) comparewith比较与九上(14) compared with(与)相比九上(15) get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽七下(16) stay in touch(with sb.)(与某人)保持联系八下(17) deal with处理(18) come up with(19) keep up with了解(最新消息,形势);跟上(20) play with(21) fill with(22) share with(23) talk with1. catch(1) catch a cold感冒八下(2) catch up赶上九下2. come(1) come true(2) come from来自七上(3) come on 快点;加油八上(4) come out出版;问世;出现八下(5) come round九下(6) come over来访(7) come along出现(8) come up with3. compare(1) comparewith比较与九上(2) compared with(与)相比九上(3) compareto九上4. die(1) die for为而死九上(2) die of九上5. fall(1) fall away突然向下倾斜九上(2) fall asleep九下6. fill(1) fill out填写;填充八下(2) fill with7. get(1) get fat发胖七上(2) get up起床七上(3) get off下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)七上(4) get ready for为做好准备七上(5) get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽七下(6) get into the habit of九上(7) get into trouble九上(8) get along(9) get away离开,逃离(10) get down记下(11) get to到达(12) get over克服(13) get on进展(14) get together相聚8. give(1) give up放弃九下,上(2) give in(3) give away捐献(4) give off发出(光、热等)(5) give out分发,发出9. go(1) go home回家七上(2) go to school上学七上(3) go shopping去买东西,去购物七上(4) go to sleep七上(5) go over复习;练习七下(6) go sightseeing观光七下(7) go out外出;游玩七上(8) go for a walk散步七下(9) go through穿过九上(10) go off离开九下(11) go on继续(12) go away走开,离开(13) go by(时间)流逝(14) go over仔细检查10. hand(1) hand in提交;上交九上(2) hand on (口)稍等八上(3) shake hands握手七下11. have(1) have breakfast吃早餐七上(2) have lunch吃午餐七上(3) have dinner吃饭;吃晚餐七上(4) have got有;拥有七上(5) have a try八下(6) have a look八下(7) have fun九上(8) have on12. hear(1) hear about(2) hear form收到的来信七上13. help(1) cant help doing sth. 八下(2) help yourself随便做(或用)吧;请自便九下(3) enjoy oneself过得愉快七下14. keep(1) keep clear of 不和.接触八上(2) keep sb. / sth. away(使)避开;(使)不靠近九上(3) keep a diary九上(4) keep to(5) keep out留在外面(6) keep off使不接近;回避某话题(7) keep up持续不停(8) keep up with了解(最新消息,形势);跟上(9) keep away from远离(10) keep in touch保持联系(11) keep health保持健康(12) keep on15. look(1) look at看七上(2) look for寻找七下(3) look forward to期盼七下(4) look up 查,查找八上(5) look after 照顾;照看八上(6) look through浏览,快速阅读九上(7) look after照顾(8) look around环顾(9) look like16. make(1) make friends交朋友七下(2) make a mistake 犯错误八上(3) make sure 确保;确认八上(4) make up编写;创作;组成八下(5) make a list列清单八下(6) make sense九上(7) make d decision做出决定(8) make a living犯错17. pay(1) pay for为付出代价九上(2) pay attention 注意;留心八上18. put(1) put away收起;收拾好七上(2) put up公布九上(3) put on穿上;上演(4) put off推迟(5) put out熄灭(6) put down写下;记下(7) put up with容忍(8) put in19. ponit(1) point at七下(2) point out指出,指明八下20. stand(1) stand up起立七上(2) stand for是的缩写;代表九上21. set(1) set up 开办;设立;创办;建立八上(2) set off九下22. take(6) take away 夺去;拿走八上(7) take up八下(8) take off脱去九下(9) take down写下;记下(10) take out获得(11) take photos拍照七上(12) take a walk散步七下(13) take sb.s temperature量某人的体温八下(14) take part(in sth.)(15) take a vacation度假九上(16) take care九下(17) take care of照顾九上(18) take pride in感到自豪九上(19) take place发生23. talk(1) talk about(2) talk with24. think(1) think of 想到,想出八上(2) think about 考虑八上25. try(1) try out试用,试九上(2) try ones best尽某人的最大努力九下26. turn(1) turn on打开七上(2) turn off关掉,关闭(设备)九上(3) turn up开大,调高(4) turn down调低,关小(5) turn in上交(6) turn out结果是27. wait(1) wait for等待,等候七上(2) wait a minute七下(3) sb. cant wait某人等不及了八下28. wake(1) wake sb. up唤醒某人八下(2) wake up醒来;活跃起来九上29. write(1) write down 写下;记下八上(2) write about编写;写作八下30. use(1) used todo sth.过去九下(2) be used to do sth.被用来做某事(3) be used to doing sth.习惯做某事(to是介词)


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