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Unit7 What does he look like? 对“外表”提问1. 他看起来长得怎么样?- What does he look like? (有look,用does/do)-他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。- He is very tall, and he has short curly hair. 同义句:- What is he like? (只有like,用is) (用is,like翻译问“像”)区别:- What does he like? 他喜欢什么?(用does,like翻译为“喜欢”) 区别比较:(1) 他是中等高度/身材:He is of medium height/build. (是of, 前用be动词)(2) 他有中等高度/身材:He has a medium height/build.(是a, 前用have/has)2. 她有一点点胖:She is a little bit heavy. (heavy是形容词,前用be动词)一点点+形容词:a little bit+形容词 = a little+形容词 = a bit+形容词;一点点+名词:a little+名词 = a bit of+名词;如:His hair is a little long. = His hair is a bit long.He can speak a little English. = He can speak a bit of English.3. They are talking about the tall boy with curly hair. (with翻译为“有着”)(句中已经有了动词talking about,表达“有着”不能再用动词has)比较:The tall boy has curly hair. (无They are talking about, 表达“有着”用动词has)练:(1) Jim lives in a small house _ (有着) an interesting garden.(2) Do you remember John, a pop singer _ (戴着) funny glasses?(3) Do you know the tall man _ (有着) a big nose?4. 她从不停止讲话:She never stops talking. 句型:停止做某事:stop doing sth 句型:停下来去做某事:stop to do sth练:(1) Class is over. Lets stop _ (have) a rest.(2) The teacher is coming. Lets stop _ (talk).(3) I feel tired and sleepy. Why not stop _ (relax)?(4) If youre tired, you can stop _ (work).(5) Stop _ (talk). Listen to me, please.5. 他不再戴眼镜了:He doesnt wear glasses any more.词组:不再:notany more词组:戴眼镜:wear glasses穿一条红色的裙子:wear a red dress穿着某种颜色的衣服:in+颜色 如:Do you know the boy in black?6. 没有人知道我:Nobody knows me.语法:someone, somebody, everyone, everybody, nobody均表示“单三”,与之搭配使用的动词也要变“单三”。如:(1) Everyone in my class _ (know) this smart teacher.(2) Do you think everyone _ (enjoy) their weekends?(3) Everyone in our class _ the weekend.A. enjoys B. enjoy C. enjoyed D. enjoying7. 在七年级五班:in Class Five, Grade Seven (班级、年级、数字的“首字母”均需大写)8. 篮球队的队长:the captain of the basketball team (有of,需要倒翻)有“生命”的东西,表示“的”用 s ; 如:He is my fathers friend.无“生命”的东西,表示“的”用 of . 如:Here is a photo of my family.9. 形容人的“外貌特征”的名词和形容词序号跟在be后 (be+形容词)跟在have/has后 (have/has+名词)1是高的/矮的 is tall/short有长/短头发 have long/short hair2是中等高度 is of medium height有直/卷头发 have straight/curly hair3是胖的/瘦的 is heavy/fat, thin有黑/黄头发 have black/yellow hair4是中等身材 is of medium buildhave+长短+直卷+颜色+hair5是长的/短的 is long/shorthave a medium height/build6是漂亮/丑陋的 is beautiful/uglyhave (two) big eyes7是可爱的 is cute有一张圆脸:have a round face10. 受某人的欢迎:be popular with sb 受欢迎的:popular对某人友好:be friendly to sb 友好的:friendly11. 讲笑话:tell a joke, tell jokes 讲故事:tell stories开玩笑:play a joke, play jokes 开某人的玩笑:play jokes on sb12. 有一副新的面貌:have a new look (此处的look作“名词”)13. 去买东西:go shopping在购物商场购物:shop at the mall14. (1) look v. 看起来; 如:He looks like his father.(2) look prep. 外表; 如:He has a new look.15. (1) like v. 喜欢; 如:What does he like?(2) like prep. 像; 如:What is he like?Unit8 Id like some noodles.1. -你想要什么?- What would you like? = What do you want?-我想要一些面条:- Id like some noodles. = I want some noodles.句型:想要某东西:would like sth = want sth (后跟名词,不加to)想要做某事:would like to do sth = want to do sth (后跟动词,加to)练:(1) Do you want _?A. speak English B. to the new pants C. ho home D. to go to school(2) Would you like _ (drink) some green tea?2. 餐厅英语:-我能帮您吗?- Can I help you? = What can I do for you? = What would you like?-我想要一些面条。- Id like some noodles. (Id = I would)你想要什么种类的面?- What kind of noodles would you like?-我想要牛肉番茄面。- Id like beef and tomato noodles. (注意用“单数”)你想要多大碗的面?- What size bowl of noodles would you like?-我想要一中碗面。- Id like a medium bowl of noodles. (一中碗)什么种类:What kind 什么尺寸:What size一大/小碗面条:a large/small bowl of noodles3. -你想吃些东西吗?- Would you like something to eat?-(接受)好的:- Yes, please. 或Yes, Id like/love to. 不能用:Yes, I would.(拒绝)不,谢谢。- No, thanks.练:- Would you like some tea? - _.A. Yes, I would B. Yes, please C. No, I dont D. No, please4. 我要买它:Ill take it. (此处的“买”不能用buy,只能用take)5. 那是全部吗?好了吗?完了吗?- Is that all?6. 特色菜一15个饺子只要10元:Special 1 is just(only) 10RMB for 15 dumplings.7. some+不可数名词(无复数,不能加s),作句子主语时,动词用“三单”。some+可数名词变复数(有复数,加s),作句子主语时,动词用“复数”或“原形”。练:(1) Some chicken _ (be) in the bowl. Some eggs _ (be) on the table.(2) Id like some _ and _.A. porridge, vegetables B. beef, tomato C. French fries, orange juices8. “肯定句”的两者或两者以上用“and”连接:Id like dumplings and orange juice.“否定句”的两者或两者以上用“or”连接:I dont like green tea or porridge.9. 肯定句中表达“一些”用some;否定句、疑问句中表达“一些,任何”用any;如:(1) I would like some beef noodles. (2) I wouldnt like any chicken noodles.(3) I didnt have _ money for a taxi.10. 关于“人称代词”的用法:(1) 实义动词后的“人称代词”用宾格; 如:Can you help me? He doesnt like them.(2) 介词后的“人称代词”用宾格; 如:Do you want to go with us?11. 吃某东西当早餐:eat/have sth for breakfast在早餐时间吃东西:eat sth at the breakfast time12. 句型:某人/某东西怎么样?:What about sb/sth?做某事怎么样?:What about doing sth? What about = How about13. 中国食物:Chinese food 中国餐馆:Chinese restaurants西方食物:western food 西方餐馆:western restaurants14. 一碗:a bowl 一大/中/小碗:a big bowl, a medium bowl, a small bowl一大/中/小碗:a big/medium/small bowl of 两大碗:two big bowls of一杯绿茶:a cup of green tea15. 在饺子店:at the house of dumplings = at the dumping house在甜品屋:at a dessert house/shop16. 一些很棒的特色菜:some great specials特色菜1:Special 117. (1) drink v. 喝; 如:What would you like to drink?(2) drink n. 饮料;(复数+s) 如:Cola is a kind of drinks.18. (1) kind of 有点;(无形式变化) 如:He is kind of lazy.(2) a kind of 一种;(单数) 如:English is a kind of languages.(3) kinds of 多种;(复数) 如:There are many kinds of languages in the world.Unit9 How was your weekend?1. 表示“发生在过去的动作”,要用一般过去时,句中常含表示“过去”的时间。一般过去时的结构:主语+V过去式。翻译时加上“了”。(不管主语是“单数”还是“复数”,动词始终用“过去式”)练:(1) He _ (go) to school on foot yesterday.(2) What did Jim do? - He _ (go) to the movies.(3) We _ (not go) to the cinema last Sunday.2. 你上个周末做了什么?- What did you do last weekend? (did引导,动词还原)-在星期天上午,我打了网球。- I played tennis on Sunday morning.在上午/下午/晚上:in the morning/afternoon/evening在星期天上午/下午/晚上:on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening在上个星期天上午: / last Sunday morning (前不用冠词)在上学的白天/晚上:on school days/nights3. Tina的周末怎么样? - How was Tinas weekend?-它很棒:It was great. 它还不错:It was not bad. 它很糟糕:It was terrible.4. 该是回家的时候了:Its time to go home.句型:该是做某事的时候了:Its time to do sth5. He spent half an hour _ (play) computer games last night.句型:某人花费时间在某事上:人+spend+时间+on sth句型:某人花费时间做某事:人+spend+时间+doing sth6. 句型:做某事怎么样? What/How about doing sth?某人/某东西怎么样? What about sb/sth? 如:你怎么样?What about you?7. 常用do, does, did, dont, doesnt, didnt代替前文提到的动词。(1) Who cleaned the room? - Mike _. A. was B. does C. is D. did(2) I dont think he is so great, but my mother _.(3) Peter visited his English teacher this morning, but Tony _.A. isnt B. wasnt C. doesnt D. didnt(4) I like Sports News very much. _.A. I like, too B. I do, too C. I dont like, either D. I dont, either(5) My father likes Sports News, but my mother _.8. 去爬山:go to the mountains 爬山:climb the mountains去购物:go shopping去看电影:go to the movies 看电影:see a movie = watch a movie去散步:go for a walk 散步:take a walk去图书馆:go to the library 去城市图书馆:go to the city library9. 待在家里:stay at home10. 为考试而学习:study for the test = study for exams11. 举行派对:have a party 举行晚会:have an evening party12. 阅读:do some reading13. 去海滩:go to the beach (beach变复数+es)14. 练习英语:practice English句型:练习做某事:practice doing sth15. 过了一个繁忙的某末:have a busy weekend (此处的have翻译为“度过”)16. 一本关于历史的书:a book about history (此处的about翻译为“关于”,= on)17. 带某人去某地:take sb to sp18. 乘车去某地:go to sp by car (car前无其他单词,“乘”用by)= go to sp in their car (car前有其他单词,“乘”用in)19. (1) last 最后的;在最后一张照片里:in the last photo(2) last 上一个;上个星期:last week 上个月:last month 去年:last year20. (1) spend 度过; 如:How do you spend your summer holidays?(2) spend 花费; 如:He spent two hours cleaning his room.21. (1) for 对来说; 如:对大多数的孩子来说:for most kids(2) for 为,给; 如:为我烧晚饭:cook dinner for meUnit10 Where did you go on vacation?1. -你去了哪里度假?- Where did you go on vacation? (go是实义动词,前用did引导)-我去了夏令营。- I went to summer camp.-你玩得开心吗?- Did you have a good time? (have是实义动词,前用did引导)-是的。Yes, I did.度假:on vacation for ones vacation 如:She went to Shanghai for her vacation.玩得开心:have a good time = have fun2. 我们很高兴在水里玩:We had great fun playing in the water.句型:很高兴做某事:have (great) fun doing sth在水里:in the water (介词用in)3. 它有点无聊:It was kind of boring.有点:kind of = a little4. 我发现一个小男孩正在角落里哭:I found a small boy crying in the corner.句型:发现某人正在做某事:find sb doing sth句型:听见某人正在做某事:hear sb doing sth在角落里:in the corner (介词用in)在的角落里:at the corner of 如:He stands at the corner of the classroom.练:We found her sister _ (read) English in her room.5. 他迷路了:He was lost.(1) lost adj. 迷路的;前面常加be动词。(2) lost v. 丢失lose的过去式; 如:He lost his way.6. 那让我感觉很高兴:That made me feel very happy.句型:让某人做某事:make sb do sth = let sb do sth感觉很高兴:feel very happy练:The funny story makes us _ (laugh) a lot.Lets _ (讨论) this question first.7. 我们决定走着回宾馆:We decided to walk back to the hotel.句型:决定做某事:decide to do sth.走着回宾馆:walk back to the hotel练:His father decided _ (buy) a new computer for him.8. 考与“一般过去时”配套使用的时间:(1) Was your father at work _? - Yes, he was.A. last week B. every month C. this year D. next Monday(2) When did you see him? - _.A. Next Monday B. Two hours C. In an hour D. An hour ago9. 去纽约市:go to New York City (go的过去式went)去夏令营:go to summer camp去博物馆:go to the museum 参观博物馆:visit the museum去中心公园:go to Central Park10. 为考试而学习:study for exams (study的过去式studied)11. 什么也没有做:do nothing (nothing指“什么也没有”)练:- Do you have anything else to say about the trip? - No, _.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything12. 整天:all day 整夜:all night 整日整夜:all day and all night13. (1) look for 寻找(强调“找”这个过程);(2) find 找到(强调“找到”这个结果);如:He looked for his English book, but he didnt find it.14. (1) friendly 友好的;(2) unfriendly 不友好的;= not friendlyUnit11 What do you think of game shows?1. -你认为某人/某东西怎么样?- What do you think of sb/sth? (后是think of, 前用What)= How do you like sb/sth? (后是like, 前用How)-我认为某人是的。- (I think) sb is/are+用于评价人的“内在品质”的形容词。我认为某东西是的。- (I think) sth is/are+形容词 (如interesting, relaxing, exciting)。-我不能忍受他。- I cant stand him. 我不介意她。- I dont mind her.我爱(喜欢)他们。- I love(like) them. 我不爱(喜欢)它。- I dont love(like) it.与第6单元比较(对外表提问):- What does Tina look like? - She is _.A. shy B. clever C. medium height D. heavy练:(1) - _ do you like sports shows? - I like them very much.(2) - _ does Yao Ming look like? - He is tall and strong.2. 你能帮我吗?Can you help me?语法:动词后的“人称代词”用宾格。练:His brother bought some new books, he likes _ very much.A. it B. them C. they D. me3. 用于评价人的“外表”的形容词主要有(见Unit7):(1) tall, be of medium height, short;(2) heavy/fat, be of medium build, thin;(3) beautiful, ugly, cute, lovely, cool, scary;用于评价人的“内在品质”的形容词主要有:smart, clever, friendly, shy, quiet, lazy, popular等。4. 阿伦是一个8岁的男孩。- Alan is an eight-year-old boy. 比较:阿伦8岁。- Alan is eight years old.点拨:(1)当“几岁”后有名词如“boy/girl”时,“几岁”用“连字符”相连,且year不加s;(2)当“几岁”后无名词时,“几岁”不用“连字符”相连,岁数大于1,year加s;5. 欢迎来到9点钟的周末谈话节目:Welcome to 9 oclock Weekend talk show.欢迎来某地:welcome to sp.6. 烧饭是妈妈们的事:Cooking is for moms.围巾是给妈妈们的:The scarf is for moms.7. 谢谢你加入我们:Thank you for joining us.句型:感谢做某事:Thanks for doing sth.8. 我给每个学生看六样东西然后问他们关于每一个东西:I showed each student six things and asked them about each one. 把某东西给某人看:show sb sth (show翻译为“展示给看”) 每一:each 如:每个学生:each student9. 这是他们喜欢的和不喜欢的:Here are their likes and dislikes.10. 我不能忍受老人不能漂亮的想法:I cant stand the idea that old people cant be beautiful.我想要年轻和漂亮:I want to be young and beautiful.11. 句型:介意做某事:mind doing sth练:Would you mind _ (open) the window? Its too hot in the room.12. 实际上:in fact (介词用in)13. 询问某人某事:ask sb about sth14. 把某东西放进某地方:put sth in sp15. 同意某人(的观点、意见):agree with sb16. 一个主意:an idea 一个好主意:a good idea一篇文章:an article 看一篇文章:read an article (“看书”的“看”用read)Unit12 Dont eat in class.1. 肯定的祈使句:(1) 实义动词原形+其他; 否定的祈使句:(1) Dont+实义动词+原形;(2) be动词原形+形容词+其他; (2) Dont be+形容词+其他;(3) Let sb do sth. (3) Dont let sb do sth(4) No+Ving.练:(1) My mother said to me, “Tom, _ in bed.”A. not read B. doesnt read C. dont read D. didnt read(2) Dont _ (fight). = No _ (fight).2. 不要迟到:Dont arrive late. = Dont be late. (arrive = be)上课/上学不要迟到:Dont arrive (be) late for class/school.3. 主语省略(无主语):Dont arrive late for class.主语不省略(有主语):We cant arrive ;ate for class.4. 在学校我们必须穿校服:We have to wear uniforms at school.句型:不得不/必须做某事:have to do sth 否定:不必做某事:dont have to do sth穿校服:单数:wear a uniform 复数:wear uniforms练:(1) I cant stop smoking, doctor. For your health, Im afraid you _.A. can B. may C. must D. have to5. 在我家里有太多的规矩:I have too many rules in my house.词组:太多:too many6. 我从来没有任何快乐:I never have any fun.(never译为“从来没有”,表示否定,否定句中表示“任何,一些”,用any)7. 不要大声说话:Dont talk loudly.请大声说:Speak loudly, please.8. 他擅长于唱歌:He is good at singing.句型:擅长于做某事:be good at doing sth9. 表示“地点”的词组:(1) 在教室里:in the classroom 在课堂上:in class(2) 在走廊上:in the hallways 在学校里:at school = in school10. 表示“时间”的词组:(1) 下课后:after class 放学后:after school(2) 在上学的白天/晚上:on school days/nights 比较:at night(3) 到晚上10点钟之前:by 10 oclock p.m.11. (1) with 和; 如:He lives in Beijing with my parents. (不能用and)(2) with 戴着; 如:Do you know the fat man with a hat? (不能用wears)(3) with 有着; 如:Its an old house with a beautiful garden. (不能用has)


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