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计算机专业英语(第四版)课后习题答案Unit 1Ex 1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. FEx 2 1. input, storage, processing, and output 2. power; speed; memory 3. central processing unit 4. internal; primary; memory 5. keyboard; central processing unit; main memory; monitorEx 3 A. 1. F 2. D 3. G 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. E 8. H B. 1. user 2. monitor 3. data 4. keyboard 5. data processing 6. information 7. computer 8. memoryEx 4 1. input device 2. screen, screen 3. manipulates 4. instructions 5. retrieve 6. code 7. hard copy 8. FunctionEx. 5 新处理器开始IT技术的新时代New Processors Open New Era of IT TechnologiesLast week, Intel introduced to the public in Russia and other CIS countries a family of processors Intel Xeon E5-2600. They are more powerful and reliable and, importantly, are very economical in terms of energy consumption. Their presence opens a new era in the field of IT technologies and means that the cloud technology is getting closer.These processors are primarily designed for servers, data centers (DPC) and supercomputers. The emergence of this class of devices is not accidental. According to the regional director of Intel in Russia and other CIS states Dmitri Konash who spoke at the event, the market of IT-technology is developing so rapidly that, according to forecasts, by 2015 there will be 15 billion devices connected to the Internet, and over 3 billion of active users.上周,英特尔公司向俄罗斯和其它独联体国家的公众推出了英特尔Xeon E5-2600系列处理器,它们更加强大可靠,尤其是在能量消耗方面更加经济实惠。它们的问世意味着IT技术领域开始了一个新时代,标志着云技术距离我们越来越近。这些处理器主要是为服务器、数字处理中心和超级计算机设计的。这种处理器的出现并非偶然。根据英特尔公司俄罗斯和其他独联体地区负责人Dmitri Konash就此事发表的看法,IT技术市场的发展速度极快,根据预测,到2015年与英特网连接的设施将有150亿,用户超过30亿。Ex 6 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. FUnit 2Ex 1 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. FEx 2 1. sizes, shapes, processing capabilities 2. supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers 3. mainframe computer 4. microcomputers, storage locations 5. protables, laptop computers/notebook/palm-sized computer. desktop workstations 6. semiconductor 7. CPU, memory, storage, devices, processing, users 8. microprocessor chipEx 3 A. 1. C 2. A 3. H 4. I 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. BB. 1. capacity 2. device 3. laptop computer 4. Portable computers5. Silicon 6. semiconductor 7. workstation 8. voltage9. RAM 10. ROMEx 4 1. portable 2. access 3. main memory 4. sophisiticated programs 5. processing capability 6. instructions 7. computation 8. computer professionalEx 5 平板电脑Tablet ComputerA tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a one-piece, mobile version of a personal computer, primarily operated by touchscreen (the users finger essentially functions as the mouse and cursor, removing the need for the physical i.e., mouse & keyboard hardware components necessary for a desktop or laptop computer; and, an onscreen, hideable virtual keyboard is integrated into the display). Available in a variety of sizes, even the smallests touchscreens are much larger than those of a smart phone or personal digital assistant. A tablet computer may be connected to a keyboard with a wireless link or a USB port. Convertible notebook computers have an integrated keyboard that can be hidden by a swivel joint or slide joint, exposing only the screen for touch operation. Hybrids have a detachable keyboard so that the touch screen can be used as a stand-alone tablet. Booklets include dual-touchscreens, and can be used as a notebook by displaying a virtual keyboard in one of them.Notes:cursor k:s n. 光标 swivel swivl n. 旋轴;旋转接头detachable dittbl adj. 可拆开的 stand-alone adj. 独立运行的hybrids= hybrid computer混合计算机 booklet buklit n. 笔记本式平板电脑平板电脑,也叫平板,是个人计算机的一款,可移动,是一个整体。平板电脑主要依靠触屏操作(用户的手指发挥了鼠标和光标的作用,替代了台式和膝上电脑必须的物理硬件即鼠标和键盘。还有一个与显示器整合的可隐藏的屏幕虚拟键盘)。平板电脑型号多种,即使是最小的触屏也比智能手机或个人数字助理的屏幕大多了。可以用无线连接或USB插口给平板电脑连接一个键盘。可旋转笔记本电脑可以通过一个旋转铰链或一个滑动铰链把集成的键盘隐藏起来,仅仅在需要触摸时显示。混合型计算机配有一个可拆分的键盘,这样触屏可以当作一个单独的平板电脑使用。笔记本平板电脑包括两个触屏,在其中一个触屏上显示虚拟键盘就可以作为笔记本使用。Ex 6 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. T Unit 3Ex 1 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. F 11. T 12. F 13. F 14. T 15. FEx 2 1. microprocessor 2. bus 3. register 4. control unit 5. processor 6. binary 7. arithmetic, logical 8. milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds. 9. instruction 10. execution 11. megahertz 12. wordsizeEx 3 A. 1. F 2. A 3. J 4. C 5. D 6. E 7. H 8. I 9. B 10. GB. 1. Storage 2. chip 3. registers 4. ALU 5. bus 6. control unit7. machine language 8. binary system 9. bits 10. computer programEx 4 1. configuration 2. converts 3. data buses 4. characters 5. decodes 6. synchronize 7. circuitry 8. internal clockEx. 5 Bus Systems Supporting Multiple PeripheralsAs the number of potential peripherals grew, using an expansion card for every peripheral became increasingly impossible. This has led to the introduction of bus systems designed specifically to support multiple peripherals. Common examples are the SATA ports in modern computers, which allow a number of hard drives to be connected without the need for a card. However, these high-performance systems are generally too expensive to implement in low-end devices, like a mouse. This has led to the parallel development of a number of low-performance bus systems for these solutions, the most common example being Universal Serial Bus. All such examples may be referred to as peripheral buses, although this terminology is not universal.Notes: 1. Serial ATA (SATA) is a computer bus interface for connecting host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives.2. Universal Serial Bus USB支持多种外接设备的总线系统随着外接设备数量的不断增加,想用扩展卡来应付每一种外围设备越来越不现实了,这就产生了设计专门支持多种外接设备的总线系统。通常的例子就是现代计算机上的SATA接口,这就允许很多硬盘驱动器不需要卡就可以同计算机连接起来。但是把这些高性能系统用于低端设备,如鼠标等就很不合算。这就导致同时开发很多低性能的总线系统解决方案,最常见的例子就是UBS接口。所有这些例子都可以称作外接设备总线,尽管这个术语还没有普遍通用。Ex 6 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10 FUnit 4Ex 1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. F 14. T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. F 20. T 21. F 22. T 23. F 24. T 25. FEx 2 1. main memory 2. RAM 3. diskettes/floppy disks; hard disks 4. chips 5. parity 6. expanded, extended 7. monochrome 8. cache 9. ROM 10. updatedEx 3 A. 1. B 2. E 3. C 4. J 5. I 6. H 7. A 8. F 9. G 10 DB. 1. secondary storage 2. buffer 3. access 4. code 5. diskette6. slots 7. terminals 8. motherboard 9. bytes 10. screenEx 4 1. desktop 2. software 3. animation 4. transferred 5. sophisticated 6. compatible 7. cache 8. upgradeEx 5 USB flash driveA USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smaller than a floppy disk. Most weigh less than 30 g. As of September 2011, drives of up to 256 gigabytes (GB) are available. Storage capacities as large as 2 terabytes are planned, with steady improvements in size and price per capacity expected. Some allow up to 100,000 write/erase cycles, depending on the exact type of memory chip used, and a 10 year shelf storage time. USB flash drives are often used for the same purposes for which floppy disks or CD-ROMs were used, i.e., for storage, back-up and transfer of computer files. They are smaller, faster, have thousands of times more capacity, and are more durable and reliable because they have no moving parts. Until about 2005, most desktop and laptop computers were supplied with floppy disk drives, but floppy disk drives have been abandoned in favor of USB ports.NotesGB: gigabyte 吉字节 109 字节; terabyte TB 太字节,1012 字节USB闪驱USB闪驱是一种数据存储设备,它包含带有一个集成的通用串行总线(USB)接口 。USB闪驱通常可以移动并可以重写,其尺寸要比软盘小得多,大多数的重量不到30克。从2011年9月始,市场就出现256 GB的U盘。2太字节的U盘在筹划之中,估计U盘大小会更加合理,价格也更合适。有的U盘允许写/擦10万个循环,这取决于存储芯片的型号,储存寿命可以达到10年时间。USB闪驱与软盘或CD-ROM的目的相同,就是为了计算机文件的存储、备份和转移。因为它们没有移动部件,所以体积更小,速度更快,拥有数千倍的容量,更加持久可靠。到2005年,大部分台式和膝上电脑还都配备软驱,但是软驱因为USB插口而被淘汰。Ex. 6 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. F 11. T 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. T 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. T 21. T 22. TUnit 5Ex 1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. F 14. F 15. T 16. T 17. F 18. T 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. T 23. TEx 2 1. mail, courier 2. hub, star 3. Local Area Network 4. packets 5. Ethernet6. kilobits per second, megabits per second, gigabits per second 7. circuit switching 8. reassembled 9. Internet Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol 10. datagram 11. frames 12. binary, decimal Ex 3 A. 1. C 2. E 3. B 4. F 5. A 6. D 7. H 8. G B. 1. hub 2. zipped 3. decimal 4. frame 5. binary number 6. Internet 7. packet 8. bandwidthEx 4 1. forwarded 2. reassembled 3. are encapsulated 4. cables 5. bursty 6. submit 7. are retransmitted 8. protocol Ex 5 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. F 5. B 6. D 7. H 8. GEx 61. 有意为技术服务人员留下的2. 抛弃、丢失或毁灭的数据都进入到数据接受器中3. 远远不能覆盖绝大多数嫌疑人4. 真正奇才所掌握的技术5. 文件和程序6. 1. 系统详情、扩展其性能 5. 敏感信息的人7. 滞缓的特性和控制开发的复杂性8. 非常巧妙的权宜之计,旨在解决很棘手的问题9. 不能有效与他人沟通的人10. 一个程序、数据结构或全部程序的11. 交叉指向不合适的新闻组12. 打免费长途电话了;通信网络,但不单指通信网络13. 眼睛疲劳14. 无关紧要或令人讨厌的琐碎问题15. 不会有人发现这些漏洞的,或发现了也不会利用16. 受人雇佣,为测试系统的安全性而攻入某个地方17. 那种使用许多GOTO、例外或另外的“非结构的”分支构造18. 不能定期运行适当的抑制程序19. 某种非常友好程序的20. 远在没有正式发行之前21. 该技术也许不能发挥作用。如果不能用,程序员也永远不知道为什么22. Suns 机上使用L1-A;某些Mac机使用!23. 完全丧失功能了;计算机想做某事但不能进行下去了24. 人的神经系统,与计算机的硬件或软件相对;系统的硬件或软件25. 那种在紧急状况下能迅速发现并解决问题26. 思想排外/思想保守Unit 6Ex 1 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. F 12. F 13. T 14. FEx 2 1. compatible 2. hardcopy 3. terminal, monitor 4. inked ribbon 5. line 6. Thermal 7. Monochrome 8. liquid crystal displayEx 3 A. 1. G 2. B 3. I 4. F 5. D 6. H 7. C 8. E 9. J 10. AB. 1. printers 2. hard copy 3. CRT 4. hardware 5. pixel6. output 7. software 8. Line printers 9. plotters 10. graphicsEx 4 1. are attached 2. compatible 3. flexible 4. mechanism 5. perform 6. rotate 7. transfer 8. videoEx 5 Electroluminescent Display(电致发光显示器)A type of flat-panel display(平板显示)that uses the property of electroluminescence, whereby a phosphor will emit photons of radiation(光子辐射)when placed in an electric field(电场). The phosphor is incorporated in a thin coating on the screen; an additional coating can produce full color. Electroluminescent screens are used in some large-screen displays, such as airport announcement boards. Nowadays electroluminescent screens are mainly used for small displays in control panels and domestic equipment.电致发光显示器这是一种平板显示器。把荧光粉放置在电场之中就能发射光子辐射,这就是平板显示器使用的电致发光性能。屏幕上有薄薄的荧光粉涂层,这个添加涂层能产生全彩。电致发光屏幕用于某些巨大的显示屏上,例如机场通告板。如今电致显示屏主要用于控制板和家庭设施的小型显示器上。Ex. 6 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. F 14. T 15. F 16. T 17. T 18. T 19. T 20. F 21. T 22. F 23. T 24. T 25. T Unit 7Ex 1 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. F 11. F 12. T 13. F 14.T 15. T 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. FEx 2 1. printers, plotters 2. graphics 3. pins 4. pages per minute 5. dots per inch 6. lines per minute 7. non-impact 8. carbonEx 3 A. 1. D 2. F 3. B 4. A 5. G 6. E 7. C 8. HB. 1. print wheel 2. Microcomputers 3. ink jet printer 4. network5. noise 6. output device 7. desktop publishing 8. dot-matrix printersEx 4 1. installations 2. categorized 3. image 4. ribbon 5. monochrome 6. physical 7. referred to 8. dotEx 5 Digital Technology of Copy MachineThere is an increasing trend for new photocopiers to adopt digital technology, thus replacing the older analog technology. With digital copying, the copier effectively consists of an integrated scanner and laser printer. This design has several advantages, such as automatic image quality enhancement and the ability to build jobs (that is, to scan page images independently of the process of printing them). Some digital copiers can function as high-speed scanners; such models typically offer the ability to send documents via email or to make them available on file servers.A great advantage of digital copier technology is automatic digital collation. For example, when copying a set of 20 pages 20 times, a digital copier scans each page only once, then uses the stored information to produce 20 sets. In an analog copier, either each page is scanned 20 times (a total of 400 scans), making one set at a time, or 20 separate output trays are used for the 20 sets.Notes: scanner 扫描仪 collation klei()n n. 校勘,核对 tray 托盘,文件盘复印机的数字技术新的复印机越来越趋向于采用数字技术替代老的模拟技术。数字复印机有效地把扫描仪和激光打印机整合在一起,这种设计拥有数个优势,譬如自动图形质量提高,自动工作的能力(扫描和打印互不干涉)。有些数字复印机如同一个高速扫描仪,这样的型号通常具有通过email发送文件的能力,或者给文件服务器提供文件。数字复印机的最大优点在于它可以“自动数字校验”。例如当要复印20页,每页复印20份的时候,数字复印机只需每一页扫描一次,然后使用储存的信息复印20份。如果是模拟复印机,要么每一页都要扫描20次(一共要扫描400次),一次复印一份;要么每页复印20份,20页分别放在20个输出托盘中。Ex.6 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. T 12. T 13. F 14. F 15. T 16. F 17. T 18. F 19. T 20. T 21. T 22. F 23. T 24. T Unit 8Ex 1 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. F 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. T 16. T 17. F 18. T 19. T 20 F 21. F 22. T 23. T 24. FEx 2 1. Local area networks, wide area networks 2. client-server 3. bus 4. protocol 5. hardware 6. microwaves 7. adapter, router 8. stack 9. upper, lower 10. layered Ex 3 A. 1. D 2. E 3. F 4. H 5. A 6. G 7. B 8. CB. 1. C. server 2. E.adapter 3. D. topology 4. G. microwave5. A. local 6. H. inception 7. B. wide 8. F. WirelessEx 4 1. layout 2. accommodate 3. conforms 4. address 5. interoperable 6. session 7. has been designated/was designated等 8. configuringEx 5 1. H 2. A 3. F(transmits) 4. C 5. D 6. E 7. B 8. GEx 61. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. T 12. F 13. T 14. T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. F 20. T 21. T 22. T 23. T 24. F 25. T 26. T 27. T 28. F 29. F 30. F 31. T 32. T 33. F 34. T 35. T 36. F 37. T 38. F 39. F 40. F 41. T 42. T 43. T 44. FUnit 9Ex 1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. T 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. T 16. T 17. T 18. FEx 2 1. channels 2. eletrical pulses or charges, eletromagnetic waves, pulse of light 3. telephone lines, coaxial cables, microwave systems, satellites systems, fiber optic cables 4. telephone lines 5. networks 6. atmosphere 7. microwave tower 8. gigahertz 9. digital 10. lightEx 3 A. 1. B 2. D 3. F 4. G 5. A 6. C 7. E 8. HB. 1. noise 2. transmission 3. Fiber optics 4. Microwave 5. sychronous6. optical media 7. Coaxial cable 8. digitsEx 4 1. communicate 2. revolves 3. detect 4. encrypted 5. nonconductive 6. frequency 7. susceptible 8. relayed 9. antenna 10. PulsesEx 5 SmartphoneTo really understand what a smartphone is (and is not), we should start with a history lesson. In the beginning, there were cell phones and personal digital assistants (or PDAs). Cell phones were used for making calls-and not much else-while PDAs, like the Palm Pilot, were used as personal, portable organizers. A PDA could store your contact info and a to-do list, and could sync with your computer.Eventually, PDAs gained wireless connectivity and were able to send and receive e-mail. Cell phones, meanwhile, gained messaging capabilities, too. PDAs then added cellular phone features, while cell phones added more PDA-like (and even computer-like) features. The result was the smartphone.智能手机要真正理解什么是智能手机,什么不是智能手机,我们应该从了解历史开始。起初人们使用手机和个人数字助理。手机只是用来打电话,而数字助理,如掌上电脑,是个人便携式的记事本。一台个人数字助理能储存你的联系信息以及将要处理的事情,可以和电脑同步。最终,个人数字助理开始了无线连接,能够发送和接收电子邮件,而手机也具备了获取信息的能力。个人数字助理添加手机功能,手机也增添个人数字助理(甚至计算机)的特性,其结果就是智能手机。Ex. 6 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. T 11. T 12. TUnit 10Ex 1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T 11. F 12. T13. F 14. F 15. T 16. F 17. T 18. F 19. T 20. TEx 2 1. download, contract/infect 2. macros 3. viruses 4. timer 5. client 6. recognize 7. reformat 8. back up Ex 3 A. 1. B 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. C 6. G 7. D 8. H B. 1. informative 2. programmed/is programming等 3. responsive 4. attachment 5. chat group 6. The bottom line 7. inoperabl8. is scannedEx 4 1. has rendered 2. embedded 3. update 4. are contracted 5. wired 6. theorized 7. replicate 8. activatedEx 5 1. C 2. G 3. A 4. F 5. H 6. B 7. E 8. DEx 6 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. F 11. F 12. T 13. F 14. F 15. F 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. T 23. T 24. T 25. F 26. F Unit 11Ex.1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. F 12. F 13. F 14. T 15. T 16. T 17. T 18. T 19. F 20.F Ex 2 1. HTML, the hypertext markup language 2. components 3. ASCII files4. markup tags 5. webmaster 6. Heads, tables, paragraphs, lists 7. tags 8. slash 9. case sensitive 10. required 11. View Source 12. template 13. carriage returns, spaces, linefeeds 14. sourceEx 3 A. 1. C 2. D 3. H 4. F 5. E 6. B 7. A 8. GB. 1. bookmark 2. browsers 3. primer 4. HTML 5. link 6. servers 7. webmaster 8. Search EnginesEx. 4 1. 用超文本标识语言创建文档 2. 为网络创建文件 3. 文档类型定义4. 独立平台风格 5. 网络服务器 6. 局域视图模式7. 超文本标识语言版本 8. 超文本标识语言文档 9. 纯文本文件10. 文本编辑器 11. 文字处理软件 12. 带分行符的文本13. 超文本编辑器 14. 超文本标识符的基本知识 15. 文字处理器16. 使自己的文件登录上网 17. 局域网 18. 提供免费上因特网19. 本地因特网供应商 20. 免费将文件登录服务器 21. 用超文本标识符标志文件要素 22. 左尖括号 23. 标识符名24. 右尖括号 25. 标识符指令 26. 图片源文件超文本标识符 27. 计较大小写/键盘上下档 28. 纯骨架文档29. 一个样式文件 30. 查看源文件 31. 带有超文本语言标识符的源文件 32. 超文本语言编码信息 33. 文件扩展名34. 全球背景 35. 大号字或/和粗体字 36. 回车37. 单词移行 38. 回行Ex 5 What does HTML stand for?HTML is an abbreviation of HyperText Mark-up Language - which is already more than you need to know at this stage. However, for the sake of good order, let us explain in greater detail. Hyper is the opposite of linear. In the good old days - when a mouse was something the cat chased - computer programs ran linearly: when the program had executed one action it went to the next line and after that, the next line and so on. But HTML is different - you can go wherever you want and whenever you want. For example, it is not necessary to visit MSN.com before you visit HTML.net. Text is self-explanatory. Mark-up is what you do with the text. You are marking up the text the same way you do in a text editing program with headings, bullets and bold text and so on. Language is what HTML is. It uses many English words.HTML代表什么?HTML是HyperText Mark-up Language(超文本表示语言)的缩写形式,这超出现阶段你应该知道的内容。但是为了有一个好的学习的顺序,我们还是详尽解释一下为好。Hyper与线性相反。很早的时候,老鼠是猫追逐的对象计算机程序为线性运行:当程序执行了一个动作,就移动到下一行,然后再下一行等等。但是HTML不一样了,你可以在任何时候到你想去的任何地方。例如你没有必要在访问HTML.net前先访问MSN.com网站。Text 是自我解释性的


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