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第 1 页 共 19 页 人教版八校 2020 届九年级下学期英语期中测试 C 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 单选选择 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 共 15 题 共 30 分 1 2 分 There is old bike old bike is Mr Zhao s A a An B a The C an The D an A 2 2 分 2019 七下 浙江期末 He was born January 25th 1990 A in B at C for D on 3 2 分 I m sorry there isn t for you A something B nothing C anything D everything 4 2 分 I saw a girl a horse A rides 第 2 页 共 19 页 B riding C to ride D rode 5 2 分 2019 闵行模拟 Alibaba CEO Jack Ma has decided to retire from his company in his A fifty B fifties C fiftieth D fiftieths 6 2 分 I went boating A two days before B two days ago C before two days D ago two days 7 2 分 Tommy do you know if Frank to the zoo this Sunday if it Sorry I have no idea A will go is fine B goes is fine C will go is going to be fine D goes will be fine 8 2 分 Just like weather life be beautiful all the time A mustn t 第 3 页 共 19 页 B needn t C can t D wouldn t 9 2 分 huge amounts of information the computer has stored A How B How a C What a D What 10 2 分 2019 九下 泉州期中 How does your mother like the apartment She the price but she says the community is dirty and noisy A is popular with B is strict with C is satisfied with 11 2 分 Lucy is living in a tiny room in Renmin Street A very big B very small C fine 12 2 分 2017 八下 东莞期中 Nothing can stop Tommy hard A to work B with working C of working D from working 第 4 页 共 19 页 13 2 分 2016 七下 卢龙期末 Bob wants to go to the to see a movie A restaurant B cinema C hospital D shop 14 2 分 2017 莒县模拟 I m a new reader Could you tell me Certainly Two weeks and you can renew them A how long can I keep the books B how long I can keep the books C when should I return the books D when I should return the books 15 2 分 Yes please I need a dictionary A Are you OK B Excuse me C How are you D Can I help you 二 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 16 10 分 2019 八上 滨州期中 阅读下面短文 从各题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出能填入文 章中相应空白处的最佳答案 It was a sunny Sunday afternoon John s parents were not in John decided to go to the Happy Theater to watch a talent show so he 1 home Only Barky John s pet 2 stayed at home Just after John left a bad man 3 the window and then he came into the house 4 it He began looking for 第 5 页 共 19 页 expensive things in the rooms He found some 5 in the box He took out the money 6 as he was leaving he heard a dog s barking 叫声 He looked around and found Barky looking at him angrily He was very scared Barky was going to bite him when John came home John let Barky sit down and told the bad man 7 Come with me to the 8 or Barky will bite you So the bad man had to 9 John with Barky close behind A policeman cuffed 铐 the bad man after John told him the thing Barky had a 10 for watching the house But the bad man didn t know 1 A left B stayed C reached D waited 2 A cat B dog C bird D duck 3 A killed B acted C touched D broke 4 A for 第 6 页 共 19 页 B through C on D below 5 A money B mirrors C tickets D bicycles 6 A though B but C if D because 7 A loudly B quietly C beautifully D comfortably 8 A radio station B post office C police station 第 7 页 共 19 页 D theater 9 A help B bring C join D follow 10 A reason B result C talent D service 三 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 22 分 17 6 分 2016 七下 江都期末 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项 A How does Lucy spend a week Monday Practise playing volleyball 3 00 5 00p m Tuesday Go to see Tim Children s Hospital 8 30 10 30p m Wednesday Part time job 兼职工作 1 00 5 00p m Thursday Go to the station to meet her uncle Ricky 第 8 页 共 19 页 9 00a m Friday See Mr Green 10 30 11 30a m Part time job 2 00 6 00p m Saturday A birthday party for Lily 7 00 10 00p m Sunday Help Frank with his Maths 1 What does Lucy do on Saturday evening A Have a birthday party B Study with Frank C Play volleyball D Do part time job 2 Frank may not be good at A English B Chinese C Art D Maths 3 How many hours a week does Lucy do her part time job A Five hours B Eight hours C Ten hours 第 9 页 共 19 页 D Eleven hours 18 8 分 2017 深圳模拟 阅读下列短文 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 A A group of eight students from Shenzhen Middle School won the gold medal at the 2017 United States International Youth Physics Competition on January 31 It was the second time for the school to win the prize after its first championship in 2013 All of the open ended projects studied at the competition are beyond the normal standard at high schools Shenzhen Middle School is the only high school in China that has won the gold medal The competition this year attracted 11 top high schools in the United States and China including Harker School and Philips Exeter University in the United States as well as the Middle School Affiliated with Renmin University of China 人大附中 and Nanjing Foreign Languages School in China The Shenzhen Middle School team went through a two day debate with the other teams in English about four physics projects that they had studied for a whole year The school said that the team prepared for a whole year from raising theoretical 理论 models to designing experiments which greatly developed the students abilities to work and think like real scientists 1 What does the news report mainly talk about A The 2017 US International Youth Physics Competition B Shenzhen students won its first championship in 2013 C Shenzhen Middle School is good at physics competition D Shenzhen students shine at the physics competition in US 2 What does the underlined word beyond mean in the 2nd paragraph 第 10 页 共 19 页 A Except B Behind C Over D Beside 3 Which school in China has ever won the gold medal in the Competition A Harker School B Shenzhen Middle School C Nanjing Foreign Languages School D The Middle School Affiliated with Renmin University 4 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage A A group of nine students from Shenzhen joined the competition B All of the projects studied at the competition were not open ended C It has developed the students abilities to work and think like real scientists D The Shenzhen Students had a 3 day debate with the other teams in English 19 8 分 In Germany there are different kinds of high schools Some prepare students for workers others prepare them for college All schools are great places for making friends and learning German Short days Most high schools in Germany begin at about 8 00 a m and end at 3 30 p m This means your morning will be busy with classes You will have time to do homework and take part in private 私人 的 clubs after school 第 11 页 共 19 页 Formal setting In Germany teachers and students relationship is more formal than you might be used to Teachers are respected and students must use the formal Sie 德语 您 when talking to teachers Getting to school Most students take public transport to school or ride a bicycle Some ares have school buses It is not common for parents to drive students to school Private clubs In many countries schools offer official sports and after school activities This is less common in Germany After school activities are usually organized through private clubs There are clubs for things like soccer dance chair theatre and almost everything else Once you are in Germany ask around at school and talk to other students to find out what private clubs are in your area and meet your interests Different states different schools Each of Germany s 16 states has its own slightly different school systems The school system in Brandenburg will be a little different from the system in Bavaria for example Where you live your knowledge level and your age will decide what school you can attend 1 For high school students in Germany Which is not the common transport to school A School buses B Private clubs C Public transports D Students bicycles 2 In paragraph 3 the underlined word respected can be best translated into 第 12 页 共 19 页 A 受人尊敬的 B 令人害怕的 C 高收入的 D 有权势的 3 From the passage we can learn from that in Germany A all kinds of high schools are for college B age is not important for attending schools C students can take part in after school activities from 8 00a m to 3 30p m D students can join private clubs to meet their interests by themselves 4 What can be the best title for this article A German Private Clubs B German Public Transport C German High Schools D German College Systems 四 任务型阅读 共 2 题 共 16 分 20 6 分 2016 金华模拟 随着升学考的来临 我们的初中生活也即将结束 三年的初中生涯 总有一 些难以忘怀的时刻 仔细阅读以下四段材料 从 A B C D 中选择一个合适的标题 并完成第 2 小题 A An unforgettable teacher B An unforgettable competition C An unforgettable trip 第 13 页 共 19 页 D An unforgettable running exercise Hello I m Tom I remember at one time when we were running on the playground I was too tired to go on As I wanted to give up some of my classmates cheered me up My classmates encouragements helped me finish the run I ll never forget it Hello I m Mary When I was in Grade Two I didn t prepare well for an English contest I said sorry to my teacher He said Any opportunity is important You should never give it up easily Later on I made good use of every opportunity I ll never forget him Hi I m Lucy The time I traveled to Qingdao with my classmates was the most unforgettable experience We swam in the sea and caught crabs 螃蟹 on the beach We played games and enjoyed the beautiful scenery I will never forget that trip Hi I m Jim I took part in the red song competition with my classmates last year Every day we rehearsed 排练 very hard in order to get a good result Because of our hard work we achieved a good result in the competition 1 给 段材料中选择一个合适的标题 2 In which part of a magazine can you most probably read this passage 不超过 3 词 21 10 分 阅读理解 第 14 页 共 19 页 Kim Min joo 13 South Korea 韩国 Most children love sking 滑雪 during the winter holidays In the summer holidays some students go on a trip in their country Summer holidays mid July mid August Winter holidays mid December the end of January Hayashi Misa 13 Japan During the holidays some children spend their time in school clubs Other children may have a trip with their families Summer holidays mid July late August Winter holidays the end of December early January Sophie Shan 14 America In the summer holidays most kids like to go to summer camps Some students choose to study abroad 在国外 during the winter holidays Summer holidays mid June early September Winter holidays mid December early January 1 Summer holidays in South Korea last A half a month B one month C one and a half months D two months 2 In Japan children often during the holidays A ski B camp C join school clubs D go abroad 3 The winter holidays of America are that of Japan 第 15 页 共 19 页 A shorter than B longer than C the same as D more boring than 4 From the form we can know that A the three children are of the same age B Hayashi Misa is a South Korean girl C Kim Min joo has two long holidays a year D Sophie Shan s summer holidays are the shortest 5 The form is mainly about in different countries A school holidays B school life C students D school clubs 五 词汇 每空一词 共 1 题 共 1 分 22 1 分 Mrs White and Mrs Smith are great 音乐家 六 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 共 5 题 共 11 分 23 1 分 2016 八下 靖江期末 Remember that you have to do something before others in order to be success 24 1 分 2016 九下 兴化期末 Remember that everyone can do something to make a different to our nature 25 7 分 阅读下面短文 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 必要时可加助动词或情态动词 A 第 16 页 共 19 页 Do you still remember Old Henry Last Sunday he go for a walk with Wang Wang his cute dog It was a nice day Old Henry sat down and watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat Then it was time to go home Old Henry looked for his dog But Wang Wang be not there Now Old Henry is very sad He miss his dog and doesn t want to do anything B My pen pal Peter came to Beijing 3 months ago These days he learn Chinese in a language school He likes traveling And he already visit many great places of interest in our country Next month he fly to Harbin for the summer vacation I am sure he will have a good time 26 1 分 We should take more measure to satisfy people s needs 27 1 分 2016 九上 个旧期中 They are not afraid of out of money run 七 首字母填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 28 10 分 2016 九上 宁津月考 阅读短文 根据短文内容及首字母提示 在空白处填入一个适当的单 词 必要时进行词形变化 I packed and was ready to leave for my two day trip I had been busy with my work I had made preparations for the t for the last few days and I expected to get r for several days As I got into the car to leave my mind flew to my kids How to keep in touch with your kids when you re busy or far away is a dilemma 两难的问题 many fathers have Men like to focus special attention on one thing for a long period but this can lead to trouble Moving from work to family isn t always an easy thing And if you don t s your kids that you re thinking about them they may think that you don t care As I started down the road I suddenly stopped to t back to my house and wrote a short message on a c of cards to each of my children I put each in a secret place where I knew they d find it 第 17 页 共 19 页 When I called the next night they both said excitedly Daddy I got your card When did you do that I was moved when I heard these words What I had never thought was that a small thing had a big influence on my kids It proved 证明 that they were in my h And distance 距离 couldn t separate them from their f To my satisfaction they feel love of their father This v experience encouraged me to continue to do the small things to be a responsible father As fathers get much busier and have to work longer hours they usually pay l attention to the small things Don t miss the good chances to let your kids see how important they are Take a moment to do a small thing for your kids It won t s small to them 八 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 29 5 分 2017 七下 临淄期中 假设 Bill 是你最好的朋友 请你根据表格中的信息 写一篇短文介绍 一下 Bill 要求 60 词左右 姓名 Bill 年龄 13 爱好 玩电子游戏和打篮球 能力 唱歌 弹钢琴 到校时间 早上 7 40 放学时间 下午 4 30 到校方式 乘公共汽车 从家到学校 约 10 公里 My best friend 第 18 页 共 19 页 参考答案 一 单选选择 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 共 15 题 共 30 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 二 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 16 答案 略 三 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 22 分 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 第 19 页 共 19 页 19 答案 略 四 任务型阅读 共 2 题 共 16 分 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 五 词汇 每空一词 共 1 题 共 1 分 22 答案 略 六 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 共 5 题 共 11 分 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 26 答案 略 27 答案 略 七 首字母填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 28 答案 略 八 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 29 答案 略


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