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Unit 4 Amazing things(A)1、Yesterday I met Amy _.A. on my way home B.in my way home C. on my way to home D.in my way to home答案:A。home是副词,除了stay at home 这个固定短语外,一般之前不用任何介词。在路上,用介词on.因此用on my way home.2、He turned around, but he couldnt see_.A. something unusual B.anything unusual C.unusual anything D. unusual something答案:B。首先,“看不见任何不同寻常的东西”是否定句,在否定句中用anything,不用something。形容词修饰something和anything的时候放在这两个词的后面。因此选B。3、Mun is ill. I have to _her at home.A. look for B. look at C.look around D.look after答案:选D。根据全句的语境,妈妈病了,我应该是照顾她。“照顾”的对应短语是look after。Look for的意思是“寻找”look at的意思是“看着”,look around的意思是四周回头看看,都与题意不符。因此选择答案D。4、Can you _this word _English.A. speak, with B. say, in C. speak, in D. say, with答案:选B。首先,speak后只能跟某种语言,如speak Chinese, speak Japanese. say后面跟说话的内容如say the word,用何种语言说,需用介词in。5、Listen to me! I have _to tell you.A. important something B. important anything C.something important D. anything important.答案:选C。“有一些重要的事情要告诉你”。此句是肯定句,因此选择something.而一些“重要的事情”。重要的应当放在something之后来修饰something.6、The old man lives _, but he doesnt feel _.A. alone, alone B. lonely, lonely C. alone, lonely D. lonely, alone答案:C。此题意在检测学生对alone和lonely意义的区分。alone意为“单独地、独自地”,lonely意为“孤独的、寂寞的”。根据全句整体意义把握,意在说“那个老人独自居住,但他不觉得孤独。”因而选择答案C。7、_ interesting story it is!A. What B. How C. What a D. What an答案:D。此题考察对感叹句的掌握情况。“多有趣的一个故事啊!”首先“故事”可数,排除A和B。其次,因为interesting以元音开头,故当用an而不用a.所以选择答案D。8、There isnt _ in todays newspaper.A. something interesting B. interesting somethingC. anything interesting D. interesting anything答案:C。首先,此句为否定句。在否定句中,我们用anything而不用something。其次,修饰anything的形容词应当放在anything之后。故选择答案C。9、Kitty and Millie _ to tell each other amazing things last night.A. take turns B. took turns C. took photos D. took place答案:B。首先关注句末极为明显的表示时间的短语”last night”,因而排除答案A。句中想表达的意思是“凯蒂和米莉昨晚轮流给对方讲述奇幻的事情”。“轮流”当用”take turns”.C的意思是照相,D答案的意思为发生,都与题意不符。故选B。10、A tortoise can live _ 150 years old.A. up to B. up at C. up for D. up答案:A。“多达”用短语up to表示。11、The man is 182 centimeters _A. long B. tall C. wide D. deep 答案: B.句子的意思是:这个人有1米82高。讲人有多高的时候,我们用tall不用high.wide的意思是宽,deep是深,都不符合题意,因此选择B。12、She was very tired after _ for three hours.A. walking B. walks C. walked D. walk答案:选A。after是介词,介词后的动词用ing形式。故选A13、Could you teach me how to make a lantern_.A. You are welcome. B. No problem.C. Thank you. D. Never mind.答案:B。日常交际用语。14、Mr. Black wrote _ article for the Reading Club last week.A. a eight-hundred words B. eight-hundred wordsC. an eight-hundred-word D. an eight-hundred word答案:C。首先,一篇八百字的文章,文章可数,排除B。eight是元音开头,排除A。“八百字的”这个概念应当用C来表示。与此用法类似的还有 an eight-year-old boy.15、Are these shoes _? No, they arent _. They are _.A. your, yours, Marys. B. yours, mine, Marys. C. mine, mine, Yours D. mine, yours, yours.答案:B.考察名词性物主代词的用法。首先,空格处肯定都填名词性物主代词,排除答案A。根据句意,应当说:-这些是你的鞋么?-不是,他们不是。他们是玛丽鞋。故选B。16、_beautiful your dress is!A. How B. What C. How a D. What a答案:A。我们看到空格后只有一个形容词beautiful,那只能用how来领起句子。故选A。17、A person cannot sneeze and _ his eyes _ at the same time.A. lets, open B. keep, open C. lets, close D. keep, close答案:B。首先,第一空的动词与sneeze地位均等,都属于不能做的事情,所以此处的动词当用原形。根据句意和常识,人不能在打喷嚏的同时睁着眼睛。因此选B。keep后加形容词,表示保持某种状态。如keep warm,保暖。18、It_about three hours to go from my home to school.A.costs B. takes C spends D.wastes答案:B。此句的固定句型就是 it takes (sb)some time to do sth. 表示做某事花费了某人多少时间。Spend的主语应当是人,cost后面应该直接跟人表示“耗费”19、Lily _ a bad cold a few days ago. Now she is _ hospital.A. catches, in the B. gets, in theC. caught, in D. got, in 答案:C。Lily得了重感冒,“得了”应当说catch a bad cold.而这里有明显的时间标志a few days ago.所以选择C。in hospital 和 in the hospital的区别是:前者表示生病住院,后者表示去医院(看望家属等等)20、Im sure she will _ learn English well.A. can B. be able C. be able to D. can be able to答案:C。我相信她将能把英文学好。“将”已经说了是will,因此后面的“能”就是be able to do sth这个固定短语。二、完形填空Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children, _21_ students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn _22_ ? It is not _23_ to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school. It is one of their _24_. Many people learn English because it is _25_ in their work. Some young people learn English _26_ their higher studies because some of their books are _27_ English. Other people learn English because they want to _28_ newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to _29_ in the USA, England or Australia. English is very _30_ in our life.21、A. all B. the other C. both D. other22、A. English B. Chinese C. Maths D. Japanese23、A. hard B. easy C. good D. nice24、A. books B. classes C. schools D. subjects25、A. good B. useful C. fine D. pleased26、A. for B. of C. to D. from27、A. in B. with C. at D. to28、A. look B. see C. look at D. read29、A. go B. work C. like D. come30、A. help B. helping C. helps D. helpful答案:BABDB AADBD解析:21. B。“其中的一些是孩子,其他的是年轻人。”因此当选择B,表示“其他的”22. A。根据文章第一句“每年许多国家的孩子学英语”所以这句应当是“为什么都想学英文呢?”其他选项都不符合题意。23.B.“回答这个问题”应当是不容易。这句的回答应当联系后文,这个问题的回答分好几类,这样才能归纳出“回答这个问题很难”。此题有一定难度。24.D 英语是学校的“学科”之一。其他选项都不符合要求。所以选择答案D25. B.全句的意思为“因为在工作中很有用”,所以用”useful”其他选项都不符合题意。26.A“有些人为了深造而学英语”。要表达“为了”这个意思,当用for。27.A,用某种语言写成,应该用in Chinese / English / Spanish.28.D. 读报,看报的内容,应当说read the newspaper,而不能受到中文“看报”的影响说lookat the newspaper。29.B上面说了学习、深造。此处就要从另外的层面进行解读,因此当选择“工作”作为还有一部分学习英语的原因。30.D“英语在我们生活中很有用”所以应当在此处用形容词,所以选择”helpful”.阅读理解:Henry was from the United States and he had come to London for a holiday.One day he was not feeling well. So he was to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and said, I want to see a doctor. Can you give me the name of a good one?The clerk looked in a book, and said, “Dr. Grey.Is he expensive? Well, the clerk answered, he always asks for his patients two pounds for their first visit to him, and 1.5 pounds for later visit. Henry decided (决定) to save 50 pence. When he went to see the doctor he said, Ive come again, doctor. For a few seconds the doctor looked at his face carefully without saying anything. Then he nodded and said, Oh, yes. He examined (检查) him and then said, Everythings going as it should do. Just continue with the medicine (药) I gave you last time. 31. Henry came to London_. A. to do some shopping B. to visit friend C. to spend his holiday D. to find a job32. He wanted to see a good doctor because_.A. he was feeling badB. he could save 50 penceC. he wanted to take some medicine homeD. a good doctor was very expensive33. The first visit to the doctor cost_ later visit. A. as much as B. less than C. more than D. no more than34. In fact Henry_. A. paid the doctor two pounds B. paid nothing to the doctor C. got medicine more worth 2 pounds D. got no advice from the doctor35. Henry tried to make the doctor believe that_.A. he wasnt illB. he had been to his clinic(门诊部)beforeC. he saw a friend of hisD. he wasnt feeling well答案:CACDB解析:31.C. 根据题中第一句话的后半部分he had come to London for a holiday可以选出答案C。32.A. 根据原文第二段第一句话可得出此答案。33.C. 根据原文中clerk的回答可以得到此答案。34.DHenry本想通过说Ive come again, doctor.“医生我又来了”的方式得到优惠占到便宜。结果医生却不中计,对他说Just continue with the medicine I gave you last time.,根据上次的方子继续服药好了,让Henry吃了个哑巴亏。实际上Henry花了1.5磅却什么也没得到。35.B 从上文的Ive come again, doctor.得出此答案.Henry试图让医生相信他来过,从而少花治疗费。(1)试卷录入表试卷编号系统自动考试名称英语学科初一(下)试卷一、Unit 4 Amazing things所属年级初一所属学科英语所属单元Unit 4分制100时限30分钟命题人顾钰婕主编曹伦华 中学特级参加考试人数系统自动总得分系统自动 (2)试卷结构细目表题型题序分值知识点 比重预计难度系数基础中等稍难较难单项选择12.5词汇,短语,语法结构100%0.6422.5100%0.6732.5100%0.7142.5100%0.65 52.5100%0.7462.5100%0.7272.5100%0.782.5100%0.7992.5100%0.80102.5100%0.69112.5100%0.81122.5100%0.77132.5100%0.69142.5100%0.81152.5100%0.66162.5100%0.59 172.5100%0.60182.5100%0.83192.5100%0.71202.5100%0.67完型填空213综合运用100%0.61223100%0.92233100%0.80243100%0.9253100%0.81263100%0.83273100%0.8283100%0.91293100%0.7303100%0.72阅读理解314综合阅读100%0.81324100%0.8334100%0.81344100%0.7354100%0.81合计351000.73 42093Unit 4 Amazing things(B)一、 单项选择题( )1. Its really _news!A. a interesting B. an interested C. an interesting D. interesting答案:D。“这真是有趣的新闻!”有趣味的、令人感兴趣的,应当用interesting;表示“有兴趣的,对有兴趣的”时候,才用interested。而此处的news“新闻”是不可数名词,因此不需要用冠词a, an 或者the.。此处放在interesting.所以选择答案D。( )2. I would like to play basketball for some time. Could you please _my bike? A. look for B. look afterC. look upD. look at答案:B。原句的意思是“我要玩会儿篮球,你能帮我看一下车吗?”此题考察学生是否受到中文的干扰。此处的“看一下”意思为“照看”一下。“照看”应当为”look after”.而不能选择答案D,看一眼我的自行车。有一定难度。( )3. _!What can you_?A. Hear; listenB. Listen; listenC. Listen; hear D. Hear; hear答案:C。listen表示“听”这个动作;hear表示“听到”的结果。原句的意思为“听!你能听到什么?”因此应当选择答案C。( )4. What_there? Lets go and see.A. is happened B.has happened C happeningD.was happening答案:选择答案B. happen不能用在被动语态中,较容易错。因此排除答案A和D.C答案不符合语法规范,同样排除。因而选B。( )5. He showed the box _ me.A. toB. for C. / D. with答案:A。此句考察“向某人展示某物”的说法。其固定表达法为show sth to sb或者show sb sth.( ) 6. They were _ the result. A. surprised to B. surprising at C. surprised at D. surprising with答案:C。be surprised at是“对感到吃惊”的固定表达法。其他答案均不对。某人感到惊讶,应当用surprised. surprising应当用来修饰令人惊讶的事情。( )7. Tom is _ football. When he cannot find a football, he kicks a stone or a can. A. interested atB. crazy aboutC. crazy withD. interested on答案:B。表示“对热衷的,狂热的”时候,用be crazy about,介词用about,其他搭配不存在。Interested的搭配应当用 be interested in.( )8. It _ a happy day yesterday, right? A. hasB. isC. wasD. were答案:C。由句中的yesterday“昨天”这个明显的时间词看出,应该用过去时。( )9. The last dinosaurs _ more than 60million years ago. A. died B. deadC. were diedD. die答案:A。因为后面有明显的时间词”60million years ago”.所以肯定排除答案D。( )10. Do you know _? A. what to do it B. how to do it C. how to do D. what we to do答案:选B。“怎样做这件事”要用”how to do it”,而“做什么事”用what to do. D答案应该说what we can do. 11._school is much larger than _. Really?A. Our, your B. Our, yours C. Ours, yours D. We ,you答案:B。“我们的学校”应当用our,而后面进行比较时,是将你们的学校和我们的学校进行比较。因此第二空要用名词性物主代词。故选B。12.I dont like the colour of the T-shirt. Would you show me _one?A. other B. the other C. another D. others答案:C。意思是我不喜欢这件衣服的颜色,能给我看其他的吗?“其他的”用another,表示另一件。( ) 13.Is the maths problem _? Yes , I can work it out_A. easy, easily B. easy, easy C. easily, easy D. easily, easily答案:A。这条数学题很容易吗?此处应当用形容词easy;后一空:我能轻松做出来,当用easily.( ) 14.Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive_ Paris_ the morning of July 9. A. at, in B. in, on C. in, in D. at, on答案:B。本题考察arrive的用法。到达大地点用arrive in,到达小地点用arrive at.“在早上”我们用in the morning,但在具体某天的早上,我们用on the morning of ( ) 15. What _ weather! Lets go out together, _ ? A. a bad; will you B. bad; shall we C. nice the; shall we D. the bad; shall we答案:B。weather不可数。固定说法为What bad weather!如果是名词,应当用what ( )16. Tom _ his brother _ playing basketball very much.A. like; likes B. like; like C. likes; like D. likes; likes 答案:A。首先要分清这里的like是什么意思,再根据具体词义分辨出词性进行选择。此举的意思为“tom,和他的哥哥一样,都喜欢打篮球”因此,第一空为介词,“像一样”;第二空是“喜欢”的意思,同时,要注意,主语仍然是”tom”,谓语( ) 17.We stopped_ , but heard nothing.A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening D. to listening to答案:A。listen是不及物动词,因此后面不跟名词时,不要加to;stop to do表示停下来去做另外的事情。Stop doing表示停下干某事。( ) 18.Is there _ in todays paper? A. new anything B. new something C. anything new D. something new答案:C。“今天的报纸上有什么新的东西么?”anything要放在前面,new放在anything的后面修饰anything,表示新的东西。( ) 19. Thats _ bedroom.A. Lucys and Lilys B. Lucy and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lily答案:B。此题要关注bedroom,说明两个人是共用的一间房间。因此应当用Lucy and Lilys.如果是每人一间,应当用 Lucys and Lilys bedrooms. ( ) 20.I found a book _ on the floor.A. lying B. lay C. to lie D. laying答案:A. “我发现地上躺着一本书”。find sb/sth do或者find sb/sth doing都存在。本处更强调”书正躺在地上”,所以要用lying。 二、完形填空Mrs Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. On a Friday afternoon she finished_21_ housework and went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and 22 outside. She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses and small animals 23 the farm. Suddenly she saw a kangaroo under the window. It was interesting to see that it was _ 24 an old jacket. It stood there and was hungry. Mrs Brown gave some bread 25 nuts to it. The kangaroo ate them 26 Then it became happy and jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the 27 from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! She picked it up, opened it and found there was $ 300 and a photo in it. That was a mans photo with his name John on it. John? She looked more 28 and remembered she had a brother many years ago. His name was also John. Is this man my lost brother? she thought. She took the wallet with her and began to 29 the man. She asked many people in the town, and then she came to the farm and asked the farmer. To her surprise, he was John, her lost brother. They were very excited and 30 to see each other.( )21. A. his B. our C. their D. her( )22. A. looked B. saw C. look D. see( )23. A. for B. out C. on D. from( )24. A. wears B. wearing C. wear D. has( )25. A. on B. and C. but D. nor( )26. A. all B. none C. any D. many( )27. A. back B. water C. river D. ground( )28. A. careful B. carefullyC. care D. careless( )29. A. find B. call C. look for D. look after( )30. A. sad B. angry C. late D. happy解析:21.D.句首告诉你了是Mrs.说明是女士,因此此题应当选择her,表示“她的”、22.A.前文是opened,所以在and后的动词要保持前后时态的一致,因而选择答案A,都用过去时时态。23.C在农场上,要用固定短语”on the farm”.24.B.“穿着一件旧夹克”应该用主动态。前面用了was 所以要求填的是正穿着一件旧夹克,用正在进行时,所以选择wearing.25.B根据上下文,应该推出是给了一些面包和坚果,因此选择答案B。26.A根据前文“袋鼠非常饿”,得出答案:它把布朗夫人给的食物全都吃了。27.D根据后文和常识判断,一些东西应该是掉在了地方,其他选项意思为“掉回来”“掉进水里”“掉进河里”,与文章意思不符。28. B. ABC的意思都是“小心点儿”D是粗心,明显不对。“看得更仔细些”应当选择副词。如果选择careful那就是“她看上去很小心”与上下文意思不符。 29.C此题稍有难度,要区分清look for 和find。find是说找到,强调结果。Look for表示寻找的过程。30.D找到亲人了应该很开心,因此选择答案D。三、阅读理解A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail in the exam if you are lazy(懒惰) for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English. Speak in English whenever you can. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not stay up late studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper, try to understand the exact(确切的) meaning of each question. When you have at least finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct(改正) the mistakes if there are any, and be sure that you have not missed anything out. 31. How can we do well in exams?A. We should work hard every day in the year. B. We should go to bed early a few days before an exam.C. We should read over the answers before we hand in our papers.D. We should do A, B, C. 32. Learning rules of grammar _ to pass an exam. A. is enough B. is not enough C. is not impossible D. is no use 33. Speak in English whenever you can. It is _ to your English study. A. helpful B. impossible C. wonderful D. foolish 34. Make sure that you _ before you hand in your paper. A. remember rules of grammar B. have thought over and over again C. have answered all the questions D. have read stories in English 35. In the sentence “Do not stay up late at night studying”, the expression “stay up” means _. A. 逗留 B. 呆坐 C. 熬夜 D. 停止答案:DBABC解析:31. D,ABC三种方法文中都讲到。此题要求学生将选项看完整方能得出正确答案。 32. B。文章第二行至第三行说If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar.。如果你要参加英语考试,不要仅仅学习语法规则。这就说明如果仅仅学习语法规则,那是不够的。 33. A。一有空就学英语对你的英语学习是“有用的”。有学生会误选C。wonderful是“厉害的伟大的”意思,不够确切,因此选择最佳答案A. 34B根据文章最后两句话得到答案。 35. C. stay up(late)是“熬夜的”意思。根据上下文我们也能猜出此短语的意思。所以选择答案C。其他答案都与文意不符。本卷由100测评网整理上传,专注于中小学生学业检测,练习与提升.


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