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Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Try not to translate every word.单词1. translate(v. )翻译2. translation(n.)翻译3. correct(v. & adj.)改正,纠正;正确的,对的4. match(n.)将、配对5. number(v.& n.)给、标号码;数字,号码6. repeat(v.)重复7. grammer(n.)语法8. pronunciation(n.)语音, 发音9. writing(n.)写作,文章10. punctuation(n.)标点符号11. spelling(n.)拼写12. term(n.)学期13. advice(n.)建议14. mistake(n.)错误15. notebook(n.)笔记本16. else(adj.&adv.)别的,其他17. radio(n.)收音机18. newspaper(n.)报纸19. message(n.)信息,信20. each(pron.)各个,每个21. other(pron)不同的人(或物)22. excellent(adj.)好极了,卓越的,极好的23. orchestra(n.)管弦乐队必背短语及句型1. try to do sth. 试做某事2. try not to do sth. 试着不去做某事3. translate sth. into . 把、翻译成、4. welcome back to 欢迎返回、5. a new term新学期6. give sb. some advice给某人点建议7. give sb. an advice给某人个建议8. Why dont you do sth? =Why not do sth?为什么不做某事?9. be ready to do sth准备好去做某事10. write down写下、记下11. make a mistake犯错误12. in your notebooks 在你的练习本上13. the correct spelling正确的拼写14. what else = what another thing 别的什么 15. Its a good idea. = Thats a good idea.那是一个好注意。16. Its a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好注意。17. check the vocabulary notebook 检查单词本18. write email messages to each other彼此之间写电子邮件19. Thanks a lot. = Thank you very much.多谢。20. How about doing sth? = What about doing sth?做某事如何?21. read a newspaper读报纸22. play in her school orchestra在她学校的管弦乐队23. do (give) a concert举行音乐会24. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人25. send sb. email messages 给某人发送电子邮件26. forget to do sth忘记去做某事Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 2 Please help me!单词1. send(v.)发送,寄2. language(n.)语言3. improve(v.)提高4. basic(adj.)主要的,最重要的5. watch(v. & n.)看,观察,注视;手表6. guess(v.) 猜,猜测7. just (adv.) (引起注意,表示允许等)请,就8. yourself (pron.) 你自己9. shy (adj.) 害羞10. conversation(n.) 谈话11. deep (adj.) 深的12. breath (n.) 呼吸13.smile (v.) 微笑14. remember (v.) 记住;想起;记着15.forget (v.) 忘记16. piece (n.) 一张(或则,件等)17. place (v.) 放置18. count (v.) 数19. accent (n.) 口音20. wish (n.& v.) 祝福必背短语及句型1. ask for advice询求意见2. ask for advice about improving their English询求提高英语成绩的意见3. three basic questions三个基本问题4. real English 真正(地道)的英语5. enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事6. enjoy watching English film喜欢看英文电影7. listen to real English songs听地道的英文歌曲8. the meaning of 、的意思9. a great way to learn English学英语的好办法10. good questions to start conversation 开始对话的好问题11. be shy 羞涩、害羞12. take a deep breath 深呼吸13. on a piece of paper在纸上14. say English names for everything you see说你所见到的每件东西的英文名字15. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间。16. advice sb. to do sth.建议某人去做某事17. the best way to learn vocabulary 学词汇的最好办法18. find it easy to do sth发现做某事是容易的19. have a conversation进行会话20. the number of 、的数量21. make sb. do sth使得某人做某事22. all the time一直,始终23. Its hard to do sth. 做某事是难得。24. best wishes美好的祝福25. make a list制作清单26. think about 思考、考虑27. the things youre not good at 你不擅长的东西28. get better 取得进步、变的更好Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 3 Language in use单词1. borrow (v.) 借2. group (n.) 组3.mark (n.) 分数4.club (n.) 俱乐部5.start (v.) 创办;开办;发动6.together (adv.) 一起;共同7.hear (v.) 听见必背短语及句型1. how to learn English如何学英语2. Why dont you do sth.?为什么不做某事?3. write down写下、记下4. Its good idea to do sth. 做某事是好注意。5. How about doing sth?做某事如何?6. try not to do sth试着不去做某事7. translateinto把、翻译成、8. borrow sth. from sb.从某人那借某物9. get good marks得到好的分数10. get bad marks得到差的分数11. Its difficult to do sth.做某事是困难的。12. leave my homework at home把作业忘在家里13. a new book to read一本要读的新书14. remember to do sth记得去做某事15. practice doing sth练习做某事16. Its good for . 对、是有好处的。17. look for 寻找18. some people who speak English 一些说英语的人19. say hello to sb 对某人说好20. say goodbye to sb.对某人说再见21. make friends with和、交朋友22. show sb around 带领某人参观(游览)、23. an English club英语俱乐部24. start with 和、一起创建、25. invite sb. to 邀请某人到、26. The Times泰吾士报27. 21st Century Teens21世纪英文报(中学生版)28. on the Internet在网上29. English language sites英语网页30. China Radio International中国国际广播电台31. English study plan英语学习计划32. be good at擅长、33. be week in 不擅长、,、差


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