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课题名称初一英语上海牛津版Unit 2语法总结复习 there be结构教学目标同步教学知识内容Unit 2语法总结复习个性化学习问题解决there be结构教学重点there be结构教学难点there be结构讲与练教学内容I名词三. 名词的普通格作定语表材料、地点、用途、性质、泛指时间、整体等普通名词可以作定语,一般用单数形式。eg. stone figures(石像);paper money(纸币);country music(乡村音乐);table cloth(桌布);river bank(河岸);school gate(校门口);book stores(书店);traffic lights(交通灯);summer holidays(暑假);evening dress(晚礼服)。但在个别情况下,也有需用复数的。eg. sports meet(运动会);the United States government(美国政府);students reading-room(学生阅览室);goods train(货车);two men doctors(两个男医生)。四. 重难点讲解: 1. I found her sitting in the corner, reading _ newspaper, with _ in her eyes.A. a, tear B. a piece of, tears C. a, tears D. a piece of, tear陷阱:误选D,许多学生错误地认为,既然news(消息)和 paper(纸)均为不可数名词,那么newspaper(报纸)也应是不可数的;同时认为“眼泪”即“泪水”,“水”不可数,“泪水”和“眼泪”也应该不可数。分析:最佳答案为C。newspaper和 tear均为可数名词,它们不仅可以连用不定冠词、可以用复数,而且还可以连用数词。Her eyes filled with tears. 她热泪盈眶。She dried her tears with a handkerchief. 她用手帕擦干了眼泪。The newspapers were full of lies. 报纸上一片谎言。A newspaper is a publication. 报纸是一种出版物。2. Her father works as a _ in a hotel and her mother a _ in a private company. A. cooker, typewriter B. cook, typist C. cooker, typist D. cook, typewriter陷阱:误选A,许多同学想当然地认为:cook 用作动词,表示“煮饭”,所以 cooker 应是其相应的名词,表示“煮饭的人”,即“厨师”;type 用作动词,表示“打字”,所以 typewriter 应表示“打字员”。分析:“而事实是:cook=厨师,cooker=炊具;typist=打字员,typewriter=打字机。即此题正确答案为B。3. “Why couldnt they meet us at five oclock?” “Because they were delayed by _.”A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics陷阱:B、C、D三项均容易误选。分析:对于此题,首先要明确traffic为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故排除B和D。另外,汉语习惯说“交通拥挤”,而英语习惯上却不能用crowded 来修饰 traffic,要表示汉语的“交通拥挤”,英语通常说heavy traffic,即选A。如下面一题也是选A:She is not a competent driver and cant cope with driving in _.A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics4. In fact, _ one cause that leads to the problem. A. cattle is B. cattle are C. cattles are D. the cattles are陷阱:此题容易误选A,想当然地认为cattle是单数,并且空格有表单数的one,自然谓语动词用is。陷阱:其实,正确答案为B。cattle(牲畜,牛)为集合名词,尽管它不带复数词尾-s,却永远表示复数意义,若用作主语,谓语要用复数。又如:For this many cattle were killed. 为此宰了不少牲畜。The prisoners were herded like cattle. 囚犯像牲口一样被赶到一起。类似地,police(警察),people(人),police(警察),poultry(家禽)等也具有同样用法,即只有单数形式,但却表示复数意义;用作主语时谓语通常也用复数;不与 a(n) 连用,但可与the连用(表示总括意义和特指)。如:The poultry have been fed. 家禽已经喂过饲料了。In Britain police do not usually carry guns. 在英国警察通常不带枪。It annoys me when people forget to say “thank you”. 遇到有人忘记道谢的时候,我就不痛快。5. By all _, you must try every _ to help him.A. mean, mean B. means, means C. means, mean D. mean, means陷阱:误选C,认为第一空前有all修饰,故用means,而第二空前有every修饰,故用mean。分析:其实,means是一个单复数同形的名词,并且永远带有尾-s。换句话说,在表示“方式”、“方法”时,不存在mean这一形式(mean主要用作动词,表示“意思是”;也可用作名词,表示“中间”、“中庸”)。此题正确答案为C,by all means为习语,意为“一定”、“尽一切办法”。顺便说一句,means用作主语时,其谓语的数需根据句意来确定。比较:All possible means have been tried. 所有可能的办法都已经试过了。Every possible means has been tried. 每种可能的办法都已经试过了。若句意不能明确地表明主语的单复数,其谓语则用单数或复数均可。如:Is Are there any other means of getting more money? 还有其他什么办法可弄到更多钱吗?【名词典型例题】1. Ten years had passed. I found she had _. A. a few white hairs B. a little white hair C. some white hair D. more fifty hair2.Hi, this way, please.OK.I sometimes have no sense of _ when I arrive at the crossroad.A. position B. direction C. situation D. condition3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _. A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire 4. I didnt have to work all weekend I did it by _. A. chance B. choice C. accident D. myself5. “Did you get _ to the party?” “Yes, I replied to it this morning.” A. an answer B. an invitation C. a question D. a letter6. I paid him 50 for the painting, but its true _ must be at least 500. A. price B. money C. value D. importance7. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any _ of it.A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. guess8. Youve just missed your _, and you will have to wait for the next round.A. chance B. turn C. time D. part9. Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well.Its no _ he always gets the first place in any examination.A. question B. doubt C. problem D. wonder10. How can I use this washing machine?Well, just refer to the _.A. explanations B. expressions C. introductions D. directions11. Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the _.A. rooms number B. room number C. rooms numbers D. room numbers12. Hello, Id like to speak to Henry. Oh, which _? There are two _ in our office.A. Henrys, Henrys B. Henries, Henries C. Henry, Henrys D. Henrys, Henries13. Electricity, like other forms of _, has greatly increased in price in recent years. A. pressure B. force C. strength D. energy 14. In order to learn the _ of the family business, Bill took a job as messenger boy in one of the offices.A. ins and outs B. dos and donts C. heads and tails D. ts and is15. Ive got an “A” in the examination. Thats a good _. You will surely win a second.A. result B. news C. start D. idea答案与解析:1. 选A。hair 可用作可数或不可数名词,用作可数名词时,指一根一根的毛发或头发,如说 Theres a hair in my soup (我的汤里有根头发);用作不可数名词时,则是整体地指一个人的头发。2. 选B。需根据句意来分析。have no sense of direction 意为“没有方向感”。3. 选B。需根据句意来分析。attempt 在此表示“尝试”。4. 选B,由于上文说 didnt have to work,所以下文相应的语境应是 did it by choice。类似地,下面一题应选D,也是因为choice与下文的have to do it 相呼应:Were you given a _, or did you have to do it? A. job B. duty C. request D. choice 5. 选 B。注意其后的 to the party 和 replied to it。6. 选C。value 指“价值”。7. 选C。make sense of 意为“明白”、“理解”。比较:make sense 意为“有意义”、“意思清楚”、“有道理”。如下面一题选D:What he told us about the situation simply doesnt make any _.A. use B. reason C. value D. sense8. 选B。miss ones turn 意为“错过机会”,注意下文的 have to wait for the next round 所表示的语境。9. 选D。its no wonder (+that从句)的意思是“难怪”,也可说成 No wonder (+that从句)。10. 选D。directions 的意思是“使用说明”,空格前的 refer to 意为“查看”、“参考”。11. 选D。room 为无生命名词,不用 rooms 这样的所有格形式,在此可直接用名词作定语。类似地,下面一题要选B,也是一样的道理(名词作定语通常用单数不用复数):The boy was very happy that his mother bought him a new pair of shoes at a _ yesterday.A. shoes shop B. shoe shop C. shoess shop D. shoes12. 选C。在通常情况下,专有名词具有“独一无二”性,因此它通常没有复数形式,即不可数。但是,专有名词的独一无二性有时是相对的,随着范围的扩大,这种独一无二性便会受到破坏。如在一个星期(week)内,只有一个星期六(Saturday), 一个星期日(Sunday)等,但是在一个月中甚至一年中,便有多个星期六,多个星期日了。所以我们有时可以说:We have spent many happy Sundays there. 我们在那儿度过了许多个愉快的星期日。另外一点值得注意的是,与一般的名词单数变复数不同,以“辅音字母+y”结尾的专有名词,其直接加词尾-s,而不将y改为i。13. 选D。从常识来考虑,electricity 属于 energy,结合全句的语境,只有D最合适。同样地,下面一题从常识和语境来考虑也应选D:(1)Some countries are increasing their use of natural gas, and other forms of _. A. source B. material C. power D. energy (2)The _ has become extremely tense. A war could break out any time between the two sides.A. pollution B. friendship C. condition D. situation14. 选A。ins and outs 意为“细节”,dos and donts 意为“注意事项”,heads or tails 为掷钱币打赌时用语,意为“你赌正面还是赌反面”,ps and qs主要用于 mind ones ps and qs,意为“留意自己的言行”。结合句意,选A最合适。15. 选C。从语法上看,news 不可选,因为它不可数;从意义上看,D不可选,因为选D意思不通;比较A和C,选C最合适,因为 start与下文的 a second 相吻合II. there be结构讲与练“there be” 结构在英语中表示某处有某物。there 之后除了可以用is, was, are, were外,还可以用其他含有be的各种谓语表现形式。这种结构在英语中应用非常广泛。现将其用法归纳总结如下:一、“there be” 之后如有一系列事物,be 应与靠 近的一个名词保持数的一致 例 There is a book, two pens and some pictures on the table.There are dozens of students and a teacher in the classroom.二、“there be 结构中的谓语动词可以是“be going to ( seem to , happen to , used to , be likely to ) ”+ 动词原形 例 There happened to be a car nearby. There is likely to be a meeting at 5.三、“here be”结构中还可以用be以外的不及物动词,如 live , exist , stand , lie , remain , go, come 等 例 There stands a tall tree on the top of the mountain. There lies a small river between the two hills.四、 “There be”结构中的谓语动词有时可用被动形式 例 There was said to be troops on the frontiers . There was said to be a number of the wounded on both sides.五、“ there be” 结构的非限定形式there to be, there being, 它们可作主语,宾语或状语 1. 作主语 “there being” 可起名词作用, 直接位于句首作主语; there to be + 名词词组作主语, 通常用for 引导。例 There being a bus stop near the house is a great advantage. It is impossible for there to be any more.2. 作宾语(1) 作动词宾语时,通常用“there to be” 结构 。能这样用的及物动词为数有限,常见的有 expect, like, mean, intend ,want , prefer, hate等。 例 We expect there to be no argument. Would you like there to be a picture on the wall?(2) 作介词宾语时,如果介词是for,便只能用“there to be”结构,否则多用“there being”结构。 例 The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence. The secretary arranged for there to be another interview.3. 作状语用作状语的there be非谓语形式,通常用there being结构。 例 There being nobody in the room, he didnt go in.There being no further business, the chairman closed the meeting.注意:如果句中出现for时应用there to be 例 It was too late for there to be any buses. Its too early for there to be anybody up.【巩固练习】1. It isnt cold enough for there _ a frost tonight, so I can leave Jims car out quite safely.A. to be B. would be C. being D. was2. -Did you hear about the fire down the street?-There _a lot of news about it on TV last night.A. was B. had C. is D. were3. There _ many changes in the village recently.A. is B. are C. have been D. to be4. There _nobody else at hand, I had to do it by myself.A. being B. was C. haveD. to be5. We have no objection to _a meeting here.A. there to be B. there being C. there is D. there having6. I dont expect there _ any misunderstanding.A. is B. to be C. being D. will be7. Bill was relying on _ another chance.A. there to be B. there is C. there have D. there being8. There _ a dictionary is very helpful to the students of English. A. is B. to be C. being D. have9. There used to be a temple here, _?A. usednt it B. used there C. didnt it D. didnt there10. There _a meeting tonight. A. is going be B. is going to have C. is going to D. is going to be11. We dont want _ to be any student lagging behind.A. it B. that C. there D. this12. There _so few people in the streets was unusual. A. to be B. is C. was D. being13. There _ a time when they were good friends.A. is coming B. come C. to be D. comes14. There is now some hope of _ a settlement of the dispute.A. to be B . there to be C. there being D. being15. It would be surprising for_ no objections.A. to be B. there to be C. there being D. there having16. There_ much to be done.A. remain B. remaining C. remains D. to remain17. There_to be more discussions.A. was expected B. expecting C. expects D. was expecting18. People dont want_ another war.A. being B. there is C. will be D. there to be19. He was disappointed at_so few friends present at his birthday party.A. there is B. there to be C. there being D. have20._ nothing else to do, we went home.A. Will be B. There being C. There to be D. Is thereKey 1-5 AACAB 6-10 BACDD 11-15 CDDCB 16-20 CADCB 11 / 11


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