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DY-BM-RES-003hgfdhgfjhdg有限公司董事会BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Dhgjgk关于总经理职责与权限的决议RESOLUTION ON THE FUNCTION AND AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL MANAGER新hgfdhgfjhdg(宁波)有限公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。总经理负责公司的日常业务,管理公司的业务工作和行政工作,处理日常生产经营活动,直接地具体地负责组织公司的各种资源来实现既定目标,领导公司实现董事会制定的战略规划,完成公司既定的盈利目标。The General Manager is responsible for the management of Dayang (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. under the leadership of the board. The General Manager shall take charge of the daily operation of the company, the business and the administration; he shall deal with the daily production and management; directly and concretely responsible for organizing various resources to achieve the aimed targets; implement the strategies and program constituted by the board; and accomplish the established profit earning target of the company.总经理职责:The Function of General Manager:第一,对董事会负责方面。贯彻执行董事会的决议、决定和指示;定期和不定期地向董事会汇报公司业务情况;拟定重大行动方案提交董事会审议决定。First, the General Manager shall be responsible for the board. The resolution, decision and direction of the board shall be executed and implemented by the General Manager; the operation of the company shall be reported to the board regularly and aperiodically; the important action scheme shall be studied out and presented to the board for discussing and deciding.第二,计划方面。制定公司的远景规划和近期计划;寻求并确定有利的业务机会;寻求公司的发展方向和发展战略。Second, the General Manager shall be responsible for plans. The future layout and the plan for the near future shall be framed; the favorable business opportunity shall be quested and determined; the developing orientation and the developing strategy of the company shall be found.第三,组织方面。拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案;规定各单位、各部门职责范围;提出组织机构的变动意见;建立信息沟通网络;拟订公司的基本管理制度; 制定公司的具体规章。Third, the General Manager shall be responsible for organization. The internal management structure scheme shall be drawn out; the function of every department shall be regulated; the alternation of organization structure shall be brought forward; information communication network shall be established; the basic management system shall be drawn out; the detailed regulations shall be constituted.第四,在人事方面。配备、任命各部门的负责人;培养、选拔领导干部;制定并实施职工培训和发展计划;调动职工的积极性,培养、激发他们的成就感。Fourth, the General Manager shall be responsible for human resources. The supervisor of every department shall be equipped and appointed; the leaders shall be cultivated and selected; the training and development plan for the staff shall be framed and executed; the enthusiasm of the staff shall be motivated and the their sense of success shall be inspired.第五,在技术方面。确定公司的技术发展战略;确定技术引进,技术改造,技术转让,技术研究和开发项目。Fifth, the General Manager shall be responsible for technology. The technology development scheme shall be confirmed; technology introduction, technology reconstruction, technology transference, technology investigation and development items shall be confirmed.第六,在协调方面。处理下属单位的矛盾和纠纷;监督并纠正下属单位在执行过程中的错误和偏差;在领导工作中塑造并维持公司文化。Sixth, the General Manager shall be responsible for coordination. The conflicts of the underling companies shall be treated; the mistakes and errors during the implementation of the underling companies shall be supervised and corrected; the company culture shall be shaped and maintained.第七,对外关系方面。负责或授权负责对外业务活动;代表公司处理同其他单位的业务纠纷和非业务纠纷。Seventh, the General Manager shall be responsible for external relationship. The external business shall be presided or authorized; the business dissension and non-business dissension with the other companies shall be dealt with by the General Manager on behalf of the company.第八,公司章程和董事会授予的其他职权。 Eighth, the General Manager shall be responsible for the other functions which were authorized by company constitution and the board. 总经理权限:The Authority of General Manager:第一,原材料及成品采购,每次数额不大于1000万元RMB。First, purchase raw material and finished products, with the total value not exceeding 10 million RMB every time. 第二,新增生产急需用固定资产,每次数额不大于20万元RMB。 Second, add fixed assets for urgent production use, with the value not exceeding 200 thousand RMB every time.第三,辅助材料采购,每次数额不大于50万元RMB。Third, purchase accessorial material, with the value not exceeding 500 thousand RMB every time.第四,员工奖励,每人每年不大于10万元RMB。Fourth, award to the staff, with the value not exceeding 100 thousand RMB per person and per year.第五,员工日常开支报销,每次数额不大于1万元RMB。Fifth, determine the daily reimbursement of the staff, with the value not exceeding 10 thousand RMB per time.第六,总经理个人费用报销,每次数额不大于3万元RMB。Sixth, determine the reimbursement of the General Manager, with the value not exceeding 30 thousand RMB per time.所有财务报销及费用支出须经财务经理审核后,经总经理签字后方能生效。All the reimbursement and expensed shall be valid after auditing by the manager of Finance Dept. and then being signed by the General Manager超过以上数额的费用及下列事项,须报董事会审批:If the expenditure exceeds the above value and any of the following proceedings are concerned, then shall be presented to the board for approval,第一, 资产抵押。First, assets mortgage;第二, 对外担保。 Second, external assurance;第三, 对外投资。Third, external investment;第四, 分支机构及外埠代表处的设置。Fourth, set up the branch agencies and external representatives. 新hgfdhgfjhdg(宁波)有限公司 fdghdgfhgfjhgjddghj) Co., Ltd. 2006年6月16日 16062006董事会成员签名Signatures of directors of board _ _ _ _


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