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2014-2015年度第一学期南京市第29中学 期末考试卷2 单项填空 (10分/题)16. This is _ useful book. I spend _ on it.A. an; a B. a; an C. a; a D. an; an17. Millie _ chats with other students. So she has no friends. A. often B. seldom C. always D. usually18. In our school there _ a library and three classroom buildings.A. is B. are C. has D. have19. We dont have _ salt at home. Could you go and get _, please?A. any; some B. some; any C. some; some D. any; any20. The white trousers cost _, but the black jeans _ much cheaper.A. expensive; is B. much; is C. expensive; is D. much; are21. Which of the following words has two syllables?A. strong B. swim C. winter D. Saturday22. Jane doesnt know _, so she asks her parents to help her. A. what she can do it B. what to do it C. how to do D. how to do it23. Millie looks good_ blue and red clothes look nice _ her.A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in D. in; on24. I have _ homework today, so I need _ to finish it. A. much too; two more hours B. too much; two more hours C. too much; more two hours D. much too; more two hours25. -How do you like our fashion show? -_. A. I dont want to go there. B. I hope you enjoy it. C. I like it. Its good. D. Yes, I like it.3 完形填空(10分/题) For most people, Christmas is a time to relax with family and friends. But for Santa Claus(圣诞老人), the Christmas is a time to _26_. Although Santa Claus waits until Christmas Eve to take famous sleigh ride(雪橇),people can find Santa Claus at shopping malls _27_ Christmas. “When you see Santa Claus talking with kids in the mall, Christmas is really on the _28_,” one Santa Claus said. On Christmas, people are too busy to remember the _29_ people behind the red suit. But to be a mall Santa can be a _30_ job. “You can just sit in a chair,” said an old man, who has worked _31_ a Santa for 38 years. “Some kids may take _32_ my red suit and even tear off (撕掉) the white beards (白胡子).” In fact, something to hurt mall Santas often _33_ every year. Some kids just would like to take away their beards to _34_ if they are real, and some even throw dirty things on them. So why would people like to do _35_ a hard job? For me, they work as a Santa to play with kids or make children happy and excited.26. A. play B. enjoy C. work D. relax27. A. before B. after C. later D. on28. A. road B. day C. time D. way29. A. old B. real C. red D. dream30. A. good B. hard C. easy D. wonderful31. A. as B. for C. with D. on32. A. with B. to C. off D. up33. A. beats B. happens C. gets D. takes34. A. hates B. make C. love D. see35. A. that B. this C. such D. so4 阅读理解(15分/题)(A)School BBSAsk for helpLilyIm shy. I want to talk to my classmates, but I am afraid they will laugh at me. What should I do?SimonThere are so many net bars around us. I spend too much time and money playing computer games. I cant pass the exam. My parents are angry with me. What should I do?TomFathers Day is coming. My father is good at playing basketball. He also likes watching films. What present should I give to my father?JimI like Chinese. I am good at Chinese. I often win writing competitions. But my English is not good. I cant speak English well. What should I do to learn English well?36. Whats the topic of the BBS? A. How to learn English B. Ask for help C. How to make friends D. Dont play computer games.37. If you want to help Simon, what do you think he should do? A. Dont play computer games any more, and spend more time on lessons. B. Go on playing computer games. C. Dont play computer games in the net bars, just play games at home. D. Pay no attention to (不在意) parents and teachers.38. Which is the best present for Toms father? A. A coat B. A pair of sports shoes C. Some flowers D. Some storybooks39. Which is Jims favourite subject? A. English B.PE C. Maths D. Chinese 40. According to the passage, what will you do if you have problems? A. Dont tell anyone about my problem B. Pay no attention to them C. Have a talk with my classmates and ask them to help me. D. B&C(B) A farmer didnt want his men to wear shoes. “If they wear shoes, they wont do farm work well.” he said. After that he made the rule “No shoes!” all over the farm. No one dare (敢于)to wear shoes. They had to do farm work without shoes. A young man heard of the rule and said, “ Id like to have a talk with the farmer.” He came up to the farmer with new shoes on his feet and asked, “Do you need a new man to grow better crops?” The farmer looked at the young man up and down and then got angry, “No. No shoes!” “But I can work for you without money for two months. But if I can grow better crops, youll cancel you rule.” said the young man. The farmer was greedy(贪婪), so he agreed with him. The young man worked harder and did better than others. The farmers was pleased with him. After two months, he came to the farmer and asked him to keep his word. Then all the men could wear shoes. Anything may change if we try to change it.41. Why didnt the farmer want his men to wear shoes? A. He thought they would do bad work. B. He wanted to teach his men a lesson. C. He would like to live a terrible life. D. He was too greedy to let his men sleep.42. All the men had to do farm work without _.A. food B. money C. shoes D. words43. The young man worked for the farmer without money to _. A. keep his word B. cancel the rule “No Shoes”44. The underlined word “cancel” means _ in Chinese. A.说服 B.布置 C.遵循 D.取消45. The writer mainly tells us_. A. the farmer was very greedy B. the young man was very kind C. anything may change if we work hard D. the young man worked harder(C) Do you like chocolate? Maybe most people do. A box of chocolate can be a great gift. Buy one for a friend and give it to him as a present. See how happy that person is. Say you just got a box of chocolate. Which piece do you pick first? A man studied peoples choices a few moments ago. He says they may tell something about the person. If you choose a round piece, you may like going to parties. If you choose an oval shape, you may like making things. Picking a square shape shows something else. The person may be honest and truthful. You can depend on him or her. What kind of chocolate do you pick? Maybe you like milk chocolate. This may show you have warm feelings about her past. Dark chocolate means something else. The person may look into the future. What about white chocolate? Would you like to choose it? If so, you may find it hard to make up your mind. Some people like chocolate with nuts. These people like to help others. Do you believe these ideas? Can Andy tell these things? It doesnt really matter. There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolate. They eat it because they like it.46. This passage mainly tells us_.A. why people like chocolateB. almost everyone likes chocolateC. about different kinds of chocolateD. different choices may show different characters.47. Picking a round shape of chocolate shows that the person_. A. may like singing, dancing and drinking B. may like to do something for others C. may be good at making things D. can be depended on48. If you enjoy eating milk chocolate, you may_. A. look forward to the future B. like to think of the past C. enjoys parties and fun D. have trouble making fun49. From this passage we can say that a helpful man may choose chocolate _. A. in oval shape B. in square shape C. with nuts D. with coffee50. The last paragraph suggested that the writer_. A. believes all the information about chocolate B. does not believe the information about candy C. is trying to get you to believe false information D. doesnt think it important whether you believe the ideas. 第二卷 (非选择题 50分)5 填空(共15题,满分15分,每题1分)51. We should not eat too many sweets. It is bad for our _(牙齿).52. These chairs are not_(足够)53. Thanksgiving Day is one of the important _(节日) in western countries.54. His family will hold a big party to_(庆祝) his grandfathers birthday.55. What a clever girl! She always _(穿衣服) herself in the morning.56. Black goes _(good) with white.57. Look! There are many _(sheep)in the field.58. On_(woman)Day, my father usually cooks for us.59. I changed my diet because I wanted be _(health).60. Do you have time? We are _(plan)to walk there?wants to be; are interested in; is good for; feels comfortable; is good at61. It is cool in autumn, and everyone_.62. Eating more vegetables_.63. The twins _ taking photos.64. I do well in English, but Tom _ Maths.65. His sister _ a dancer when she grows up.六完成句子(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)66. 她的手提包是用棉布做的。Her handbag _ cotton.67. 快点!周老师在大厅等我们呢。Come on!Mr. Zhou _ in the hall.68. 我的生活方式和你的不一样。My lifestyle _ yours.69. Andy 每天读英语不到半小时。Andy reads English for _ every day.70. 我们该和他们分享新书了。It is time for us _.七阅读填空(A)任务型阅读(10分)What should you do if you keep putting on weight? If you want to keep fit, do as follows:Dont sit aroundStay active. Try to exercise 30 to 60 minutes every day. You exercise doesnt have to be hard. Start small. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk or ride to places such as school or a friends house. Help your mother with the housework, such as cleaning the windows or the bathroom. They all burn fat. Make changes from time to time- try running, riding or skating, so you get bored. There are many choices. Dont watch TV or play video games for long hours. Even reading a book burns more fat.Eat more healthily.Try different kinds of food and get more fruit and vegetables each day. Drink water and low-fat milk instead of soft drinks, like cola. Stay away from fast food. Eat when you are hungry, not when you watch TV, because you will probably eat more than you need. Some people worry so much about their weight that they dont eat breakfast. This is a bad idea. Without breakfast, you wont, you wont get the nutrients you need.Dont rush to go on a diet.Even if you are a little heavier than your friends, you may be still normal. Dont forget to talk to doctors or your parents before you decide to lose weight.DontsDosDont sit aroundStay _71_. Try to exercise 30 to 60 _72_ every day.Dont spend much time watching TV or _73_ video games.Go to school by _74_ or on _75_.Dont eat fast food.Eat more fruit and _76_ every day.Dont eat when you are not_77_.Eat _78_ to get the nutrients you need.Dont rush to go on a diet._79_ to talk to doctors or your parents before_80_ to lose weight.(B)首字母填空Scientists are trying to turn the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can live and grow food t_81_. They are l_82_ a lot about the deserts. B_83_ more and more of the earth is becoming deserts. Scientists may not be able to control the deserts in time.Why is more and more land becoming d_84_? Scientists think that people are desert makers. People are doing bad t_85_ to the earth.Some places on the earth dont g_86_ much rain, but they still dont become deserts. This is b_87_ some green plants are grown there. Small green plants and grass are very i_88_ to dry places. They not only stop the hot sun from making the earth even drier, but also stop the wind f_89_ blowing the dirt away. When a bit of rain falls, the p_90_ hold the water. Without the plants, the land can become a desert more easily.八书面表达(10分) 春节将至,通常你在春节前会和妈妈一起出去购物。根据表格中提供的信息,完成一篇英语短文。要求:1. 内容包含下表中的全部要点:2. 文中不能出现个人信息;3. 字迹工整,语句连贯,条理清楚,可适当发挥;4. 词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。What to buyWhere to buyreasonsFood and drinkssupermarketHave a big dinnerNew clothesClothes shopOther things My mother and I usually go shopping together for Chinese New Year._答案:二16-20 BBAAD21-25 CDDBC 三26-30 CADBB 31-35 ACBDC 四36-40 BABDC 41-45DCBDB 46-50 DABCD 五51.teeth; 52. enough 53. festivals 54. celebrate 55. dresses 56.well 57.sheep 58.womens 59.healthy 60.planning 61.feels comfortable 62.is good for 63.are interested in 64.is good at 65.wants to be 六66.is made of 67.is waiting for 68.is different from 69.less than half an hour 70.to share new books with them 七(A)71.active 72.minutes 73.playing 74.bike 75.foot 76.vegetables 77.hungry 78.breakfast 79.Remember 80.deciding (B)81.too 82.learning 83.But 84.deserts 85.things 86.get 87.because 88.important 89.from 90.plants

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