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外研版初一英语(上)Module7 My school day.Unit 1 I like maths! 教案闫素梅昌邑市实验中学外研版初一英语(上)Module7 My school day.Unit 1 I like maths! 教学案例(新授听说课)教学目标:1、掌握以下单词:talk about What about.? time oclock half past art chemistry history maths at start (补充:物理physics生物biology地理geography代数algebra几何geometry)2、掌握句型:(1) What time is it ? I ts eight oclock / half past nine.(2) What day is it today? Its Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/Saturday. (3) When is your history lesson ? I / We / (dont) have Chinese at eight oclock .教学步骤:一、新课导入1、上课开始后,和不同的学生进行日常英语对话,比如:How are you ?How old are you ?How many people are there in your family ?Can you swim ?Can you play the piano ?Are you 13 ? Is it Thursday today ? No,it isnt. 进一步引出新句型What day is it today?并将它板书到黑板上,学生会很自然的回答 Its Wednesday today.2、然后让学生小组练习这个句型。3、检查句型的操练情况。一)、检查词汇预习。1、 Now,class,you are middle school students,you have learnt many subjects,everyday you live a busy but happy day.Last lesson,we have learnt new words about subjects, now,lets check the words.First,say out the English words for all the subjects. 利用各种课本,用他们来复习相应的词汇,特别是这节课的新词汇art chemistry history maths,(学生先一起说出科目名称,这样可以带动基础稍弱的学生进入预备学习状态。)2、然后进行小组单词比赛竞争环节,个人抢答,抢答科目单词。(小组4号可以得双倍的分数,以此来调动学生的合作互助气氛。)二)、展示新知识,专项练习1、 新句型What time is it ? I ts eight oclock / half past nine.的讲授。(1)、先在黑板上写一个数字8,然后问Whats this ? 学生一起回答 Its eight. 然后紧接着问What time is it ? I ts eight oclock.(因为早就预习了单词,所以学生很自然就会回答这个问题。)(2)、老师领读这个句型,学生跟读几遍。(3)、老师问学生What time is it ? 学生回答I ts eight oclock.然后再有这个学生问相邻的学生同样的问题,依次类推,这样学生可以全面掌握这个句型。(这样学生既可以练习了问句,也练习了答语,而不是片面的只是由老师问,学生回答。)(4)、用同样的方法学习掌握句型What time is it ? I ts half past nine.2、 听力训练学生用书Activity 1,Look at the pictures,listen and repeat the time.让学生在会说之后掌握地道的语音和语调。二、听力训练,多层次的设计听力练习。You are middle school students,there are also three middle school students here ,they are Daming ,Lingling and Betty.Lets listen to the tape and know something about their school day.一)、Listen to the tape and answer the questions . (听录音,回答下面问题)1、What day is it today?2、Whats Bettys favourite lesson?(这个听力的设计意图在于先让学生对整个文章有个大体的了解。)二)、Listen and check ()the true sentences(听录音,判断对错)1、Daming and Lingling have Chinese at eight oclock.( )2、Daming and Lingling like maths.( )3、Daming and Lingling dont have science today.( )4、Bettys English lesson is at half past nine. ( )5、Betty has art and history in the afternoon.( )(让学生进一步了解文章中三个学生的日常学校生活以及他们的课程安排情况。)三)、Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks(听录音并在数字处填写相应的科目)Fridayin the morningin the afternoonlikenot like8:009:0010:0010:3011:301:302:30Daming1_science2_mathsLinglingchemistry3_English4_BettyEnglish5 arthistory6_(通过前面的两次听力训练后,学生对文章中学生的学校生活有了进一步的了解,这次可以比较自然地将答案填出,进一步细化对文章的了解。经过这三次多层次听力训练设计,由浅如深,学生慢慢了解文章的内容,同时也对基本句型有了一个大体的了解。)三、对话处理一)基本句型学习1、Class,we have listened to the tape,we know that ,Daming and Lingling are middle school students,they have Chinese at eight oclock.(同时将它板书到黑板上。)2、由这个句子引出词组上课,小组竞争抢答词组,并将他们的答案板书到黑板上。 板书: have Chinese / art / chemistry /history/ maths 3、再次用小组抢答的形式用课本复习这些词组。(目的是加强学生的印象,能够自如地运用词组,为后面句型的学习打下基础,做好铺垫。)4、Now I give you a time ,and you make a sentence with the phrase to describe “When is your maths lesson?” For example :We have maths at 2:00.(8:00 9:00 9:30 1:30 2:00在学生的导学提纲上提供这些时间,让他们用来辅助自己进行二人对话练习。因为前面已经把句型中的时间和词组分开来练习,学生掌握熟练,为句型的组合做好铺垫,再在此基础上说出句子已经很自然。)5、检查二人对话,展示学生的成果。6、Now,class listen to me,They have Chinese at 8:00. They dont have Chinese at 9:00.(由肯定句引出它们相应的否定句,多读几个句子特别要重读否定词dont,让学生感受到否定句的基本特征。)7、让学生继续借助黑板上的词组和提纲上提供的时间练习否定句。8、让学生读课文,找出课文中出现的含有否定句的句子,并板书到黑板上。We dont have science today.I dont like maths .用红色笔标出否定词dont,并告知学生它表示否定意思。(让学生从具体的句子中对否定句有个大体的感性上的认识。为以后否定句的讲解做好准备。)二)听后读播放录音,让学生跟读,模仿录音中地道的语音和语调。四、学以致用借助下面的表格描述自己的学校生活 Its.today.We haveat,we dont havetoday. I like.(或者.is my favourite lesson), I dont like.(用这个表格来教学生用学过的单词和句型模仿对话,并最终学会用自己的语言表达出自己的学校生活。)1、首先和学生一起用表格中的信息来表述Tom和他同学的学校生活,Its Wednesday today.We have maths at eight oclock,we dont have art today. I like art (Art is my favourite lesson), I dont like maths.2、然后让学生以小组的形式用表格提供的信息模仿对话。(附加条件:小组成员每人至少说一句,以便杜绝小组“发言人”现象,扩大学生参与面和参与度。)Wednesdayin the morning in the afternoonnot havelikenot like8:009:302:003:30TommathsChineseartartmathsBettyEnglishhistoryChineseEnglishhistory五、基础能力训练一)、根据汉语提示填写单词1、 Today, Daming has Chinese at_(8点钟) . 2、 Daming and Lingling have chemistry at _(9点半).3、 Betty has English at _(9点钟) and science at _(10点半).二)、根据提示完成单词1、What time is it ,Li Lei ? -Oh, its five o_.2、My favourite lesson is Chinese but Zhang Xiukuns favourite lesson is m_.3、 Liu Ting is good at (擅长) E _.4、 Liu Xiaorui studies h_well.5.、Is is Wednesday today , tomorrow(明天)is T_.三)、句型转换1、It is half past five .(对画线部分提问)_?2、It is Saturday today.(同上)_?3、My favourite lesson is art.(同上)_?4、 Daming and Lingling have Chinese at eight oclock.(变否定句)_ 5、 She has got a sister . (变否定句)_

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