幼儿园大班英语教案:Easter Bunny复活节1

上传人:大头 文档编号:9567804 上传时间:2020-04-06 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:17.50KB
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幼儿园大班英语教案:Easter Bunny复活节1_第1页
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幼儿园大班英语教案 Easter Bunny复活节1 一 活动目标 1 初步认识西方节日 复活节的风俗习惯 2 正确辨认单词及其发音 3 通过拼蛋 我会跳 找朋友游戏中感受节日的快乐 4 单词 Easter Bunny Easter egg basket toy hop 二 教学时数 1课时 小班15分钟 三 活动准备 1 复活兔头饰 复活蛋 篮子 玩具 夫拉圈若干 2 Easter Bunny的音乐磁带 3 配班老师戴上复活兔头饰 提着装有复活蛋和玩具的篮子 准备参与活动 四 活动过程 1 Warm up Greetings T Good morning boys and girls How are you today C I am happy Thank you And you T I am fine too Thank you Please look at the sky what s theweather like C It s sunny rainy cloudy Music Weather It s a sunny day today Sunny day sunny day It s a sunny daytoday Hot hot hot 2 New words T Easter is coming Here comes an Easter Bunny Look she is hopping to us T Hello I am Easter Bunny Nice to see you T C Nice to see you too T What s in your hand T1 It s a basket T C Basket basket It s a basket T What s in your basket T1 Let me show you This is a toy T C Oh toy toy it s a toy T There are many toys in your basket Let me see This is a toycar This is atoy carrot That s a toydog Oh what s that It s very beautiful T1 I want you to guess T Is it a boat T1 No it isn t T Is it a bowl T1 No it isn t T I m sorry Easter Bunny I don t know Boys and girls do youknow T1 Match the egg Do you know now it s an Easter egg T Easter egg Easter egg It s an Easter egg How colorful it is T1 Yes How many colors can you see T C Let s count One two three four five six seven There areseven T1 What colors are they T C They are red blue green pink orange purple and yellow T Easter eggs are so beautiful May I have one T1 Sure Here I have many Easter eggs But they are broken Canyou help mematch them T Yes I can Can you boys and girls 3 Play games Match the Easter egg from two parts Put the Easter egg puzzles on the floor Have the children matchthem right I can hop T Easter Bunny you have so many toys Shall we play with them T1 Of course Let s play together Have the children put on theheadbands Putone object into each hulohoop Now I am an Easter Bunny I can hop Hop hop hop I can hop Hopto the toy Hop to the basket Hop to theEaster egg Find friends T Easter Bunny has hided the Easter eggs down and up Each of themhas friends Can you find them out Havethe children find out the same Easter eggs Music Easter Bunny hop hop hop Hide the eggs down and up 4 Follow up Encourage the children to listen to the tape everyday and play gameswith theirparents

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