2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 1《We’re going to read stories》课件3 (新版)湘少版.ppt

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 1《We’re going to read stories》课件3 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 1《We’re going to read stories》课件3 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第2页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 1《We’re going to read stories》课件3 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1Wearegoingtoreadstories Period1 WejusthadtheSpringFestival 我们刚过完了春节 WhatdidyoudoduringtheSpringFestival 你们在春节期间做了什么呢 Didyoucelebrate 庆祝 theSpringFestival Yes wedid No wedidn t Didyoulightfirecrackers Didyouwatchliondances Didyougetredpackets Nowit sanewterm 新学期 Whatareyougoingtodo I mgoingtoplaytennis I mgoingtoreadbooks Areyougoingtolistentomusic Yes weare No wearen t 听 Areyougoingtotalkaboutthebook 谈论 Yes weare No wearen t Areyougoingtowriteaboutyourfirstdayinschool 写写关于 Yes weare No wearen t 读一个故事 Yes weare No wearen t Areyougoingtoreadastory Areyougoingtoputonaplay 演出一部戏剧 Yes weare No wearen t listentomusic talkaboutthebook putonaplay readstories writeaboutmyplan LittleTestI小小测验 一 考你记忆力 请连线listentoastorytalkaboutaplaywriteaboutmusicreadmyfirstdayinschoolputonmyclassmates Iamgoingto talkaboutanimals listentomusic writeaboutourschool readastory Whatareyougoingtodotoday Wearegoingto putonaplay Period2 talkaboutanimals listentomusic writeaboutourschool readastory putonaplay Begoingto句型 begoingto 动词原形 用来表示近期或者事先考虑过的将要发生的动作 意为 打算 就要 经常跟一些表示将来时间的时间状语如 tomorrow thisweekend nextweek等连用 用来表示一般将来时态 主语 begoingto 动词原形 时间 Yes weare talkaboutanimals listentomusic writeaboutourschool readastory Arewegoingto No wearen t putonaplay sing swim dance cookthemeal Iamgoingto Whatareyougoingtodotoday Wearegoingto talkaboutanimals listentomusic writeaboutourschool readastory putonaplay sing swim dance cookthemeal Whatishegoingtodotoday Heisgoingto 你知道 begoingto中的be是个什么单词 一般将来时态 be am is are 相当于首领 当面对不同级别的人 派出不同的单词迎接 Iam 第三人称单数用is 其余全用are 口诀 I和am是搭档 单人除你 you 是is 其余都归are来管 主语 begoingtodo将要做某事 还记得刚才的口诀吗 试着再背一背吧 一般将来时态 现在的你一定牢记了刚才的口诀 请用am is are填空 I You We They He She it Candy CandyandTom am are are are is is is is are Period3 talkaboutanimals listentomusic writeaboutourschool readastory putonaplay listentosomeinterestingstories talkaboutaninterestingstory writeaplay readaninterestingbook Yes weare talkaboutanimals listentomusic writeaboutourschool readastory Arewegoingto No wearen t putonaplay sing swim dance cookthemeal 一般将来时态表达方式是 人称 begoingto 动作 时间 将来的时间 你能根据提示 用一般将来时态造句吗 请试一试吧 一般将来时态 人称 begoingto 动作 时间 We are goingto seeafilm tomorrow 口诀 I和am是搭档 单人除你 you 是is 其余都归are来管 Let splayagame 看图说话 我们打算去表演短剧 We goingto are putonashortplay Tom和Ann打算写一写我们的学校 TomandAnn goingto are writeaboutourschool 他计划去听音乐 He goingto is listentomusic 他们打算讨论一个有趣的故事 They goingto are talkaboutaninterestingstory Tom打算去拉小提琴 Tom goingto is playtheviolin 孩子们计划去看有趣的书 Children goingto are readinterestingbooks Lucy打算明天去照相 Lucy goingto is takephotos tomorrow 吴凡计划明天去踢足球 WuFan goingto is playfootball tomorrow playfootball Iamgoingto Whatareyougoingtodo Theyaregoingto playbasketball Whataretheygoingtodo 一般将来时 肯定句主语 be am is are goingto 动词原形 时间 TomandAnnaregoingtowriteaboutourschool Heisgoingtolistentomusic Iamgoingtoplayfootball Wearegoingtoputonashortplay Tomisgoingtoplaytheviolin 一般将来时 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词 be am is are 主语 goingto 动词原形Whatareyougoingtodo 一般将来时 一般疑问句Be Am Is Are 主语 goingto 动词原形 Areyourbrothersgoingtoplaythecomputer Yes theyare No theyaren t Peterandhisfriendshaveanewterm too Whocanyousee Wherearethey Whataretheytalkingabout Listen readandanswer PartALet slistenandsay 考你反应力 请填空 We regoingto someinterestingstories listento有趣的Arewegoingtoreadthestories We regoingtoreadthem Yes weareArewegoingto them talkaboutYes weare Andwe regoingtoputona shortplay 考你判断力 请打勾或打叉 Role play Period4 请试着完成下列的连词成句isgoingto he putonaplay tomorrowmorning 2 mymother tomorrow isgoingto writeaboutourschool aregoingto we listentomusic tomorrowafternoon 4 nextweek Linda talkaboutanimals isgoingto 5 getluckymoney atChineseNewYear aregoingto we 一般将来时态 提示 一般将来时态表达方式是 人称 begoingto 动作 时间 Heisgoingtoputonaplaytomorrowmorning Mymotherisgoingtowriteaboutourschooltomorrow Wearegoingtolistentomusictomorrowafternoon Lindaisgoingtotalkaboutanimalsnextweek WearegoingtogetluckymoneyatChineseNewYear LittleTestII小小测验 二 考你会说话 请连词成句youArereadgoingastoryto Areyougoingtoreadastory goingwriteyoutoaboutabookAre Areyougoingtowriteaboutabook welistentogoingAremusic Arewegoingtolistentomusic Guess haveanexam Whatishegoingtodotomorrow Heisgoingto Guess foreignlanguageschool Whereishegoingtostudy Heisgoingtostudyin Guess Whatisshegoingtodointhefuture Sheisgoingto makealotofmoney 一般将来时 否定句主语 be am is are notgoingto 动词原形 Sheisn tgoingtoseeamovie IamnotgoingtowatchTV Areyougoingtocheckyouremail Yes I 2 AretheygoingtocollectlitterintheparkonSunday Yes they 3 IsBettygoingtobuysomenewclothes sheisn t 4 Areyougoingtoseeamoviethisevening No we 5 IsTonygoingtoplayacomputergame Yes he 3 Putthewordsinthecorrectordertomakequestions Nowcompletetheanswertothequestion am are No aren t is Whataretheygoingtodo Theyaregoingtorideabike WhatisHuiTailanggoingtodo Heisgoingtoski WhatisLanYangyanggoingtodo Heisgoingtosweepthefloor WhatisXiYangyanggoingtodo Heisgoingtowashtheclothes WhatisLanYangyanggoingtodo Heisgoingtoswim WhatisFeiYangyanggoingtodo Heisgoingtocatchbutterflies Exercise 1 明天我打算踢足球 2 今天下午她打算做作业 3 后天Mike打算打扫放间 4 明天我爸爸将要去北京 5 明天上午我妈妈将要洗衣服 6 今天上午他打算读一本书 7 后天Linda和我打算去公园 1 I mgoingtoplayfootballtomorrow 2 Sheisgoingtodohomeworkthisafternoon 3 Mileisgoingtocleantheroomthedayaftertomorrow 4 MyfatherisgoingtoBeijingtomorrow 5 Mymotherwillwashclothestomorrowmorning 6 Hewillreadabookthismorning 7 LindaandIaregoingtotheparkthedayaftertomorrow What Iam gotothesciencemuseum thismorning areyougoingtodothismorning goingtothesciencemuseum playsports Whatareyougoingtodo Iamgoingto thisafternoon thisafternoon playsports cleanmyroom What Iam thisevening areyougoingtodothisevening goingtocleanmyroom watchTV What Iam tonight areyougoingtodotonight goingtowatchTV


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