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TOEFL WRITING MATERIALSBY TONYAll Rights ReservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written statement of the author.综合写作一、题型分析1、要点分析时间:在新托福写作考试的前二十分钟进行,虽然写作是新托福考试的最终部分,但万万不可掉以轻心,否则自毁长城,前功尽弃。工具:新托福写作只有键盘输入一种选择,打字速度慢者吃亏不少。建议考生熟练操作键盘,提高打字速度并减少打字错误。字数:有明确要求,150225字。建议考生平常练习时利用word工具,计算文章字数,做到心中有数。文体:正规书面文体。不可使用诸如“doesnt”等非正规文体和口语词汇,可模仿阅读中的遣词造句。题目:共分三个部分,阅读,听力,写作。 2、评分标准5A response at this levelEffectively addresses the task by conveying relevant information from the lecture; and accurately relates key information from the lecture to information in the reading; and Is well organized and coherent; and Contains appropriate grammar and vocabulary, with only occasional minor language errors.文章切题,包含听力中的相关信息;将听力主要信息与阅读材料信息准确对应;段落组织有序,衔接紧密;用词确切,语法规范,有少量拼写错误4A response at this levelGenerally conveys relevant information from the lecture, but may have minor omissions; andIs generally good in relating information from the lecture to information in the reading, but may have minor inaccuracies or vagueness of some content or connections among ideas; andIs generally well organized; and Contains appropriate grammar and vocabulary, but may have noticeable minor language errors or occasional lack of clarity.文章基本切题,基本包含了听力中的相关信息,但有少许遗漏;信息组织基本合理,但有少许不准确之处或某些内容或观点间的衔接不清晰;段落组织基本有序;用词确切,语法规范,有明显的拼写错误或偶尔表述不清。3A response at this levelContains some relevant information from the lecture, but may omit one key point; orConveys some connections between the lecture and the reading, but some content or connections among ideas may be incomplete, inaccurate, or vague; orContains errors in grammar or usage that result in vagueness of some content or connections among ideas包含了听力中的某些相关信息,但遗漏了一个要点;阐述了听力与阅读的某些联系,但某些内容或观点间的联系不完整,不准确或含糊不清;包含语法错误影响了某些内容或观点间联系的表达2A response at this levelContains some relevant information from the lecture, but may have significant omissions or inaccuracies of key points; or Omits or largely misrepresents the connections between the lecture and the reading; orContains language errors that obscure meaning of key ideas or connections among ideas.包含听力材料中的某些相关信息,但有重大遗漏或要点表述错误;遗漏或嵌解了听力与材料间的联系;语法错误严重影响内容表达1A response at this levelContains little or no relevant content from the lecture; orFails to connect points from the lecture and reading; orContains language errors that greatly obscure meaning; orIs too brief to allow evaluation of writing proficiency.没有或有很少听力中的相关信息;没能将听力与阅读建立起联系;语法错误严重影响表达;篇幅太小影响评分0A response at this levelOnly copies sentences from the reading; orIs not related to the given topic; orIs written in a language other than English; orIs blank.仅从阅读材料中抄袭句子;与主题无关;用除英语外的其它语言写作;空白卷通过对评分标准进行分析,我们知道了ETS对于一篇好的综合写作作文的要求:细节缺一不可 (example, reason, detail)不能跑题(unity)结构紧凑 (organization)段落过渡流畅 (coherent)用词多样化,丰富 (variety)3、如何准备1 良好的语法知识2 充足的词汇量3 基本的文体知识4 良好的阅读习惯5 良好的听力水平6 高超的语言衔接手段7 多种表达方法综合运用的能力8 高超的记笔记能力在平时备考过程中要注意:1. 强化语法知识和学术论文写作的文体格式;掌握常用时态,语态,语气和句式,熟练运用语法知识写出通顺的句子。2. 千方百计强化词汇,多读学术性文章,熟悉写作格式和常用语言表达,熟悉英文写作思路。3. 多听学术性强的英语讲座,熟悉英语口头表达方式,听懂大意,总结归纳。4. 熟悉常用句型,多练写作原则归纳起来共有七条:1)正式文体 2)完整结构3) 明确观点 4)条理内容5)重视句式 6)通顺联贯7) 扬长避短二、出题方式1)3分钟阅读,字数300左右2)12分钟听力,长度与阅读相当3)20分钟写作,长度150225字三、要点如何确定要点:1. 主题句2. 重复的语意(同根,同义,同一词)3. 原因和结果4. 被解释的词汇5. 带有倾向性的名词,形容词,副词,动词等。6. 被强调的语意(比较,最高级,绝对词)7. 问题与答案8. 重要例子9. 比较/对比&比喻10. 表转折的词(其后的内容很重要)四、动笔写作前的注意事项1. Read the question carefully and think about what it wants you to do.2. review the notes you took during the lecture3. plan what facts to present, and in what order4. select main points and write a paragraph about each5. develop the ideas with examples and reasons五、如何结构全文:总分式分总式总分总式六、写作中的注意事项:State the key point clearly in the first sentence of the paragraph with minimum detail. (每段第一句阐明主要观点,尽量少谈细节)Each paragraph should convey one major point and support it with relevant details or explanation. (每段包含的主要观点必须有相关的细节说明或解释)作文主体完成后的注意事项:Allow time to correct grammar and vocabulary errors. (留出时间检查语法与单词拼写)七、拓展观点总结听力材料summarize the lecture:The speaker talks aboutThe lecture discusses/is mainly discussingThe professor made the point that引出要点introduce key points:First/second/thirdFirst/then/another point is thatOr express the key point directly in a topic sentence.引出例子introduce examples or reasons:For example (instance)/one example is/such as/that is增加例子add examples or reasons:Next/Furthermore/another example is/in addition对比观点Show contrast between ideas:However/In contrast/on the contrary/on the other hand/but精彩opening:1) The lecture discusseswhich differs from the main idea in the reading that2) The professor made the point that. The reading does not discuss this point.Another important point is that, but the reading does not discuss the point.Finally, the Professor stated that. In general, the Professor discusses problems ofthat the reading does not include.3) According to the lecture, .On the other hand/while the reading stated thatThe professor made the point that. On the contrary/however/in contrast, the writer demonstrated an idea thatThe lecture supports/illustrates the idea thatThe lecture contradicts/refutes/is in contrary to/is the opposite of the idea that对材料的指称:The speaker/lecturer/professor/listening material/lectureThe writer/narrator/reading material/writing八、总体写作模式Paragraph 1 first key point from the lecture Examples from the lecture Explanation or connection to the readingParagraph 2 second key point from the lecture Examples from the lecture Explanation or connection to the readingParagraph 3 third key point from the lecture Examples from the lecture Explanation or connection to the reading示例模板:The lecture is mainly discussing _, _ and _ by _, challenging what are stated in the reading passage that _, _ and _.First of all, the speaker thinks that _. In contrast, the reading passage believes that _. So, the lectures totally disagree with the view made in the reading.Second, the speaker discusses _, Contradicting what is stated in the reading that _.Finally, the speakers raises the issue that _. This point disagrees with the point that _ demonstrated in the reading.So, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.笔记为王黄金规则如何确定要点1, M4 u: R; A& I1 O$ 5 s3 f6 M主题句% O% U- M y: I; Z1 F$ 2被重复的语义(同根词,同义词,相同词,反义词)/ D, s% U: I3原因和结果,结论4被解释的词汇+ n2 E# Du9 m0 f2 v0 J+ U. n5带有倾向性和表变化的词6被强调的语义(最高级,比较级,绝对词汇,修辞问句,特殊停顿和特殊符号如引号破折号等)0 G) h! O) w# c1 n7. 问题和答案. F/ A E1 4 e8重要例子9$ q: a1 L# u; D G; _比较和比喻/ Y& z- G b9 2 10.表示转折的词汇后面的语义笔记的格式:Main topicMain Idea:-Reasons/Details: -一般每篇听力文章重复三次这样的模式,需要注意的一点是只要自己看得懂就行,所以记的速度和方式很重要,尽量避免只顾记前面而听不到后面部分。 另外,听力部分有的文章其节构和阅读文章相似,即 Main idea, support details, theme return to main idea,所以每段听力文章开始和最后部分也很重要,要集中注意力听。笔记6法/ O* : H: w! t; o3 D- k11 o* v. U+ Z4 B8 w% ( Q用大写首字母替换反复出现的词汇和专用词汇9 k _6 a) A/ U9 w22 Q: |# u3 Z q2 N# V S, u同义词9 6 2 8 q5 q: l3 F& M3汉语4- T) 2 j* J, q/ O# u, L. c前三/前四字母5. 符号+数字6. 发音的辅音记笔记阅读和听力的要点永远是三个,阅读永远是三分钟时间,听力两分钟左右。如何结构全文1总分式 重点推荐 j+ m: B% C/ k7 T2( A3 l( B a: A& B0 T) V: _总分总式 ! a: m5 M! Y, X3并列式. u- k7 n% q- G! Y1 + x7 I每个段落必须同时包含下列元素; 阅读的观点演讲的观点+ O: R- - m6 & e# w两者的关系表示相反关系的词和短语9 o$ Gg0 v0 J* w; L/ Q( 7 c4 Rrefutechallengedoubtdenyrebutdiffer fromcast doubtcontradictopposeobject todisagree with1 ) a! % k9 t) g2 W6 H2 Kbe contradictoryconflictingopposingcontraryopposite tobe different from. P5 ( M; Y8 |5 Oin contraston the contrary不必揪心的项目i* z9 E8 o% h5 B U同时出现大量的数字不重要0 r/ A3 _0 g; C/ 1 O* S. 同时出现大量列举不重要pz8 x& w- s. D叙述历史事实、故事情节和发展过程不重要 黄金模板以下两个“模板“是分别描述质疑或者反驳以及支持或者加强的:Integrated Writing TaskHow the Integrated Writing Task is phrased:If the lecture challenges the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage. Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific claims/arguments made in the reading passage.Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the problems raised in the reading passage.Showing ChallengeIn the lecture, the professor made several points about_. The professor argues that_. However, the reading contends that_. The professors lecture casts doubts on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to_.The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that_. According to the professor,_._ differs from the reading in that the reading states _.The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading because_. Another point that the professor uses to casts doubt on the reading is _.The professor claims that_.However, the reading states _. This point is contradicted by_.Finally, the professor stated that, on the contrary of the reading, _.In other words,_.This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because_.In conclusion, the points made in the lecture contradict the reading. _and_ demonstrate that _is in doubt.If the lecture supports or strengthens the information in the reading passage, the writing task will usually be phrased in one of the following ways:Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they support the explanations in the reading passage. Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they strengthen specific points made in the reading passage.Showing supportIn the lecture, the professor made several points about_. The professor argues that_. The points made by the professor agree with_.In fact, the examples used by the professor support_. The first point that the professor uses to support the reading is that_. According to the professor,_._supports the reading, which holds that_. The point made by the professor supports the reading because_. Furthermore, the professor bolsters the reading by stating that_. The professor claims that_.This point agrees with the reading, which contends that_._ shows the truth of the reading because_.Finally, the professor stated that, in support of the reading, _.Specifically,_.This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicates, because_. In conclusion, the points made in the lecture support the reading. _ and _demonstrate that _is invalid. 接下来,我将以如下例子来告诉大家如果提炼“魔板”:Getting the TemplatesThe first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the behavior of stags. The professor shows how the actions of animal can be interpreted in different ways. For example, some people interpret the stags actions as being for the “good of the species,” but the professor shows that the stag is actually acting in self-interest. This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that the crickets behavior can be interpreted as helping only individual crickets and not the group as a whole. The professor then talks about the results of the experiment, which seems to indicate the crickets are acting only in self-interest.Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the intelligence of animals and insects. As he states, it would seem to require a lot of intelligence to evaluate how a behavior will affect an entire species. This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely; a cricket is probably unable to think of the consequences of its actions. It is more likely that the cricket is only acting out of self-preservation, as the professor indicates. The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about_.The professor shows that_.For example, _, but the professor shows that_.This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that_. The professor then talks about_, which seems to indicate that_.Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about_.As he states, it would seem to_. This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely;_.It is more likely that_, ad the professor indicates. 实际上,大家从上面这个例子就可以发现“模板”的提取过程就是这样的:先认真读完一篇满分范文再用笔划掉其中涉及题目具体内容的部分最后把余下来的部分抄写下来即可OrganizationIntroduction + Body + Conclusion1. IntroductionHook + Paraphrase the Topic + Thesis1.1 HookHow to Write A HOOK(1) Background about the topic;(2) Quotation;(3) Questions;(4) Shocking statement;(5) Dramatic statistics/facts1.1.1 BackgroundThe history of computers (the Internet)The definition of computers (the Internet)Key Words &ExpressionsPastPast in the past, in the distant past, from past to the presentprehistoric timesancient timesSince ancient timesantiquityIn antiquity, since antiquity, from antiquity to the presentPeople in the Pastancient peopleAncestorsFathersOur fathers used abacus as a simple yet effective computing device since ancient times. date backtrace backThe history of A can be traced back to.The history of A dates back toNow, Nowadays, todaythese days, at the present timecurrently, in out timeSamplesSome people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Before the computer was invented in the 17th century by a German scientist, our fathers had to rely on their brains to do math. A simple problem would take hours to get the right answer. Nowadays, however, a 3rd grader can get the right answer within a few seconds with the help of an electronic calculator, which can be seen as the simplest form of computers.1.1.2. QuotationDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Confucius, greatest and most influential philosopher and educator of ancient China, was quoted in The Analects as saying, “Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.”Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Study the past, if you would divine the future.Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved. Confucius, greatest and most influential philosopher and educator of ancient China, was quoted in The Analects as saying, “Protecting forests is like protecting ones own house.”Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances.Mencius, one of the most illustrious philosophers of ancient China, said, “Thou shall never judge thy neighbors by his looks as a peasant shall not judge his horse by its color.” Key Words &Expressions1) XXX, one of the greatest (most influential, leading, foremost) philosophers (writers, artists) of ancient China (all time, China has ever seen), said (remarked, commented),(I paraphrase) “”(2) As the (old) saying goes, “”(3) A news report published by XX quotes XXX, ( ) as saying, “” 1.1.3. QuestionsDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.Hang Hong or Cecilia? I believe most of guys will not hesitate even for a fraction of second in making their decisions. However, Im afraid my choice will be a little different from that of the vast majority.It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Whether should a restaurant be built in my community or not? I have to admit thats a difficult choice. After giving it some serious thought, I think the restaurant should be build.A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country?Whether should we build a business research institute or a research center dedicated to agricultural research? I have to admit this is a tough choice. After giving it some serious thought, I think a business research center should be build.Key Words & ExpressionsWhether? Should we? Thats a difficult choice. (That sure is a tough question/ I have to admit thats a difficult choice.) After giving it some serious thought, I think (believe) we should do (A is preferable to B /A is a much better choice than B.)Exercise: You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why? 1.1.4. Shocking StatementDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Businesses which are hell-bent on making money with no regard for the well being of the larger world are no less than the most dangerous criminals! Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. Being a leader means being hated by your subordinates, hectic working days, crushing pressure, estranged family members, lost of countless sleeping hours, and a sure way to pr


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