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Unit 16 Stories 故事 知识点总结重点词汇1 n想像(幻想)物 v想像;幻想 adj.极好的;奇异的 2 vt.放弃,遗弃 adj.被遗弃的;无约束的;放荡的 n放弃,遗弃 3 vt.保护,保存 n保护,保存 4 v目击 n目击者,见证人 5 vi.发生 n(事情的)发生,出现;发生的事情 6 vi.颤抖,发抖 n摇动;颤抖 adj.摇动的,发抖的 7 v聚集 n集会 8 vi.爆炸;冲,闯 (过去式) (过去分词) n突发;猝发;爆破 9 vt.使泄气,使灰心 adj.令人沮丧的,令人灰心的 adj.(人)感到沮丧的,泄气的 n沮丧,泄气 v(反义词)支持,鼓励 10 n痛苦,困难 v遭受,受苦;患病 n(疾病等的)受苦者;受难者,患者 11 adj.渴望的,热衷的 adv.渴望地,热切地 n渴望,殷切 12 v扩大,扩充 n扩张,扩大;展开 adj.有膨胀力的;扩张性的 v(反义词)收缩 13 vt.介绍,提出,呈现 n表现,发表;介绍;赠送 adj.出席的,在场的 n出席,到场 14 v参考,查阅,提及 n参考,查询 高频短语1 come into view 出现 2 撞倒某人 3 堵住 4 从某种程度上说 5 侧身 6. 断绝关系,分成小部分 7 以命名 8 偶然遇见 9 支撑起 10 依靠 11 理解 12 以结束,以告终 13 容忍,忍受 14 特别,尤其 15 既然,由于 16 查阅;提到;涉及;提交 17 另一方面 常考句型1. the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster have made the city a monument to human history. 是那些遇难的人的形态使这个城市成为了人类历史的纪念碑。 2 Helen understood the key to language,she was very eager to learn more and use it she could. 既然海伦理解了语言的关键所在,那么她非常渴望多学些并尽可能多地去利用它。 3Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything I touched it. 她的话使我非常迷惑,因为那时我若不用手触摸就什么都不理解。 4 I looked down, my face became. 我越低头看,我的脸就变得越红。单词点击:1. abandon vt.抛弃,遗弃,离弃;放弃;中止 abandon oneself to.沉湎于,陷入 abandon hope of doing sth.放弃做的希望 abandon ones country/friend背弃祖国/朋友 abandon ones wife遗弃妻子 【注意】该词易和abundant混淆。abundant adj.大量的,充裕的。使用时一定要注意拼写。 He abandoned his wife and children. 他遗弃了妻子和儿女。(朗文P1) The bad weather forced them to abandon their search. 恶劣的天气迫使他们中止了搜寻工作。(朗文P1) They abandoned all hope of finding the child. 他们放弃了找到这个孩子的一切希望。(朗文P1) He abandoned himself to grief. 他陷入悲痛之中。(朗文P1) abandon,desert,quit (1)abandon强调“完全、永远地遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物。 (2)desert强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”。 (3)quit强调“放弃做坏事或令人厌烦的事或辞职”,常指“停止”。 Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment. 她一时间似乎失去了勇气。(牛津P459) He has decided to quit as manager of the team. 他已决定辞去球队经理的职务。(牛津P1411) Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles. 大雪迫使许多驾驶者弃车步行。(牛津P11Is this course rather difficult? Yes. Thats why I _ it. AleftBmissed Cabandoned Dfell 解析:选C。考查动词。abandon意为“放弃(give up)”。 2. witness vt.& n. 目击;目击者;证人;证据 a witness to 的目击者 bear/give witness(to) 证明;作证 call to witness请作证;传作证 witness to(doing)sth.作证 The successful launch of Shenzhou is a powerful witness to our countrys increasing prosperity. “神舟”七号的成功发射是我们伟大祖国日益强盛的有力见证。 The two servants witnessed Mr.Smiths will. 两个仆人在史密斯先生的遗嘱上签名作证。 She was punished for giving false witnesses. 她因作伪证受到惩处。 The worker witnessed to having seen the accused near the scene of the crime. 这个工人作证说曾看见被告在犯罪现场附近。 2翻译句子 (1)我们所有人都见证了社会的飞速发展。 _ 答案:All of us witnessed the fastdeveloping society. (2)你真的亲眼目睹了十字路口那场车祸吗? _ 答案:Did you really witness the accident at the crossroad? (3)没有人是这个谋杀案的证人。 _ 答案:There was no witness of this murder case. 3. occur vi.发生 (1)occur to sb.某人突然想到 it occurs/occurred to sb.+that./to do. 的念头/想法浮现于(某人)的脑海 (2)occurrence n.事情;事件(=event);(事情的)出现,发生 【注意】当表示一个想法出现在某人脑海中时,可用strike sb.或occur to sb.。 A good idea occurred to me. 我想起一个好主意。 It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. 我一下子明白我们能如何改善局面了。(牛津P1748) 3I _ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _. Awent;was occurring Bwent;occurred Cwas going;occurred Dwas going;had occurred 解析:选C。句意:事故发生的时候我正走在大街上寻找停车的地方。4. burst vi. 爆炸;冲,闯 n. 突然破裂;爆发 burst into tears/songs/laughter/angry speech 突然哭/唱/笑/吵起来 burst out crying/singing/laughing 突然哭起来/唱起来/笑起来 burst in闯入 burst with anger/grief/joy勃然大怒/心痛欲绝/乐不可支 be bursting to do 渴望,急着要做(某事)She burst out crying for a while,and burst into laughter for another moment,which made us at a loss. 她一会儿突然哭起来,一会儿又突然笑起来,这使我们一头雾水。 We all thought his heart would burst with happiness. 我们都认为他心中的快乐快要爆发出来了。 The police burst in and arrested the gang. 警察突然闯进来逮捕了那帮人。 Tom is bursting to see his mother. 汤姆急着要见他的妈妈。 4Dont put too many apples in that bag,or it will _. Afail Bexplode Ccrack Dburst 解析:选D。burst爆裂,胀开,如:burst ones clothes撑破衣服;fail意为“没有;失败”;explode意为“爆炸;爆破”,指用炸药;crack意为“裂开;断裂;破裂”。5. discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心;使丧失信心;使打消做的念头;反对,阻止,劝阻(某种行动);阻拦,使放弃 discourage sb.from doing sth. 劝阻某人干某事;打消某人要做的念头 a very discouraging result十分令人泄气的结果 If you fail your driving test the first time,dont let it discourage you/dont be discouraged. 如果你考驾驶执照第一次没有通过,别因此而泄气。(朗文P420) We discourage smoking in this school. 反对在校内吸烟。(朗文P420) The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade. 恶劣的天气阻挠了人们去参加游行。(朗文P420) 5Hearing the _ news,he didnt feel _;and Im sure he will succeed sooner or later. Adiscouraged;discouraging Bdiscouraged;discouraged Cdiscouraging;discouraged Ddiscouraging;discouraging 解析:选C。句意:听到这个令人沮丧的消息,他没有心灰意冷;我相信他迟早会成功的。discouraged沮丧的,灰心丧气的,而discouraging意思是“令人沮丧的,使人心灰意冷的”。 6. expand vt.& vi.扩大;扩充;展开;张开;(使)膨胀,(使)鼓起 expand ones view充分阐述自己的观点 expand on/upon充分阐述;详谈 expand.in/into.把扩展 Metals expand with heat.金属遇热膨胀。 The shipbuilding industry is rapidly expanding. 造船工业正在迅速发展。 The scientist expanded on/upon his new theory. 那位科学家详述了他的新理论。 expand,extend,spread (1)expand(使)(尺寸、数字或数量等)扩大,增加(活动量),扩大(活动范围)。 (2)extend延伸,延长(建筑或道路、时间等),扩大(控制、影响力等),伸展(手臂、腿等)。 (3)spread把(物)铺开、张开,(疾病、感情、问题或火等)蔓延,(消息、思想等)流传,传播,扩展(使能覆盖大的面积),张开(手臂、双腿等)。 Weve expanded the business by opening two more stores. 我们增开了两个商店以扩展业务。(牛津P595) The bird spread its wings. 鸟展开翅膀。(牛津P1701) Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car by several years. 小心保养可使汽车寿命延长几年。(牛津P602) 6Whats the situation of the forest fire? The firefighters are trying to put it out.It _ over the mountain for two days. Awas spreading Bhas spread Chas been spread Dhas been spreading 解析:选D。spread表示“蔓延”时为不及物动词,不能用被动语态,而且根据句意可以知道这一动作一直在持续,到目前还没有完成,所以用现在完成进行时。7. refer vi.谈到;查阅;参考 reference n言及;提及;参考;查阅 refer to查阅;参考;谈到;涉及;提交 in/with reference to=in connection with关于 without reference to与无关,不管The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field. 这位科学家提到这一发现时,说是这个领域中最令人兴奋的新发展。(朗文P1262) Which companies was she referring to when she spoke of competing firms? 她提到所谓竞争的公司时,她指的是哪几家?(朗文P1262) 7The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes. Abringing up Breferring to Clooking for Dtrying on 解析:选B。句意:总统没参看稿子,在商贸会议上讲话近一个小时。bring up抚养;refer to参考,参阅;look for寻找;try on试穿。8It is foolish for him to _his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished. Astick to Brefer to Ckeep to Dpoint to 解析:选B。refer to ones notes意思是“参阅或查看某人的笔记” 单项填空 (1)The study of science has _ all our lives. Arich Brichness Criches Denriched 答案:D (2)The area is _ in wildlife. Arich Brichness Criches Denriched 答案:A 归纳与比较:enadj./n.构成动词 前缀enadj./n.(形容词/名词)v.(动词)en使,使成为;置于之中;使处于状态;赋予sure(肯定)ensure(保证)rich(富有,富裕)enrich(使富有)large(大的)enlarge(扩大)able(能的)enable(使能够)courage(勇气)encourage(鼓励)danger(危险)endanger(使遭危险)case(箱子)encase(把装箱)【经典案例】 I want to thank everyone who has_(鼓励)and supported me. 【解析】动词encourage表示“鼓励,鼓舞”。 【答案】encouraged 8. hold up 举起,抬起;延迟,(使)耽搁;(试图)抢劫;支撑起;阻碍 hold back阻挡,拦阻;抑制,控制;踌躇,(使)犹豫;隐瞒 hold on(打电话时)别挂断,等着;挺住,坚持住 hold onto紧紧抓住不放;保住(优势) The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. 新公路的建造由于天气不好而耽搁下来了。(朗文P729) The criminals held up the train/the bank and took all the money. 罪犯抢劫了火车(银行),拿走了所有的钱财。(朗文P729) They built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood waters. 他们筑堤阻挡上涨的洪水。(朗文P728) She managed to hold onto her job when several of her colleagues lost theirs. 当她的几名同事已经丢了饭碗时,她仍设法保住了自己的职位。(朗文P729) 9The flight was _ by fog for several hours. Aheld out Bheld back Cheld on Dheld up 解析:选D。句意:航班因遇雾而耽搁了几个小时。hold out伸出,维持;hold back阻止;hold on坚持住,(打电话时)等着;hold up延误,耽搁。 9. come across 偶然遇到 come about发生 come back(to sb.)恢复记忆,回想起 come up with提出 when it comes to当提及/涉及 I came across some old photos. 我偶然翻到了一些老照片。 Its all coming back to me now. 现在我全都回想起来了。 I can use a computer,but when it comes to repairing them,I know nothing. 我会使用计算机,但若说到修理,我就一窍不通了。 10Four dollars a pair?I think its a bit too expensive. If you buy three pairs,the price for each will_to three dollars. Acome downBtake down Cturn over Dgo over 解析:选A。come down下降。 11Its already 10 oclock,I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. Acame over Bcame out Ccame about Dcame up 解析:选C。come about发生。 10. count on 依靠,指望 beyond/out of count不计其数,数不尽 count.as.算作是,把当作 count out把不算在内 count in算入 count up共计,把加起来 count for nothing毫无价值,不足信 count for little/much简直无足轻重/关系重大 If youre going out tonight you will have to count me out. 假如你们今晚要出去,就别把我算在内。 Jacks promises dont count for much. 杰克的承诺并无多大价值。 If I got into trouble,I could always count on Rose. 如果我有麻烦,我总是可以依靠罗丝。 We count her as one of our oldest friends. 我们把她看作交情最久的朋友之中的一个。 12We are short of money,so every coin _ now. Acounts Bvalues Cworths Dprices 解析:选A。count算数、有价值、有重要性;value珍惜。“Every coin counts.”意为:每一分都很重要。 11. put up with 容忍,忍受 put up盖起,建立,搭起;张贴;增加;提高 put sb.up为某人提供膳宿;推荐,提名某人(担任某职等) put forward把提前;提出(供考虑),建议;拨快(钟表指针) put off推迟,使延期 put back放回,拖延,延缓;拨慢(钟表指针) put sth.away将收起;把放回原处;积蓄 I cant put up with your rudeness any more;leave the room. 我不能再忍受你这种无礼的态度了,请离开这个房间!(朗文P1225) That woman has a lot to put up with. 那个女人要忍受许多困难。(朗文P1225) Im afraid I cant put you up;youll have to go to a hotel. 我怕不能给你们提供膳宿,你们得到旅馆去住。(朗文P1225) They have put forward a plan for reducing the level of traffic. 他们提出了一项减少交通流量的计划。(朗文P1224) Weve invited them to dinner,but well have to put it off because the babys sick. 我们已经邀请他们来吃晚饭,但是因为孩子病了而只好改期。(朗文P1224) 13We had to _ a lot of noise when the children were at home. Ago in for Bhold on to Cput up with Dkeep up with 解析:选C。go in for喜欢,对感兴趣;hold on to坚持;keep up with跟得上;put up with忍受。句意:孩子在家时我们不得不忍受许多噪音。 12.【教材原句】Now that Helen understood the key to language,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could. 既然海伦理解了语言的关键所在,那么她非常渴望多学些并尽可能多地去使用它。【句法分析】now that“既然,由于”,是连词词组,可以引导原因状语从句。now that在口语中that可省略,只用now引导原因状语从句,而now在此已经失去了“现在”的含义。 其他引导原因状语从句的连词: because因为(语气较重,常用于回答提问) since因为,既然,由于(可与now that互换) as因为,由于(语气较弱) for因为(并列连词,引导一个分句,不能置于句首,表示进一步补充说明) Now(that)Johns arrived,we can begin. 既然约翰来了,我们就可以开始了。(朗文P1027) “Why cant I go?”“Because youre too young.” “为什么我不能去?”“因为你太年轻了。”(朗文P110) Since you cant answer the question,perhaps wed better ask someone else. 既然你不能回答这个问题,我们也许该问问别人。(朗文P1423) As she has no car,she cant get there easily. 她因为没有汽车,去那里很不容易。(朗文P68) 14_ he has limited technical knowledge,the old worker has a lot of experience. ASince BUnless CAs DAlthough 解析:选D。从四个选项的意思和引导的从句的前后关系来看,只有although符合本题。 13.【教材原句】Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything unless I touched it. 她的话让我感到非常困惑,因为那时我若不用手触摸就什么都不理解。 【句法分析】unless conj.“如果不,除非”,引导条件状语从句。 (1)unless在意义上相当于if.not,unless引导的肯定式的条件句可以和if引导的否定式的条件句互换。 (2)unless引导的条件状语从句中,通常不用虚拟语气。 (3)unless所引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句的主语与主句的主语相同,且谓语部分含有be动词,可省略从句主语与be动词。 Dont come unless I call you. 除非我给你电话,否则你不要来。 I sleep with the window open unless its really cold. 天气若不冷,我总开着窗户睡觉。 Unless something unexpected happens,Ill see you tomorrow. 如果不出意外,我明天就去看你。 15The man will have to wait all day _ the doctor works faster. Aif Bunless Cwhether Dthat 解析:选B。unless引导条件状语从句,根据题意“如果医生不快点工作的话,那个男人就会等上一天”,只有B项符合题意。 16(2010年山东德州模拟)It is known to all that _ you exercise regularly,you wont keep good health. Aunless Bwhenever Calthough Dif 解析:选A。句意:众所周知,如果你不经常运动,就不能保持身体健康。A为“除非”if.not;B为“无论何时”;C为“尽管”;D为“如果”。结合句意选A,此处为双重否定表肯定。


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