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Module 1Unit 1 Greetings一背景分析1. 学生背景:班级内学生英语基础差异较大,部分学生以前没有接触过英语,但是都对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣.一年级的学习准备期已经结束。学生在学习准备期中已经养成了基本英语课堂学习的习惯。在英语课堂上,我们鼓励学生首先认真倾听,然后仔细模仿,尽量做到发音清楚,声音响亮。学生的听,说,模仿等学习习惯还应在接下来的日常英语课堂教学中延续和继续培养。2. 教材定位:本课是新教材Module1Unit1:Greetings中的第一课。我们设定了这样的教学目标:学生听懂Good morning Good afternoon 以及Good evening的问候,并能做出正确的应答;学生能通过对太阳的位置变化辨认出一天中不同的时间段:morning, afternoon和evening. 考虑到一天的完整性,白天的时间可以划分为早晨,下午和傍晚三个部分,我们在教材的基础上增加了新授单词:evening以及Good evening的问候句型。二、教学过程与方法:在Pre-task Procedures中,老师用简短的儿歌,以及英语问候的暖场方式,让孩子们重温学习准备期的收获,慢慢熟悉课堂环境,更快地进入英语学习的课堂。考虑到Mr 这个称呼准备期学过,现在进行复习和巩固。老师在介绍完课题后通过拟人化的手法引出今天的主角Mr. Sun。考虑到低年段学生的特点,老师带上了Mr. Sun的头套,并用略带夸张的语气介绍自己:Good morning, I m Mr Sun. 此时请孩子们用所学过的问候语Hello, Good morning, Hi自由地与Mr. Sun打招呼. 学生逐步进入教师设定的语用环境中。为了创设真实的语言环境,老师演示了ppt太阳的动态变化,学生仿佛置身于太阳升起的场景中。老师以Mr. Sun的身份,通过歌曲引出句型Good morning. 学生先聆听,再模仿,培养基本的倾听-模仿习惯。接下来的环节,学生扮演各种小动物的角色用Good morning对Mr Sun进行问候。这既是与上一教学环节歌曲的衔接,又在简单的机械性操练中增强了学生的学习兴趣。在Good morning新授的这一环节中,我们安排了大量的机械性操练,帮助学生牢固掌握所学句型。为了让学生熟练操练,我们设计了朗朗上口的儿歌: Good morning. Good morning. Nice to see you. Chant的形式朗朗上口,学生边说边和同桌拍手更是强化了语言的节奏。新授afternoon时,太阳移动到了建筑物的西边。通过老师夸张的肢体动作和太阳的位置变化,学生直接感受到了afternoon 与morning的不同含义。学生们以角色的变换比如发出不同的小动物的声音,用Good afternoon来和Mr. Sun交流,也了解到了Good afternoon的语用语境。到了Post task activities。 老师设计了Quick Response和Chant两个活动。先说Quick Response,老师展示太阳的不同位置,请学生做出正确的应答,旨在强化日常生活中如何正确使用Good morning和 Good afternoon.接着是Chant,即学生所喜闻乐见的儿歌,学生拍手朗诵 。完整的儿歌使学生重温了今天学习的主要语言:Good morning. Good morning .Nice to see you.Good afternoon. Good afternoon . How are you? 随着多媒体的展示,Mr Sun和大家要说再见了。学生也了解到了evening的含义。至此,完整的一天由Mr Sun给大家做了展示和问候。良好听说习惯的培养在整节课中,老师设计的教学环节和上课时的具体处理,都注重在学生的听说习惯的培养和强化。引导孩子养成听的习惯:1认真倾听磁带或老师加以模仿。每次老师作出listen的指令,孩子们被要求把小手放在耳朵后,听清楚单词或句子的语音,语调,语速的变化,然后再加以模仿。这在整个教学过程中新授单词的环节中都有所体现。2仔细倾听他人(包括同学,老师)的语言表达,再予以正确的回应。在Pre-task preparation的环节中,老师与学生,学生与学生用Hello, Hi, How are you? Nice to see you,等问候语互相问候。在Post-task activities的环节中,一三排和二四排的孩子用Good morning. Good afternoon互相问候。不论是集体操练,还是个别对话都需要学生在听清来自于他人的语言表达后,再作出准确的应答。说的习惯:1尽全力模仿单词或句子的语音,语调,语速。在这堂课中,老师运用了声音高低,语速的快慢,不同小动物的音质来让孩子模仿,其一,是为了提高学生学习的兴趣,其二,就是为了培养学生模仿的能力。2注意在不同的场合调节声音的大小。在整节课中,老师安排了全班一起说,男女生说,大组说,同桌说,单独说等各种说的方式,并始终注重引导学生怎样调节声音大小:即集体说不喊叫,与个体交流声音大小适量,一个人发言要自信,响亮。经过了学习准备期,一年级的学生已形成了听,说,模仿等基本的学习习惯,我们需要做的是:在接下来的日常英语课堂教学中对学生良好的语言习惯予以延续和继续培养,以期做到:良好的习惯让孩子终身受益。LESSON PLAN Topic: 1A Module 1 Unit 1 GreetingsPeriod: The 1st periodTask: Greet others according to different time.Background study and material analyse:班级内学生英语基础差异较大,部分学生以前没有接触过英语,但是都对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣。一年级的学习准备期已经结束。学生在学习准备期中已经养成了基本英语课堂学习的习惯。在英语课堂上,鼓励学生首先认真倾听,然后仔细模仿,尽量做到发音清楚,声音响亮。本课是新教材Module1 Unit1 Greetings中的第一课。学生能听懂Good morning. Good afternoon.并能做出相应的回答;学生能通过对太阳的位置变化辨认出一天中不同的时间段,并通过所学进行问候。Objectives: 1. To know the general differences between “morning”, “afternoon” and “evening”.2. To learn how to greet people in the different time. Try to understand a simple sentence with the help of pictures and teachers body language.Difficulties: 1. Pronounce the words correctly. 2. Respond appropriatelyAids: media, headgear and DVDProceduresContentsMethodsPurposes.Pre-taskpreparation1 Flash song2 Daily expressions T: Please stand up and sing the song.Ps: Sing and act T: Hello, Hi, How are you? Nice to see you.P1-2-4-8: Greeting通过动画歌曲,帮助学生回忆起在学习准备期中所学过的问候方式。通过复习简单的问候,切入主题。. While-task procedureMr Sun Hello, Mr Sun.T: Hello, boys and girls. Now Im going to introduce Mr Sun to you. He is one of my best friends. Can you see him now? Its early in the morning. Mr Sun is getting up. Lets say hello to him. “Hello, Mr Sun.”1) T2) Pboys-girlsT: Would you like to say hello to Mr Sun. All the boys stand up.Now girls, its your turn. Stand up, please.3) PsT: The whole class.Oh, what a beautiful morning. Look, Mr Sun is moving. Up, up, up. T-Ps通过拟人化的手法引出“太阳”这个主角。Mr 这个称呼准备期学过,现在进行复习和巩固。通过对Mr Sun的问候,让学生逐步进入设定的语用环境。让学生置身于太阳升起的场景中。Song Good morning, Mr Sun.T: Oh, Mr Sun can see a lot of things on the world. He wants to say something to them. Lets listen what he says.Now lets be Mr Sun. We are all Mr Sun. Lets sing the song.T&Ps: Sing the song .T: Mr Sun say good morning to small animals. What would the small animals say to him? Lets be the little dog.T: Bow wow wow. Good morning, Mr Sun.Ps: Follow T(Ps would be the four little animals)Mew -catQuack -duckHonk-pigT: The small animals said good morning to Mr Sun. What shall we say to Mr Sun?The whole class say “Good morning , Mr Sun.”通过歌曲引出句型Good morning. 先聆听,再模仿,培养学生基本的倾听-模仿习惯。让学生扮演各种小动物的角色用句子进行问候。既与上一教学环节歌曲学习的内容和角色衔接,又在机械性模仿联系中增加学习兴趣。准备期已经接触过这个句型了,关键在于让学生感知何时该问候Good morning.大量的机械性操练,帮助学生牢固掌握所学句型。ChantGood morning.Good morning. Nice to see you.T: Say and clap1) T-Ps2) Pa-b: (face to face)通过chant的形式让学生上口。同时利用拍手的形式强化语言的节奏。afternoon (Play the media of “afternoon”)T: Look at me. Mr Sun is still moving. From east to west. Up, up, up. Down, down.Is it morning? Shall we say good morning? Oh, it is afternoon.T: Every one stand up. Do with me. East-westMorning-afternoon.T-Ps: Say and act.通过太阳的位置变化,了解afternoon 与morning的含义。Good afternoonT: Lets say good afternoon to Mr Sun.T-PsT: Do you remember the little dog? He wants to say good afternoon to Mr Sun. Who wants to be the little dog and say good afternoon to Mr Sun, please stand up.(Will you be the little dog?)试用Good afternoon交流,了解Good afternoon的使用语境。运用角色的变换,操练句型,达到牢固掌握的目的。ChantGood afternoon.Good afternoon.How are you?T: Say and clapT-PsPa-b: (face to face)(hand: left, right, both)通过chant的形式让学生上口。. Post-task activity1. Quick Response ChantGood morning.Good morning. Nice to see you.Good afternoon.Good afternoon.How are you?T: (Show the pictures)If I show you this picture, what you would say?Youd better say “Good morning./ Good afternoon.”Ps: Look and say.T: Now lets play a game.Line 1, 3 and 5. Please turn back.Ps: Look at the picture and greet each other.T-Ps: Say and clap.通过太阳的不同位置,让学生感知在一天中的不同时间段,打招呼的语言不同。通过图片的变换,让学生巩固日常生活中如何正确使用Good morning.和 Good afternoon.通过chant的形式,帮助学生重温今天学习的主要语言。eveningGoodbye.(Play the media of “evening”)T: What a busy day!Mr Sun moves from east to west. Up, up, up. Down, down. Mr Sun is going to have a sleep. Now it is evening. T-Ps: evening (Listen and say)P two by twoT: It is evening. Mr Sun wants to say goodbye to you. Ps: Goodbye, Mr Sun.T: Good night, every one. See you tomorrow.Goodbye, Mr Sun.(4 times. High-low voice)T: Thats all for today.Goodbye.(Low voice)通过自然界的变化规律,让学生了解evening的到来,意味着Mr Sun和我们要说再见了。通过动作和声音的变化,让学生切身感受到Mr Sun在晚上的时候,要和我们说再见了。 Song P5(Play the DVD)Ps: Listen T & Ps: Sing the song在优美的歌声中结束本堂课的教学。. AssignmentIf you like, you can say the chant or sing the song to your friend, your father or mother, or to me or others.

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