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高效课堂优秀案例与反思小学四年级英语第三单元第一课Part A Lets learn 小学英语第四册教学案例与课后反思 一、 教学内容 PEP小学英语第四册 Unit3 Is this your skirt? Part A Lets learn& Lets do二、 教学目标及要求1、能听,说,认读有关衣服的单词jacket, shirt, skirt, T-shirt, sweater, dress.2、复习有关颜色的单词,并学会把颜色运用到描述衣服上面去,如a yellow shirt等。3、结合句型 I like the with the,I like来表达自己喜欢的衣服搭配与颜色。4、围绕举行“fashion show”这一活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,引导学生主动开口描述自己在“fashion show”中展现的衣服,培养学生把所学语言运用到实际生活中去的能力。三、 教学重难点 会听说和认读关于衣服的各个单词,结合颜色表达自己喜欢的衣服搭配,并能在实际生活中运用所学语言描述各种衣服。四、教具准备:1.学生每人带各种衣物若干和模拟服装店一间2. 衣物及颜色的图片和单词卡片3. CAI 课件 4. 服装秀的音乐和奖品五、教学过程:(一)Warm-up: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Whats the weather like?(二)Presentation:T: Today we are going to learn Unit3 Is this your skirt?(板书课题) Lets have a fashion show today. (随着节奏感很强的音乐, CAI课件呈现 “fashion show”)Ss:Yeah!T: Look! There is a “clothes shop”. Wow, so many colourful clothes. What colour can you see?Ss: I can seeT: Are they nice?Ss: Yes.1、教T-shirt和动作put on your T-shirtT: Whats this? It yellow T-shirt. Do you like the yellow T- shirt?Ss: Yes. I like the yellow T-shirt.(Read the words after the teacher)T: Lingling, come here. This T-shirt is for you. Put on your T-shirt, please.其他同学一边说T-shirt, T-shirt, put on your T-shirt. 玲玲一边上前穿上T恤衫。全班读单词,并一起做put on your T-shirt的动作2、教skirt和动作hang up your skirtT:Oh, here is a pink skirt!( 故意笑着)Boys,do you like the pink skirt?Boys:(齐声笑着)No!T: Girls, do you like the pink skirt?Girls: (点头笑着) Yes!T: Girls, follow me :Skirt, skirt, I like the pink skirt.(女生跟读)Boys follow: Skirt, skirt, I dont like the pink skirt.T: Girls, show me your skirt, please. (走到一个女生前面,拿起她的短裙)Xinxin,Is this your skirt?X: Yes, it is.T:(做挂衣服动作) Go and hang up your skirt.(在欣欣上去做动作时带领全班说:hang up your skirt知道她做完动作为止)3、教jacket 和动作take off your jacketT: Whats it? (用嘴型暗示学生回答Its a jacket) What colour is the jacket?Ss: Its brown.T: So its a brown jacket. Dongdong, come and put on the jacket. (叫一个男孩上前穿上jacket)Do you like the brown jacket?Dongdong: No!(摇头)T:Oh .its too big! You dont like the big jacket! (表情夸张,全班大笑) So the whole class say: Take off your jacket and you do the action. (全班发指令,东东脱下夹克衫) So lets put away thisSs: jacket! 4、教 dress 和动作 fold you dressT: ( 把夹克拿到一边后,拿起一条漂亮的 dress) Is it a beautiful dress.Ss: Yes, its beautiful.T: I think the girls will like it. Right? Please say it after me: dress, dress, I like the green dress. (女生跟读)T: Who would like to show me your pretty dress?G1:I like my yellow dress. G2:I like T: So many pretty dresses. I think you must learn how to fold the dress.( 示范动作fold the dress, 全班跟做动作)5、教shirt和动作wash your shirtT: There are two shirts here, the blue and the yellow shirt.(侧重shirt的发音) which one do you like?( 分别举起两件问几个学生)S1: I like theshirt.S2: I like theshirt.S3, S4: T: Mingming, show me you shirt, please. (Mingming 出示他的shirt, 老师细看,找到上面的一个小污点, 跨张的大叫) Oh, its dirty. Wash your shirt, wash your shirt ( 便说边示范动作让他明白意思,接着一边全班说,一边做洗衬衫的动作)6、教sweater和动作 put away your sweaterT: Wash the shirt makes me very hot. There is a white sweater. I like the white sweater. Can I put on the white sweater? Ss: No, you cant. Its hot today.T: (示意学生跟读) Sweater, sweater, I like the white sweater.But its hot now. So lets put away the sweater. ( 示范动作,并要求学生一起做出put away the sweater 的动作)(三) Consolidation1、Show the word cards and read the words: Tshirt, T-shirt, a yellow T-shirt2、 A game: Put the word under the right picture The teacher takes out some pictures of the clothes and asks the students. Then put the pictures on the board. T: Who want to come here and put the word cards under the right picture? ( 学生把单词贴到相应的图片下面,并说出这个单词和句子I like3、Lets do1)Listen and do the action: Put on your T-shirt; hang up your skirt2) (打开CAI课件) Say and do after the CAI.4、Open the book and read it, let the students talk about the clothes they like in the book.5、Another game: Passing the words and write “I like the with the(四) Extension1) Go shoppingT: Now lets go shopping and buy some clothes for the fashion show. Remember, you have only 100 Yuan. Discuss in your group and choose the clothes you like. Use the sentence “I like”(课件进入模拟商店,学生自由购买衣服)2) Fashion showT: As the clothes are ready. Lets begin our fashion show now! (伴着服装秀的音乐,同学们踩着节奏,精神抖擞地上来展现他们的风貌,课堂气氛达到整节课的最高点)(五) Summery 总结本课所学关于衣服的名称表达和在fashion show 小选手的表现,全班选出最佳男女模特各一名, 颁发奖品,幸运星。 (六) Homework设计一套自己最喜欢的衣服反思:本节课的主要教学内容是有关各种衣服的表达法,描述自己喜欢的衣服与颜色的搭配,以及根据这些衣服所作出的有关动作。采用丰富多彩的教学方法,设计不同层面的教学活动,开发学生的语言表达能力和思维想象力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步运用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。 也就是说好的导入是一堂课的首要环节,能让学生有极大的兴趣听下去,配合你往下进行使整堂课始终保持着热度的敲门石。使得课堂一开始就有一种人文的气息扑面而来。 课堂的教学目标以及重点难点,可谓是一堂课的基本骨架,教学目标可以说是学生在一堂英语课堂总智力发展的终极目标,重点和难点便是一堂课应该了解和解决在实践中遇到的实际问题。今天才逐渐体会到一堂课上的在“丰富多彩”如果没有抓住整堂课的基本骨架,那这堂课就是一个“躯壳”没有完成最重要的指标,我也感受到如果使一堂课显得多样化,不乏味,有趣味,就的往里面充填血和肉,使整堂英语课程活跃起来。教师运用活动来练习单词和句子,学生的积极性很高,也达到了很好的教学效果。教师关于整节课设计的活动,都是围绕重难点、围绕教学目标的,因此学习效果比较明显。 现代社会科技发达,许多老师运用多媒体教学已经不是什么新鲜的事了。画面美丽动人,形象生动能很好的吸引学生的眼球。但每节课都运用多媒体教学在目前是不现实的,显然简笔画就不容忽视了。 我们教师是课程的开发者,是学生学习的促进者,领路人,是学生健康成长的激励者,是教学理论的研究者、实践者。怎样摆脱“英语课堂热热闹闹,学生英语水平提高不了”的状况。在漫长的教学过程中,还是需要我们做出更多的努力。综观整节课,我始终围绕着“fashion show”这一令学生非常感兴趣的活动为主线展开教学。在教学中,我注重激发学生学习英语的兴趣,利用多媒体创设语言情景,使新的语言知识在真实的交流中自然生成并整体呈现。学生在和谐的学习环境中体验感悟河运用新学的语言知识,其情感态度得以培养,学习语言的积极性也大大提高了.


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