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2011级初中英语第一轮复习达标练习题第二集A卷 (七年级Modules3-4使用)听力部分(满分20分).听句子,选出与其相符的图片(5分)听对话,根据问题选择正确答案(10分)6.A.Its in the classroom.B.There are old desks.C.They are in the classroom.7.A.He is in front of Tom.B.He is behind Tom.C.He is in the office.8.A.Yes,there are.B.No,there arent.C.Yes,they are.9.A.Yes,it is.B.No,there isnt.C.Yes,there is.10.A.Yes,there is a gym.B.There is a gym.C.No,there is a classroom.听短文,选择最佳答案(5分)11.This is room.A.my English teachersB.my Chinese teachers C.Mr Lis12.There are on the table.A.some books and a televisionB.some books and a computerC.some books and some flowers13.Ther computer is .A.on the tableB.on the chairC.on the desk14.Mr Wang can .A.play basketballB.play football C.ride a horse15. on the wall.A.Some pictures and a map of England are B.A map of China and some pictures areC.A map and a kite are笔试部分(满分80分).根据括号内所给汉语写出单词的正确形式(10分)1.Lucy!This is my (爷爷).2.Ive got two (电子邮件)from my pen friend.3.We (做)dumplings every week.4.Are they your (祖父母)?5.There are many (人)in the park.6.There (有)a map of China on the wall.7.Our class comes a new boy,but I dont know (他)now.8.I (做)my homework at 8 oclock in the evening.9.My (家)has eight people.Its big.10.Sara hasnt got any uncles (和)aunts.答案:1.grandpa2.emails两封邮件,所以email加-s。3.make“做饺子”用make dumplings。一般现在时,主语是第一人称复数,make无变化。4.grandparents祖父母是两人,所以grandparent 加 s。5.peoplepeople既可以用作复数也可以作单数,要依具体的语境来定。6.is a map是单数,所以there be用there is。7.him谓语后用代词宾格。8.do“做作业”用do homework,一般现在时,主语是第一人称单数,do无变化。9.family 10.or否定句中表示“和”用or。.单项选择(20分)1.There are on the desk.A.any pensB.two pens and a rulerC.a ruler and two pens答案:B根据there be 用就近原则,there are 后选择复数名词。2.Have you got brothers?No.But I have got sisters.A.any;some B.any;anyC.some;some答案:A一般疑问句用any,陈述句用some。3. sisters has he got?Three.A.WhatB.How manyC.How old答案:B对数量提问用how many。4.Tracy is my friend. has a big family and parents are teachers.A.She;hisB.She;herC.She;she答案:B作主语用代词主格,修饰名词用形容词性的物主代词。5. name is Kitty.A.Bettys sistersB.Bettys sisterC.Betty sisters答案:A表示贝蒂的姐妹的,两个都要用名词所有格,加s。6.There are four people in my familymy dad,my mum, .A.me and my brotherB.my brother and IC.I and brother答案:B英文中“我、你、他”的顺序是you,he and I,我在最后。7.Tom has got three brothers and two sisters, he has got a big family.A.orB.but C.so答案:C根据句意,前一句是原因,后一句是结果,所以用so。8. people in the room?Yes,there are.A.Is there aB.Are there any C.Is there any答案:B根据回答,用Are there any 提问。9. Ill go you.A.withB.inC.onD.of答案:Awith接人称代词,表示“和一起”。10. I dont like basketball football.I dont like basketball, I like football.A.or;butB.and;andC.or;soD.and;but答案:A在否定句和疑问句中,用or,而不用and 表示并列关系。but表示转折。11.In school,there are 30 classes.A.we B.ourC.usD.were答案:Bwe是主格,us为宾格,were是we和are“我们是”的缩写,our为为形容词性物主代词,用于修饰名词。12. a book and two pens on the desk.A.TheresB.There areC.This isD.These答案:Athere be表示“某地有某物”,其be动词的单复数由紧跟在后面的名词确定。如其后名词有两个或两个以上时,则跟最临近的那个。13.There is a picture the wall.There is a hole(洞) the wall.A.in;in B.on;onC.on;inD.in;on答案:C“图画在墙上”,即不属于墙壁的东西,“洞在墙里”是穿过墙壁的。14.Look!Your books are next my basketball.A.at B.inC.onD.to答案:Dnext to 是短语,“在旁边”之意。15.Please talk in class.A.dont B.doesntC.isnt D.arent答案:A此句是祈使句的否定用法。祈使句肯定用动词原形,否定一律用dont开头。16.Where are her ?A.penB.pencil C.a pencil D.pencils答案:D因为句子的动词为are,表复数,因而铅笔要加“s”。17.This is desk.A.Kate and CathyB.Kate and CathysC.Kates and CathysD.Kates and Cathy答案:B两个人拥有同一样东西,只在第二个人的后面用所有格则可。18.Welcome Guangming Middle School.A.to B./C.atD.of答案:A“欢迎到”固定搭配为welcome to。19.Is there on Bettys desk?A.a dictionary B.computerC.any pictures D.a pencils答案:A“欢迎到”固定搭配为welcome to。20. the science lab?Its behind the library.A.HowsB.WhysC.WheresD.What答案:C此题由回答的behind(在后面)得知题目问地点。III.按要求完成句子(10分)1.There are two English books and a dictionary on the desk.(改为同义句)There on the desk.2.There are some photos on the wall.(改为否定句)There photos on the wall.3.There is a dictionary on Li Leis desk.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) a dictionary on Li Leis desk?Yes, .4.There are some flowers on our teachers desk.(就画线部分提问) on your teachers desk?5.Damings friend is in front of the tree.(就画线部分提问) Damings friend?答案:1.is a dictionary and two English books把宾语的前后顺序调换即可。2.arent any否定句变化直接在助动词后加not,但遇some须变为any。3.Is there;there is变为一般疑问句要将助动词is提前,回答同样要用there be句型。4.Whats此题问“在有什么”。5.Where is此题画线部分为地点。VI.完形填空(10分)Most children like 1 TV.On TV 2 can learn a lot,and they can see and know many things 3 their country and the world.Of course,they can 4 over the radio.but they can learn better and more easily with 5.Why?Because they can hear and watch at the same time.But they cant 6 anything over the radio.Many children watch TV 7 Saturday or Sunday evenings.They are very busy with their lessons on 8.But a few children watch TV every 9.They go to bed very late.So they cant have a good 10.How about you,my young friend?1.A.watchingB.seeingC.lookingD.reading2.A.we B.youC.theyD.I3.A.ofB.about C.at D.with4.A.singB.learnC.danceD.hear5.A.radioB.filmC.gameD.TV6.A.hearB.likeC.seeD.learn7.A.inB.on C.to D.for8.A.weekendB.weekdays C.SaturdayD.Sunday9.A.placeB.timeC.manD.night10.A.timeB.restC.gameD.meal答案:1.Alike后面跟动词ing形式,“看电视”用 watch TV。2.C根据第一句,这里是指孩子们。3.B表示“了解,关于”用know about。4.B根据上下文,这里是指学习。5.D根据上文,这里是指用电视。6.C因为收音机是不能看的。7.B表示在星期几的早上、下午和晚上,用on。8.B孩子们是在周日上课。9.D根据下文,这里是指晚上。10.B根据上文,这里是指休息。.阅读理解(20分)ALin Tao has a good friend.His name is Jim Smith.He is eleven.They are at the same age.Jims father and mother work in China.Jim likes Chinese food very much.Lin Tao often asks him to come to his home and have Chinese food with his family.Jim is good at English.And Lin Tao is good at Chinese.Jim can help Lin Tao with his English.And Lin Tao can help Jim to learn Chinese.They can help each other.1.Lin Tao is friend.A.Mrs GreensB.JimsC.JacksD.Li Bings2.Jims parents work in .A.AmericaB.JapanC.ChinaD.England3.Jim and Lin Tao are .A.in the same city B.at the same age C.at the same schoolD.in the same shop4.Jim is good at .A.ChineseB.English C.FrenchD.Japanese5. often asks Jim to come to his home and have Chinese food.A.Mr GreenB.Mrs GreenC.Jims uncleD.Lin Tao答案:1.B第二句提到他的名词叫Jim Smith,Jim 是男孩的名字。2.C文章第二行提及父母在中国工作。3.B文章第四句提到。4.B文章第二段开头提到。5.D短文第一段最后一句提到。BHello,Im Lin Tao.This is my school.Its a big and beautiful school.There is a big play ground.The gym is next to the playground.In front of the gym,there are science labs.Behind the gym,there is a library.So we can see the gym is between(在之间)the science labs and the library.In the library,there are many books.Look!This is our teaching building,and there are 48 classrooms in it.In my class,there are 56 students.34 of them are boys,the rest are girls.On the right(在右边) of the teaching building,there is a dining hall,and we often have lunch there.Teachers offices are in front of our teaching building.根据短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。6.Lin Taos school is big and beautiful.7.There are many people on the playground now.8.There are 56 classrooms in the teaching building.9.Teachers offices are in front of the library.10.In the library,there are many books.答案:6.T由第二、三句可知。7.F文中没有提到此时操场上有很多人。8.F文中说有56个学生,48间教室。9.F老师的办公楼是在教师楼的前面而不是在图书馆的前面。10.T由本文第四行可知。.书面表达(10分)看图,以“My bedroom”为题写一篇短文。要求不少于5句话。答案:This is my bedroom.Its not big but very nice.There is a bed in the room.There is a desk near the window.On the desk,there is a clock.It can wake me up every morning.And there is a cat under the desk. 参考答案听力原文及答案:1.There are 18 boys in our class.2.Mr.Green is next to the blackboard.3.Lily is in front of her father in the photo.4.There is a computer on the desk.5.This is our school.答案:15 BBCAB6.There are 64 desks in the classroom.Q:Where are the desks?7.Tom is in front of Tony.Q:Where is Tony?8.There are 36 classrooms and 16 science labs in our school.Q:Are there 36 science labs and 16 classrooms in your school?9.The computer is on Miss Wangs desk.Q:Is there a computer on Miss Wangs desk?10.There is a gym next to the classroom.Q:Whats next to the classroom?答案:610 CBBCB听力原文及答案:Mr Wang is my Chinese teacher.This is his room.Its very new and big.You can see some flowers on the table.Some books are on it.Next to the table there is a desk.On the desk,there is a computer.Behind the desk,there is a chair.Under the chair,there is basketball.Mr Wang can play basketball.He likes it very much.There is a map on the wall.Its a map of China.There are some pictures on the wall,too. 本卷第7页(共7页)

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