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期末考试练习题一 多项选择1. The flower exhibition was such a big _ for the eyes that nobody on the scene wanted to tear themselves away from it.A. beautyB. feastC. curiosityD. harvest2. A large-scaled meeting has been held in _ of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party.A. celebrationB. admirationC. presenceD. recognition3. A university is an educational institution which can _ you a degree when you have successfully completed your academic studies.A. rewardB. offerC. awardD. provide4. Can you think of any Chinese idioms or sayings which _ the same meaning as the English proverb “Talk of the devil and he comes”?A. acquireB. carryC. produceD. grasp5. If you choose to _ your sorrows in alcohol, youll be loaded with more grief later on.A. balanceB. combineC. drownD. digest6. On the night of Halloween, children will _ in their fancy clothes and call from door to door, playing trick or treat.A. build upB. come upC. act upD. dress up7. Some people have the habit of _ an excuse every time theyve done something improper.A. making upB. setting upC. taking upD. putting up8. They were _ in the wrong, but still did all they could to defend themselves against the crtiticism, which angered everybody on the spot.A. fundamentallyB. unfortunatelyC. particularlyD. obviously9. Students should learn to become _ of their teachers so that they can develop the ability of lifelong learning.A. independentB. awareC. confidentD. careful10. Spaceships are designed _ a cigar in order to reduce air resistance when being launched into outer space.A. in the shape ofB. in the course ofC. in the charge ofD. in the middle of 11. Today finding information through Internet is quick and convenient. However, _ are that what you get may not be so reliable as expected.A. challengesB. difficultiesC. chancesD. requirements12. Even though most of us are living under great pressure due to a tight schedule, we can do a little to add _ to our daily routine.A. differenceB. varietyC. curiosity D.attraction13. A vegetarian diet can _ your waist, sharpen your mind and even lower your food bill.A. slimB. declineC. reduce D. fit14. Nuclear science should be developed to_ people rather than harm them.A. qualifyB. benefitC. appeal D. confirm15. If they dont _ public spending, the local government will be faced with serious difficulties.A. put downB. pull downC. cut downD. set down16. -In contemporary society, women can balance their families and careers.-I cannot agree more. Its great to have the two_.A. linkedB. relatedC. connectedD. combined17. In the park Jenny went along, thinking of nothing in _, only looking at things around her.A. particularB. uniqueC. privateD. public18. The income of skilled workers went up,_, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.A. moreoverB. thereforeC. meanwhileD. otherwise19. It took _ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses.It took brains as well. A. other thanB. more thanC. rather thanD. less than20. _, most teenagers now listen to rock music while John likes classical music better.A. In a wordB. In generalC. In briefD. In total21. I soon _where the trouble lay and immediately did something to save the situation.A. recognizedB. settledC. reflectedD. spotted22. The rope might break, but thats the only chance we have got to _.A. leave B. take C. make D. get23. Running can allow us to forget everything else in the world for a moment, leaving our minds to _ freely.A. arise B. wonder C. arouse D. wander24. What the garage business _ every year allows his family to live a comfortable life.A. brings on B. brings in C. brings up D. brings out25. The novel “Moonstone” is _ England in 1848, but the story began 50 years earlier.A. set off B. set up C. set in D. set out 26. _ his knowledge of the mountainous country, Bob was appointed as our guide.A. In spite of B. On account of C. Regardless of D. By means of 27. Some criminals were printing _ dollar bills until they were finally arrested.A. genuine B. fake C. untrue D. artificial28. Expect everything to go wrong _, and you may not feel so bad when it actually does.A. in advance B. in return C. in particular D. in addition29. The representatives felt extremely frustrated and angry at the _ in which the decision was announced .A. scene B. manner C. medium D. means30. Among the 915 respondents, 52 percent disagreed with the change of the law, 35 percent _, while the rest gave no exact answer.A. opposed B. criticized C. approved D. permitted31. The brave man _ his clothes and jumped into the river to save the drowning boy.A. pulled on B. put off C. pulled awayD. pulled off32. In hot summers, germs _ fast in meat, and can produce food poisoning.A. affectB. developC. improveD. multiply33. He looked ready to _ but then he swallowed his anger.A. explodeB. exploreC. expandD. exploit34. An _ of doubt and uncertainty hung over the town.A. moodB. phenomenonC. climateD. atmosphere35. Over the years, she had tried to _ that miserable part of her life.A. block upB. block outC. block offD. block over36. Some people prefer the older version to the new one. Its only a(n) _ of taste.A. massB. countC. matterD. occasion37. Theory is based on practice and _ serves practice.A. in turnB. in its turnC. by turnsD. at turns38. The mammals were different from all life forms in the past, because they _ young baby animals.A. gaveB. producedC. deliveredD. possess 39. The naughty boy _ to me that the hen that _ there just now had_ two eggs the day before.A. laid; laid; laid B. laid; lay; lainC. lied; laid; lain D. lied; lay; laid40. In face of the low employment, a great many graduates, when hunting for a position, would rather _a potential career future first than a high salary, which is a sensible choice.A. go withB. agree withC. allow forD. provide for41. Since global warming has been a primary concern facing the world, there should be no _ for cooperation among countries.A. commentB. borderC. statementD. defence42. This theme park is increasingly popular with children and adults as it is the perfect _ of entertainment and education.A. mixB. bondC. easeD. occasion43. With more and more people rushing into the _ areas of some major cities, pollution and traffic jams are disturbing problems for the governments.A. broad B. distantC. urbanD. vast44. There is _ difference between the two toothbrushes, thus making it difficult for me to tell them apart.A. variousB. uniqueC. considerableD. slight45. When asked about their unexpected failure in the tournament, the coach _ a smile and dashed into the door quickly.A. noddedB. managedC. woreD. greeted46. Evidence began to pile up and it was eventually _ that the beautiful secretary in the office was a spy from Russia.A. confirmedB. predictedC. convincedD. observed47. Seasoned travelers are aware that it is quite necessary to take out insurance to _ any problem before going places.A. defendB. ridC. underlineD. cover48. Feeling that he could hardly _ in his new job, the graduate decided to quit and seek another one that was less demanding.A. carry outB. get acrossC. settle downD. move off49. Its said that it will take tourists _ seven days to travel across the continent from west to east in Canada. A. obviouslyB. approximatelyC. fundamentallyD. entirely50. The general manager soon wrote back _ my complaint about the fake commodities and promised to give me a full refund.A. in relation toB. in association withC. in response to D. in line with51. In Canada, people_the pre-Lent carnival by taking part in snow-related activities.A. observe B. respect C. organize D. perform52.When interviewed about the success of his latest work, the novelist said he drew_from his childhood experience.A. attention B. inspiration C. reaction D. conclusion53. It was a blow to his pride when he was put in the _by his younger brothers outstanding performance in the tennis match. A. ease B. shade C. defeat D. shadow54. A new advertising campaign was _to promote the sales of the new laptop hitting the market next month.A. laid B. carried C. launched D. intended55. Dont _your peers, for they can be of great help when you need innovative ideas. A. look up to B. look out for C. look back on D. look down on56. Its quite _ of you to inform us in advance of the chairmans absence in todays meeting. A. considerate B. generous C. subjective D. reliable57. The new comer sat _at the back of the room, listening attentively to his colleagues speech. A.ignorantly B.modestly C. respectably D. unselfishly58. The problem you _ in the letter has been discussed several times and well give you a satisfactory solution soon. A. turned to B. referred to C. connected to D. carried on 59. Most students are _in their support to have a variety of choices for free online courses. A. unspoken B. content C. outspoken D. particular60. I got the internship(实习)_and it turned out to be a rewarding experience for those who wanted to be self-employed.A. by design B. by chance C. by degrees D. by turns61. Do you have any to make about the latest droughts and floods that visited parts of China?A. suggestion B. statement C. comment D. summary62. The goal is not only to satisfy the nutritional needs of poor people but also to the demand for farm products.A. add B. expand C. widen D. broaden63. To make the land _and productive, farmers choose to use animal waste instead of chemical additives from factories.A. organicB. fertileC. nutritiousD. resourceful64. Practicing Chinese kung fu can not only ones character, but also develop ones mind.A. bring up B. take up C. pull up D. build up 65. A woman was in taking down the data shown on an instrument. A. focusedB. attractedC. absorbedD. satisfied66. It was assumed that economic progress would rapidly the disappearance or assimilation of many small-scale societies.A. come from B. lead to C. run into D. begin with67. Theres a story around the office that you are about to leave the company.A. developingB. stretchingC. expandingD. circulating68. Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request a question.A. in search of B. in the form of C. in need of D. in the direction of 69. Pollution has reached high levels in some urban areas, which is quite worrying.A. disturbingly B. slightly C. nearly D. seriously70. Its not surprising really that he should have been so by his mothers ambitions for him.A. confused B. concerned C. observed D. limited 71. Thomas has been quite strange these days for there were several _on which he avoided answering my enquiring about his wife.A. momentsB. opportunitiesC. occasionsD. times72. The doctors had to try the treatment of chemotherapy on him, because he _so badly to the radiation therapy.A. reactedB. reflectedC. inspectedD. acted73. His optimism finally made me _ that they had got well prepared for the approaching exams. A. convinceB. persuadeC. believeD. consider74. The boy was asked to _every penny he spent last week by his mother because she was afraid that him might have used his money in a wrong way.A. account forB. make for C. go forD. fight for75. What _Hans most was that he still couldnt get through the driving test though he made a third attempt. A. impressedB. expressedC. embarrassedD. depressed76. Tom had his house broken into last night. Fortunately, all the _ of his safe are where they have been. A. contentsB. contactsC. mattersD. containers77. -Tom, Ive had a fantastic design for our new house! -Well, honey, remember to keep it within our _. A. possessionB. budgetC. balanceD. finance78. The European settlers hunted millions of bison on the American plain and _their skin for money, thus breaking the balance of nature there. A. cut offB. cut upC. picked offD. picked up 79. The girl didnt know much about western table manners, so she was _ by shame when someone told her she held the knife in the wrong hand. A. wonB. overcomeC. foughtD. hit80. His stubborn resistance to anything new eventually _ the patience of his supporters. A. tired outB. worn offC. worn outD. tired of81. The competition has attracted over 500 contestants_80 different countries. A. reportingB. representingC. requiringD. requesting82. It would my mind to know that she was settled. A. easeB. eraseC. edgeD. edit83. Politicians are skilled at themselves against their critics. A. dependingB. detectingC. determiningD. defending84. People who are less involved are better judges. A. objectivelyB. subjectivelyC. activelyD. passively85. , cars made in Germany are reliable and breakdowns are rare. A. In allB. In additionC. In generalD. In total86. The of the heart is to pump blood through the body. A. useB. advantageC. benefitD. function87. When Mary opened the door after work on Mothers Day, she was_by a bunch of flowers. A. metB. greetedC. congratulatedD. celebrated88. When the boy asked me he cut himself carelessly, I told him that he should call for first aid immediately. A. what ifB. even ifC. only ifD. as if89. -I feel really disappointed not to have got the job I had applied for.-Dont worry, maybe something better will . A. go byB. take onC. turn upD. fall down90. A smile is considered as the best piece of clothing. As Martin Charnin once put it, you are never fully without a smile. A. decoratedB. dressedC. designedD. drowned91. The old wizard Merlin_a sword into the big stone to pick out whoever was the strongest in ancient England.A. knocked B. struck C. drove D. placed92. In Disneyland, you can experience various_and attractions related to the Walt Disney films.A. scenery B. sights C. views D. points93. When watching a favorite TV series, we mostly hate the_for commercials, which interrupt us frequently.A. rest B. crack C. break D. change94. Thats all I remember about the terrible ship-wreck: I didnt _ until a boat spotted me and landed me on a life-raft.A. come up B. come out C. come in D. come to95. With thousands of invaders gathering near the boarder, the general ordered his men to _ to the front line and fight the enemy.A. advance B. develop C. draw D. progress96. _ you couldnt find the book-it had fallen behind the chair .A. No doubt B. No sense C. No wonder D. No point97. There are many animals that are _to Australia, the Koala and the Kangaroo being two examples.A. special B. particular C. unusual D. unique98. Contemporary society sees a sharp divorce_both home and abroad, resulting in various problems.A. pace B. rate C. speed D. standard99. This theme park is a perfect_of amusement and fun. You can spend a whole day exploring the future world with the latest IMAX 3D technology.A. mixture B. union C. combination D. cooperation100. Some _ arts like paper cutting should be carefully preserved to maintain the cultural diversity in our country.A. folk B. common C. fashionable D. general二 完成句子1. I would _(提醒他许下的诺言) if he failed to keep his word. (remind)2. You can hardly imagine _(这些冰屋会有多冷) in winter. (be)3. The whole family sat together in the open air, _(赏月) and eating mooncakes. (admire)4. He _(不可能搜集到了足够信息) for their research project because his home computer broke down half a month ago. (gather)5. How I wish I _(原谅他) for the way he spoke to me that day! (forgive)6. All his friends are looking forward to _(庆祝他安全返回) from abroad. (celebrate)7. Great changes are said _(发生了) nationwide in the recent few years. (take)8. You would freeze to death in less than 2 minutes if _(万一你掉进河里). (fall)9. He _(不可能在讲真话) when he says he misses us very much. (tell)10. They _(在挨饿) for the past three days because theres a short supply of food. (starve)11. Hearing that he failed passing the driving test, he sat there silent,_(感到很沮伤).(frustrated)12. Teachers wont have you_(逃脱惩罚)cheating in the exam once you are caught.(break)13. The teacher was standing in the classroom, with_(许多学生围着).(surround)14. _(直到一个星期天的下午) in May that I was able to be arranged to meet the professor.(until)15. Their new apartment _(三倍大) of the old one.(measure, size)16. So_( 他专注)in his book that he completely forgot the time.(absorb)17. It is required that under no circumstances_(这些书不准拿出)out of the reading room.(take).18. _(正如所报道)in the newspaper, the ceasefire agreement between the two countries has not been reached so far. (report),19. As a new graduate, he doesnt know _(需要什么)to start a business here.(take)20. The two bridges, _(两座都在建), will be open to traffic next month.( build)21. _(需要耐心) to do the job well. (patience)22. Large amounts of time _(浪费) playing the computer games. (waste)23. Is it true that only when Tom fully recovered _(他才回去) to work ? (go)24. How I wish I would never meet so rude a woman _(我碰到的) in the shop yesterday! (come)25. The old mans illness _(是他缺席这个会的原因). (account)26. _(不礼貌) to make a noise while youre eating soup. (manner)27. When he came back to life, he found himself lying in the woods and _ (他所有的东西都被盗了


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