
上传人:sha****en 文档编号:9398405 上传时间:2020-04-05 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:37.95KB
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1.How do you understand “ Once the sands have run out of a persons hourglass, they cannot bereplaced? It means that when something is lost, gone, or past, its really lost, gone, or past. Itcannot be returned or replaced. Things especially like Time or Love.2.Do you prefer a slow pace of life or a fast pace? Giveyour I do prefer a fast pace of life.with the rapid developement of the technology,our societyis becoming more and more fast.some people thought the fast pace disturubed our life,like thefast food drings the non-nutrition diet to us,however,i dont think so, i think the fast pace oflife also indicates that our lives have bcoming more and more convenient,that what shoul countthe most and should be encouraged.the more the society develop,the faster our life is!what weshould do is not keep against it but try to adapt to it .3.Try to describe the writers coach Nikolai in your ownwords. He was strict,determined,hard-working,and professional.4.How do you understand love? Love is just a sense between two people. It can not be mesured by money. But it is alsovery practical,you must spend a long time to feel it before you make your decision.5.What do you think of Hollis Meynell? She is very cautiously and not fully believe in love.6.Do you think love needs testing? Give your reasons. This is a very arguable question. It is upto that person to decide after considering thepros and cons of testing Love. In other words, there are advantages and disadvantages oftesting Love.7.Do you think a persons name is associated with his orher success? Give your reasons. No,I dont think so.Because in the name are the best wishes from parents,and their hope forthe child. Although many people in China think that ones name have something to do with theirsuccess. BUt I am against them , as far as I know, many people in china have the same name,however those who have the same name didnt all became suceessful. Only those who have workedvery hard may have the chance to be sucessful.8.Do you like your own name? Why or why not? To tell the truth, I am quite satisfied with my name. First of all, they are given to me bymy family. Each of the word in my name have a good meaning, which is to be happy and beautiful.Above all, it sounds great, i love hearing my family and friends calling me by my name.


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